This will be the conclusion to this story. A bit short. Thank you for following. You can follow my other stories and give me suggestions if you have any. Please review!
Carrie and Sue rested in their bed, talking about the experiences they had with Miss Desjardin.
"I like her when she's angry", Carrie smiled.
"Me too", agreed Sue.
"You were really good in there last night."
"So were you", Sue said, trying not to laugh, she was so excitrd, "We're going go be getting a lot closer it seems."
"Looks like it", Carrie said, she looked away making Sue suspect she had something else on her mind, "I'm really glad you'll be staying."
"There's no way I can leave now", she leaned in and kissed Carrie, using her tongue the way Rita taught her. The clearing of someone's throat made them stop. Standing over the foot of the bed was Rita Desjardin, completely naked with the exception of her silver gym whistle around her neck.
"Time for laps, ladies!", she instructed.
Sue was so sick of school, she could'nt wait for her time there to be over. Chris had had enough of her ditching her and wanted answers. Rita gave Sue dome some rules when she agreed to move in, she was to serve the family now, they would be close; in her own words, "Carrie is like your sister now, you need to stick up for her. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be friends with Chris anymore."
"What are you doing, Sue, you're like a completely different person now."
Sue couldn't give Chris a straight answer, "I can't be friends with you anymore."
Chris had no idea how to react, it was as if she were talking to a crazy person, "What?"
"I can't see you ever again."
"Sue would you please talk to me?", her concern grew when Sue turned around and walked down the hall with her head held high. She ostracized herself, brushed everyone off and didn't look back. Moving out all her stuff over to her new home was a huge relief to her. She was now with two women who could see her for who she was, she couldn't see everything the future held for her but she knew they would be a huge part of it. Maybe she was in a cult, she did wonder about her loyalty and how she almost never disagreed with a word Rita Desjardin said.
"I'm glad you both decided to join me down here", Rita had both Carrie and Sue tied to two chairs in the dark basement. Cold and naked, ball gags in their mouths, hands behind their backs. Rita convinced them to go along with her after watching some videos online, "I love spicing things up, don't you? This is going to bring us a lot closer, you'll see."
Hope you enjoyed!