I don't own RWBY, it is owned by Rooster Teeth and may Monty Oum rest in peace. I also don't own Fire Emblem.

Hey everyone! First of all I apologize for the summary, I would put more in if I was allowed to like talk about the importance of Jaune and Ruby. I honesty have no idea what's going on with my writing desires, but well this just came up and I had to try it out to see what could happen. Besides I got into RWBY finally and Fates came out recently, what better way to enjoy this than combine them! Now the Fire Emblem characters will be a bit off and they are modified to fit in with the RWBY universe. If anyone who reads my other stories is reading this, I'm sorry but those are all on pause until I get the heart to write them again. I am just putting this under RWBY since I think it wouldn't be seen if I put it under the crossover category, would I get in trouble for that, if so please tell me. Of course if you guys think I should just put it under crossover anyway I will if I get enough people telling me. Please tell me what you all think or if you have questions feel free to ask me by message preferably. Now then enjoy, favorite and/or follow please!


"Now Azure, remember what we taught you. You have all your things in your bags righ?" a stern voice hiding worry said. She was a pink haired woman, looking to be in about in her early twenties. She wore a sort of home welcoming outfit, yet she stood firm like she was a soldier, especially since she stood at six foot one. Her long pink hair was done in a braid and her blue eyes were busy looking over the young boy in front of her.

"I'll be fine, Felica. Don't worry too much," the youth threw back. He was a young teen, looking only fifteen. He stood tall for his age at around five ten. He had unkempt white hair styled in a semi respectable way. His skin was a bit pale, making his fire orange eyes more eerie. He was wearing some simple jeans and a white hoodie. He had a sword strapped to his waist, the sheath was just black but the hilt was gold, adorned with a red jem at the pommel. He was smiling in a lighthearted way but the woman in front of him knew he was putting on an act.

"Xander and the others don't want to lose you…" Felica said softly as she embraced him. Azure frowned and relented to the hug. They stayed like that for a time and Azure listened to the small sounds of their airship.

"I was a hunter too…just because you get to look it forever doesn't mean you get to be young forever necessarily…well…depending when your body decides to stop you anyway…" Felica said, saying the last part as a joke, sort of. Azure sighed into the hug, enjoying the warmth he got from it.

"I'll be fine…Kurai and the others got through just fine and I'm not like them…" Azure tried to appease her. That just made her hold on him last longer.

"That's why I'm worried…just…promise me you'll try to stay out of trouble. I know a few of your friends are going to Beacon. I made sure the teachers won't judge you too harshly at first. I'm sure Ms. Goodwitch will be kind to you especially…" she said softly, making Azure sigh.

"I know…I hope Kurai doesn't get mad that you came with me on my flight to Patch…my brother can be…overbearing…" Azure said a bit bitterly. Felica sighed and separated from the hug and held him by his shoulders.

"Your brother is just worried about you. I know he doesn't show it as much as he should but he cares…all of them do…do you think I would have married him if he was as cold as you think?" Felica asked, making Azure sigh and shrug her off.

"If he really cared that much, then he would have come to see me off…" Azure said with some malice in his voice. Before Felica could reply, their pilot said that they were coming in for a landing. Azure wandered off to a seat and sat down, before Sophie could speak. He heard someone panting and looked towards the front of the ship. He saw some poor guy hunched over a trashcan, air travel probably didn't agree with him. It was dark so he couldn't make him out but he thought he was a blonde. The other small things he made out were that he was dressed in some armor and he had a sword, probably another prospect, just like him.

"Your brother doesn't understand why you didn't just take a flight straight to beacon but I can understand," Felica said as she took her seat next to his. Azure chuckled softly at what she said.

"It's late and I've been in this ship for three hours now. I'll just catch a ride with the other prospects, tomorrow. Besides, dinner would be nice," Azure said and Felica, laughed. He laughed with her, happy that the tension was dropped.

"Shira, said she was proud of you, Azure," Felica added, cautiously. Azure peered at her, skeptically.

