"She just blocked the entire Jupiter Cannon?!" Undyne was shocked at what she saw. "You really are a special kind of strong, aren't you, Fairy Queen? Of course, you're out of the fight now, so that's pretty disappointing. I guess I'll just have to beat someone else into the ground. There are plenty of strong wizards there after a-" A large bang drew her back out from her thoughts.
"What the..." She looked down out of the window. The cannon exploded, separating from the guild and crashing into the ocean below. Her eyes were once again wide at such a shocking site. Then, the floor below Undyne began to rumble once again. The guild moved and shifted, the walls going up, down, left, right. Once it ceased, Undyne poked her head out of the window. A head emerged at the top of the building, with arms on the sides.
"Jupiter has been destroyed so he's activated the giant?" She thought. "If he uses an Abyss Break he could wipe out the whole town..." She frowned. "He's really pulling out everything he has, isn't he?"
Natsu and happy had just beat Totomaru and split up from Gray and Elfman. They were looking for a way to completely stop the Giant and bring Phantom down. As they were running, a wall suddenly rose up and stopped them in their tracks.
"Hey what the hell man?!" He pounded on the wall, but to no avail. "Open up!"
"I don't think knocking will work Natsu..." Happy sighed.
"Fairy Tail wizard." A deep familiar voice rang out through the room. "Walk behind the lamps." They looked to see two lamps that were were strangely the same shape and height as booth of them. "I said walk. Behind. The. Lamps." They complied when the voice became darker, walking behind the two conveniently- shaped lamps. As they did a projection appeared, looking around. After a moment, it began to seethe.
"Sans!" The high- pitched voice yelled. "Why did the wall appear?! There's no one here!"
"Maybe the answer is behind the lamps." The voice, now identified as Sans mused. "Wanna check behind them to be sure?"
"Argh, I don't have time for that!" The projection stomped on the ground. "We must be ready in case they are here, and we have to block their path!"
"Oh. Well I'm sorry Paps. I certainly don't want to block your chances." Natsu was sure he heard a ba- dum- tsss just after he said that.
"This is no time to be making terrible puns when there are Fairy Tail Wizards running around in the Giant!" The projection stomped his foot.
"Aaww, don't be such a Giant killjoy bro. There's always time for puns."
"Stop it."
"Nah, I think I'll keep going."
"Just let me know if you see any. Once I catch them I'll finally get to be famous! I'll get all the recognition that I, the great Papyrus, finally deserve! And while I'd love to tell you more about how I most definitely require that recognition I have to be ready, so stop slacking off and making puns and be ready!" The projection disappeared and the wall opened. Natsu and Happy peered out from behind the lamps, slowly walking out and continuing.
While they were walking along, they saw two figures talking to each other. One was taller and the other was short. The tall one was wearing a hooded cloak along with a white grinning mask as well as sunglasses. The smaller one wore a dark indigo jacket that also had a hood that was pulled up. He wore a grey smiling mask. They turned to see the two Fairy Tail wizards. They turned back to each other, before turning back to Natsu and Happy and repeat before they were eventually spinning around out of turning so much.
"Sans! It's them!" Papyrus exclaimed, pointing at the two. "Prepare yourselves, fairies! For I, the great Papyrus, will defeat you! Nyeh heh heh he heh heh!" He quickly ran off while the shorter one stayed in place, not moving much at all.
"Well?" He finally said, Natsu recognising the deep voice from earlier. "My bro is waiting, go already."
"Uh, okay?" Natsu slowly walked away from figure no known as 'Sans' with Happy. When they entered the next room they saw Papyrus with Sans, who they had just sworn was behind them.
"Now Fairies, prepare to fall at the hands of my puzzles!" Papyrus laughed. "This particular puzzle is one I like to call 'The Great Papyrus'. Named after me, the great Papyrus! You must make your way across this invisible maze! Or else this lacrima will administer a hearty zap! Go ahead, step through!" Natsu took a step forward, and an large shock could be heard, but it wasn't from Natsu.
"Sans! Why did it shock me?" Papyrus stomped the ground angrily.
"I'm pretty sure Natsu is supposed to hold the lacrima." Sans shrugged.
"Oh. Um, right. Stay there for a moment Fairy." He ran through the maze, quickly giving Natsu the lacrima. "Hold this." Then he dashed back through the maze to the other side. "Nyeh heh heh heh heh heh! Now let's see you try to pass through!" They both just stood there for a moment, before Natsu took a step forward.
"Okay, now let's just-"
"Ow!" The dragon slayer frowned as he stepped back. "What the hell? Okay, let's try that agai-"
"Hey, stop zapping me!"
"Seriously Natsu? How do you keep getting shock? He just showed you the way twice!"
"I did no such thing!" Papyrus interjected. "The Great Papyrus would never be so callous as to spoil a puzzle!"
"Come on Happy, I can do th-"
"Oh come on! Can't you just fly me over Happy?"
"That maze goes up all the way to the ceiling, actually." Sans said. "Flying isn't really an option. That strategy won't really 'take off'."
"Just follow me Natsu." Happy walked through the maze, with Natsu following and grumbling all the way. They soon made it through the maze.
"Wowie! You made it through! Congratulations!" Papyrus cheered. "I'll be waiting for you at the next puzzle! Nyeh heh heh!" With that, he ran off, leaving only Sans there with them.
"Hey. Thanks you guys. My bro loves his puzzles." He paused for a moment. "Hey, while I've got you, can I ask a quick favour?"
"What?" Happy tilted his head.
