A/N: This story takes place after chapter 700. Sasuke is travelling around the world but keeps visiting Konoha now and then.

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto.

The gates of Konoha came into view, looming tall and and mighty, a testament to the powerful village that lay beyond them.

For now though, the village still basked in lazy slumber, letting the first rays of dawn slowly warm the rooftops.

Despite the silence of the early morning, the guards didn't sense the figure approaching until it was only a few steps away. At once their muscles coiled, ready to spring into action, until recognition washed over them and their shoulders sagged. Stepping aside, they let the stranger continue down his path. There was no need for identification. Those eyes were unmistakable.

Unflinching, Uchiha Sasuke walked into Konoha.


The sun rose higher and Konoha sprang to life. Children raced across streets laced with hawkers crying for the attention of the people passing by. The Hokage Tower, residing further away from the bustling heart of the city, seemed quieter in comparison, but only on the outside.

Inside shinobi darted across the corridors carrying paperwork and shouting orders, overenthusiastic genin teams waited for audience with the hokage so they could receive their missions, chuunins and jounins lined the hallways waiting to file their mission report.

The doors to the tower swung open and a vision of black made its way across the hardwood floors. Hushed whispers broke out among the seated shinobi as their eyes followed his path to the door of the hokage's chamber. Without so much as a knock, he opened the door and stepped inside.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help but- oh, hey bastard! There you are! I've been expecting you" Naruto stopped mid-sentence to address the new presence in the room. "What took you so long? The guards reported your arrival hours ago."

"Hn. I had to make a few stops on the way." Without clarifying any further, Sasuke turned to look at the other figure in the room.

"Hey Sasuke-kun. How was Ame?" Sakura inquired.

"Wet." he deadpanned and Sakura let out a giggle. It didn't escape Sasuke's notice that fatigue seemed to weigh down on every inch of her body, adding more years to her nineteen year old face. Nor did he fail to grasp how her braided hair was longer than the last time he saw it, reaching down to her shoulder blades.

But Uchiha Sasuke is not a man of many words and he refrained from voicing his observations. Instead he turned his attention back to the Hokage. "Dobe"

"Just a minute, Sasuke. Let me finish up with Sakura first." The blonde wonder looked towards his female teammate. "Sakura-chan, you know how much I love you and if I could, I'd do everything in my power to help you, but I just don't have the funds right now."

"Dammit Naruto, the hospital needs money! We're understaffed and our equipment is outdated. What's more important than the hospital?" Sakura gritted out.

"I get that Sakura-chan" Naruto sighed "But as part of the peace treaty, Konoha is helping other villages that haven't recovered from the war to get back on their feet. With all the money going into rebuilding them, there isn't much left for the hospital right now."

Sakura's brows furrowed. "Fine. But as soon as money comes your way, you're diverting some to the hospital. I understand treaties with other villages are important, but don't forget Konoha comes first."

"You got it, Sakura-chan!" Naruto grinned as bright as the sun.

Smiling, Sakura shook her head. She had walked into the hokage's office determined to secure funds for the hospital, but every time she saw Naruto's weary face, she felt guilty about adding to his burdens.

Pivoting on her foot, she turned towards the door. "Matane, Naruto" she stuck her hand out in a half hearted wave. "Welcome back, Sasuke-kun".


A/N: Hello! This is my first attempt at fanfiction, and I'm really excited about this new venture! I know this chapter is kinda short but I'll try to make the subsequent chapters a little longer. Like I said, I'm only starting out so I'm not very familiar with the ropes. If there are any formatting errors, please let me know what they are and how to fix them. Thank you for reading, reviews would be lovely!