"Did she? I would have thought my sister would be jealous that I got accepted to Beacon two years early…I know Arthur was too…" Azure said with a cruel laugh.

Azure did not have a particularly healthy relationship with his siblings, or it was more of a love hate thing, in his eyes anyway. Things were tense and he was happy to be gone from home, he wanted to set out and finally become his own warrior. After years of being forced not to enter tournaments or any recognizable event, finally he would be able to show his skills. He thanked Oum that a teacher from Beacon had been around Mistral to see him. He managed to get away from home and showed the teacher what he could do, it was a bit unconventional since he wasn't in a combat school but he'd been trained for years before. His last name being Legacy helped out.

"Azure…look…don't hold it against them too much…Arthur and Kurai have had it very hard you know…" Felica chided softly.

"Yeah…hard time rejecting their duties you mean…I'm starting to think I'm the only one who takes pride in our name…and the only one who takes pride in being a Rider…" Azure threw back, feeling his anger rise just thinking about his siblings. He calmed himself though when he felt the airship touch the ground. He stood up quickly and picked up his things.

"I won't say anymore about that…I will say that I am proud of you though Azure. Elise and Hinoka wouldn't stop saying how cool it was that their older brother was going to be a hunter…" Sophie said and Azure smiled. He hugged her warmly for a few moments before he parted.

"Tell them and Sakura Xander and Leo too that I miss them…don't forget about Flora and Jakob either, I don't want to be ungrateful," Azure said softly. As much as he might loathe(love?) his siblings, he adored their kids. He had three nieces and two nephews and the five adored him like no other. He also cared for the people his siblings took as spouses. They practically raised him since his parents and his siblings couldn't do it or at least not as well as they could have, Azure didn't exactly hold it against them, especially his sister.

"I will…good luck Kamui…I hope you start going by that from now on when you come back," Sophie said, her voice breaking slightly. Azure hugged her again as the doors of the airship opened. He was a little scathed at her calling him that name but she was aloud to. Azure quickly left the airship after separating from Sophie and stepped out into the cool night air of Patch. He turned around and waved to Sophie as the doors of the airship closed again. He waited for the airship to leave again, with his mother figure on it. He sighed after a few minutes and turned around.

"Ugh…" Azure's eyes narrowed at the smell of vomit and saw who he thought was the guy from his airship. He shuddered slightly at the wretching sounds coming from him. He felt bad for him but decided to figure out something. He had no idea where to go! He'd never been outside of Mistral at least not by himself.

"Right…I've never been to Patch before…nice planning Azure…" he grumbled as he left the landing pads, looking for some kind of map. Fortunately he found a map in the form of a pamphlet like something he'd get from an amusement park. Thankfully the town was literally right outside of the airship zone so he just started walking around the town, trying to read the map.

The cool night felt good to him and he sighed softly. After being cooped up in an airship for hours it felt good to move around. His sword clanging against his leg made him sigh. He wished he could have some excitement, the violent kind. Patch wasn't that big, it was just a small island town. It's positioning was nice since it would be hard for Grimm to get to them and they would always have some warning before that happened. Unfortunately that also meant that there wouldn't be much in the form of fighting for Azure to do until he went to Beacon. Even if he found some excitement, he doubted it would be a worthy opponent.

"I miss Sis…" Azure thought as he thought about one of his friends from Mistral. She was the one he considered his actual sister and they were pretty close since they understood each other. He wondered how many others at Beacon would give him a suitable challenge, a lot hopefully. Thankfully as if someone was watching, excitement struck. Azure saw a group of men, all dressed similarly, except for the one leading them, exit an alley.

"Maybe something exciting will happen…" Azure thought as he eyed the group. He decided to follow after them, feeling his blood starting to pump faster.

"I don't like stealth but hopefully it'll be worth it…" Azure thought as he followed after the group. It could have been nothing; they might have just been from some business meeting, except the one leading them rubbed him the wrong way just by looking at him. The one in front was wearing a white suit and a sort of top hat. He walked with a cane, though he also had a sort of arrogant step in his stride, while the ones following him were all serious.

