Disclaimer: I only own the OC's I made as a Team! All other characters belong to either Nakaba Suzuki (Seven Deadly Sins) or Rooster Teeth (RWBY Characters and Main Plot)! Any attempts to say I own either will result in immediate denial as I respect both Monty Oum (Bless his soul) and Nakaba Suzuki for their wonderful and colorful worlds as well as their ideas. I will sick my Vampire Kirby with a Baseball Bat on you if don't listen to this warning! (v-w-)!
From the shadows of an alleyway stepped a pale white man with slanted green eyes and shoulder length orange ginger hair with bangs covering his right eye while smoking a cigar. He is dressed with a bowler hat with a red band and small feather on the left side, a grey scarf around his neck, a white suit with black long sleeved pants as well as black gloves and shoes and carries a walking cane. He leads a bunch of men in black clothing with red shaded glasses into a store with the name of Dust till Dawn.
At the store counter stood a old balding man and upon standing before him, the leader spoke as he casually flicked ashes from his cigar to the counter "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust Shop open this late?" with a thug pulling a gun and aiming it at the old shopkeeper who raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Please! Just take my Lien and leave!" the shopkeeper pleaded. The leader then begins to make shushing sounds to calm the old shopkeeper and said "Calm down, we're not here for your money." then turns to the Henchmen with him and ordered "Grab the Dust".
A henchman with a goatee then places a large brief case on the counter and opens it while the other henchmen took canisters to fill with Dust, giving orders to the old shopkeeper to fill the case with crystals. As the shopkeeper did as he was told, another Henchman is going to fill his canister with Dust but hears loud music to his left.
Upon turning to see what is causing it, sees two girls standing near a magazine book case with both wearing the same type of clothing consisting of a long sleeved blouse, short skirt with stockings, and combat boots as well as hooded capes. The only difference between them was their secondary colors as one had red and the other had purple, as well as a Boom Box near the purple colored girl.
The henchman draws his sword and points towards the girls demanding "Alright Kids, put your hands where I can see'em". However, the girls seem to ignore him, frustrating the man thinking they are not taking him seriously but still trying to be polite demands again "Hey! I said hands in the air!" and when ignored again, walks over to them saying "You kids got death wishes or something?" as he grabs the purple haired girl's shoulder which prompts both to turn towards him with a confused "Huh?".
The Henchmen notices that they even look the same with pale white complexions and silver eyes. The only difference is the red hooded girls hair is black with red in it and covers the right side of her face more and the other girl's hair is dark purple and covers the left side of her face more, and also notices they are both wearing Headphones. He then points his free hand towards his head at the ear region.
Both girls then take their headphones from their ears as the red caped girl says innocently "Yes?". The man then repeats his demand, with a bit of anger "I said, put your hands in the air! NOW!" which both girls narrow their eyes at him with the purple caped girl asking "Are you robbing us?". The man, entirely upset that he has to clarify this for them yells "YES!" and then both girls look to each other briefly before turning their attention back to him and smirking with the red caped girl saying casually "Ohhhh..." and the purple girl making a weird laugh that sounds like 'Ni-Shi-Shi'.
At the front of the store, the leader is looking over a red crystal as the man yells "HEY!" and gets sent flying to the front. The leader looks over to another henchman and nods his head over to go deal with who ever is back there. As the henchman runs to where the caped girls are, and points his gun towards the purple caped girl who looks like she threw the previous man, yells "FREEZE!" but gets knocked outside of the store through the window by both girls, with the song This Will Be The Day playing on the purple caped girls Boom Box.
The Leader and his goons look out through the broken window to see both girls slowly standing with the red one unfolding a red scythe on her shoulder and the purple unsheathing a broken blade as well as placing her boom box on the ground. Both smirk back to the criminals still in the store staring at them through the broken window and then the red caped girl spins her scythe, looking like she is warming up while purple caped girl performs some dancing moves that are in sync with the boom box's beat, after which the red caped girl clicks her headphones to pause her music, though still continues to play on the purple caped girls boom box.
The leader after observing the girls do this, says "Okay" then notices that his hired goons are not moving and orders them to get the girls then sighed at their lack of initiative. As the Henchmen charged the girls from the store's entrance, the red caped scythe wielder sent one of the men flying after kicking him in the face, while the dancing purple caped girl just kicked one man into the air while punching another into the previous one as he fell, knocking both out at the same time.
