Hey guys, welcome to the fic. I've done a bit of revamping to the original work, including various fixes and splitting the first chapter, which was a one-shot originally, into three (because damn was it long).
Here's the anon prompt I got on Tumblr: "Chasefield prompt (if you're still accepting these): How about an Alt!Max and the original Victoria fanfic? I think that Alt!Max's pragmatic and confident personality would push Vic's button even more than the Original Max."
So a few points about the story before we start: (this is kind of a mixture of the two universes we know) - No time travel, Chloe doesn't die every five seconds, William didn't die (I think a large reason as to why Max is more confident in the alt universe), Chloe and Max kept in touch during Seattle time, Rachel moved to LA to try and make it as a model, Chloe stayed in Arcadia and has a long distance relationship with her and there's no dark room stuff.
It starts off from when Victoria blocks Max from entering the dorm in ep 1. It won't really be following canon after this. I also switched around the classroom scene and the blocking dorm scene from ep 1.
Also, please note that there will be mature content in upcoming chapters. Don't say that I didn't warn you!
Chapter One: Respect
Victoria's POV – Outside the Prescott Dorm Building
Taylor, Courtney and I are sat outside the dorm on the step. As we sit there, I take the chance to survey my domain. That weirdo Samuel potters around with a broom, Zach and Logan are tossing a football around and Kate is sat on a bench to our right. Maybe I could go torment her, but I can't be bothered. Besides, she gets that I'm the Queen of this dump.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone. Someone who needs reminding of this fact more than Kate does. She has mid-length brown hair, freckles, and piercing blue eyes… Maxine Caulfield. Max hasn't been here very long, but I can already tell she's going to be the biggest danger to my dominance here. She just doesn't seem threatened by my behavior, not like Kate or the others. It only takes one person to rebel before it all comes crashing down. She actually reminds me a lot of Rachel in that aspect. Both of them push and challenge me. I thought with Rachel gone, I would finally be able to relax, but now Max is here. She needs to learn to respect me.
I see her making a beeline for us, or more accurately the stairs leading to the dorm rooms. Instead of paying her any attention, I continue talking to Taylor and Courtney, totally disregarding her. When she approaches us, we don't move. She stops, rolls her eyes and takes out one of her earbuds, which is blaring out some indie crap. She motions for us to move out of the way with her hand. "Hey, move it."
How dare she take that tone with me! "Um… excuse you?"
She repeats herself more confidently this time, "I said move it. What is so hard to understand? I need to get to my room and you're in the way. Why you would sit here is beyond me. There are these wonderful things called benches where you can park your ass. Look there is even some over there." At this point, she points over to one of the empty benches to demonstrate.
Most people would have backed off, but not her. There is no way I am letting her talk to me like that. Not standing for this behavior, I get up and draw myself to my fullest height. I tower over Max, not that she seems intimidated by it at all, even though I must be a good four inches taller than her. I look down at her with as much contempt as I can muster. "Let me tell you something that you would do well to remember if you want to survive in this place, Lamefield. No-one tells me what to do. You should be grateful to even be in my presence."
Max gives me an unimpressed and bored look, one that sets my teeth on edge. "Yeah right. Look, I have a ton of crap to do today and you are not making this easier."
Eager to prove my point, I sit back down where I was before on the steps and absentmindedly inspecting my nails. Taylor and Courtney sit either side of me as backup, "Well, we ain't moving. So, why don't you go fuck yourselfie?" They snicker at my remark and go back to ignoring Max like the mindless yes-men they are. That'll teach her.
I hear an exasperated sigh and movement. "I don't have time for this."
Just in time, I glance up to see Max stepping over me. "What the fuck?"
Despite my protests, she doesn't even look back once. Instead, she opens the door to the dorm and continues on into the building without hesitation. I sit there stunned for a moment at her action. She is not getting away with this. No-one ignores a Chase. No-one. I quickly get up and follow after her. She walks up the stairs to the girl's dorm, focused only on the path ahead of her. "Lamefield, get your hipster ass back here right now."
She just keeps walking, ignoring me. In fact, she has the nerve to put her ear bud back in. I pick up my pace, storming off after her. She pushes the door open at the top of the stairs, letting it go when she's through. It almost hits me in the face. I burst through to see Max entering her room at the end of the corridor. She shuts the door behind her. Don't think that just because you're in there that you can escape.
The doors here don't have locks, which can be a real pain sometimes. For now, it works in my favor. I place my hand on her door handle and open it. Her room is a complete mess. Papers and books cover the floor, used glasses and mugs are dotted around and her bed isn't made up. The walls are covered with post-it notes, posters, mementos and polaroids.
When she hears the door creak open, she glares back at me. "Don't just barge into my room like that. Who do you think you are?"
I scowl at her, crossing my arms defiantly. "I'm Victoria fucking Chase."
"Good for you. Now, get out of my room." With that, she turns her back on me. Me, Victoria Chase of all people.
"No fucking way."
Max sits down at her desk and opens up her laptop. She props her head on her hand, the fingers of her free hand drumming on the desk impatiently, waiting for it to load up. When she speaks her eyes are focused on the now loading screen. "Someone seems tense. Maybe you should go give Logan or Zach a visit. I'm sure they'd be happy to help you release some of that rage."
I am completely gob-smacked by her words. Not even Rachel dares to speak to me like this. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?" I wouldn't let those stupid jocks touch me with a ten-foot barge pole.
She starts to type furiously on her computer's keyboard, not looking at me. Her voice is straining to remain calm, "Look, to be honest, I don't give a shit what you do with your life. You can fuck whoever you like and I really couldn't care less. If you think that what you do has any effect on me, then you are sadly mistaken. The whole world doesn't revolve around you. I have my own problems and no time to deal your bullshit." She turns back, her cold and steely blue eyes meeting mine, almost snarling the next sentence. "So take a hint and fuck off."
