Me: Ok guys here's a new story and its bigger, better and funnier.

Brick: Please don't drag on bothers me.

Me: Fine! I'll get to this story now, just because I'm sooooo nice.

Butch: Butchercup 14 doesn't own the PPG's. *Says in bored voice*

Bunny: Emo...

Butch: I'm not emo...

Brick: Sure...

Me: Enough talk! Now read!

Freshman. The newbee's of high-school. Even when your these 10 not-so-normal freshman:

A tall girl with shoulder-length brown hair and vibrant violet eyes walked down the hall way. She had freckles and a white smile that could catch anyone's attention. She was a popular girl and had many friends. She wasn't rich nor was she poor, but she was NEVER snobby.

Bunny Thomason

Boys looked at her as she passed, but one caught her eye. A boy with brown, shaggy hair with dark purple eyes was looking at her as she passed by. He's cute. She thought.

Bruce Ryan

He was a player, and was know to date every girl in the school. He had his eyes on a certain brown-haired beauty with violet eyes. The things I could do to her. He thought, licking his pink lips. He had lust in his eyes and a smirk that could only go so far. He was rich.

A girl with long, red hair in a bow stood in the library.

"There it is!" She cheered.

She smiled and showed her white teeth. She had beautiful pink eyes too.

Blossom Patterson

Goodie two shoes, never done a thing wrong. In fact, she's a teacher pet too. Super smart, tall and what boys call 'perfect' in every way. Though they only wanted her for sex. Her family is middle-classed.

"Wassup Bossy Blossy!" Yelled a voice coming behind her.

He had long red hair, in a low pony tail. He also had a red hat on his head and crimson red eyes. Every girl wanted him, but he turned them all down. He never liked many girls and It was a rare sight to see him flirting with one. He wasn't gay either nor did he like both genders. But he just liked the single life, they guessed. His family was rich.

Brick Ross

"SHHHH!" People shushed.

"Sorry!" They whispered.

"What are you doing here?'' Blossom whispered.

"Came too see you, is that a problem?'' He whispered back, smirking.

"YES!" She yelled.

"SHHHHHH!" They shushed.

"Sorry!" She whispered, blushing with embarrassment.

"Why? You know you love me." He mocked.

"No I don't!" She whispered, getting flustered.

"Sure...'' He chuckled, leaving her behind.

A girl with blonde hair that were in pigtails, stood next to a girl with long, curly hair. They were chatting about something.

"I'm telling you! We HAVE to get picked to go to that school! We'll rock there!" The girl with white hair cheered.

"I know, but I doubt we'll get in, it's like a 0.00000006% chance." The blonde giggled.

Bubbles Curtius

A bubby personality inside one cute girl. She has shinning baby blue eyes and has braces that are blue too. She was popular and had friends too, which one of course is Bunny! But her best friend was Bell Rene'. She was of course rich, but didn't act like it. She liked being treated normally.

Bell Rene'

She had white eyes and perfect pink lips. She had perfect white teeth and was rich too. But she did act snobby, but not around Bubbles. She wasn't friends with Bunny because she thought Bunny was snuck up.

"Yeah I know." Bell sighed.

A boy with wavy blonde hair was talking too a boy with short, white hair. He was tall and had a nice build for his age with dark blue eyes. He wasn't rich or poor, and had a caring and sweet attitude. Now he wasn't the brightest of the bunch, he wasn't smart either though. It was kind funny to see him struggle to get somethings.

Boomer Johnson

"Dude I am telling you, this school could be our ticket to the TOP!" The white haired boy cheered, posing.

"Yeah, yeah but still I don't think we'll get in dude." The blonde laughed, amused by his friends crazyness.

Bradley James

He was the class clown, and was best known for his pranks. Once in 7th grade he pranked the vice-princple by gluing all her stuff to her walls! He never even got caught for it either. His eyes were white and his teeth were pure white. His family was rich, indeed they were.

"Yeah, I guess your right Boomerang.'' Bradley laughed.

The two then walked to the auditorium.

A girl with long, straight black hair walked down the hall with her books close to her chest. Many people bumped into her and they didn't even say one 'sorry'. She was shy, with her green eyes and short ways. She was never tall, but she wasn't bothered by her hight. She didn't want to be tall, she hated being noticed. She was middle-classed.

Buttercup Riley

She was trying to relax her jittery nerves until she saw him.

