Cal followed on behind Iain and Jez as Ethan was rolled into the back off the ambulance. As they passed the bench where he and Ethan had been sitting something on the ground caught Cal's eye. He bent down to pick it up. Picking the piece of paper off the ground Cal realised it was the paper with Ethan's test results.
"Cal!" Iain shouted over as he got into the driver's seat.
Cal quickly stuffed the piece of paper into his pocket and jumped into the back where Jez was monitoring Ethan's vital signs. Iain drove off with sirens wailing and blue lights flashing. Upon arrival they were met by Zoe, Charlie and Rita.
"Yeah, Iain, what do we have?" Zoe asked as Iain opened the back of the ambulance doors.
"This is Ethan. He inhaled some sea water and has been unconscious for the last 30 minutes. He's had three rounds of 30 compressions."
The other three stood in shock for a few moments when they heard who it was. At first they couldn't believe what Iain had told them but, then they saw Cal come out followed by the trolley with Ethan lying on it. Zoe and Rita went ahead with Ethan through to RESUS while Charlie remained with Cal.
"What happened?" Charlie asked as the two of them headed through the doors.
"I don't know. It happened so quickly." Cal responded.
"What happened so quickly?" Charlie inquired.
"Well, we both decided to open up the test results and then the next thing I knew Ethan was walking towards the sea." Cal explained.
Charlie was about to say something else when Cal suddenly remembered the piece of paper he found when Ethan was taken to the ambulance.
"This was on the ground on our way to the ambulance." Cal told as he took out the piece of paper from his pocket. "It's Ethan's test results."
A sudden dread hit him. Cal quickly unfolded the piece of paper and scanned the letter. His heart sank when he spotted the one word Ethan must have seen when he opened it. Cal had to double check. No, it was still there. That one word which had caused Ethan to do what he'd did.
"He's got it." Cal whispered hoarsely. "Ethan's positive."
The paper fell from his hands and his knees buckled beneath him. Cal's whole body shook as the news finally hit him as he knelt upon the floor in the middle of the ED. Charlie picked up the fallen piece of paper and read the results. He too saw the word.
"I'm so sorry, Cal." He said sincerely.
The sound of high heels upon the floor were heard and Cal looked up, tears still falling down his face. Zoe approached him.
"Cal?" She questioned. "Ethan's stable, but he's asleep at the moment."
"Can I go see him?" Cal inquired, getting up off the floor.
Zoe nodded her reply and Cal walked towards RESUS.
"Is everything okay with them?" Zoe asked, turning to Charlie.
Charlie didn't give her an answer instead he handed her the paper. She too was lost for words when she read it. The two of them looked on as they saw Cal walk over to where Ethan lay and pulled up a chair.