Oh no, this is not how this is going down. I decide to hold my ground, too deep to back down now. "Don't you fucking dare act like your problems are bigger than mine."
She scoffs at my assumption, "I never said that. I said that I have problems too and I don't need anyone shoving their own on me." Her voice is not as aggressive as before. She just sounds tired and defeated. "So, please. Just leave me to mine." Her words hit me and pin me to the spot. No-one has ever really reacted like this to me. Usually, they just kind of recoil and take it, but Max doesn't. After a few seconds, she glances back to see if I have gone. When she sees me, she sighs. "Don't make me ask twice. Just leave me alone."
My legs lead me outside before I fully realize what is going on, her words reverberating around in my mind. "If you think that what you do has any effect on me, then you are sadly mistaken." For some reason, that makes me really mad.
Well, Max Caulfield, we'll see about that.
Next day – Photography Classroom
I sit there, listening to Mr. Jefferson with rapt attention. Unable to resist the urge, I glance over to see what Max is doing and find her texting, not even bothering to hide the fact. How can she just so blatantly not listen?
A loud cough fills the air. "Max, could you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?"
I am ready to jump in with the answer as per usual, but Max lifts her head and brushes her fringe out of her eyes. She places her phone down on the table and replies with ease and confidence, a bored expression on her face. "The Daguerreian Process. Invented by a French painter named Louis Daguerre. Around 1830."
Mr. Jefferson seems a bit shocked that Max was able to answer. He was obviously ready to lecture her. After this brief moment of surprise, he composes himself and adjusts his glasses, "Hmm, well I find it impressive how you can pay attention and still text, but somehow you've managed it. I can't really fault you there. However, if you could indulge me and listen for a few minutes longer, that would be much appreciated."
With a sigh, Max places her phone back on the table and brings her paper pad towards her. Seeming satisfied, Mr. Jefferson continues the lecture. She scribbles away, but I doubt she is making notes from the way she's moving the pen across the page. She is most likely doodling. I wonder what she's drawing. The bell rings a few moments later to signal the end of class. I start to pack up, eager to put my plan into action. Right, Max. You think that what I do doesn't affect you, well that's about to change. I'll have you eating out of the palm of my hand soon enough. You won't be able to function without me. I'll show you.
I look up just in time to see Max walk over to where Kate is sat, her face softening as she approaches. I can just about make out what they are saying and hear how her voice becomes gentler as she speaks. "Hey Kate, how's it going?"
Kate turns to her and beams. "Oh, Max. I'm doing great. Thank you for asking. I hope you're ready for our tea session on Wednesday."
With this reminder, Max gives her the dorkiest grin I have ever seen, "You bet. I wouldn't miss it." The way she smiles at Kate makes me feel weird and annoyed. "Anyway, I'll catch you later and we can have a proper chat."
"Remember it's at six. I know how forgetful you are," Kate reminds her with a knowing smile.
Suddenly Max starts rummaging around in her bag. She produces a pen and writes it on the back of her hand, showing the scribbled reminder to Kate. "Now I can't forget."
Kate giggles at her. "Max, you are such a dork. Don't wash your hands before then."
Max waves goodbye and makes her way out of the door, with Kate smiling as she leaves. Her gaze wanders over to me. I glare at her angrily as I storm out of the room, which causes her to recoil. Not giving her a second thought, I peer down the corridor but can't see Max. She can't have gotten that far. Damn it.
It's then that I notice Taylor leaning against the wall just opposite the classroom door. She is probably waiting for me. When she sees me, she waves me over. Before she has the chance to say anything, I cut in. "Taylor, have you seen Max?"
She raises an eyebrow questioningly and motions down the corridor with her head. "Yes, she went that way. Why?"
Not even registering the question, I begin to run off, leaving a confused Taylor behind. "I'll tell you later."
With no time to lose, I make my way down the corridor, pushing past anyone who gets in my way. A few groan disgruntledly at me as I hit into them, others say things, but I don't pay attention to what they say exactly. I get to the main corridor and scan the area, but still can't find her. She might have left for the dorm, but maybe she went to the bathroom… I opt to check there, just in case. Before entering the bathroom, I straighten myself out. Once inside, I look around the dismal room. Shower stalls sit to my left, none of them currently in use. Posters cover a noticeboard at the back wall, all water damaged and covered in graffiti. To my right are some sinks and mirrors. Max stands at the middle one, throwing cold water over her face.
I assume my most commanding posture and strut over to her. "What's up with you and church girl?"
Max sighs, turning off the tap, and glowers at me. "That is none of your damn business, Chase."
"I'm making it my business." I place a hand on my hip, not ready to back down anytime soon.
Instead of answering straight away, Max wipes the excess water from her face before looking over to me, "Seriously, what the hell is your problem?" Before I have the chance to respond, she shakes her head. "You know what? I really don't care." Suddenly, she pushes past me towards the door. When she reaches the door, she hesitates and looks back over her shoulder. "Oh, and by the way, she's called Kate. At least have the decency to use her name. Or is that what we're doing now? Referring to people by stereotypes. What does that make you? The Alpha Bitch?" With that, she exits.
Despite the brashness of this exchange, I view this as a success in a way. I've finally gotten under her skin. She's starting to question my motivations and it's obviously getting to her. It won't be long before I'm all she can think and talk about.
So, there is the first chapter. I think this should be an interesting one to write and hopefully read. I mean, antagonistic relationships are a fanfic staple. See you next time.