Butch Moretti

He was a bad-boy that you didn't want to cross. He had black spiked hair and forest green eyes that made me melt. He also had a green lip ring and had his hood up and head-phones on. He was so handsome. His family wasn't rich, not even close. His family wasn't even in the middle of rich and poor, sadly he was poor.

Buttercup was too busy looking at him to notice someone slam into her. She fell on her butt and her books flew out of her hands.

"S-sorry." She whimpered, picking up her books.

"Well maybe if you were looking where you were going, you wouldn't have bumped into me you piece of trash!" The girl snapped, getting into her face.

Buttercup was on the verge of tears, and no one cared. Everyone just crowded around them.

''I-I said I-I was s-sorry-"


"Aye oh aye, leave the girl alone. She didn't mean to Princess." A italian voice ordered.

The crowded then parted and she saw Butch standing there with his hood up.

"Ugh, whatever!" Princess stomped off in a huff.

Everyone then left and Buttercup started grabbing her books again. She also had a little help.

"You ok?'' He asked, showing no emotion.

"Y-yeah, I-I guess." Buttercup stuttered.

He then grabbed her last book and handed it too her. Then he helped her up.

"T-thank y-you." She blushed and hid her face.

"Don't think anything of it." He said and walked away.

He left her there in the empty hallway, wondering what he meant.

In the auditoruim,

''Now students, today we will be announcing the 10 people who will be going to Boston Music school. First isBrick Ross." Principle Carter called.

Brick walked onto the stage and yawned.

"Next is Bunny Thomson." He announced.

She then walked up and stood next to Brick.

"Blossom Patterson and Bruce Ryan!" He called.

They went up and stood next to the other two.

"Bubbles Curtius and Bell Rene'.'' He said.

Then they went up, smiling and squealing.

"Boomer Johnson and Bradley James!" He called.

They went up smirking.

"Lastly, Buttercup Riley and Butch Moretti." He smiled.

"NO THANKS!" Butch yelled, not getting up.





Then It was all quiet, no one even spoke.

"*cough* Anyway, Mr. Moretti, you must come up. You have no choice but to go to the school." Mr. Carter demanded.

Butch then groaned and got up and walked up with his arms behind his back. Once he was up there, Buttercup looked up at him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer toots.'' He said blankly.

She started blushing and looked away.

"S-sorry." She started.

He rolled his eyes, and looked into the crowd of students.

"You 10 must have your bags pack and to be at the air port tomorrow at 6am. Bring everything, because I don't think your coming back." Mr. Carter smiled. "Now the teacher who will be going with you, Miss. Hibiki."

Then a lady with a lizard and dress in a black dress and heels came up. She had brown, wavy hair and yellow eyes (A/N What? Brick and Blossom's eyes are red and pink!) she smiled deviously.

"Hello children." She smiled and chuckled.

"Aye, what's so funny?'' Butch asked, glaring.

"Oh nothing Mr. Moretti, just that you all should show me more respect, thats all." Then she got into his face, which made him lean back.

"I don't do 'respect'." He finger quoted respect.

"Either way, I am your instructor. You will should be some respect, and if not, I have a few way for you too learn some respect. Do I make myself clear?'' She asked harshly.

"Nope." Butch yawned.

"Mr. Moretti, do I MAKE myself clear?'' She asked again.

"You can keep asking it but I'll always say NO! I did give two fucks about respect, I've never learned it.'' That last part made Buttercup gasp.

"You've never learned respect? But your italian-" She got cut off Butch.

"Yeah I'm fucking Italian, what the hell does that have to do with respect.'' He asked harshly.

" italians are always loyal?'' She stuttered.

"Heh, too cute Kitty. But you've got the wrong guy to be talking about 'Italian Loyalty' with.'' She turned her head to the side and so does the others.

"Either way, you will learn respect Butch. I plan on having you learn some." Mrs. Hibiki snapped and walked away.

"I can't believe this! We're finally going to live our dreams Bell!" Bubbles cheered, hugging her BFFAF. (A/N: Best friends forever and forever)

"So pinky, guess you get to see more of me eh?'' Brick asked, smirking at the annoyed girl.

"No way Brick. And pinky seriously? I thought you were going to stop calling me that." Blossom snarled, crossing her arms.

"Nope Pinky wink, your stuck with me for the next 4 YEARS!" Brick laughed, while her frown got bigger. "And maybe after that when we're dating."

''I don't want anything your selling Brick." Blossom growled.

