First of all, my sincere apology to PiratePrincess16. I haven't forgotten your prompt, but somehow it just doesn't want to go the way I want it to. So for the time being, you have to be content with this little idea.

Secondly, if you, dear readers, are interested, I might develop a full story out of this. So please let me know what you think.

Thirdly, I'm not a native speaker and consequently have no idea about regency English. I beg your forgiveness. ^^

Forthly, this story is unbetaed, since I don't have a beta, so all mistakes are mine.

The story begins right when the movie ends.

It was a beautiful day, a perfect day. As if the heavens celebrated with the happy people. The sun shone warm and the sky was of a brilliant blue. Everyone was laughing. White and pink rose petals danced in the air, but no rice grains. The custom of throwing rice as a symbol of richness and fruitfulness had found its way from Asia along with the art of war and had become an ever present occurrence at every wedding. Yet the fall of Hinghem Bridge had brought many new worries, among them the fear of food shortages. As of now all food was rationed and not to be wasted for weddings. But nobody wanted to think of that. Today was a happy day, a day of celebration, tomorrow they would return to reality and the dangers ahead.

Happily Elizabeth Bennet … no, Elizabeth Darcy had her arms wrapped around her new husbands arm and rested her head on his shoulder while they walked away from the church. Who would have ever thought that she would ever end up here? She certainly hadn't. She had been quite serious when she told Charlotte she would never give up her sword for a ring. Smiling she glanced at her left hand and admired the delicate ring her husband had put there just minutes ago. The right man wouldn't ask her to give up her sword, was what she had told Charlotte and he hadn't. It hadn't even crossed his mind to do so, she knew. After all, he had fallen in love with the warrior first and then the woman. How had she gotten this lucky? Despite everything that had happened she still had ended up here, married to the best of men and unbelievably happy. She just couldn't stop smiling!

And she wasn't alone. Ever since she had accepted his proposal, Darcy had proven incapable of keeping up his usual severe expression for more than several minutes at a time. As often as his thoughts travelled to his beautiful fiancee, now his wife, he could not help but smile. He still could hardly believe it. Until he had made the acquaintance of one Elizabeth Bennet, he had not thought he would ever meet a woman he could love and then, after his disgrace of a first proposal, he had been certain he would die alone. No other woman would ever measure up, could ever make him feel the way she did. But now she was walking by his side. Her warmth, her smell, the pressure of her body against his, her small hand resting on his right arm were very vivid reminders that indeed all his dreams had come true. She was his wife! And for the first time in his life, Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy just could not stop smiling.

Something vibrated beneath his feet, then their was a low sound, like a low echo in the distance. Unsure he stopped. Elizabeth's grip around his arm tightened and told him she had heard it too. Slowly they both looked ahead, past the church gate, over the rich green grass and into the distance. At first they didn't see anything but then, there, far ahead, shadows moved over the meadow. It seemed like an army of ants in the distance. Yet they were no ants. They were far far worse. Dread filled Darcy and Elizabeth and they slowly turned towards each other. They mirrored each others shock and disbelieve. The undead had breached the Royal Channel! They were in Hertfortshire! They both knew what that meant. It was over. The last retreat of humans in Britain had fallen over long or short they would all die or join the forces of the undead. Both turned back to open gate, having to make sure they were not mistaken, blindly hoping they were. Yet they were not. The army of zombies charged towards them under loud war screams. Lead by none other than Wickham, his no missing right arm replaced by a crude instrument, and directly followed by four masked riders.

Instinctively Darcy wrapped his arm around Elizabeth's waist pulling her closer. She hid her face in his chest. Was their first day as husband and wife also supposed to be their last?

"What in God's name is that?!" the incredulous voice of Bingley could be heard.

Elizabeth and Darcy turned back to the gate and … saw nothing. No angry Wickham charging at them, no mysterious masked riders, no zombie army. Only rich green grass as far as the eye could see.

"What …?" he looked back down at her. "Did you just see that?"

She nodded just as confused as he was.

Suddenly a dark shadow glided over their heads and finally they saw what had the rest of the wedding party so entranced.

Several meter of the ground a huge … monstrosity hovered. It was made of wood, it seemed, the shape very strongly reminded of a ship, yet instead of sails there was a huge ovoid balloon.

They couldn't see anyone, but orders were called above their heads and the strange ship was slowly lowered closer to the ground until it hovered just a few feet above it.

Speechless the wedding party looked on when suddenly a tall, wiry figure appeared. A man of maybe thirty jumped onto the side, holding on to one of the thick ropes which seemed to wrap around the huge ballon over his head. A huge grin on his face.

"Isn't she gorgeous, Darce?!" he laughed.

Yes, well that is my little idea for now.

Someone wants to guess who the man could be? ^^

I was thinking a lot about how that whole zombies attacking the church could be solved and I just didn't find a way. If the zombie army including the four riders had already crossed the royal channel in to Hertfortshire, then there is just no way out for human kind, so I made it a vision (yes, it is supposed to be a vision). And since Jane is seen to be shocked as well I needed an explanation what she saw and born was the airship.

To all historybuffs, I am aware that airships were not really functional for at least another 100 years, but we are talking about a zombie world, soo … I just took some creative license. Maybe after the zombies appeared people were more interested in crazy ideas and there was more funding, hence the hundred year gap … or whatever. Just deal with it. xD