Hey everyone sorry for the wait I had school to do. Anyway I'll answer some of your questions.

Lightningblade49: Yuya still has Stardust Dragon so don't ask something like that again.

Guest: Yuya has speed world 2 and can do accel Synchro. Those other stardust dragons. No

GodX: Glad you liked it.

Leafeon12: Yuto will still be absobed by Yuya soon.

Snake13579: Declan got Jack's soul.

Okay enough questions answered. Enjoy the story

Chapter 6: A rematch. Zuzu and Akiza

Yuya was leaning against the wall looking at his deck. His match with Sylvio was going to begin soon.

Yuya while looking at his deck, thought back to Fredrick and Ally's duel today. Fredrick did great and won his duel with flying colours. Ally on the other hand, lost her duel against a kid from Leo. Riley Akaba was his name if Yuya remembers correctly.

What got Yuya's attention was the sudden confidence Riley got on his least turn. Also Yuya was surprised when he saw Riley fusion summon. Yuya thought back to when Ally lost.

(Flash back)

Ally just lost her duel against Riley and was looking at the ground in sadness. Ally then felt someone's hand onto of her head. Ally looked up to see Yuya was the one that put his hand on her head. "You did your best Ally. That's all that matters''. Yuya said to Ally, kneeling down to her level.

Ally then smiled at Yuya. "I know, but I still wanted to win for our School''. Ally said to Yuya. Yuya smiled at Ally's response. "Tell you what. How about after the ARC League championship, I'll teach you some of my skills and maybe even teach you how to use Synchro or Fusion summon''. Yuya said to Ally.

Ally smiled even more when she heard what Yuya said. "That would be great Yuya. Thank you so much''. Ally said before she hugged Yuya startling him.

Yuya hugged Ally back with his right hand before Ally let go of the hug and they walked back to the others.

(Flash back end)

Yuya smiled at his flash back. He would be lying if he didn't say that he liked Ally more them Fredrick and Tate. There was something about Ally that just makes Yuya smile. All the other duels really today didn't really interest Yuya because through Yusei's memorise. His seen far better duels then the ones he saw today.

Yusei appeared next to Yuya in spirit form. "Care to tell me about this Sylvio guy. You don't seem to like him very much''. Yusei said to Yuya, wanting to know about Sylvio. Yuya's first titan when he thought about the first time he met Sylvio.

"He is an overconfidence Duellist and even says his one of the Elite Duellist of Leo duel school, only he isn't and he would even go so far to steal my Pendulum Cards and even called them his own''. Yuya said to Yusei.

Yusei did one of his famous glares. "Someone that would steal someone's else's card don't deserve to be called a duellist''. Yusei said to Yuya. Yuya nodded to Yusei and was gonna tell him more about Sylvio.

Only to stop when he heard Nico's voice shout out. "The final match of the junior youth for today will now begin''.

Yuya looked from Yusei to his deck that was still in his hands, before he placed them in his duel disk. "Wish me luck, even though I won't need it''. Yuya said to Yusei walking to the Stadium.

Yusei nodded to Yuya before he went back into Yuya's soul.

(With You Show Duel school)

All of Yuya's friends in his duel school were setting on a few seats in the audience and were looking forward to Yuya's duel.

"I can't wait for Yuya's duel''. Ally said with excitement. "Calm down it's about to begin''. Yoko said to Ally.

"And from the You show duel School I give you Yuya Sakaki''. Nico shouted in his microphone with the crowd roaring in excitement. Yuya walked into the stadium field with his duel disk already attached to his left forearm.

"Go Yuya''. Ally, Tate, Fredrick and Sora shouted out. "Get a win for the school''. Zuzu's father shouted out. "Don't forget to smile''. Zuzu shouted out also. "Duel and show how strong you are''. Gong shouted out to his friend.

Yuya looked at his friends and gave them a thumb up.