"Boomer! This is amazing! We're going to live our dreams!" Bradley cheered.

"This is kinda cool, I just hope my parents let me go.'' Boomer smiled sadly.

"Boomrange, your parents always want the best for you, I'm sure they'll let you go.'' Bradley smiled.

Boomer smiled back and looked at Bubbles. There's the girl that I like! Note to self, talk to her on the plane tomorrow. He thought and smirked.

Bunny wasn't talking much, well until a certain player came to her.

"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you standing all alone here?'' Bruce asked, smirking.

"I'm not alone, well at least not anymore." She smiled.

"What can I do to make you all mine?'' He asked in a low voice.

"I'm not an object Bruce. So talk to me like I am.'' I said harshly.

"I'm not I just wanted to know." He smirked at my come-back.

"I'm not Buttercup, who just let's people walk all over her." She then looked over to the small girl, she was talking to Bubbles and Bell. "I feel bad for her."

"Why? She seems to be doing fine to me." Bruce shrugged.

"I know, but what Butch said to her, I don't know maybe I'm imaging it.'' Bunny shook her head.

Then back where Buttercup was.

"I feel bad for her." Bunny said.

Feel bad for me? Yeah I'm shy and I always get made fun of, but I just hate people feeling bad for me. Buttercup thought.

"Buttercup? Are you ok?'' Bell asked, looking concerned.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine.'' She replied, looking away.

"Look Buttercup, If there is anything you need from us or you need some help, we're here. Just come talk to either Bell or me." Bubbles smiled and hugged Buttercup.

"Thanks b-but I-I'll be f-fine. I'll remember that too.'' She giggled and hugged back.

I think she's breaking out of her shell! Yes! Bell thought. Then she joined the hug. Once they let go, Mr. Carter started again.

"Now there will be a taxi at ALL of your house tomorrow at 4:00am, and you better have EVERYTHING packed.'' He started. "Now we all gave your parents a call and they were more than happy to send you, well except for one of your parents."

He then faced Butch, who was laying on the floor, playing on his Ipod. Then he noticed his stare.

"What now?!" He snapped, looking at Mr. Carter.

"One: Change the attitude, and two: Your mother or father never answered their phones, so I don't think you'll be going." He said.

Butch then got off the floor and looked Mr. Carter straight in the eye.

"My Mama doesn't give two fucks about where I am, or who I'm with or what I'm doing. Getting out of the house without being yelled at, oh I would be so lucky." Butch snapped, and walked away.

He then left the auditorium, with pondering faces.

"W-what did he mean by that?'' Buttercup asked.

By now everyone left and it was just them and Mr. Carter.

"Are you that dumb?" Bunny snapped. (A/N: Or should I say dum-b? ha some will get the joke!)


"No, Buttercup It means his parents don't care at all. His life is way different than yours little Mrs. Perfect and all!" Bunny snapped, getting in Buttercup's face.

"" Buttercup stuttered.

"Bunny stop being so mean, Buttercup just asked a question. A response should be 'I don't know' or 'It means his parents don't really care.' Not stupid harsh shit!" Brick snapped.

Then they all left the auditorium and went home.

At Brick's house, 3:54am

"Brick sweetie? Can I come in?'' Brick's mother asked, knocking on the door.

"Yeah come in mom!" He answered.

She walked in her sons room and almost everything was gone.

"Mom, I won't leave if you don't want me too.'' Brick smiled and faced his mother.

"No sweetie, I want you to go start your dreams. I'm just going to miss you so much!" She started crying.

"Mom, It's going to be ok. I'll write and call you every night and tell you about my day." He then hugged her and she hugged back


"That's my ride." He smiled and grabbed his book bag.

He had his maid's take his other stuff to the taxi. Before he got in, he said one thing to his crying mother.

"I love you mom, never forget it.'' He said, waving.

"I love you too my little Brick.'' She cried even more.

Then he got in and waved one last time as the taxi drove away.

Bubbles house,

"Mom, do you know where my baby blue beats are?'' Bubbles yelled.

"Yeah sweetie, I put them in your bag last night." Her mother chimed.

"Ok thanks!" She said.

Her maid's took her other stuff to her cab and they loaded them in.

"Bubbles, just so you know, we're proud of you sweetie." Her father smiled.

"Thanks dad." Bubbles then hugged him.

Then she went to her mom and hugged her.

"I love you both so much." She cried.

Then she got in the cab and waved good bye.