"I know you guys are on a tight schedule, but my bro is having a lot of fun with his puzzles right now. So it'd be a huge favour to me if you went through a few of them." He asked.
"Huh, okay?"
"Do we even have a choice?" Happy frowned.
"Welp. You had best get going. I'm sure Paps is waiting for you."
"Sword Magic: Bro Slash!" Reedus was pushed back further as the armoured Phantom members slashed him with their swords once again.
"Oh no Reedus!" Lucy cried. "Are you okay?!" She clenched her teeth. Her gate keys were nowhere to be found.
"Get out of here Lucy..." The artist groaned.
"No way in hell I'm leaving you here alone." Lucy said.
"Aaw, isn't that cute?" Gajeel grinned. "The trash sticks together."
"You're going down bro!" One of the armoured members with rabbit ears.
"What're you gonna do dude? Huh, what?!" The other armour- clad member with small wings on the sides of his head laughed.
"Can you two ever finish a sentence without the words 'bro' or 'dude'?" A dark- skinned Phantom member sighed.
"Pict magic!" Reedus painted vulcans, that jumped at the members.
"Right back at ya, fatso!" Suddenly, mirrors appeared in front of them, which the vulcans leapt into. Momentarily, they jumped out, attacking their former caster.
"Now that that's done with, we can move on to you!" Lucy suddenly felt an excruciating pain in her stomach as she took a full blast from Gajeel's iron fist. Then he kicked her in the face, rendering her completely helpless.
"Alright, we got what we came for. Hurry up and finish you four."
Take this bruh! Bro punch!" The two armoured members punched Reedus in the face. He fell to the ground, where he stayed.
"Regulus Impact!" Gajeel was slammed down from the roof as they saw a wizard in a green puffy jacket, orange hair and glasses. Their eyes were wider than saucepans as they saw the iron dragon slayer get up with a grin and a growl.
"Alright then." He jumped up at the wizard, who jumped and came down with another punch, but was blocked by Gajeel as he caught Loke's fist and threw him down. As he tried to get up, his body shuddered and began to fade for a moment.
"Take out the trash while I get the master his gift." Gajeel laughed, as the four phantom members stood over Loke.
"Grr..." He finally got up. "Guess that was all I had. Ring Magic: Twister!" His ring lit up as he blew them all away in the wind.
"Pict Nagic!" Reedus was suddenly standing up, and he had drawn more Vulcans, which slammed into the phantom group when they weren't expecting it.
"Reedus, are you sure you're okay?" Loke asked, panting slightly.
"Oui..." Despite his proclamation, he was struggling to stand.
"So pretty and tubby think they're hot stuff?" The wizard in the sunglasses grit his teeth, before letting out a smile as he snapped his fingers. Jagged musical notes appeared and shot towards Loke, grating at his ears as the armoured wizards slashed him with their magical swords. As Reedus prepared another attack, it was reflected back at him once again. It was all he could take, and he went down once again.
"Reedus!" Loke ran towards him, but was suddenly trapped in a wall of mirrors.
"Sorry pretty boy." They grinned. "Better luck next time."
Erza slashed through the wind user with her sword. Aria fell to the ground, defeated. With just one blow "and while she was injured, Erza Scarlet had utterly destroyed the strongest member of the Element Four.
"A pathetic man like you could never hope to hold a candle to our master. You'll be remembered as a weeping coward who lost to my sword."
"That's... sad." Were his last words as he fell unconscious. Soon after, Erza herself fell, Natsu catching her just before she fell to the ground.
"Attention Fairy Tail Wizards." The voice of Jose rang out through the giant. "We now have what we came for." Screams were soon heard; Lucy's screams. "And now with that order of business out of the way we can move to the next phase of our plan; my favourite part, the part we've all been waiting for." He laughed. "Wiping your sorry guild off the face of the earth."
"No. He can't!" Natsu seethed. Everything they had worked for, everything their guild stood for. It couldn't and wouldn't be taken down now.
"Then do something about it." They both turned to see a figure standing at the edge of the room on top of the stairs. Despite the light in the room, his body was silhouetted, hidden in the shadows that shouldn't be there. They both could've sworn that they heard bells when he made himself known. Natsu tensed at the appearance of the figure.
"Who... are you?" Erza frowned. "If you wish to battle then I'll..." She still struggled to stand.
"No, nothing like that. I'm simply judging you." The figure chuckled. "You will be judged to see if you have what it takes to save your guild, and your friend."
"What?" Natsu looked at him. "What do you mean?"
"I've been keeping an eyesocket on you. You dragged a goon and ran all the way to the headquarters to rescue your friend. And you." He directed his vision to Erza. "Even though you were injured, you came all the way here to help those who cared about you. You guys have a certain kindness about you. No matter what the odds, you're always there to help. These are the final moments of this guild war. Soon the winner will be decided. Go on and make it your decision." He stepped out of the way, while the two Fairy Tail wizards stayed quiet for a moment.
"Hard to believe you're a member of Phantom." Erza smiled.
"I had my own reasons for joining." He walked away and disappeared. "Good luck." They stood there silently, before fire exploded around the dragon slayer.
"Oh yeah, I'm fired up now!" He roared, placing Erza down and running off. "I'm coming Lucy!" Echoed throughout the halls. Erza smiled, closing her eyes as she lay down on the ground, only to open them when she briefly heard something. She looked to her left to see a bag of chips with some ketchup. Not far off from her, clunky steps could be heard walking her way.
Okay, and that was chapter 3. Sorry it took so long, I'll try to get them out sooner. I've got quite a few ideas planned for the next chapter. Anyway, see you next time.