(With Declan)

Declan was watching from the duel in his office. He wanted to see how much Yuya has grown. "Show me how you have Grown Yuya''. Declan thought to himself looking at Yuya

(Back to the stadium)

"And from the Leo Duel School I give you Sylvio Sawatari''. Nico shouted out as Yuya looked to the other side of the field.

Sylvio came out, but he was wearing a samurai outfit and was blowing on a leaf. "What is that idiot doing''. Yuya said to himself.

Sylvio stopped blowing on his leaf. "Do you know who I am''. Sylvio said to Yuya. Yuya narrowed his eyes at Sylvio. "Sylvio Sawatari''. Yuya said with a Yusei glair on his face. "Wrong. I am neo, new, Reborn Sylvio Sawatari''. Sylvio said as he took off his samurai outfit to revel his normal clothes and doing a stupid pose.

Julia, Kit and Dipper were watching and were sweet drooping when they heard Sylvio said that.

Sylvio's 3 friends were cheering for Sylvio and how cool he was, only his not.

Yuya sweet dropped at Sylvio also. Yusei appeared next to Yuya. "You were right about him being an idiot''. Yusei said to Yuya with his arms crossed. Yuya without looking at Yusei nodded and Yusei went back to Yuya's heart.

Sylvio looked at Yuya and was surprised at Yuya's new look before he got rid of his surprise. "Yuya Sakaki. You have wronged me 3 times''. Sylvio said before he held up his right hand finger. "First you stole my Pendulum cards and called them your own''.

Yuya continued to glair at Sylvio. "You were the one that stole them in the first place and I took them back because they were mine''. Yuya said to Sylvio reminding him what happen.

Sylvio then held up another finger. "You attack me and sent me to the hospital with your Xyz Dragon''. Sylvio said to Yuya. "That wasn't me and I don't do XYZ''. Yuya said back to Sylvio.

Sylvio held up another finger. "You attacked my family and scared my father''. Sylvio said to Yuya. "That wasn't me ether''. Yuya said causing Sylvio to sweet drop that Yuya was telling the true.

Sylvio then pointed at Yuya. "Yuya Sakaki. Today Pendulum summoning will be your downfall''. Sylvio said to Yuya.

Back with Yuya's friends, they were confused at what Sylvio said. "What does he mean that Pendulum summoning will be Yuya's downfall''. Tate said wondering what Sylvio means. "I think we will just have to find out in this duel''. Zuzu said to everyone.

Back at Yuya, He smirked at Sylvio. Yuya then pointed at Sylvio. "Bring it on''. Yuya said surprising Sylvio.

In the shadows of the audience, Shay (With his new looks) was also watching the duel because he wanted to check something out about Yuya. "You sure that this kid Yuya was the one that merged with your friend's soul''. Shay said to no one. Then Yusei's friend, Crow Hogan appeared next to Shay in Spirit form.

"I'm sure of it. He looks like Yusei with his hair style and his right eyes looks like Yusei's right eye too''. Crow said to Shay. Shay looked at Crow and nodded. Crow went back into Shay's soul as Shay turned back to look at the duel.

"Now let the duel began. Action field: Sunset Stronghold activate''. Nico shouted out as the duel filed changed into a wasteland with building that were falling apart.

Yuya said nothing as he activated his duel disk and duel blade, while Sylvio did the same. "Game On''. Yuya and Sylvio shouted out as they draw their 5 cards and Action cards spread all over the field.

Yuya life points: 4000/ Sylvio life points: 4000

Yuya hand: 5/ Sylvio hand: 5.

Turn 1: Yuya

"I start things off with a monster in DEF mode''. Yuya said as he placed a set card on his duel blade as a shadow monster in a cage appeared on his field. "I'll set one face down and END my turn''. Yuya slotted a card in his duel disk as a face down card appeared on his field. Yuya then started to run to look for Action cards.

Yuya hand: 3

Turn 2: Sylvio/4000 life points/ hand: 5.