Blossom's House,

"Blossom sweetie, dad took all your bags down to the cab." Her mother smiled sweetly.

"Thanks mom." Blossom smiled back and grabbed her pink book-bag.

Then she went downstairs and saw her father loading her last bag in. Once he was done, he came up to her.

"Sweetie, I'm very proud of you." He said and hugged her.

"Thanks Daddy. I love you so much." Blossom giggled.

Then she hugged her crying mother and got in her cab, she then waved good-bye and left.

Bell's house,

''Bell, your cabs here!" One of her maids called.

"Mkay!" She said.

Then she grabbed her white bag and her Iphone and went downstairs.

"There you are Miss. Bell, I have loaded all your bags. The taxi is just waiting for you." One butler smiled.

"Thank you Garry." Bell smiled and went to her cab.

Her parents weren't home much, but they knew Bell was dying to go to this school, so they let her go.

"Bye guys!" Bell called, waving to her maid and butler.

They waved back and smiled. Those two were the ones who mostly took care of her, so she loved them more than any expensive purse. Then her cab drove off.

Bruce's House,

''Bruce, cab's here." His older brother Brance called.

"Ok, I'll be down in a minute.'' Bruce said, unplugging his phone.

Then he grabbed his book bag and went downstairs, not even saying 'hi or bye or I love you' to his parents. They said they loved him but he pretended not to hear them. He hated his wealthy parents, he just did. He hated his brother and little sister too. Then he went to his cab and left, with out waving a good bye.

Bradley's house,

"Brad, your cabbie cab cab is here!" Joked his older sister, Brianna.

He chuckled at his sisters behavior.

"Finally happy that I'm leaving the house?'' Bradley asked, putting his book bag over his shoulder.

"No, you know I love you bro. And that I'm always gunna miss you, even thought your a pain in the ass. I love you Bradley.'' She said.

Their parents weren't home today, they had a big confrence, otherwise they would have been here. They don't work much, but they've trained others to work for them, which gets them money.

"I love you Brianna." Bradley replied, hugging her.

She hugged her little brother back and then let go.

"Anyway, let's get you to that music school. Like you dreamed." Brianna smiled.

The two walked downstairs and Bradley got into his cab. He waved good bye and his cab was off.

Boomer's house,

"Yo Boomer! Cab's here!" Called his older brother Bart.

''Ok, I'll be down in a sec!'' Boomer said.

Boomer grabbed his last bag and his phone and went downstairs, he saw his mother and his younger brother Brian.

"Oh Boomer, I'm going to miss you so much!" His mother cried, hugging him.

"I'm going to miss you too mom." He replied, hugging her back.

Once they let go, Boomer hugged Brian and then Bart. Then he left to his cab. His father wasn't around much, but when he was, he was the most awesomest person ever. And Boomer loved him.

Bunny's house,

"Bunny bear! Your cab is here!'' Called her father.

"Coming!" She cheered and grabbed her back and phone.

When she got downstairs, her father had just finished loading her stuff in the cab.

"Sorry your sister couldn't be here. She had a situation at work and she's cleaning it up." He smiled and hugged her.

''It's ok, I understand that her and mom work alot. I just wish they were here so I could say good-bye.'' Bunny sniffled.

"Me too, but you've got a cab to catch and it's leading you to stardom! Good luck baby girl, I love you." Her father said, smiling.

He then let go and watched his youngest daughter walk away.

"Dad, I love you too. And don't ever forget it." She smiled and got in her cab.

Then It drove away.

Buttercup's house,

"Buttercup, sweetie. The cabs here, are you sure you want to go? Because I won't make you go if you don't want too." Buttercup's mom said walking to her.

Buttercup was adopted into this family when she was 4 years old. She was shy even then, but her adoptive parents loved her anyway.

"No mommy, I'll be fine. This is m-my d-dream." She stuttered.

"Ok," Her mom then kiss her fore-head. "Show them your skills baby. I'm so proud of you."

"We both are proud of you." Her adoptive father said walking in.

"Thanks you guys." She smiled and got up from the table.

''Anyway's the cab's here. I just loaded your stuff." Her dad smiled and lead her to the cab.

They all then hugged and exchanged kisses, then Buttercup left. She started to cry a little in the cab.

Butch's house,

Butch was packed and had everything ready, even thought it was just stuff in a duffle bag. His family was poor, his mom nor dad cared about him. He could die in a car crash and they wouldn't even shed a tear. Then he got his bag and Ipod and crept downstairs, trying not to be heard. Once he was downstairs, he waited for his cab to arrive.

