Author's note (AN): This story is a collab written by SilverStreaksOfStardust (if it works,you should see a link to her profile: u/7257867/) and me, HashtagMC. I'll be writing Nico's POV while she is writing Will's. We probably won't update very often, most likely like once a week or longer. Enjoy reading, and give us some feedback, please! — SilverStreaksOfStardust and HashtagMC

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, as well as Heroes of Olympus, are the intellectual property of Rick Riordan.


To say that I was confused would be the understatement of the year.

I wasn't even half listening while Will Solace led me to my room. The infirmary was located in the basement of the Big House, and he was continuously babbling about some medical nonsense that bored me to death. It wasn't until he had shoved some bed sheets into my hands, told me to make the bed by myself like a grown-up teenager, and left that I realized what that meant: I would have to spend three days in here. I could imagine plenty of more useful ways to spend three days then to lay in a hospital bed and endure lectures about healthy nutrition and the dangers of shadow-traveling, delivered by a blonde, good-looking son of Apollo — wait, what?

Where did that last thought come from? Of course, I couldn't deny that Will Solace did indeed look good, but that didn't mean that I had to think about that. After all, there were plenty of good-looking boys at camp, but never before I had caught myself checking anybody but Percy out, and the days of crushing on Percy were gone, once and forever. The days of crushing on straight guys in general were gone, and Will Solace was probably as straight as could be. So, handsome or not, I wouldn't allow myself to develop feelings for him. No way.

I forced myself to turn my attention to other things, but while I put the clean sheets on the bed, my mind wandered off again. I didn't even notice that Will had come back until he cleared his throat behind me. In an instant, I spun around and unsheathed my sword, and before one of us could say a word, he found himself pressed against a wall with a sword at his throat. When I realized who it was, I lowered my weapon, but this incident showed me quite clearly that it would take time to bring my instincts under control. My mind was still in battle-mode, and I shivered at the thought of accidentally killing anyone who scared me. I didn't want to end up like Reyna's father, as a paranoid mania.

The concern was probably clearly writ in my face, because Will gave me a weird look and asked if something was wrong. Automatically, I denied and gave him my best death glare, without even thinking about it, and without a word, Will left. The habit of not allowing anybody close to me had become a part of me over the years. Whenever somebody came to close, I either scared them off, or ran away. Jason's words echoed on my head. You can't hide in the shadows forever the son of Jupiter had said, and part of me knew that he was right. But I didn't know what else to do. I had never learned how to be a people person.

Jason. I had still trouble accepting it, but he had made it clear more than once that he wanted to be my friend, and I had seen nothing but sincerity in his eyes. Unlike I had expected, he hadn't freaked out when he learned about my former crush on Percy. He had assured me that nobody would judge me for that, but I couldn't believe it. My whole childhood, I had been told that boys liking boys was wrong, and since I had realized that I did exactly that, I had felt wrong. Theoretically I knew that things had changed, but the idea of telling anybody still scared the Hades out of me.

And suddenly, I felt a desperate need to talk with someone. Anybody, no matter who. I need to get this load off my chest. But nobody was there. I was alone in my room. The shadows came closer, as if they felt my inner turmoil. I had never been afraid of the shadows, but now I was. I hadn't even noticed that I was crying, but the tears ran down my face as I hid beneath the bed covers, something I hadn't done since my tenth birthday.

And then I realized that there was no shadow-ier place than underneath the blankets, in complete darkness. The shadows surrounded me, and without a second thought, I shadow-travelled away. I didn't care where, just away, out of this room. I saw Jason's face in my head, assuring me that he would be there for me, and subconsciously, I took control over the shadows and materialized in front of Cabin One. Jason would listen. He had promised he would.

And while I, being a crying and sobbing picture of misery on the front porch of the Zeus cabin, waited for Jason to open the door, I wondered what Will would think if he came back and found my room empty.


I led Nico into the infirmary, passing by rooms while explaining what his schedule will be. "You have to spend three days, as long as I see you're all healthy, fit, and can do a backflip." Nico nodded his head absentmindedly. "I was just kidding about the last one. So right now, I have to check your pulse then do an examination on your wounds - deadly bleeds, broken bones, that kind of stuff. You may be cooped-up in the infirmary for a longer period, depending on level of injuries. I suggest you mostly rest, eat, and soon exercise once you heal."

Austin, my cabin sibling, passed by me, handing my clipboard. He waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively, and I mentally groaned. Nico didn't notice, however, his thoughtful expression plastered across his face.

"Thank you, Austin. Don't you have your own patients?" I asked pointedly.

"Nah, I always do the mornings. But thanks for being considerate." Austin waved goodbye, heading in the other direction.

Nico was now organizing his bed, and I walked right behind him and cleared my throat. Before I could say anything, he spun around in graceful movements with a sword pulled out at my throat. The wall supported my back, because I probably would've fallen.

The Italian lowered his sword, blinking, as if startled of what just happened. Confusion and wariness spread across his face.

"Is ... something wrong?" I asked.

"No," he quickly replied. He gave a glare, and I studied it. Even though he tried to express annoyance, I could identify pain and fear.

I just want to be your friend, I tried to say, but the words couldn't come out.


After a minute of silence, I went to get my medical supplies, figuring that Nico needed a moment to rest, and get comfortable in the prospect that he had to stay at least three days in a new place. I was slightly concerned to leave the son of Hades alone - even though he masked his emotions, I could see underneath that he hurt.

In the infirmary, Austin, Kayla, and I had our own cubby-holes for the supplies. They each were labelled, and contained the same things: a kit, gloves, doctor's jacket, and flashlight. It may have been easier to store supplies near the hospital beds, yet this way we could tell if anything was missing or other countless situations such as patient suicide - which once happened with a doctor's stethoscope. Those moments left me horrified how people could end their lives quickly - I will do anything to help people be and stay alive. Although I knew Nico wouldn't do something like that, worry laced inside my chest.

I honestly would have never imagined this moment of Nico in the infirmary - on my watch. I wondered if the Fates were doing this joke on me, since, after all, I have a crush on the son of Hades. Cecil and Lou Ellen (my best friends who seem to enjoy teasing me relentlessly) were the only people who knew of my infatuation.

Somehow, I could feel a sort of connection to him. I think he finally realized that I was here, not just a face fading in the background. And whatever goals I have, it will always have Nico di Angelo on my list...

I first saw Nico in Camp Half-Blood, back then as a cheerful and smiling kid. And he looked absolutely beautiful, with his olive skin, and big brown eyes. Although now his skin turned pale, and his eyes were mixed with more emotions - from what he's endured through, and seen - that made it even more endearing to me.

Thoughts clouded over my mind, realizing the fact that Nico was waiting for me. I grabbed my things, walking back to where I just left him.

"Sorry I was -" I began, but saw no brooding teenager in sight "- late," I finished lamely. Gods, what was I going to do with the Italian? I shook my head. He must have shadow-travelled against my 'Doctor's orders'.

"I thought that line was quite effective!" I protested out loud. I needed to find him quick, before something happens. Leaving my bag on the floor, I rushed outside of the infirmary. "I swear, Death Boy, you will be the death of me," I muttered under my breath, searching furtively.