The last henchman decided to use his tommy gun in hopes that bullets would take them down, though the red caped girl just pulled a trigger on her scythe, allowing her to jump out of the way and then back towards him with her speed, with him firing upon her previous locations. She then knocked him into the air with the blunt end of her scythe and used it to spin herself to kick the man to the feet of their employer, who simply looked down at them and sarcastically remarked "You were worth every cent. Truly you were.".
He then turns his attention to the caped girls saying "Well Red and Pinkie" which the purple caped girl grows an angry tic mark while asking in a sickeningly sweet voice "What did you just call me?" and the leader then resumes his speech "I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around." then lifts his cane towards them as if it were a gun with the very end of it opening with a targeting scope "I'm afraid this is were we part ways." and fires a Explosive Dust Round towards them, with the red caped girl grabbing the purple caped girl while firing her scythe toward the ground as she jumps to dodge the projectile.
Upon landing, the red caped girl notices the leader is gone and begins to wonder how he got away till the purple caped girl pulled on her sleeve and pointed to a ladder that he is proceeding to climb. "Can we go kick his butt, Ruby? I don't like that he called me Pinkie" the purple caped girl asked with annoyance to the red caped girl she called Ruby.
"That depends, cousin" Ruby states to her relative before turning to the shopkeeper who is at the doorway and asks "You okay if we go after him?" at which the shopkeeper nods and says "Uh-huh.". Ruby then turns to her cousin grinning and says happily "Then yeah, let's go kick his butt Amythest! Ni-Shi-Shi".
When the leader of the criminals got to the roof and began to run towards the other end, the girls jumped over the edge with Ruby firing her Scythe to get there with Amythest holding onto her with her Boom Box and, upon setting it down, yells to the fleeing criminal "Hey, Pinhead!" to which the man stops and mutters "Persistent" as a large metal vehicle that looks to be a combination of a helicopter and a jet appears from the alleyway he was heading towards and shines a spotlight towards the girls who have to raise a arm each to keep it from blinding them.
The leader then climbs a ladder then turns back to the girls and yells "End of the line Pink Sisters!" and throws the red Dust crystal towards them while they both yell in annoyance "Hey!" at his comment, and then fires another round at the crystal at their feet causing a large explosion. The man laughs as he believes he has just eliminated two future problems at once before noticing as the dust clouds settling that there are three people now and confuses him for a bit.
Both girls look up to notice a pale white woman with blonde hair tied into a bun with a long braided strand hanging from the right side of her face, as well as wearing thin ovular glasses over her bright green eyes. She is dressed in a long puffy sleeved white shirt that exposes part of her chest with her sleeves tightening to the wrists before puffing out as frills, a black business skirt that buttons down vertically, with brownish black stockings going down her legs, as well as black boots with brown heels. She also has a tattered cape on her back that is purple inside and black outside but also has a row of brown diamond like beads on the back with what appears to be a tiara above them, as well as teal earrings similar to the ones around her neck, and is using a riding crop as a weapon to channel magic.
She then adjusts her glasses with her right hand's index and middle fingers then sends forth purple magical like arrows towards the jet copter, making it lose it's control to hover there, which the man runs to the cockpit. Amythest then notices it has two people there and the leader mouths to them in a panic 'We got a Huntress!' to which both figures get up suddenly and head to the bay of the jet copter with the criminal taking over to pilot it, while the blonde woman summons a storm above the bullhead, and rains frozen ice shards on to it with one barely missing the bowler hat man's head.
In the bay, there now stands two people, a man and a woman but only the lower half of their bodies showed, with the woman whose skin was pale white wearing a short red dress with yellow embroidery which glowed eerily as well as dark glass high heeled shoes and what seemed to be a jeweled anklet, while the man appeared to wear blackened metal grieves like what a knight wears but his eyes seemed to glow with a baleful white light, and the girls noticed the woman who saved them narrow her eyes upon their appearance.
The woman in the Bullhead then made some elaborate arm gestures and sent forth a fireball at them but was blocked by the blonde woman with them by summoning a magical shield but later noticed that the woman on the bullhead lifted her hand up, which caused the fire to rise from the ground but thankfully the blonde woman dodged.
She then magically pieced the debris together to create a large lance and sent it towards the bullhead, while the woman there sent multiple balls of fire to destroy it but the blonde would just re-piece together. The bowler man saw the large lance and deflected it with the bullhead's upper metal plates but again the blonde woman began to reform the lance once more.