"Butch? Where in the world do you think your going?'' His mother snapped, walking down the stairs in a black robe.

"I'm going to a boarding school Mama, you've would have know that if you picked up your got damn phone!" Butch snarled.

''What's going on down here?'' His father asked, walking down the stairs.

"New's flash dad, I'm leaving!" Butch snapped and grabbed his bag. "You should be happy too, you've never loved me."

Butch was about to leave until his father grabbed his wrist and twisted it. Then he slammed him on the floor.


Butch then got up and tried leaving again, until his father hit him in the face leaving a big bruise. Butch then ran out of the house and into his just-ariving cab.

"YOU GE BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" His father yelled.

"Go, go , go!" Butch demanded.

Then the cab sped off, leaving Butch's parents there, scowling at their son.

Everyone was waiting at the air-port, at gate 12.

First to arrive was Brick, then Blossom, Bubbles, Bell, Boomer, Bradley, Bruce, Bunny, then Buttercup.

Buttercup sat next to Blossom who just smiled at her. She smiled back. The boys sat together and talked while the rest just didn't talk. Then Butch came running down the hallway. He was panting and had one bag.

"Dude, you seriously only have one bag?'' Bruce asked.

"Well unlike you, my family ain't 'mama and papa rich bucks' I like to call us 'I'm to fucking poor' thank you very much.'' Butch had his hood up.

The others glared at him and frowned, but Buttercup smiled. He sat next her, and she looked up at him.

"Y-you aren't supposed to w-wear your hood up here." She said smiling.

Butch turned to her and looked at her. Everyone was shocked because Butch Moretti never looked at a girl or a guy. He just always glared.

"I do what I want Kitty." He chuckled and looked away.

"But c-could y-you p-please j-just take it off?'' She begged, giving him the sad eyes.

Sadly the look didn't work.

"Dude just take the hood off.'' Bruce demanded.

Butch sighed and took it off, then everyone gasped. He had a large bruise on his cheek.

"Take a fucking god damn picture, it'll last longer." He snapped.

''W-what h-happened?" Buttercup asked, reaching to touch his face.

"Ok guys who's ready for the plane ride!?'' Mrs. Hibiki cheered, walking in with 5 suit cases, then she stopped and looked at Butch. "Only one bag?"

"Oh fuck you too." Butch mumbled.

"Let's just get on the plane, shall we?'' She smiled as everyone went to the gate.

They had a privet jet, which was awesome.

"Woah!" They said.

"Bet Mr. Poor guy over there, has never even been on a plane." Bruce mocked, and sat down in a seat.

"Bruce don't start," Blossom begged.

''Yeah your right I haven't, and I bet you've never even as many girlfriends as you claim." Butch snapped.

"Ohhhhh!" Brick and Boomer yelled.

"Oh yeah, at least I can afford food." Bruce fired, and brought out a stack of cash.

"I can afford food! At least I don't take things for granted!'' Butch fired back, turning red.

Everything was quiet after that, Bruce looked pissed.

"I don't take things for granted, I loved every-girl I've ever been with." Bruce said trying to say calmly.

"Hah, what about Vanessa? How about after a two day relationship of you bossing her around, yelling at her and even hitting her she finally got her breaking point and hit you. Yeah sounds like love when the man is the leader while the girl is a follower." Butch snapped.

"At least I've had girlfriends, and I at least I don't steal from stores. Yeah I've seen you running out of Best Buy with a black Ipod and a pair of green beats. Like the ones you have now." Bruce was smirking.

Everyone looked at Butch. He was shaking and Buttercup saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Y-you have f-family. I-I don't, I have a family that doesn't care, never calls me to see where I'm at or never EVER even says 'I love you' to me." He said, looking down. "And the only reason I don't have a girlfriend is because I don't know what love feels like, or to feel loved."

Buttercup started crying.

"T-that's awful." She cried.

"A-and d-don't you dare pity me because of this.'' Butch said, sitting at a table.

"Bruce, you went way too far." Boomer snapped.

"Yeah, Bruce. Some people have it different, like Butch." Blossom snarled and sat in a chair.

Then everyone sat down in different spots. Boomer and Buttercup went to watch T.V.

"D-do you w-want to watch s-something?'' She asked, holding the remote out to him.

