Hello! MitsukiJunko is back! Hahaha… after such a long time, ne? ne? Well, I am back with the sequel of 'Marriage Complex' entitled 'Family Complex'. I hope you like this just like the prequel. Domo… ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Prince of Tennis and never will.

Chapter 1: Ryoma-kun is a father

Chapter Summary: He tried to adjust at the new information now that his wife was pregnant.

Seriously, what did it feel like to have a baby?

He didn't really know. He had asked his wife before when she revealed that she was pregnant. Yeah. Echizen Sakuno, 20 years old, his wife and he made her pregnant.

Sakuno was three months pregnant.

Before that news brought upon them, he had revealed everything to his wife that he set her up to marry him. She had doubts and insecurities about the marriage because she thought that he was just marrying her out of an obligation and reputation.

But she was totally wrong about that.

Since the worst came to them, he revealed the truth to her and that made their relationship work for real. Why wouldn't? They both loved each other anyway.

And because of him being secretive and acting on his own, he just only wasted three months of their marriage to work out. Sakuno was right after all. If he would have asked her properly, she would have agreed but he knew that she would not, at least not that early.

It was better to take the initiative and he did.

Sakuno was his now and his alone.

They had been married for six months and now Sakuno was three months pregnant. In six months' time, a new member of the family would soon be added and miraculously, he, himself couldn't wait for that time to come.


He was tired when he entered the room. He was practicing for the upcoming tournament. There was an offer that he should join a tournament two weeks from now. For the first time in his life, he thought of rejecting it but then again, Sakuno insisted him to join the tournament. There was no way that he would stop playing just because of her condition. Sakuno also reminded him that she was only three months pregnant so he could still join matches without worrying, not to forget that that they were still college students and attending school was not an exemption to them.

The room was already dark. Well, it was almost past midnight and he bet that his wife was already asleep. He dropped his bag on the ground and walked his way to the bed and lied down. As he did that, Sakuno stirred making him to look at her;

"R-Ryoma-kun?" She murmured not really aware of what she was saying.

First, she stuttered and it was his name. Second, she called him honorifics. Sakuno still had the problem of calling him with his name without honorifics. After six months, she was still adjusting to it. She was slow not really minding it though.

Turning to his side, he reached for her and pulled her closer, "Did I wake you up?"

Sakuno shyly smiled at him, "I-iie… I was waiting for you."

There was third, she was blushing whenever they were really close like that. Really, some things never changed. And these things were the ones that he liked about her.

She was something to him anyway.

"That's not good," He said playing with her hair, "especially for the baby."

Sakuno gently touched her belly. It wasn't noticeable yet but he knew that she was weighing on it.

"I just want to wait for you."

"And I told you not to." He glared at her.

Sakuno, to his surprise, nuzzled her head to his chest hugging him in the process, "I still want to wait for you."

He tapped her shoulder and retorted, "Don't be stubborn, Sakuno." He said hoping that she would realize it.

"No, I am not!"

Or not.

Sakuno was indeed stubborn. At first, he didn't know why she was acting like that. She had started demanding for weird things during the first three months of pregnancy.

"Ryoma-kun, I want a pineapple without eyes, mangoes that don't turn yellow, limes that are not citrus, and bananas that don't peel."

"Ryoma… you sleep on the couch."

"Ryoma… I want a chimpanzee!"

Heck! Just what was Sakuno talking about? Pineapple without eyes? Mangoes don't turn yellow or limes weren't and such?

Mostly? Chimpanzee?! Where did all these things come from? He thought that his brain had gone wild thinking of where he could find those things Sakuno wished for him.

Sumire came to his rescue one day and told him everything. He discovered that it was normal for pregnant women to demand such things even the impossible and unexpected. The best to solve it was to concede to her need or derived her from other things then everything would be forgotten.

…If he would succeed.

He was still trying to solve her morning sickness and anything of the sort. She was demanding her caprice to him. At least he knew one solution to his problem, especially at that very moment. He brushed his hand to her shoulder;

"You should be punished for staying up late."

"What?" She innocently looked at him.

In a blink of an eye, he was already on top of her, staring at her doe-like eyes and blushing face, "You don't follow my orders anymore so prepare for my punishment."

"R-R-Ryoma-kun!" She started to panic much to his amusement, "Y-y-you are tired, a-aren't y-you?"

He smirked before he leaned down and kissed her neck, "I am not tired because you are awake," He moved to her ear, "Wide awake."

"I… I am going to sleep now, ne?" She blushed really hard as he could imagine her face right now, "Let's go to sleep."

