Raincloud waited impatiently for the tom as the icy night began to settle over NightClan territory. The blue grey she cat's unusually purple hued eyes scanned the gloom until eventually they picked up the shape of Reedtail padding through the night to meet her. Blending in perfectly with the shadows, the tom's ebony pelt made him nearly invisible with only his emerald green eyes giving any real indication of his presence.
"You're late," Raincloud mewed pointedly although both knew that she meant no real offence.
" Sorry," he mewed catching up to her and giving Raincloud a quick lick on the muzzle, "But I couldn't get away without waking anyone else up. Or would you rather that Oakshade watched us?"
Raincloud flicked his muzzle with her paw teasingly and began to pad away making sure that her rear was in full view.
"I suspose not. But you better make tonight worth the wait."
"I'm sure I can," Reedtail purred playfully taking a step forward and licking her hind leg. Raincloud stifled a moan and instead pulled away from Reedtail, much to the dark tom's confusment.
" Not so fast," she purred seductively, allowing her tail to the tom's sheath. Slowly rubbing it with her ever so soft tail, purposefully coaxing out Reedtail's member causing him to grunt in pleasure, "It wasn't nice of you to keep me waiting," she mewed with the same silky tone, "If you want this, you'll have to catch it first."
Darting away before the warrior could react, Raincloud darted away leaving Reedtail's member throbbing. Closing his eyes briefly, Reedtail chuckled and gave chase.
Running through the tall grass, the two cats chased each other. Seeing that her lover was quickly gaining ground, Raincloud thrust out her ass, keeping her pussy in sight. Invigorated by this tantalising sight, Reedtail bunched his muscles and sprang. Landing on top of Raincloud, Reedtail purred triumphantly as he pinned her down.
"Looks like I won," he mewed in her ear, "So what is my prize."
"We shall see," smirked Raincloud, rubbing her tail along his shaft. Moaning softly, Reedtail felt her rubbing increase in intensity, the she cat rubbing her tail faster and faster until it had become a blur as she pleasured her mate, all the while drawing him closer to her dripping wet entrance.
Not waiting to be asked, Reedtail immediately thrust in, Raincloud's walls almost instantly tightening around him. Moaning, the black furred tom withdrew and for a while, his dock hovered outside in the night air be free plunging back into the warmth of Raincloud's core. Raincloud shifted uncomfortably.
" Are you okay? " Reedtail asked, genuinely concerned as he slowed down.
"I can handle it," she half grunted, half moaned. Nodding, Reedtail began to increase the tempo of his love making, thrusting both deeper and faster with each stroke. As the pain began to slowly ebb away to be replaced by the intense sexual pleasure, Raincloud opened her eyes and wailed in ecstasy.
Dripping with pre cum, Raincloud only made it easier for Reedtail to pound her, the tom's prodigious length reaching deep inside her as her walls closed around him while the she cat backed her rump into him, matching each of his strokes perfectly.
"I'm gonna. . . " Was all Reedtail could manage to say before he came came inside Raincloud. Struggling to hold back the tide of white liquid, Raincloud soon joined him in expressing her love.
Suddenly a rustle in the nearby bushes alerted the lovers that they were not lone. Quickly dismounting Raincloud, Reedtail licked himself a few times as their clanmate Brightsky appeared, weary from her night time patrol.
"What in the name of StarClan are you doing out his late?" She yawned tiredly.
"Reedtail was helping me," lied Raincloud quickly.
"Yes," Reedtail put in quickly, "I thought some exercise might wear her out."

"Fair enough bit this doesn't get you out of your night patrol tommorrow," mewed Brightsky padding away. As she reached the edge of the clearing however, she turned and looked back briefly, "And clean yourselves up before you get back. Anyone would have thought that you practically fell upon each other in the dark!"