"What are they doing?" Azure thought as he followed them through the night streets. He stuck to the alley's, making sure not to get close. After a few moments they stopped in front of a dust shop and then the guy in white started talking to his posse. At that point, Azure had stopped, he couldn't hear the guy but he didn't want to be seen. Though the young boy smiled when the men pulled weapons out of their suits and stormed the shop.

"Time for some fun!" Azure thought, excitedly. He placed his pack and his luggage down onto the ground, he'd come back for his things after he was done. Then suddenly there was a loud crashing sound, followed by a loud boom from a gun?

"What?!" Azure peaked around the corner again and his eyes widened. He wasn't surprised because the men that went into the store had just been kicked out, through the window. He was surprised by who had done it. Standing in the middle of all the fallen men, were a girl with raven hair with red at her hair tips. She was wearing a red hood too but more importantly she was holding a giant scythe! He had to get in on this now; this was the excitement he wanted!

"How disappointing…" the man with the cane sighed as he looked around at his fallen goons. His goons all struggled onto their feet as the girl in red twirled her scythe around like it weighed nothing.

"Well? Get her!" the cane wielding man ordered, a bit bored from the sound of him. Before anything happened though, Azure came in and shoulder tackled one of the men, sending him flying. The girl in red ducked and the guy flew over her and collided with some of his comrades.

"Mind if I get in on this?" he asked the girl. She looked at him, at bit bewildered by his appearance. She looked a bit like red riding hood, with her hood, she wore a sort of long sleeved black corset with red trim along with stockings, at least that's what Azure thought those were, he didn't really care. Her silver eyes met his golden ones and she smiled a bit awkwardly.

"Sure! Thanks for the assist!" she said, energetically. She swiped her scythe around at some of the men around her, making them back off. Azure smiled with delight as he dodged an attacker and kicked him in the side, sending him flying into a car. Another one tried to swing at him with a sword but Azure edged back, just out of reach and kicked the blade out of his hand. The man clutched his wrist in pain but Azure quickly hit his face, cracking the mask, he didn't realize he was wearing. The man fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Heads up!" Azure ducked on reflex and three of the masked men were sent flying over him. He looked to his ally and saw her smiling at him, with her scythe over her shoulder like it was a pole.

"I win! I got more of them!" she said excitedly, making Azure's eyes widen. He realized that she had just taken out more people than he did.

"Hey! No fair! You started before I did!" Azure threw back, making the silver eyed girl pout.

"I did not! You're the one who butted in!" she threw back, making Azure step closer so he was almost in her face.

"You did too, you cheater!" he threw out, making the girl gape before she slammed her scythe into the ground and stomp her foot.

"Did not!" she yelled back. Before Azure could reply, he heard a cocking and turned to see the redhead in the white suit, pointing his cane at him.

"As enjoyable as this is, I'm afraid that this party is going to have to end…" he said, arrogantly. The tip of the cane popped up, revealing the barrel of a gun. Then he fired a dust round at them. Azure's eyes narrowed and he reached to draw his sword but before the blade left his scabbard, a glyph appeared in front of them and tanked the blast.

"Please leave the children alone…" Azure and his silver-eyed companion looked over to see a blonde woman with glasses, wearing a white blouse and a black skirt with a purple cape. She was holding a riding crop like a sort of wand.

"How disappointing…oh well…" the cane wielding man said. He pointed his cane at the blonde and opened fire, which she blocked with ease. A whirring sound hit their ears and then instinctively Azure jumped away from where he was standing and a small explosion hit where he was standing. He heard a grunt beside him and saw that the scythe wielder had the same idea.

"What did I stumble onto?" Azure said to himself. He looked up to see an airship, one outfitted with weaponry floating above them. A ladder dropped down towards the hat wearing man and before Azure could do anything, the guns of the airship warmed up again. A glyph from the blonde woman stopped the blast again but when the smoke cleared, the cane wielding man had already gotten up onto the ship.