Noticing this, the shadow clad armored man then lifted his hand and waved it, causing the rest of the debris to shatter, then sent forth his own version of a magical arrow but were black as night in color and was a single large arrow. Amythest then jumped forward and swiped the broken blade, with the sounds of metal clinking together and said calmly "Full Counter", and redirected the magical arrow back towards him, but nothing happened to the man.
Ruby deciding that she wanted to help, and shifted her scythe into a rifle form and began to fire away but her bullets were deflected by the man holding his palm up in their path. The woman then swung her outstretched left arm to the right, and both Amythest and the blonde woman noticed the glowing magic below them, and dodged with Amythest tackling Ruby out of the way.
Upon all three getting up, they saw the jet copter had closed it's cargo door and fly off. "You're a huntress?" one of the girls asked the blonde woman, who turned her head to regard them and saw they had excited looks on their faces, with Ruby asking excitedly "Can we have your autograph?!"
One hour later, now in a dark room with a lamp hanging from the ceiling with a table and three chairs, two of which are occupied by the girls on the same side with expressions of regret on their faces, and the same blonde woman but now furious, pacing behind them in annoyance. She then proceeds to scold them, saying "I hope you both realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young ladies. You put yourselves and others in great danger." to which Ruby raises her head and states defensively "They started it!" to which Amythest nervously says while sweat dropping "Uh, Ruby? That doesn't help us and makes you sound like a kid." to which Ruby puffs her cheeks while crossing her arms making her look even more adorable, though unintentionally.
The blonde huntress then continues "If it were up to me, you both would be sent home, with a pat on the back" and briefly pauses to which both girls look at her with both joy and hope, then snaps her head towards them while stating "and a slap on the wrist!" and whacks the table in front of them with her riding crop, with both jumping back and hugging each other in surprised fright.
The woman then says "But" then sighs before she continues "There is someone who would like to meet you both." and steps to the side so a middle aged man with thin brown eyes and grey tussled hair as well as sharp facial features could enter. He was dressed in an unzipped black suit over a buttoned vest and green undershirt, long, dark green pants; and black trouser shoes. He also has around his neck a green scarf with a small purple cross shaped emblem on it and shaded glass spectacles. He was also was carrying a mug of coffee in his left hand while in his right is a plate of chocolate chip cookies and under his arm a cane.
As he approached the girls, he calmly said "Ruby and Amythest Rose." He pauses as he bends over the table to look at them before continuing "You both" before getting closer, which makes the girls a bit nervous as he stared at them. Then unexpectedly said "have silver eyes." to which both girls looked to each other and then the man again, with confused expressions.
He then changed the topic with a question asking "So where did you learn to do this?" as the blonde huntress showed a recording of them fighting with the thugs in front of the shop and what Amythest did on the roof. Ruby then stuttered out "S-Signal Academy" before Amythest hastily added "As well as our family." to which the man asked with interest "They taught you *While looking at Ruby* to use one of the most dangerous weapons designed and a technique *Looking to Amythest now* that only a select few know how to do?".
Ruby clarified with "Well one teacher in particular." and Amythest adding "and Ruby can do what I did as well." which peaked the strange man's curiosity. "I see." he states before placing the plate of fifteen cookies in front of them, which the girls look to each other, then him, then each hesitantly take a cookie each and quickly eat before noticing that he does not seem to mind as he is just observing, then start to shovel the cookies in until there is only one left to which Ruby and Amythest start to fight over it with a wimpy fight, which is solved when Ozpin breaks the cookie in half.
"It's just that I have only seen one other scythe wielder of that skill before and met one man capable of the technique." he then looks to the side upwards as he reminisces "A dusty old crow and a little blonde barkeeper." to which the Ruby replied with a mouth still full "Mmm! Thash Amyz dad and my unkhul azh well az ouwh gwandpawh!" and Amythest nodding her head in agreement, to which the man raises a eyebrow to emphasize he did not understand.
They both then swallow, and apologize, then Amy repeat's what Ruby said "That's my dad and Ruby's uncle, Qrow; as well as our grandfather on our mom's side! We spent our time a lot with our grandparents and their friends." to which Ruby adds "Uncle Qrow is a teacher at Signal, and I was so fascinated with a scythe that he took me under his wing. Now we are all like Wohoooo Cha! Hoowaa!" to which she makes martial arts moves with her hands.