"It's ok, put what you want on. I'll watch anything." Boomer smiled and pushed it away gently.

Buttercup smiled and turned on the channel that had Anime.

"Yay! One piece is on!" She cheered, stars in her eyes.

Everyone looked at the shy girl, shocked.

"What?'' She asked. "Did I do something wrong?''

"No, it's just you were so shy a minute ago and now your loud and cheery." Brick commented.

"Oh, well I just love anime." She shrugged.

Soon everyone started watching well except Butch.

"Hey Butch, do you like anime?'' Bell asked, facing him.

"No.'' He replied, then looked back down at his Ipod.

''He doesn't like anything.'' Bruce shook his head.

"Oh kids! We have landed! Grab your shit and get out!" Mrs. Hibiki cheered, grabbing her bag.

After everyone got off the plane and got their bags, they got into a bus and it drove them to a nice beach house near their new school. Once they got inside, they were amazed.

"Woah!" They said.

"I've been in a beach house before, I even have my own. It's all to myself too." Bragged Bruce.

Butch rolled his eyes.

"There is a room for everyone here, and you are welcome to anything! Except my Twinkies, touch those and you die." Mrs. Hibiki glared at us.

''I call first dibs." Butch yawned and walked upstairs.

"Asshole." Bruce mumbled.

"I HEARD THAT!" Butch yelled back.

Bruce rolled his eyes and went upstairs to pick his room. After rooms were picked, they all sat down in the living room.

''Guys! I made cake!" Blossom cheered bringing in a chocolate cake with white frosting.

"CAKE!" Buttercup cheered, taking a piece and eating it.

Everyone just stared at her, and watched her scarf it down.

"What?'' She asked, with crumbs on her face.

''Your cute kitty." Butch chuckled, wiping the crumbs off her face.

She blush a deep red.

"Awe look! She's blushing!" Bell cheered.

"Ok guys, I will have to divide you. You all will be performing for the Principle at Boston Music School, so he knows that he made the right choice. So boys in one group, girls in another." Mrs. Hibiki cheered.

The boys went into one room and the girls stayed in another room.

With the boys,




"Why don't we just do 'Nice guys finish last'?'' Butch suggested.

"What?'' Everyone asked.

"Nice guys finish last. It's a good song." He said again.

"I like it." Boomer said.

"Yeah I'm in." Brick agreed.

Bradley nodded.

"What about you Bruce?'' Brick asked.

"Fine." Bruce pouted.

"Alright!" Boomer cheered.

With the girls,




"Why don't we sing 'Like a boy'?'' Buttercup whispered.

"Huh?'' The girls asked.

''Like a boy, by Ciara." She repeated.

"I love it!" Bubbles and Blossom cheered.

"Me too!" Bell agreed.

"Yeah good choice Buttercup." Bunny smiled.

Buttercup smiled back and the girls started practicing.

In the living room,

The 10 kids walked in and were ready to sing.

"You ready kids?'' Asked a fat, bald man on the T.V.

"What's with the old man on the T.V.?" Butch asked, pointing at him.

"I'm your new principle, Dr. Small." The man said, smiling.

"I don't understand. Your fat, but your name is Dr. Small, oh wait." Butch stopped, started laughing.

He was on the floor laughing.

"Dr. Small?!" He laughed harder.

"I-I don't get it.'' Buttercup said.

"You don't need to get it.'' Brick laughed.

Then the others caught on to it and started laughing.

"*cough*excuse me! But I would like to hear you sing.'' Dr. Small snapped.

Then they stopped laughing and the boys started first.


I was just a kid workin' for the man for the first time
He said "listen kid, you'd better hear my advice:
Treat 'em like dirt, they'll stick
forever to the bottom of your shoe"

I said "Mr. Man, that ain't nice
you gotta treat a girl right
Take her out, wine and dine her, always be polite"
"Kid, all good-just do you but soon you'll see
she don't want no goody two shoes"
Buttercup loved his voice. She started falling in love with it even more as he went on.

Boy, you're just a goody two, goody two shoes
You're just a goody two, two shoes!

You got style, you got grace
But kid you try so hard
she just laughs in your face
Yeah you're a nice guy
With the wrong attitude
She want a bad boy
(bad boys, bad boys, all we want is bad boys!)
I treat her bad, she loves me good
And I just hate to have to tell you
Cause you're a nice guy
But that just won't do
She want a bad boy
(bad boys, bad boys, all we want is bad boys!)