"Not until you receive my punishment." He said still smirking as he leaned back and removing his shirt in front of her. Sakuno covered her face due to shyness. He was enjoying her reaction.

Sakuno never changed ever since they got married. She would still act shy in front of him despite that she had been touched and got pregnant for three months, her shy nature didn't leave her side. What an amazing wife he had.

He'd preferred her that way because he could find ways on how to make her blush. He loved seeing her blush especially if he was the reason why she was blushing. He grabbed her hands and pinned them to her sides.

"I am still the man in this house so follow my orders." He smirked before he leaned down and captured her awaiting lips to be kissed. She gasped because of the contact but later on responded upon recovery. He knew that it would take time but tiredness would come to the both of them later.

He didn't care though. They would wake up late tomorrow morning anyway.

Next day:

He was yawning as he walked on their way to school. He was already late for practice but he didn't care anymore.

"Gomen ne, Ryoma," Sakuno said who was just walking beside him, "You are late for practice because of me."

He looked at her and shrugged, "That's okay. I am ready for punishments anyway."

"B-but still…"

"If being late means to be with you all night then I don't mind." He said smirking in the process.

Sakuno blushed when he said that. She only looked down but he could see the smile that was on her face. Yep, he was satisfied seeing his wife blush and smile like that.

They reached the court and his senpais had started doing their warm-ups. Momo saw them entering the courts and called them.

"Yo, latecomers!" Momo waved catching everyone's attention.

He looked ahead but he ignored his senpai. At least he was about to greet them but Eiji glomped at him from behind;

"Ohayo, Ochibi," He said before he looked at Sakuno, "Hi, Sakuno-chan!"

"O-Ohayo, Kikumaru-senpai." The girl said sweat dropping in the process.

"Father of twenty. You are late again," Momo spoke once again draping another arm at him, "What were you doing last night, huh?"

"None of your business, single at twenty-one." Ryoma teased back making everyone laugh in the process. Sakuno was speechless and all she could do was blushed.

When they learned that she was pregnant. The regulars didn't stop of congratulating and at the same time teasing them since then. He could see how happy they were for the both of them.

Who wouldn't? His plans were longer effective after the first three months of marriage.

"What are you doing standing there?" Tezuka's authoritative voice cut their leisure time, "Everyone 50 laps around the court."

The others complained but did the laps still. They didn't want an increase anyway.

"Echizen!" Tezuka called to him when he started to do his own laps, "100 push ups after that for being late!"

He knew that it would come to that but he nodded nonetheless.

"Sakuno," They heard their coach calling out to her. Sumire approached her granddaughter, "You are late as well. I think you should go to your class now."

"H-hai…" With that she walked away from the court and went to her class that time.

Sumire was also happy when she learned that her granddaughter was pregnant. Though, she warned him not to overdo it. They were still young and having kids around would be a problem to them in the future. Not that she would butt in to their marriage life but they were still young.

She was right after all and she would be willing to help them just in case that child was born.

Three months passed:

Another three months passed. Sakuno was being more clingy and moody as he noticed. Her stomach was getting bigger now and she longed for ripe and unripe mangoes most of the time, sometimes between midnight and dawn.

He couldn't complain or he would experience her wrath. He did it once and his wife didn't talk to him the whole day. He was not used of a silent Sakuno. Not at all. Her wrath was silence which was quite different from others. After that, he didn't complain about her demands instead, he followed what she really liked even though it was very unusual of her to make demands to him.

They were sitting on the sofa that night. They had just dinner and were resting while watching a comedy show. Sakuno wasn't sleepy yet and she wanted to watch a comedy show that night. He was tired for he had been practicing tennis all day before they had their dinner. Still, he gave in to her once again. He wouldn't mind as long as he could spend time with her.

A comedy show wasn't bad after all.

He looked to her way when she giggled.

"The brainy guy is so funny, don't you think so?" She asked glancing at him before looking back at the screen.

He gave her a tiny smile as he looked at her reaction. The way she giggled was kind of relaxing to him. He was tired but when he heard her giggle, he felt that all of his fatigue disappeared like that.

And it was changed into something… needy.

As he looked at her sideways appearance, he observed how her single braided hair moved to her other side. There were some strands of hair tickling to her neck and he couldn't help but look at that part of her. It was rather… inviting.

He was just a man… yeah, he would call himself that for he was a married person anyway and a married person had the right to do whatever he was thinking at that moment. Having that resolve in his mind, he slowly bent down, draping an arm at the back of the sofa while the other went to her belly, kissing her neck in the process.

"R-Ryoma—" She gasped when he licked her neck, "I—I am watching."