"So I noticed" the man says as he sits down then continues with "and what are a pair of adorable girls such as yourselves doing at a school to train warriors?" to which the girls respond with the same answer "Well, we want to be either Huntresses or Holy Knights." at which the man raises a eyebrow then questioningly asks "You want to slay monsters?".
Amy and Ruby both nod their heads and switch between the two of them as they explain with Amy starting "Yeah we only have two more years of training, and then we're going to send applications to both Beacon and Camelot." "See my sister and some close friends of ours are starting at Beacon this year as hunters and some of our other older friends are becoming Holy Knights at Camelot." "We are trying to become either one because our parents were either Hunters or Holy Knights and our parents taught us to help people and we thought 'Might as well make a career out of it'." then Ruby adds with excitement "I mean the police and military are alright but Hunters and Holy Knights are so much more romantic and exciting and cool and you know?!" she squeals near the end in glee as she looks at the older man and woman who have deadpan expressions. Amy then whispers "I think you overdid it cousin." to Ruby.
The man then then asks them "Do you know who I am?" to which Amy sarcastically jokes by saying "The Almighty Powerful Wizard?" but Ruby answers seriously and politely "You're Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy." to which the man chuckles and says "Hello".
"Nice to meet you." both girls say with a polite nod to which he asks them with both curiosity and seriousness "You want to come to my School?" with both girls giving the same answer of "As much as Camelot.". Ozpin the glances to the woman standing near the door to which she huffs in annoyance, and turns back to them saying "Well, Okay." The girls look to each other with growing smiles of pure joy.
Later the next day in the afternoon on a ship to Beacon, both girls are suddenly embraced in a tight bear hug by a pale girl that is a head taller then them with lilac eyes with a tan vest with puffy cap sleeves and black cuffs, with two small golden buttons on the sides of the cuffs; with gold piping over a yellow low-cut crop top with a black crest that resembles a burning heart, with her midriff showing. On her waist and below is a brown belt with a buckle, a pouch, and a small banner-like object. The same burning heart crest appears on this banner, except golden in color; holding up her black shorts and back skirt, which resembles a pleated skirt in the back.
Over the short shorts but under the belt is a white asymmetrical back skirt. She wears brown knee-high platform boots that appear to be made of leather, with orange socks of different lengths. On her left leg also appears gray bandanna-like object wrapped around the top of her boot. She also wears finger-less black gloves under two yellow mechanized gauntlets with a black design and wrapped around her neck is a orange infinity scarf. What is most striking about her is her hair which is golden yellow in color and reaches nearly the floor and looks unkempt like with a cow lick upon her head.
"Oh I can't believe my baby sister and cousin are going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever" the blonde girl exclaimed excitedly, with Ruby groaning "Please, stop, Yang." and Amy's face in Yang's cleavage and flailing about to breath. The girl then releases both while bouncing excitedly saying "But I'm so proud of you both!" to which two tall people, a boy and a girl, walk over to them.
They both stand at seven feet and nine inches (Just above 2.36 meters to those who use the metric system) with the woman having bright brown hair tied into two pony tails with one on each side of her head, purple eyes, and dark brown skin. She is wearing a orange jumpsuit that reveals a ample amount of cleavage and a pair of pink boots with fairy like wings on them at the heels. On her back is also a large machine gun with a hammer head where you would attach a bayonet and a axe head to counter balance it on the opposite side.
At her side is a boy with a grey hooded cloak with long sleeves surrounding him, his hands covered in shiny steel metal gauntlets as well as a red mask that has wolf's face with yellow elaborate lines carved into it. Upon closer inspection, people would notice that the boy is not blind, even though his eyes are pure white. "What about us, Yang?" the tall girl said with mock offense then teased her with "Is it because you don't like me? I'm hurt!" to which girl known as Yang retorted with "No your not because you can take a boulder and keep on 'rolling', Runea. Eh?" to which Amy, Ruby, and the masked boy groaned while the other girl, now identified as Runea laughs at the horrible pun her friend made.
The masked boy then makes animal like growling noises and snarls, to which some invited Faunas teens look at him like he is insulting them but hear Yang and Runea reply with deadpanned expressions "We don't understand you Glyff. Ruby or Amythest can you translate for him?" to which the girls reply yes with cheerful expressions and jump onto Glyff's arms hugging them as he lifts his arms, and after which Amy translates with "Unless you plan to annoy the Demons and Grimm with bad jokes to kill them, you both are gonna end up in a world of hurt." and Ruby replies to Yang's statement of her pride in both hers and Amy's abilities with "Really, sis, it was nothing.".