Bunny was loving his voice too, and when he danced, she felt like dancing too.

Listen kid, you hear them sirens comin' for me?
But when I get downtown she will already be
postin' bail in her favorite dress
Smilin' at me because I'm no good

Bell was shocked at how good he could sing! She was blushing too.

You can buy her everything she likes
And I'm sure she'll be obliged to let you steal a kiss,
maybe even spend the night
Kid, all good-just know that
She'll be thinking of me even when she's with you

Buttercup kept smiling as he sang.

Boy, you're just a goody two, goody two shoes
You're just a goody two, two shoes!

You got style, you got grace
But kid you try so hard
she just laughs in your face
Yeah you're a nice guy
With the wrong attitude
She want a bad boy
(bad boys, bad boys, all we want is bad boys!)
I treat her bad, she loves me good
And I just hate to have to tell you
Cause you're a nice guy
But that just won't do
She want a bad boy
(bad boys, bad boys, all we want is bad boys!)
Bubbles was blushing up a storm because he kept looking at her as he sang.

Whoa, alright now
Single ladies (yeah)
I'm gonna need your help now
(Tell us what ya want us to do now [x2])
I need help girls
(You're a bad boy)
I say I need help now (help now)
So bad (so bad)
So good (so good)
So bad (bad)
Good (good)
Blossom just rolled her eyes as he kept looking at her. But she loved it anyway.

God damn, you got style, you got grace
Kid you try so hard
she just laughs in your face
Yeah you're a nice guy
With the wrong attitude
She want a bad boy
(bad boys, bad boys, all we want is bad boys!)
I treat her bad, she loves me good
And I just hate to have to tell you
Cause you're a nice guy
But that just won't do
She want a bad boy
(bad boys, bad boys, all we want is bad boys!)

Boy, you're just a goody two, goody two shoes
You're just a goody two, two shoes!

Buttercup was blushing up a storm.

"Well golly gee boys, that was some fine singing y'all did there. I did make the right choice on picking you boys. But you girls still have to prove that your stars." Dr. Small smiled.

"We plan on it sir!" Blossom cheered.

"Alright then start." He replied.

The girls then stepped forward and started singing.


Pull up your pants
(Just Like Em')
Take out the trash
(Just Like Em')
getting ya cash like em'
Fast like em'
Girl you outta act like ya dig
(What I'm talkin' bout')
Security codes on everything
Vibrate so your phone don't ever ring
(Joint Account)
And another one he don't know about

Brick was drooling over Blossom as she danced.


Wish we could switch up the roles
And I could be that...
Tell you I love you
But when you call I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me?...
Like where you be at?
Cause I'm out 4 in the morning
On the corner rolling
Doing my own thing

Boomer was smirking at Bubbles as she danced.


What if I?...
Had a thing on the side?
Made ya cry?
Would the rules change up?...
Or would they still apply?...
If I played you like a toy?...
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy

Butch was suprised that Buttercup could sing. She danced amazingly too.


Can't be getting mad!
What You Mad?
Can't Handle that!
Can't be getting mad!
What you mad?
Can't handle that!

Bruce smirked at she shook her hips from side to side.

Girl go head and be...
(Just Like Em')
Go run the streets
(Just Like Em')
come home late say sleep like em'
Creep like em'
Front with ya friends
Act hard when you're with em' like em'
Keep a straight face when ya tell a lie
Always keep an air-tight alibi
(Keep Him In The Dark)
What he don't know won't break his heart

Bradley was charmed by Bell's singing voice.

(Blossom and Bubbles)
Wish we could switch up the roles
And I could be that...
Tell you I love you
But when you call I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me?...
Like where you be at?
Cause I'm out 4 in the morning
On the corner rolling
Doing my own thing

Brick and Boomer's jaws dropped when the two girls sang.

(Bell and Bunny)
Can't be getting mad!
What You Mad?
Can't Handle that!
Can't be getting mad!
What you mad?
Can't handle that!
Can't be getting mad!
What you mad?
Can't handle that!
Can't be getting mad!
What you mad?
Can't handle that!

If I was always gone
With the sun getting home
(Would Ya Like That?)
Told you I was with my crew
When I knew it wasn't true
(Would Ya Like That?)
If I act like you
Walk A mile off in yo shoes
(Would Ya Like That?)
I'm messing with your head again
Dose of your own medicine

(Bubbles and Blossom)
Can't be getting mad!
What You Mad?
Can't Handle that!
Can't be getting mad!
What you mad?
Can't handle that!
Can't be getting mad!
What you mad?
Can't handle that!
Can't be getting mad!
What you mad?
Can't handle that!


