This story is dedicated to my wonderful Fiance.

The air in the mountain pass was crisp and cold as the sun rarely shone there. On the ground and the sparse greenery a heavy layer of snow shone faintly. The party moved at a quick but even pace, keeping their guard up. In the center of the group a beautiful and ethereal woman wrapped a second blanket snugly around the small bundle in her arms, smiling as she did so.

This woman was the Lady Celebrian, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn, wife of Lord Elrond of Rivendell. Currently she was on a journey to visit her parents in Lothlorien with a contingent of guards. In her party was someone she wished dearly for her parents to meet. Although Elrond had been a little concerned about their departure he said nothing to try and stop her. It just made her love him more, if that were remotely possible.

Movement in front of the horses made the soldiers wary, taking up their swords and bows. About to ask what was wrong a hail of arrows from above took out three of her guards. In an instant they were penned in by an ambush. Gripping the reigns in her hands she held the bundle close to her chest and nudged her horse into a gallop. The guardsmen held off the orcs long enough for her to pass by but were being overtaken by the sheer number and the tactical advantage they held.

Racing as quickly as the horse could manage in that rocky pass she heard the barking and angry yells of the orcs right behind her. An arrow came from nowhere and struck her horse in the flank, making it stumble to the ground. Landing safely the silver haired woman clutched the bundle to her as it began to cry in confusion and fear. Picking up her skirts she began to run as fast as she could, all the while calling out to the Valar.

"Aratar. This child, this innocent, is in dire need. I humbly beg for your help." This plea, so sincere and filled with love, caught the attention of a power she couldn't have even imagined. One moment her child was crying in her arms and the next moment he had vanished. Eyes wide she stared down into her empty arms as the orcs finally closed in, capturing her.

'Where is my baby?'