AN: Hey guys, sorry for lateness, School had exams and stuff.
Chapter 2: Smoke's Reaction and Mileena finds out.
Lin Kuei Temple.
Smoke stared at the baby sleeping in the bed of his friend Kuia Liang's chambers.
He inspected the infant's attire. Suddenly, Smoke's eyes went wide as he saw the chibi Lin Kuei Grandmaster symbol on the infant. Smoke's incoherent rambling woke Kuia up. The infant Lin Kuei Grandmaster stared at smoke before giggling and saying "Smwoke!". Smoke smiled at this and chuckled at Kuia's facial expression as he had said the Enenra's name.
Somewhere near the forests by the Lin Kuei Temple.
Mileena crouched and slowly walked along the wet and soggy snow path to the Lin Kuei temple. She had plans to convince Sub-Zero to help her regain her throne from the usurper Kotal Khan. As she neared the Grandmaster in question's chambers, she heard an infant's giggle as well as what sounded like the Enenra Smoke chuckling. Curious she gently opened the door and peeked inside. She was shocked to see an infant that looked suspiciously like Kuia and Smoke playing a game with Smoke's powers. She cleared her throat to make known that she was in the room. The Enenra and the infant stared at Mileena. "What do you want Tarkatan?". Smoke harshly asked. "I wish to speak with Grandmaster Sub-Zero". Was Mileena's reply. Smoke stared at her before saying "The infant is the Grandmaster Tarkatan." Mileena stared at the infant before said infant yelled "Miweena!". Mileena stared at the infant before her cheeks turned red. Mileena then gently took out a Lin Kuei Teddy bear and gave it to the infant. Baby Kuia then tried to hug Mileena's neck as best as his infant arms could hug and giggled. Mileena smiled under her mask before she heard Lin Kuei guards outside the room. Terrified, she opened up the window and fled into the pathway leading to the exit.