Runea then states "What do you mean nothing! It was incredible. Everyone is going to think you both are the Bee's Knees!" and Yang responds to Glyff's response with a cheerful grin "Well I better pun-ish them properly then." to which both Ruby and Amy groan yet again and Glyff growls a bit at which both Runea and Yang begin to laugh full heartedly.
Both girls then jump down from Glyff and Amy then states defensively "We don't want to be the bee's knees! We don't want to be any kind of knees!" with Runea and Yang smirking at them after finishing their laughing fit at Yang's terrible joke, with Ruby adding "We just want to be normal girls with normal knees." at which Runea points out that normalcy is boring with the girls giving her a glare saying to be silent, to which she asks "What has you both so agitated so much? Aren't you girls excited?".
Ruby and Amy sigh in exasperation and try to explain "Of course we are excited! We just- " and groan in exasperation again as they try find the words to describe it to which Glyff begins with another series of growls and hisses to which the girls smile to him saying thanks but just confuses Yang and Runea, at which Ruby translates what he said "He said 'They got moved ahead by two years, so they don't want people to think they are special or anything. Imagine yourselves in their shoes, you foolish punsters.' and quite frankly that is how me and Amy feel." and with that it made Runea shut her mouth about it but Yang walks over to the caped girls and wraps a arm around each of them and encourages them by saying "But you both are special!" to which Runea tries to suppress her laughter, though is doing a poor job of it.
Just then something a male news reporter was saying caught the group's attention, as well as showing a mug shot of the man Ruby and Amythest met "The robbery was led by notorious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa!" to which the news switches to a woman with yellow eyes and silver hair who is known as Lisa Lavender.
"Thank you, Cyril. In other news this Saturday's Faunas Civil Rights protest" Lisa began as a picture of a group of Faunas held signs of varying statements towards the cameras, then shifts to a picture of the new banner of the White Fang as she continues "turned dark, when members of The White Fang disrupted the ceremony." at which a boy with Hyena like features began to laugh hysterically while saying "What a bunch of dumb morons!" and fell on the floor as a result.
"The once peaceful organization has now disrupted-" Lisa is continuing before being cut off and replaced with a hologram of the blonde woman Ruby and Amy had met yesterday night. "Hello and Welcome to Beacon." she began at which the hyena boy then says "Hey momma!" while smiling but not laughing. Yang then asks "Who's that?" as Runea begins to count down from three. Upon reaching zero, the hologram said "My name is Glynda Goodwitch." at which Yang said "Oh!" before realizing what Runea pulled and then shouted in offense "HEY!".
The Glynda Hologram continued "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." and vanishes just as she finished. The hyena boy then says "Bye Momma!" at which the blonde boy next to him says "You do realize that was a hologram right?".
Suddenly everyone noticed that the sky ship had taken off and were flying in the sky towards Beacon, at which Ruby and Amy stare out the window in amazement and wonder. Ruby then shouts excitedly "Look! You can see Signal from up here!" at which Amy responds "I guess home isn't too far after all." while Yang approached from behind and commented reassuringly "Beacon's our home now." The group then hear the sounds of a boy getting sick and turn to see the same blonde who questioned the hyena boy, being helped along to find the nearest bathroom for him to vomit freely, with the hyena boy laughing at his friend's misery.
Yang then says nonchalantly "Well, I guess the view isn't for everyone." at which Runea responds saying "It was a nice moment while it lasted." and then Glyff lets off a string of growls, to which Amy answers with a smile "I just hope their better then vomit boy or the Hyena faunas with him." at which the group nod their heads in agreement before Ruby yells out in disgust "Yang! Gross, you have puke on your shoe!" which Yang repeatedly begins to say in disgust "Gross" while trying to get it off while chasing Ruby by accident who is yelling at her sister to get away from her. The others just stare on with sweat drop expressions to this chase, except Runea who is on her ass laughing at her friend's misery.
Author's Note: Big shout outs to those who left reviews (I know they were not paragraphed but I thought I fixed that when I first posted it, so apologies for that) and to my baby sister's friend, FangirlLife101 for taking time to read and give feedback before I submitted it here. Send reviews to help me improve wherever. If you have character ideas, PM to chat with me about it! Next Chapter will include information on how Brettania is involved in Remenant. Should be up on either the 21st of this month or April 7th (I will guarantee a chapter at least every 7th day of a month). Good night everyone.