Not so long ago, and not so far away, there was a scarlet steam engine weaving its way through the English countryside. Inside the aforementioned train, three boys opened the door to their favourite compartment to find three girls sitting there.

'Excuse me, I believe you're in our compartment.' said a boy with messy brown hair, brown eyes and glasses.

'No.' replied a girl with long red hair. 'I believe you're in ours. We got here first.'

'I don't see your name on it.' said another boy with black hair and grey eyes.

'That's true.' said another girl with blonde hair. 'We neglected that.' She pointed her wand at the open door, and muttered something. Words carved themselves in the wood, and they were tinted gold.

This is the official compartment of:




'That's not fair!' protested the last boy, with brown hair.

'All's fair in love and war.' proclaimed the last girl, who also had blonde hair.

'We've been sitting here for the last five years.' said the first boy indignantly.

'We've been sitting here for five minutes. What's your point?' said the first blonde girl.

Seeing that they weren't going to win this argument, the brown haired boy said 'Can we at least share it?' His two friends glared at him.

The three girls exchanged glances. 'I don't know…' said the redhead. 'We don't want purple skin.'

'Or green hair…' said the second blonde girl

'Or orange robes.' finished the other blonde.

'So you know who we are.' said the second black haired boy. 'And our reputation.'

'Of course.' said the redhead. 'Everybody knows.'

'So can we please sit down?' asked the brown haired boy.

'Hmm…' said the second blonde girl. 'The Marauders begging us. Oh, the possibilities.'

'Summer! You're being cruel now.' said the first blonde girl.

'Sorry, Tinkerbelle!' she said in a sing-song voice.

'What's with the names?' asked the boy with messy black hair and glasses. 'I hope your parents didn't actually call you Tinkerbelle.'

'No.' said Tinkerbelle. 'But you're still in our compartment.'

'That's completely irrelevant.'

'No it's not.' said the redhead. 'You can stay, but your names have to go on the door.'

'Deal.' said the second black haired boy. He was sick of fighting, and had realised that they weren't going to win this.

'However.' said Summer. 'Your names are too long, and they aren't really interesting. Do you have better nicknames?'

'But of course.' said the boy. 'I'm Padfoot. This is Prongs and Moony.' Summer pointed her wand at the door, and said something, and




carved themselves there. 'You may sit.' she said. They did.

'So what is with the names?' asked the boy with messy black hair, Prongs.

'She's Tinkerbelle because have you ever seen anyone who looks more like a fairy?' said Summer. Tinkerbelle had really light loosely curled blonde hair that went halfway down her back. She had light blue eyes, and perfect porcelain skin, and she was short and slim, but still with a perfect body. 'And her name's Arabella.' Summer added as an afterthought.

'Ok, that explains one. Now, why Summer?' asked Moony.

'She looks like summer.' shrugged the redheaded girl. Summer had long strait golden blonde hair, golden skin, and eyes the colour of the ocean. She was about average height, and slim. 'It's almost like Samantha.'

'And Tigerlily…' said Padfoot.

'It's my turn to explain.' said Tinkerbelle. 'Tiger because of her hair (which is red) and Lily because her skin is white, and her eyes are green and that's her name.'

'I see.' said Moony. 'Weird, but hey.'

'So are you going to tell us about the nicknames, or are we going to have to guess?' asked Summer.

'Guess.' said Padfoot. 'You never will. And we'll die before telling you.'

'Then it's something really bad.' said Tigerlily. 'Like…illegal maybe?'

They all had looks of pure innocence on their face, something they had perfected over the years.

'Ok, Padfoot.' wondered Summer. 'Padfoot…a dog or something…but that's not illegal…maybe you turn into one…that IS illegal…hmm…illegal animagi…that would explain a lot.'

Padfoot raised an eyebrow.

'Now Prongs.' said Tigerlily. 'An animal too…a deer? Stag, maybe? This is very interesting…and definitely illegal…and something you would die before telling us.'

