A/N: Alright my friends, this kind of came to me a few days after the vomit that was 307. Don't worry, this will be the shortest chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 1: When You Meet Accidentally
A lot of people go through heartbreak. Myself being one of them. But everyone handles it differently. Some people can get their hearts broken and keep going. They can accept it and keep moving on to other relationships with ease. Some can move on but with each failed relationship, more pain and failed hope weighs on their backs.
But you? You will give up on love. You will be so broken hearted that you choose to believe that love is weakness. You began to believe that there's no such thing as "soulmates" or "the one". You won't try anymore. You will busy yourself with any and everything. You will focus on your career and you will continue to repeat to yourself that love is weakness. You will attempt to use that one heartbreak to dictate the rest of your life. You will lean on that heartbreak to remind you why you are alone. You will tell yourself and others that you're alone but not lonely. You will block your heart off and deny access. You will never give anyone else the opportunity to hurt you that way again. You will choose to believe that love is weakness.
But what happens when you meet the girl that automatically slaps you in the face with how wrong you were? When you see this blue-eyed beauty and she automatically makes you realize who you are and who you want to be? When she changes the way you think about things and makes you better than you already are? When she lets you protect her and she's not afraid to protect you either? When she can see past your strength and tells you it's okay to cry? When she tells you tears are strength not weakness? When she yells at you but she doesn't leave? When she is the definition of dedicated? When she's independent and strong? When she doesn't drain you, but instead gives you strength? When she gives you a reason to fight again? When just thinking about her smile can make you shed tears, because you're just that happy with her?
What do you do when you realize that your soulmate..."the one"... is sitting next to you on the couch and she's eating ice cream while wearing your sweatpants and your t-shirt, and her hair is in a cute bun and her head is tilted back in laughter at the movie you all are watching?
I'll tell you what you do. You ask her to marry you. Right then. Right there. Because in this moment she's perfect. She's what you want. So you ask her.
5 Years Earlier
"Lexa pleeeeaaase?! I don't wanna go by myself. I know you're tired, but I'm begging you, and you know I don't beg."
Lexa rubbed her eyes as she sat up from her afternoon nap that was interrupted by Anya shaking her awake.
"Anya do you understand the meaning of "I have the day off"? Let me explain. Usually I go to work. I wake up, usually at about 8am, and I head to the gym and I train and coach and sweat. And I head home at about 7pm. Most of the time it's later than that. And then the next day I get up and do the same thing."
"Lex, I- "
Lexa held her hand up and continued speaking.
"Now a day off, is when I don't have to do any of that. On a day off I wake up whenever I want to and I do whatever I want to. Which usually includes me sleeping. Like I was doing before you came in here. So now that that's settled. Please get out."
Anya rolled her eyes as her best friend laid back down and pulled the covers over her head.
"Lexa. Get up! It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon. You've slept enough! Please, if you do this for me, I'll owe you. I promise."
Lexa let out a sigh and uncovered her head. "Okay An. There must be a reason you keep bothering me about it. So what's up?"
Anya flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "I met a girl. She's really cute and intriguing and super sassy and basically a genius and she invited me out, so I really want to go, Lex. Come on just go with me. There'll be free champagne."
Lexa playfully rolled her eyes at her best friend and shook her head. "I should have known it was for a girl. Okay fine. Where are we going?"
Anya sat up and grinned widely at the girl. "We're going to an art gallery."
"Clarke, get up! I mean honestly you would think that you'd actually be up and ready ahead of time on the day that your work is being shown, but apparently not."
Clarke rolled over in her bed and buried her head under her pillow.
"Reyes, get out. I have more than enough time to get ready. I've been painting non-stop for the past 7 months. I could use the mental and emotional rest."
Raven rolled her eyes and pulled the pillow off of the blonde's head.
"First of all, stop being a dramatic art hoe. Secondly, it's 4:45pm and you have to be there in an hour. So we're kinda pressed for time. And last and most importantly, I invited a girl to come so it's important that we get there before she does. Now get up!"
Clarke sat up in bed and quirked her eyebrow at her brunette friend. "You met a girl? And you...Raven "I'm late for everything" Reyes, want to be punctual to an event? This girl must be a true miracle worker." she said with a sly smirk.
Raven tossed the pillow on the bed with a sigh. "Clarke...this girl...she's even more sassy than I am. She has this mysterious type of thing going for her, and can I just say that her cheekbones almost killed me."
Clarke was a bit surprised by dazed smile on her best friend's face. She finally stood up from the bed and took Raven's hand, leading them to her closet. "Okay, let's get dressed. I'm interested now. I have to meet the girl that makes you smile like that."
A/N: Review!