Summary: AU! Jay Garrick finds himself alive in Zoom's lair despite the fact that he clawed his hand through Jay's chest. When forced to go through with Zoom's schemes, Jay has no choice but to betray Team Flash. Will include SnowJay and WestAllen.

After countless thoughts and considerations, I've decided to try out an AU of my own.

So here goes nothing! Enjoy.

Caitlin's face held indescribable shock as she stared emptily, wide eyed at where the breached used to be. The cold and bright blue glow that ceaselessly revolved was gone and so was Jay. Now that she thought about it, the breach actually offered a bit of comfort.

Jay, her second love.

After Ronnie seemed to die then resurrect again only to leave then come back to marry her then finally die again.

Her legs grew weak at this point, slight exhaustion creeping into her jaws as they were still slacken. Turning, her arms were held open as if refusing for this new reality to sink in.

The ringing silence pierced through her and for once she hated it.

Barry simply refused to meet her eyes and Cisco looked like he wanted to say something but he just couldn't find the words for it but they managed to lock eyes. Harry and Jessie just stared, their eyes softer than usual, and Iris looked shocked, albeit much less than Caitlin. Joe seemed confused.

All the previous smiles and celebration had disappeared in a split second.

"He's not dead. He's not dead," Caitlin repeated the mantra numbly, shaking her head in denial. And he wasn't, no, not in her mind.

Barry finally met her eyes then. "Caitlin," he begged her not to continue but she shook her head some more. Her eyes flickered from Barry to Iris and Cisco then back to Barry.

Tears burned at her cornea and her throat tightened threateningly, as if she swallowed some cotton. She turned to Cisco, her splayed hands trembling. "He's not dead," Caitlin repeated again and enforced it with a, "He's not." It seemed slightly better to say that although the harsh reality that slammed down in her a second later made it worse.

"Caitlin," Barry called softer this time.

Caitlin whirled back on him, locking her eyes with his. He understood perfectly, not uttering another word.

"This isn't happening. This isn't happening again." She frantically gestured as Cisco came running up, gently resting a hand on her back.

This usually comforting gesture did nothing to soothe her. Caitlin's legs had turned to jello now but she barely felt them. In truth, she barely felt anything.

"Hey, I got you. Let's go." Cisco's voice seemed faint to her frozen and shocked mind but maybe he was just whispering.

She closed her eyes briefly when she felt a gentle tug in her sleeve. Caitlin just couldn't get that horrid image out of her head.

The world blurred around her as Cisco pulled her over to the cortex. Remotely, she heard Barry telling Harry that he had to go back for Jay but Harry refused. She glanced back only to find they were already in the cortex.

Now, the lively cortex full of energy and activity, often with several people shouting random things out at the same time seemed paled and dull and lifeless.

She blinked as she felt her weight transfer to her bum and she sat down on a soft mattress. Looking at Cisco with muted grief filled eyes, Dr. Caitlin Snow allowed a lone tear to slip down her cheek. Her vision blurred and a multitude of tears joined.

Cisco's shoulder grew damp as she sobbed into his shirt, the unanswered question of why repeating itself in her head like a broken video.

Jay gasped himself awake, panting hard.

Stilling his racing pulsing nerves with a swallow, he tried to determine through squinting eyes where he was. Of course now he had an idea, but he simply refused to acknowledge that right now.

The last thing he remembered seeing had been Caitlin's horrified jaw dropped expression at the black fist that suddenly jutted out from his chest. Then it was lights out for him.

Looking down, his hand brushed over the area where Zoom had vibrated his hand into. The leather remained intact and there wasn't even a mark. It no longer even hurt for Christ's sake. Except it did when Zoom thrusted him through the breach by way of his chest.

He could only describe the pain similar to being pulled with a dull sword (not that he'd ever been stabbed with one before).

Jay winced just thinking about it.

Looking up, he saw Zoom's lair. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness by now.

Dim yellow tinted light filtered in through the muddied windows and Jay swore everywhere he looked, at least some part of something was rusted, falling apart or looked like it had seen better days. Two other cells sat across from his (which he assumed had been Barry's before Cisco and Harry rescued him and Jessie).

The iron steeled one has obviously been Jessie's. The rusted black bars had been pulled up and he could tell the chain had been frozen off by someone.

Could it have been Killer Frost? Mout likely though he wasn't sure but he knew of only one meta who resided on Earth 2 with the ability to freeze things like that.

But the thing that intrigued him the most was the glass cell across from his. A man sat inside, knees brought up and arms crossed, but the most notable thing was the iron mask that his face. It looked almost glued there and he briefly thought about calling the man awake but he gentle rising and falling of his chest told Jay he was asleep. How anyone could sleep that peacefully in this horrid place, Jay cout don't answer.

Why in the multiverse was there a man, no less with a mask, asleep in there, Jay had absolutely no idea.

And Jay felt guilty he hadn't known. All those years he'd been the Flash on this world, he hadn't heard of someone suddenly disappearing from anywhere so he guessed Zoom must've snatched him up secretively.

A faint blue light tore him from his thoughts, and apparently the masked man's sleep, as they both snapped to attention.

Blue sharp lightning arced around a menacing figure and Jay's heart seemed to fall out of his chest at the way it was beating. He swore the pace could've matched a speedster's right now.

Panic stifled his breathing and suddenly he wished he'd still been sleeping or even dead. Dread built in his chest and throat to the point of near explosion.

"Garrick," the ominous dark voice called, "How amusing is it to see such godlike heroes fall."

Jay could only stare as Zoom came a few steps closer, his deathly claws curling. Jay found himself shuffling back a step. Fear swallowed him whole as blood thrummed through his ears.

Zoom stopped, slightly tilting his head in amusement. "So pathetic. And to think this city treated you like a god," Zoom spat the last word out as though it were poison.

Jay opened his mouth to speak and suddenly, blinding azure enveloped his vision. Spluttering against the intense pressure on his throat with feet dangling in the air, he stared, terror stricken into Zoom's pitch black eyes that faintly reflected his own. Jay was shocked at how fearfully wide they were. Panic captivated his gaze there and he stared and stare and stared, waiting for something to happen. Seconds ticked by like long agonizing hours.

He barely felt Zoom's claws digging into the back of his neck.

"You are nothing," Zoom drawled, his deep orbits burrowing into Jay's eye sockets.

Just as quickly, the weight released and Jay stumbled slightly, coughing. He rubbed at his throat, wincing when he felt bruises already forming.

Steadying himself, Jay saw Zoom had returned to his previous position outside the glass cell again. His stare sent abnormal spiking chills down his body.

Jay had so many questions. Of how and why he didn't die and how and why that man in the iron mask resided here and how and why Zoom needed them both.

But the only thing he could come up with was, "How? Who are you?"

Zoom made an inhuman sound similar to a chortle that paralyzed Jay to the spot. He froze, his breathing deafening in the silence and his face draining of color.

Zoom raised his hands, his arms still flashing with sporadic blue wisps. The motion became tauntingly slow as if Zoom wanted Jay to relish this moment. And he probably did.

Instantly, Jay wished he could take that question back because he was terrified. Terrified of who was actually under that mask.

And he had a right to be.

Because the man under the mask turned out to be himself.

So go? No go? Please review!

I had lots of fun writing this, especially the interactions between Jay and Zoomie Zoom Zoom. He creeps me out but not so much after the reveal.

But still HOW.

So that's how this story came to be. I'm going to incorporate my own theories about Zoom's real identity and it'll just go AU from here on out. I love me some AUs and I'm certainly having fun writing this!

Im so far into my denial about Jay's death...