'But Moony?' said Tinkerbelle. 'That's hardly an animal. An animal that is connected to the moon? You're always sick, so maybe Oh my GOD! That is so cool! I always wanted to meet one! They would be so fascinating to study! Tell me, what is it like in the transformations? I mean, do you think as yourself, or what?'

The three boys had their mouths open.

'That's why we're in Ravenclaw.' said Tigerlily.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' said Remus, but he had waited to long.

'We won't tell anyone.' said Summer. 'Actually, it's pretty cool. Anyway, telling on you would be hypocritical.'

'How?' asked Sirius.

'You just admitted it.' she said. 'And how is a secret. Just like how we figured out you three. And if we did feel like telling, I promise we'd come and visit you in Azkaban. We might even bring cookies.'

The colour drained from the three boys faces at the word Azkaban. 'You-you wouldn't.' stuttered Sirius.

'Depends.' said Lily. 'I mean, if the urge overtook us, we wouldn't have much choice, now would we?'

'Don't.' said Remus. 'That's not even funny.'

'Fine. We won't tell.' said Tinkerbelle.

'Oh look, it's the little mudblood.' came a voice from the door. It was Lucius Malfoy. The three boys tensed, ready to jump at him, but Summer and Tinkerbelle held them back.

'Watch her!' Summer hissed.

'Lily looked up at the boy at the door who had just called her a mudblood. 'Lucy?' she said. Her face lit up. 'Lucy! Is it really you! Oh Lucy, it's sooo good to see you! You'll never believe this spell I learnt over the summer! You'll love it!' she squealed. She got out her wand and pointed it at him. 'Pinius Tozoorium.' Nothing happened, but Lily just smiled.

Malfoy opened his mouth and started teasing her, but all that came out was a variety of chipmunk noises, but he didn't seem to notice. What he did notice was that the six teenagers were laughing at him. He screamed something at them in chipmunk language, then stormed out and slammed the door.

'Told you she'd handle it.' said Summer triumphantly.

'You doubted me?' said Lily, pretending to be hurt.

'WE didn't.' said Tinkerbelle. 'Not since first year when he introduced himself, and you squealed 'Lucy! That's such a pretty name!' and he stormed off.'

Lily smiled and sighed. 'I love life.' she said.

'You're good.' said James. 'Really good.'

'And the best part is, he hears his voice normally.'

He grinned. 'How is it that we've never met you three before?'

'You have.' said Summer. 'In first year. Sirius knocked me over.'

'That was you?' asked Sirius. 'I remember now!'

'Oh yeah.' said Moony, remembering. 'Ok, how come we never saw you again after that? I mean, you're in our year, and we have classes with Ravenclaw.'

'You probably have seen us.' said Tinkerbelle. 'You just didn't notice us.'

'Now we've noticed you.' said James.

The door opened. 'Hey!' said a girl with brown hair and eyes. 'Why are you sitting with the Marauders? And why are you still normal colours?'

'We have GOT to work on our reputation.' said Moony.

'We'll explain later.' said Lily. 'And don't eat to much at dinner. So why are you here?'

The girl, Tahlia, looked confused, but then she said 'Oh, yeah, they're having a Halloween ball this year with Muggle clothing. I heard Amos Diggory wanted to ask you Summer.'

Summer wrinkled her nose in disgust. 'Please. I'd have no INTELLIGENT conversation the entire night.'

'A ball you say?' asked James. The three Marauders had looks on their faces which meant they were planning a prank, and the whole school had learned to watch out for these looks.

'Yep. See ya round.' Tahlia said, and left.

'Amos Diggory huh?' asked Sirius.

Summer groaned. 'Now I have to think of a nice way to reject him.'

'I have THE perfect plan' he said. 'You say you already have a date.'

'But I don't. Then he'll tell everyone I do, and nobody will ask me. Then, he'll ask Tigerlily and Tinkerbelle.'

'I had already thought of that. Ok, not the last bit about Tiger and Belles, but the date bit. You go with me!'

