*I don't own anything but the added plot

Chapter 1- Asking for permission to die

Percy Jackson suppressed a shudder of fear, "I don't know Nico, your plan is pretty out there, I need more time to think about it."

"Percy there is no time! From the research I've been able to do Luke must have bathed in the Styx, that's why he's able to host Kronos's soul! My plan will give you a much better chance at survival!" his cousin Nico Di Angelo told him determinedly.

"Nico I believe you about Luke but come on! This plan of yours is nuts! Very dangerous! And will probably cause my family and friends a lot of misery in the future!"

Nico grimaced, "I know Percy, believe me I know. I don't like it any more than you do!" he paused and took a deep breath, "But this is the only way to get the jump on Luke and Kronos and the only way to save the whole of Western Civilization!"

Percy frowned unhappily, "There must be something…"

"There's not Percy! I've searched! Do you think I want you to do this?! I don't! But this is the only way you will be able to survive the coming war and I am not going to stand by and watch you die!" Nico's eyes widened and he clamped his mouth shut.

Percy was also a bit in shock, Nico hadn't shown this much emotion since his sister's death, Percy had no idea that he cared for him this much. Percy studied the determination in Nico's eyes for a moment before swallowing his fear and nodding, "Meet me at the beach in an hour Nico, I apparently have some people to talk to."

Nico looked at him in shock and then shame, yes he wanted to protect Percy but he himself hated what his plan meant for him… Nico nodded and watched Percy walk off towards his cabin.


Percy sat on his bed staring at the fountain his father had gifted him so he could stay in touch with his mom. There were a million thoughts going through his head. Would she agree? Did he want her to agree? What would Annabeth think?

Percy shook his head knowing he was stalling and walked over to the fountain where there were still several golden drachmas sitting submerged. He picked one up and turned his attention to the rainbow mist, "O Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering." He threw in the Drachma which disappeared into the mist, "Sally Jackson, New York."

The mist shimmered and an image of his mom in their kitchen appeared, though her back was to him.

"Mom" he said softly.

Sally Jackson Jumped and turned around quickly. "Percy? Are you alright?"

Percy smiled sadly and shrugged his shoulders. At her worried look he said, "You'd better sit down for this one mom."

She did so and Percy told her about Nico's hypothesis about Luke and what his plan was to protect him.

As he spoke, his mom got paler, and paler. "Percy, no! That's crazy! You can't seriously be considering this?"

Percy just sighed in exhaustion, "I can't tell you how mom, but when I looked into Nico's eyes I somehow knew he was right. This is the only way ill survive, heck the only way all of Olympus will survive."

Sally looked skeptical, "That can't be Percy, there must be something else!"

Percy sighed, "I said that to Nico, he about chewed my head off for suggesting that he hadn't been searching for months for another solution. HE hates the plan mom, but he knows that it's the only way for us to succeed."

Sally Jackson gazed at her son, a tear escaping her eye and rolling down her cheek, "This will change you Percy, and there's no way to know whether for better or worse."

Percy smiled sadly, "I know. It'll be up to you, dad, Paul, and all my friends to remind me of who I am."

Sally's lower lip trembled, "Percy you have to be absolutely 110, no, 200 percent sure about this."

Percy paused locking gazes with his mother, his favorite person in the whole world. "I'm sure mom, this is the path I have to take."

Sally bowed her head in hard acceptance, "Then I give you my blessing Percy."

Percy let a tear of his own slid down his cheek at his mother's unhappiness, "Thank you mom, I'll come see you after it's done." He paused, another tear sliding down his cheek, "I love you."

Sally looked up, "I love you too Percy no matter what." She told him with a steady determined look, marred only by the tears sliding down her cheeks.

Percy smiled at her reassuringly and then ended the call. There was one more person he had to talk to…


If the situation wasn't so dire Percy might have chuckled, Annabeth had listened to Percy explain Nico's hypothesis, reasoning, and subsequent plan. She had understandably gone very pale, then predictably stood up and started pacing in front of him, mumbling to herself. This led to where they were now, both seated on her bed, with her laptop on her lap as she searched the Olympus Wide Web to research for herself.

"Percy this is just CRAZY! I mean his reasoning is sound, and from a strategic standpoint it's actually quite brilliant, but it's just so…." She looked around as if searching for a strong enough word to convey her emotions.

Percy just smiled reassuringly, "I know Annabeth, but I have a feeling Nico is right and this is the best and only way for me to go. I can't do it though without your support."

Annabeth studied him with unblinking eyes. He felt as though she was staring into the very depths of his soul.

"I don't like it Percy, but I will support your decision, and I promise to help keep you out of trouble. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily." She told him with a soft but sad smile.

Percy smiled and drew her into a hug.


Percy walked leisurely down to the beach a little ways off from his cabin. Nico was sitting on a rock waiting for him.

"You talked to your mom?" he asked by way of greeting.

Percy nodded, "She gave me her blessing."

Nico nodded and Percy could see him relax slightly.

"Ok, then there's only one more person to ask." Nico said solemnly.

Percy nodded and swallowed loudly. He walked into the water and knelt on one knee. "Dad, I know you're busy with battling Oceanus but I need you right now, it's very important." Percy continued, for the last time he hoped, to explain the situation, Nico's theory, his plan, Percy's own thoughts on it, and his conversation with his mother and Annabeth.

When he finished he felt a strange sensation and he felt an immense presence that he immediately recognized instinctually as his father, settle on his mind.

"Percy…" Poseidon's voice whispered in his mind.

"I can hear you dad." Percy whispered back.

"I heard your conversation with your mother, Iris sent me the recording. Unfortunately Nico is right, I also know of no other way, though I've been searching. I foresaw this possible future, so I gave you a bit of a growth spurt over the summer just in case," Percy jerked bit in shock, he had of course noticed that he went through a considerable growth spurt but he didn't know his father had anything to do with it. He was now six foot, and of course because of his training was very lean and muscular. Poseidon began talking again and Percy focused back on his father's voice, "But like your mother, I ask you to be absolutely 200 percent sure of this path, there is no turning back. I will love you no matter your choice. You will always be a true son of the sea, my son." Poseidon spoke to him solemnly.

Percy paused and thought once again over everything Nico had said, everything his mother had said, and everything Annabeth had said.

He took a deep breath and steeled himself, "I am sure dad."

"Then you have my blessing Percy, and a piece of advice, when it happens, focus on the love you have for your family and friends, that will help." His father's voice paused before he said one final thing that would shape Percy's future forevermore, "Find Elijah Mikaelson, he is currently in New Orleans, tell him that you are my son and I'm calling in the favor he owes me. He is fair and noble, he will help you."

Percy nodded committing what Poseidon told him to memory, "Thank you father."

Percy stood and looked to Nico, "Up for a trip to New Orleans?"


Soooo this was a plot bunny that wouldn't stop bugging me today until I wrote it down! Hope everyone likes it! R&R please! Id love to hear what you think! This will be a triple crossover between, Percy Jackson, the Originals, and Teen wolf.