"Alright, we have report's at Miskatonic that some sort of queen alien is spawning the other ones. We need to take it out before moving into the University." Lincoln said.

"But we cant just attack head on, we need a strategy. Why not enter from there?" Henry asked pointing to the entrance of the University. "Its seems likely they won't have a strong defense there."

"Going in from the Graveyard entrance seems like a good idea." Percy said. "But we do have reports that some worm aliens are there underground.

"That's what I call Lurker's. They move underground and attack when you get too close." Spike said.

"So we'll split into two groups. Starlight, you go with Henry and Lion to the Graveyard while another group distracts the main force outside." Lincoln siad.

"Can I go with the assault group Mr. Lincoln? Oh, pleaaaase?" Pinke said.

"She hasnt had a mission yet, and we do need a big gun to help. Youre in." John said.

"Yay! I finally get a misson!" Pinke said.

"Good, we all have our assignments, so lets go!" Henry said.

"Yes, sir!" they all said before moving out.

Mission Begin

Starlight landed first and moved quietly.

"Ah, exuse me! May I have a word?" Said a voice as starlight turned to it. Something stood up and it was a scare crow.

"A talking scarecrow?" Starlight said.

"Indeed. This is Scarecrow, S.T.E.A.M's best and brightest." Lincoln said.

"Hey there! Good to see you, straw man!" Lion said.

"And you, Lion. I love what you've done with your mane." Scarecrow said.

"Of course! He's the same one that went with Dorothy and Lion on their Journey to Oz!" Percy said.

"Yes. I am from Oz and got a brain. I now work as a sentry post for the university. But all these aliens arrived and I can't take them on by myself." Scarecrow said.

"Guess that makes you this teams fourth. Glad to have you aboard." Henry said.

"Same here. My ammo from my Pumpkin Stunner is perfect for stunning those worms underground." Scarecrow said.

They then moved out and saw the Lurker pop up.

"Ooh, a hostile!" Scarecrow said. "Perfect for me to show my stuff."

Scarecrow then fired a pumpkin like projectile that exploded and stunned the worm.

Starlight then used her Sameness freezer and froze it, then defeated it with one hit. "There is no hope for you." Starlight said.

"Well, at least we have a solution to the worm problem. Scarecrow stuns them, Starlight finishes them." Henry said.

They moved and saw more enemies.

"I see the enemy!" Lion said spotting a Hound. He used his Launcher to pounce on it and take it out with just one hit. "That's right. I have my courage! And my gun!"

Henry saw a crasher and shot it with his Rifle, blowing it up. "Target down."

They moved to another patch of dirt. Scarecrow then fired another pumpkin near where it could pop up.

"My Pumpkins also explode after enemy movement. So now, we wait." Scarecrow said.

Enemy's Turn

The aliens moved up, but not close enough to attack. A lurker also popped up near the bomb.

"I see you there!" Lion said.

Player's Turn

The pumpkin exploded right after everyones steam recharged, stunning the Lurker with Starlight taking it out.

"We make a good team, you and I, miss." Scarecrow said.

"Yeah. I can't deny that. We work well together." Starlight said.

They then heard an explosion near the university.

"Pinkie Pie?" Starlight asked.

"Yep. That was me. Sorry. My trigger finger was itchy." Pinkie said over the Wireless.

"You blew a hole right through the front entrance of the University! We were supposed to rescue Carter quietly!" Percy said before hearing snarling.

"Dey found us!" Queequeg said.

"Everyone inside, now!" Henry said to the other team.

As they logged off, they found the queen.

"We kill this thing, then help the others and Carter." Henry said.

"Agreed. A good pumpkin bomb should stun it long enough for us to finish it off." Scarecrow said. He fired one and it did what id was supposed to.

They unloaded on the monster with everything they had, until the queen was nothing but bits of frost.

"That's done it!" Scarecrow said.

"Now lets go help the others." Henry said.