'With you?' she asked doubtfully. 'The boy who knocked me over in first year, and has turned most of my friend's hair purple at some stage in their lives?'

'Yep. And to save the other two, Tiger can go with Prongs.'

'I'll go with you on two conditions, but I can't speak for Lils and Bells.'


'1. NO pranks at the ball, and 2. You ask me properly.'

'What? No pranks? You can't ask me to do that?'

'I believe I just did.'

Sirius thought about it. 'Fine.' he eventually relented. 'All the girls would hate me if I ruined their ball anyway. Summer, will you go to the ball with me?'


'Hey, did it ever occur to you that maybe your friends don't WANT to go with us.'

'We aren't going to let anybody be stuck with Diggory.' said Moony.

'Ok, what if WE don't want to go with you?' asked Lily.

'Oh, I'm hurt.' said James.

'We have to go and change.' said Summer.

'Yeah, they'll ask us properly later.' said Lily, and the three girls walked over to the door and opened it.

'Wait.' said James. 'What makes you so sure we'll ask you?'

Lily smiled, and said 'Everybody knows it's the Ravenclaw girls that make the Gryffindor boys go crazy.' They left, and shut the door behind them.

'Where did she get that?' asked James.

'Don't you know?' said Remus. 'Godric Gryffindor was in love with Rowena Ravenclaw, and so was Salazar Slytherin. That's what started the intense rivalry between the two.'

'So who did she love?' asked Sirius.

'Gryffindor, of course.' answered Remus.

The three girls never returned to the compartment, because they found some of their other friends to talk to. When the train stopped, they all got off, and Tinkerbelle was separated from the other two in the crowd. Remus saw her and ran over. 'So Tinkerbelle.' he said. 'Will you go to the ball with me?'

'Sure, I guess. But like Summer said, no pranks.'

'The things I do for you…'

'You only just met me!'

'True. Well, gotta go. See you around.' He walked away before she had a chance to say goodbye.

'Oh my god!' said a Hufflepuff next to her called Julia. 'You got a Marauder to agree to no pranks!' she continued in admiration. 'No one's been able to do that before! AND he's taking you to the ball. You're so lucky, the Marauders are HOT. Well, at least there's still Sirius and James.'

'Actually, no.' said Tinkerbelle. 'Summer's going with Sirius, and James is going to ask Tigerlily.'

'Oh, you're so lucky, I wish I could be one of you!' They entered the Great Hall, and Julia left to sit at the Hufflepuff table, while Tinkerbelle sat down next to Summer and Tigerlily. They watched the sorting, and told everyone in their dorm not to eat to much, saying they'd explain later, and James came over.

'Hey.' he said.

'Hi.' replied Lily.

'So we've run out of bread rolls, and you still seem to have some. By the way, Padfoot and Moony say hi. Back to the bread rolls, we need some.'

'What happened to all of yours?' asked Lily. 'The piles of these things are huge.'

'We felt the need to *welcome* the new Slytherins.'

'You chucked ALL of your bread rolls at the Slytherins?'

'Yep. And now we're hungry.'

'How many?'


'How can it depend?'

'Because, dear Tigerlily, I plan to take all of them, but if you agree to come with me to the ball, I'll only take half.'

'Nobody wants any rolls do they?' she asked the people around her, who shook their heads.

'Ok, take them all. Merry Christmas.'

'Please don't make me beg Lily.'

'I'll think about it.'


No pranks?'

'Scouts honour.'

'Do you even know what a scout is?'

'You could tell me while we're dancing. Come on, do you really want to be stuck with Diggory.'


'Then go with me.'

'Fine. I'll go. Take your half.'

'Nah, I didn't really want anyway, they were just to get you to come. Bye.'

'See ya.' He turned and walked back to the Gryffindor table.

'Lily!' scolded Summer. 'Why'd you have to play with him?'

Lily shrugged. 'It was fun. You knew I'd say yes, if only because I wanted a bread roll.'

'Speaking of which…' Summer grabbed one, and started to butter it.