"Don't mind me then." He whispered as he continued doing his ministration. He even moved closer to her to feel her body.

"I… I can't concentrate when you are doing t-that."

He smirked as she tried to sound firm but she failed when she cracked at the end of her sentence, "I wonder who will win." He teased as he continued kissing her.

She tried watching but he could sense that her focus was not on the television anymore. He grinned when she finally looked at him wearing blushes on her face.

"Mou, Ryoma-kun," She said earning his frown because of honorifics once again but he shrugged it off when she bit her lower lip, "My belly is getting bigger now."

"What?" He said nuzzling his face near her ear, "I am not doing anything… yet."

"S-stop teasing me."

"Heh," He smirked brushing her braided hair, "The baby will not be harmed if we do it," He peeked at her after he said that and was satisfied when he saw her still blushing. And he was not going to stop there, "We might have twins as well if our luck is on our side."

She playfully hit him to his arm, "S-stop it. I... I can't believe you—ah!" She shrieked a little when he suddenly carried her without warnings. Her arms were automatically wrapped around to his neck, while he turned off the TV with his other hand miraculously.

"I am serious though." He said as he walked to their room.

At least, he had the trump card where it was useless for her to have her demands and he would use that card any minute now. He wouldn't miss it for the world anyway.

Two months alter:

Sakuno stopped schooling for that month because her due date was coming near. He still had to come to school for there would be practices waiting for him for the next tournament. Even though it was like that, he made sure that Sakuno would call him if something happened.

It was a must at all cost, whenever he was.

…Like today.

He looked at his phone which was currently ringing. The practice was almost over and he was just sitting on a bench next to his bag. As he seated there, his phone suddenly rang. He checked his phone and was a little shocked when Sakuno was the one calling him. Without waiting for another ring, he answered it.

"Sakuno, what's wr—"

"A-anata…" Sakuno's voice was weak and he couldn't help but feel a little worried about her.

"Hey, are you alright?" He said gripping the phone hard.

"N-no… the water broke." She said trying to keep her sound audible.


"… I… am giving birth Ryoma."

That was all he needed to hear. He dashed out of the court catching everyone's attention.

"Echizen, what happened?!" Momo shouted as he followed a few steps behind him.

"My wife's giving birth today!" He was able to tell him before he sped up to reach his home really fast.


"Sakuno!" He dashed just to see her holding to the table for support while her other hand was holding her belly. She dropped the phone on the ground when she saw him.


He didn't waste time and scooped her up. He used his father's car which the latter allowed him to use just in case of emergency. Good thing that he followed his father's advice to learn how to drive a car. It was really convenient. He carefully placed her to the passenger seat and walked around the driver's seat.

"Hang in there. We will go to the hospital." He speed up after that he said that.

At the hospital:

His wife was brought to a stretcher when they entered the delivery room. He was blocked by the nurse when he attempted to come inside.

"I want to be with her! I am the husband!" He almost shouted to the nurse when the nurse did that.

"I am sorry sir, but you cannot until your wife gives birth."

"What do you mean until she gives birth? She's giving birth now, isn't she?"

"We will see if she's still laboring or not," The nurse explained, "We will call you if it's time."

Ryoma was somehow frustrated but he decided to agree, "Make sure you will."

The nurse nodded after he said and then she went inside. He slowly sat on the chair as he waited like forever.


He looked to his side when he saw his coach along with the regulars, "Minna," He stood up when they reached him, "What are you all doing here?"

"What kind of question is that?" Sumire said slapping his back in the process, "My granddaughter is giving birth to my great granddaughter. What do you expect?"

"I can understand you sensei," He said enduring the slap that she gave him, "but them."

"We want to see your child too, silly," Momo said walking closer to him, "How's your wife?"

"Still laboring." He said. Somehow, he told the wrong person about the news but even so he knew that they would hear it sooner or later.

"Laboring? That would take time." Sumire looked at him, "Did her water break?"

"Hai, she told me on the phone."

"She will give birth any minute now!" Sumire said.

Before he could answer, the nurse a while ago opened the door and talked, "Sir, you can come in now, your wife's giving birth."

Ryoma didn't waste time and entered the room together with the nurse.

"Is that the time, sensei?" Tezuka asked Sumire which she nodded.

"There are certain time when a pregnant woman labors but to Sakuno's case, it seems that she would labor pretty fast."

The others nodded as if they understood her. It didn't matter anyway. All they could think of was Sakuno would be giving birth any minute now.

