Chapter 1: Mabels death

"Eenie." Bill says and a glowing pine tree shows up in Bills eye. "Meenie." Bill says and a glowing shooting star shows up in Bills eye. "Minie." Bill says and a glowing pine tree shows up in Bills eye. "Mo." Bill says with a deep dark voice and a glowing shooting star shows up in his eye.

Stanley Pines who was pretending to be his twin brother Ford at the time was just about to say that he would make a deal with Bill and let him in his mind. Although he was too late. Bill, with a snap of his fingers he had killed Mabel. She immediately fell in his hand. Bill then dropped them onto the ground and Dipper immediately ran to his sister and tears ran down his face.

"Mabel!" He said. "Mabel don't leave me. Please! I cannot live without you!"Dipper said shaking her and trying anything he could to wake her up. Ford and Stanley were just shocked at what they just witnessed and tears soon started running down Stanley's face too and Ford was still just shocked.

Bill Cipher was still desperately in need of that equation though to take weirdmageddon worldwide and was not going to give up. "It's your turn pine tree" he says grabbing him tightly in his hand. Stanley still dressed as Ford quickly says " Wait I will make the deal." "Do you think i'm an idiot? I know it's you Stanley." Bill says. Both Ford and Stanley were shocked "HOW?" they both said in a union. "I'm all knowing. Duh." Bill says and rolls his eye even though he really doesn't know everything. "Final chance Ford." Bill says and immediately Ford says "Wait i'll tell you the equation." After Ford tells Bill the equation Bill breaks the barrier keeping him in and After he is gone Ford and Stanley rush to Dipper who was still crying by his twin sister's dead body.

Dipper's point of view:

I couldn't believe it.

Bill just killed my twin sister and took over the world and Ford was just standing there! I cried for what seemed to be forever and then quickly ran out of the fear amid. I could hear Grunkle Ford and Stanley yelling wait while they ran after me. I ran all the way to what was left of the mystery shack and cried.

A/N Well that was chapter 1. Sorry it was REALLY short. Let me know what you think. Sorry if it's bad this is my first fanfic and i'm not that good at writing, but you get the point. Anyway, chapter 2 should be up soon. I will try to update daily. It depends on how much homework I have. The next chapter is going to be Bill's point of view. Also if you have any tips tell me cause I still need to get the hang of this fanfiction stuff. Anyways see you later! Expected chapter 2: Bill takes over date: In like 10 mins