"See you next time!" he taunted as the airship started to pull away. Azure caught sighed of someone standing in the doorway of the ship but he couldn't tell who it was. He was more focused on the fact that her clothing lit up like fire and several fireballs were sent towards them. The blonde huntress blocked the fireballs with one of her own spells though. Azure reached behind his back but he realized that he left his gun in his luggage and cursed inwardly. The girl in red wasn't done though, he saw her pull a slot on her scythe and his eyes widened as her weapon changed into a sniper. She pulled a slot back and took aim at the ship and fired with a loud bang. Azure winced at the loud sound and it wasn't just for show, the rifle kicked back, hard on the girl. The bullet dinged off the airship leaving a noticeable dent.

"Wait, careful!" the blonde woman shouted as the girl in red pulled the slot of her rifle back again and took aim again. The airship was practically away at this point yet she still took aim. She pulled the trigger and her shot ringed out again, except her aim wasn't exactly true this time and her bullet hit a building, knocking a large chunk out of the bricks.

"Oops…" she said, embarrassed. Azure laughed softly, appropriate or not it was great! Maybe not the excitement he wanted exactly but he had something to look forward to.

"Hey? What's your name?" he asked. The girl blinked like she wasn't used to that question and then she smiled a little, bashfully.

"My name's Ruby Rose and my beloved her is named Crescent Rose!" Ruby said, cheerfully as she cradled her weapon like it was a baby. Azure smiled and bowed slightly.

"A pleasure, my name is Azure Legacy. I'm here to head off to Beacon, am I right in assuming that you're a prospect as well?" Azure wasn't sure if he was communicating correctly but he had to say something. Ruby's eyes widened at that news and suddenly she was in his face in a blur, making Azure jump slightly.

"Really?! I'm still in combat school but I'm going to be going to Beacon soon, I have a sister going this year! But aren't you only fifteen?" Ruby asked him quite fast but Azure caught all of it. He was actually a little more surprised that she didn't recognize his last name. Though not wearing his full set up probably helped. Still though he was surprised that she wasn't a prospect, she didn't fight like a rookie in combat school, Azure should know.

"As an eternal yourself, age doesn't mean much…well depending of course…" Azure said a bit evasively, chuckling at the memory of one of his brother's complaining about his age stopping in his thirties instead of his twenties or teens.

"True I guess…but still, you're only fifteen and Beacon's letting you in?" Ruby pressed as she jumped slightly. Azure laughed and he was about to answer that he was never in combat school but the blonde woman practically stomped over to them, interrupting them.

"Mr. Legacy, I presume?" she asked, curtly. She waved her crop and the damages to everything sort of righted themselves like nothing was broken in the first place.

"Yes…Professor Goodwitch?" Azure asked a bit timidly, he didn't like how she said his name. One thing his siblings left for him was a bad image. His three siblings were not the most…approachable people to put it lightly, at least by the time they left Beacon. Felica said it was his job to show everyone that the not all Legacy's were bad.

"Sigh…please do try to stay out of trouble, school has not started yet. Felica and Flora wouldn't want to hear that you got in trouble before things started," the professor sighed as she adjusted her glasses though Azure thought he saw a slight smile on her lips. Azure sighed a bit in relief that he didn't get chewed out and that she didn't seem to be judging him. Though the mood changed quickly as Glynda turned to Ruby.

"And you, young lady, what were you thinking?" she snapped, making Ruby jump in surprise.

"They were trying to rob the store and me! I was just trying to help and my name is Ruby Rose," Ruby defended herself quickly and the teacher sighed but it wasn't an angry one if Azure was any judge.

"Come along, Miss Rose. I want to hear what happened in detail somewhere else…goodnight Mr. Legacy, I hope you have a pleasant stay at Beacon tomorrow," the professor said as she dragged the energetic Ruby with her. Azure smiled and waved at the helpless girl as they left before he turned to go pick up his things. Ruby waved back at him with a cheerful smile despite the fact that she was literally being dragged off.

"This just got interesting…"