At Ends Meet - A Lab Rats & Mighty Med Fanfiction...
A/N - Well here is a new fanfiction. It is my first Lab Rats & Mighty Med Crossover!
Before I continue, I would like to send a HUGE shout out to TKDP for reading over this, revising and editing. So thank you, thank you, thank you so much :)
Seriously though; you guys should go check out her stories! She's not only an AMAZING friend but she is an AMAZING author too! So, check her out, seriously!
Anyway I own nothing from either Lab Rats, Might Med or Lab Rats Elite Force (I guess that counts as part of this)
So yeah, enjoy and please remember to review.
Chapter 1
Chase Davenport grinned as he entered the mentor's chamber of the Bionic Academy.
Walking into the room he moved over towards the white couch and placed his mission leader bag down next to it while sitting down.
"I know! Who knew that water was a simple solution?" Adam Davenport stated, as he walked in, too, behind his brother and sat down next to him.
Chase sent him a look, "Um, everyone."
"Pft, not everyone." Adam replied with a matter of fact tone, "Right Bree!?" Adam asked, as he turned his head to look at his younger sibling.
"No-No...Everyone knew that but you." Bree stated with a slight grin as she watched Adam frown.
"Seriously!? I thought-" Adam began, as he was interrupted.
The voice had caused them all to turn their heads and see their younger stepbrother, Leo Dooley, standing there in the doorway with a look of worry on his face.
"Why!? What's going on!?" Bree asked, with confusion.
"You remember when Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar came, and helped us defeat the Incapacitator?" Leo began, as the three siblings nodded their heads. "Well-" Leo began once more, as he stopped in thought, for a moment, "You know what? It might just be easier if I show you." Leo finished, as he turned and left the room.
With that, Adam, Bree, and Chase instantly moved from their positions and followed their brother close behind.
Upon leaving the room, the four of them raced down the halls, through the training room, and into the Academy's main hospital. As soon as they entered the room, they were met, face to face, with Mr. Davenport. Mr. Davenport was standing next to a bed, with a clipboard in hand and a frown on his face.
"Mr. Davenport? What's going on!?" Chase asked, as they walked over to where the adult was standing. While moving up next to their father, all three siblings noticed someone lying on the hospital bed; a boy who seemed to be almost the same age as them.
"Wait a minute! Is that..." Chase began, as Bree interrupted them with a loud squeal.
"OLIVER!" Bree yelled in slight excitement, and confusion, as soon as she reached the bed.
"-And my theory is proven right." Chase muttered, as he turned to Mr. Davenport, who had finished calming Bree down. "Oliver? What's he doing here!? And why is he in a hospital bed!? I thought he was with Kaz and Skylar!" Chase asked, as he frowned while using hand gestures as he talked.
"So did I." Mr. Davenport stated, making all four bionics look at him with confusion again. "But it turns out we're both wrong-" Mr. Davenport began. Chase bristled, not liking to be called 'wrong.'
"What are you talking about?" Bree asked, with a frown, as she glanced down at the unconscious Oliver.
"-What I'm talking about is that Mighty Med was destroyed." Mr. Davenport explained as everyone gasped, and looked at him in shock. "The nurse said that before Oliver passed out at arrival, he begged them to save his friends. They asked from what, and he replied Mighty Med. So, when I was told this, I looked it up. It's all over the Superhero news. Some villains destroyed Mighty Med, and so far Oliver is the only survivor that we know of. There were no signs of Horace Diaz, Kaz, or Skylar, as well as other superheroes. No one knows for sure if they got away or not, but what we do know is that they're gone, with clues as to where they are."
A silence came over them, as they all frowned when Mr. Davenport finished.
"So what are we going to do?" Chase asked, with interest and worry, as Mr. Davenport sighed and shrugged.
"For now I want us to wait until Oliver wakes up. Maybe he'll know something else." Mr. Davenport replied, as Adam, Bree, and Chase nodded. "As for later, I'm not sure. We will have to see where things go from here." Mr. Davenport finished, as he frowned, before his Davenpad dinged. He looked at it. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go take care of some business with a few students."
With that he was gone, and the four siblings were left to stand with their unconscious friend.
"I just can't believe this." Chase stated, after he decided to break the awkward silence that was staring to form again. "It just doesn't make sense." He added.
"I know! Mighty Med, destroyed!?" Bree asked, with thought. "But we saw Mighty Med. It was completely up and running last time we were there." Bree finished.
"Yeah, but you're forgetting that was almost a year ago." Leo explained, as he frowned.
"Kid's got a point." Adam stated, as they all turned and looked at him. "But I'm also with Bree on this one. It doesn't make sense. It also doesn't make sense that Oliver's somehow the only survivor and that they have no trace of Skylar, Kaz, or Horace. I mean, you'd think someone would've spotted them." Adam finished, as everyone stared at him. He noticed this and looked at them in confusion. "What!? Do I have something in my teeth?" Adam asked, as Chase shook his head.
"No, but you did just give me an idea." Chase replied, as everyone turned to him this time.
"Which is…?" Bree asked, as she encourage Chase to go on.
"Why sit around and do nothing while we wait for Oliver to wake up, when we can help!?" Chase asked, as he snapped his fingers and smiled.
"Help!? But you heard what Big D said." Leo stated, as he stopped for a moment and thought. "Besides, even if we were to help, how would we? We've got no plan, no clues, and no idea on what's really going on with Mighty Med. All we have is an unconscious Oliver." Leo finished, as he gestured to Oliver.
"...And that's where we come in!" Chase stated with a grin. "While we wait for Oliver to wake, we can start helping him by looking for his missing friends, and figure out who could have possibly destroyed Mighty Med, and why." Chase continued. "I mean think about it, how excited do you think Oliver would be if he woke up and had his friends back together with him? Besides, if we can find Horace, Kaz, and Skylar, all of us could team up and fight the bad guys together and possibly help re-build Mighty Med." Chase finished, as everyone looked at him in amazement and excitement.
"Yes! I like it." Bree stated, as she grinned and patted Chase on the shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Chase, and a little bit surprised. It's not every day you go against Davenport. But I like it, so I'm in." Bree continued. "Plus, Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar are my friends, so I want to make sure they're okay." Bree finished.
"Awesome!" Chase stated with a grin, too. He turned to his two brothers, "Adam? Leo? What do you say? Are you in? We really can't do this without you guys." Chase asked and explained, as he looked at them with hope.
Leo smiled and placed a hand on Chase's shoulder, "I'm in." Leo stated, as he smiled. "Besides, when will I ever see the day Chase Davenport actually has a good idea and breaks one of Big D's rules!? I mean, I can't miss that." Leo finished, as he laughed, while earning a glare from Chase, as well as an eye roll.
Chase broke the tension from Leo's awkward joke, "Adam? Are you in?" Chase asked, as he watched Adam's movement.
Adam nodded, "Yeah, I'm in." Adam stated, as Chase and Bree cheered while high-fiving.
It was official then, that night, the four bionic siblings were going to search for their answers on their missing friends and the destroyed Hospital. But what neither one of them knew was that they were only walking into a very dangerous trap that was silently waiting for them...