If I played you...
Would yo like that?
Had friends...
Would you like that?
never call?
Would you like that?
Hell naw
You wouldn't like that

What if I made ya cry!
Would they still apply!
What if I...
If I played you like a toy
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy!

Buttercup had hit the final note perfectly, which made Bunny jealous.

"Well now that was some impressive singing there ladies." Dr. Small clapped his fat hands.

"Thank you!" We all said.

"I can't wait to meet y'all on the 13th this month. Well I've got to go, it was nice hearing y'all sing." Then he signed off.

"Damn Kitten, I didn't know you could sing like that." Butch smirked, walking up to Buttercup.

"" Butch put his hand over her stuttering mouth.

"Just take the compliment." He groaned. "Sing like that again and I just might kiss you."

Then he took his hand off her mouth and she was blushing a dark red.

"Anyway, great job guys. You really did great all of you." Mrs. Hibiki smiled and went to her room.

''I wasn't that good," Buttercup looked down.

"Wasn't that good? Kitten that was the best singing I've ever heard, in fact I think you did better than me.'' Butch smiled.

"W-well I-I don't know about that, I just looked at you the whole time. It kinda r-relaxed m-me." Buttercup said flustered.

"You were just looking at Butch and that calmed you down?'' Bruce asked. "You sure you just didn't mistake him as me. I mean look at him, he's not even close to being as sexy as me!"

Bruce then went to Buttercup and wrapped his arms around her waist and started nibbling her neck. It made her feel really awkward.

"Stop! I don't like it, stop!" He didn't stop.

"Bruce let go of her!" Brick ordered.

"NO!" Bruce snapped and started again.

"Bruce, get off of her now. She doesn't like you." Butch demanded.

Then Bruce let go, and looked Butch in the face.

"And what? She likes you?'' He asked, laughing. "No girls like yah Butchie boy, just face it."

"I-I like him. I think he's pretty nice and cool." Buttercup stuttered, playing with her fingers.

"Heh sure, you just don't know what you want yet. Give me a call when you want me." Bruce said, walking to his room.

"Well this is awkward.'' Bradley sang.

"I'm going to bed, see yah!" Boomer walked out of the room and Bubbles followed.

''Yeah, I think we might want to turn in." Blossom yawned.

"Yeah." Brick said.

The two then went to their rooms and left Bradley, Bell, Butch and Buttercup in the living room.

"I'm leaving, bye. Come on Bell.'' Bradley cheered and dragged Bell away.

It was quiet. Butch was sitting on the couch on his Ipod. Buttercup went to get pajamas on. When she came back, Butch was gone. His Ipod was still on the couch and so were his head phones. His music was playing and his Ipod was on. She went over and picked it up and turned the music off. When she turned around, she was face to face with Butch.

"What are you doing?'' He asked, getting closer.

''Y-your m-music was on s-so I-I turned i-it o-off." Buttercup explained, leaning back.

"Oh, well you didn't have too." He leaned closer. "Your eyes are really green."

"T-thanks." She replied, leaning back.

"So question, did you really mean what you said back there.'' He asked.

She looked into his dark green eyes and got lost. They were filled with so much hate, sadness and pain.

"Y-yeah o-of c-course." She stuttered.

He leaned back and sat on the couch.

"Ok, by the way, nice pajamas." He smirked.

She was wearing footsie pajamas that had cats on them.

"I always known you like cats, now I have proof Kitty." He smiled and small smile.

She blushed at his words. Then she looked at the clock, 10:34pm.

"Wow it's late." She said, sitting next to Butch.

"Yeah. You know, I don't get you." He snapped.

This scared Buttercup, she jumped back.

"W-why?'' She asked.

"One minute your all shy and scared, then next your acting fucking all sexy. Then you act excited for no reason." He snarled. "It's like you have multiple personalities!"

"W-well...I...uh..." She stuttered, playing with her fingers.

"I like that." He finished, looking away from the shy girl.

"W-what?'' She asked.

"Your different, that's why I like you. Your not like other girls, and I like it." Butch smirked. ''Well see you tomorrow Kitten Smitten."

And with that he was gone.

"Kitten Smitten?'' Buttercup whispered. "That's new. And he likes me? Woah."