Inside the delivery room:

After being instructed to wear a scrub suit and a face mask, he entered the room and saw Sakuno lying on the delivering table. She was already positioned of giving birth. He immediately walked closer to her and grabbed her hand.


"Shhh, save your energy. I am right here." He said kissing her temple. She was sweating that moment.

Sakuno's breath was shallow. He knew that her concentration was divided. The midwife instructed her to push really hard when she felt the pain surfaces. She screamed once and was only scolded by the midwife.

"Don't shout! You'll lose your energy and you won't be able to push well!" She said still assisting her at giving birth.

Sakuno bit her lower lip. He gripped her already gripped hand to him. He knew that she needed strength that time and hoped that he could give her enough strength. The contractions of the womb were occasionally dawning upon her and she could only push for several times.

"It's… painful." She was able to murmur.

"Don't talk," He murmured back, "Come on, you can do it." He kissed her once again.

Sakuno nodded as she felt the pain was coming once again. She gathered enough air and pushed really hard.

"I can see the crowning of the head!" The midwife announced, "Assist her at pushing!" She pointed at one of the nurses and positioned near her belly. The midwife pulled the baby's head when Sakuno wasn't pushing anymore. In the swift of time, the baby was out and started crying even without slapping the butt. The midwife cut the baby's umbilical cord before she showed the baby to her;

"It's a boy."

He saw the contact Sakuno and the baby was doing at that very moment. Sakuno brushed the baby's cheek as she gave it a sweet smile. He couldn't help but smile at them too. He placed a hand on top of hers;

"You did a good job."

She smiled at him and said, "A-arigatou… Ryoma…"

The nurse took the baby away as they continued cleaning her up. Luckily for Sakuno, she had a normal delivery. For first timers like her who would give birth at such a young age, they would probably go on caesarian section.

Sakuno made it without hardships aside from pushing through a lot of times.

He kissed her forehead while he looked around. The baby was currently having his first bath at that very moment. He thought of hearing about 'cord dressing' and having his 'vitamin K vaccination' a little later.

"We should take you to your room," The midwife said cutting his view from him, "The baby will be there in a few minutes."

Ryoma nodded after that. He walked out of the room and was welcomed with his coach and the regulars. He told them everything about what happened. Minutes later, she was in a room that he prepared for her. Sumire was the first one to hug her and congratulated them for having a baby boy. The others followed by after that.

"Ochibi's a father now." Eiji said catching their attention.

"Yeah," Kawamura agreed blushing in the process, "To think that he became a father before us."

"Taka-san, don't tell me you want to have a baby too?" Momo said teasing his senior a little.

"What? N-no!" The powerhouse player defended himself blushing in the process. The others started to laugh after that.

Ryoma was sitting on the bed, holding Sakuno's hand. Sakuno was blushing while they were having that kind of conversation. Later on, the baby was being brought to the room. He was bombarded after that but since the room was too small for all of them, the nurse politely told them that it would be best to let the parents spend some quality time with their baby. Sumire was the first one to agree so she called the others' attention and told them that they should leave.

The bid them goodbye and Sakuno's grandmother was the last one to accompany them.

"So what's the name of the baby?" She asked them.

They looked at each other and smiled afterwards. They both looked back at her and said one word:


Sumire smiled at them after hearing the baby's name, "That's a nice name."

Sumire soon left the two after that. Sakuno was instructed to leave the hospital tomorrow and Ryoma would be staying there with her. He looked at her together with the baby beside her;

"How do you feel?" He asked her.

Sakuno gave him a genuine smile before she answered him, "I feel blessed. Thank you for everything."

He brushed her messy hair and gently kissed her on the lips, "You thanked me enough for the day."

"I… still want to thank you still." She murmured blushing in the process.

Their foreheads were leaning against each other and stayed there for a while until the baby cried. They looked at the baby and sweat dropped. He frowned at her and asked the most obvious thing in the world.

"What now?"

Sakuno just shrugged at his question. He knew that they would have a long way to go. Ryuji would be giving them some tests of parenthood.

Done! How was the initial chapter? Haha… I don't know how this would turn out but I'll try my best to keep this up.

I am returning Ryuji to you in this fic. I guess, I would like to have that name as Ryoma's boy. I am still planning to use his name (Ryuji) in my future fics. For now, this one would do… ^^

Note: I posted this fic today because of a certain Reader of my fics. SweetAngel/My crazy Angel, I kept my promise on your birthday. Happy Birthday to you... :) Though this is the first chapter, I don't know when to post the next. I have other fics to finish so I'll work on them first. I hope you like this domo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)

Reviews please… make this author-san motivate herself even more… domo…

Next Chapter: Echizen Ryuji