A/N: Hello and welcome to the next chapter of Washington syoc.

Soon after the walkie talkie call, the rest of the group turned up at the cabin and Jayce lead the group into the living room where the other three members were crowded around a huge sack.

"So whats in there?" Jayce asks.

"See for yourself." Melissa says opening the sack. The sack was filled with food, bottles of water, 5 bags of medicine, weapons and the main thing in there was a god damn RPG.

"Okay Joe grab the RPG and take it to the first truck. Brandon grab the medicine and put it in the second truck and Rowan, JJ grab the food and water." Jayce orders and with that everyone does there specific jobs.

"Wheres my husband and my daughter?" Melissa asks looking around.

"Calm down, there hunting. Peter thought it`d be a good idea to teach Bella how to hunt." Jayce tells her.

"She`s 9." Melissa retorts. Jayce shrugs and they all exit the cabin and go to the trucks.

"Okay roll out." Jayce says.

They were driving back to the gun store when a herd appears in the middle of the road. "Shit!" JJ says.

The first army truck crashes straight into the herd of about 75 walkers. "Everyone out. Kill em all." Joe shouts.

JJ and Brandon jump out of the first truck and grab their respective main weapons. JJ grabs his riot shield and holds his glock 17 9mm pistol in the other hand. Brandon grabs his bow and arrow set. He loads up an arrow.

Joe and Summer climb out of the second truck and Joe holds his M4a1 carbine assault rifle and aims at the herd. Summer grabs her machete and stays near the truck incase any walkers come near them as shes awful with a gun.

Jayce, Melissa and Rowan climb out of the third truck. Jayce holds his signature twin USP 45 pistols, Melissa grabs her twin japanese katanas, Rowan grabs her metal baseball bat and stays near the truck as well.

Joe fires the first shots into the herd and kills 10 straight off. The rest join in and shoot or hit the herd over and over until all that was left were piles of dead bodies.

Jayce, Brandon and JJ make sure all the bodies are properly dead and if they aren`t they fire a shot into its head.

Having been attracted by the gunfire, a couple of walker stumble out of the woods on the side of the road and walk unnoticeably towards the group.

One grabs Melissa and holds her down as she screams in shock. She writhes about until an arrow goes through its head. Then a star is thrown at the other walker. Pete and Bella were back from their hunt and had saved Melissa. She quickly runs and embraces them.

Pete had caught a deer and he hauled it into the back of the first army truck before climbing into the third one with his wife and daughter.

"Okay that was our own fault as we weren`t paying attention. Lets make sure it doesn`t happen again." Jayce says.

"Amen to that. Lets get back i`m hungry." Brandon says.

A/N: Sorry its short. The next chapter will be meeting some members from Alexandria. Until next time goodbye from Brandon547 PEACE.