"Yuya is playing DEF for now but what does he have plan''. Nico shouted out on his microphone. "My turn now, I draw''. Sylvio said drawing the top card from his deck before he held it out. "I play the continuous spell card called Yosen Training Grounds''. Sylvio said as he slotted his spell card in his duel disk as an alter appeared behind him. "Now for every Yosenju monster I summon, my spell's candle's lit up''.

Yuya was still searching for an Action card but he could still see what Sylvio was doing. "He must be planning to use those for his big move''. Yuya thought to himself. "I summon out Yosenju Kama 1 to the field''. Sylvio said as he placed his card on his duel blade as his monster appeared and a candle lit up. (Level 4/ ATK Points: 1600)

"Due to his Special ability, I can special summon another Yosenju monster like Yosenju Kama 2!''. Sylvio said as he placed another card on his duel blade as his monster appeared next to his other monster as another candle lit up. (Level 4/ ATK Points: 1800)

Sylvio's second monster started to spin around rapidly. "Why stop at 2 when I can summon a third one, Take to the field Yosenju Kama 3!''. Sylvio said as he placed another card on his duel blade as his third monster appeared next to his other monster and another candle lit up. (Level 4/ ATK Points: 1500)

"What an insanely start for Sylvio, he already got three monsters out on his field in one move''. Nico announced. "Surely you didn't think that your Pendulum Method is the only way to summon monsters quickly''. Sylvio said to Yuya that was still searching.

Yuya stopped running and looked at Sylvio. "I used to think that, but then I met Yusei and learned so much from him and his memories and learned how to evolve my Pendulum summoning and learned how to Synchro summon''. Yuya thought to himself remembering the his last few duels.


"I activate Dragon life Attack''. Yuya said activating his trap card, remembering his duel against Gong.

"Say hello to Speed Warrior''. Yuya said summoning Speed Warrior, remembering his duel with Zuzu.

"Let's Rev it up Star Eyes Synchro Pendulum Dragon''. Yuya said summoning his ace monster, remembering when he first summoned his Synchro Pendulum monster.

(Flashback End)

"I've changed thanks to Yusei and became a stronger Duellist''. Yuya thought to himself. "I now play Kama 1"s ability, since he's already got his Kama brothers on the field, he's allowed to return one monster that's on your field back to your hand''. Sylvio said as Kama 1 wrapped its chain around Yuya's shadow monster and the shadow monster then disappeared.

Yuya said nothing just took his card from his duel blade and placed it back in his hand. "Uh oh! Yuya's monster has left him wide open for a direct attack, and if Sylvio's monsters make a direct attack then Yuya will lose''. Nico said on his microphone.

"Oh no!''. Ally, Tate and Fredrick said together. "Stay strong Yuya''. Zuzu's father shouted out. "Yuya. Please''. Zuzu said holding her hands together.

"Go Kama 1! Attack Yuya Sakaki directly''. Sylvio said as his monster started spinning its chain before he threw it at Yuya. The Attack was getting closer and Yuya wasn't even moving or panicking.

"Yuya look out''. Zuzu, Ally, Tate, Fredrick, Sora, Gong and Zuzu's father shouted out while Yoko kept a calm face. "Is this it for Yuya''. Nico said on his microphone. Sylvio started to laugh. "Say goodbye to your life points Yuya''. Sylvio said to Yuya.

Yuya smirked at Sylvio. "I don't think so Sylvio. I play Swift Scarecrow's effect from my hand''. Yuya said as he held Swift Scarecrow between his right hand's fingers. A metal Scarecrow appeared in front of Yuya before it went street into Kama 1's attack and took the hit for Yuya.

"What the heck was that''. Sylvio said surprised by what just happen. "That was Swift Scarecrow. Thanks to his effect, I can negate your monster's attack and END your battle phase by sending him to the graveyard''. Yuya said as he sent his card to the graveyard.

Sylvio granted his teeth when he heard that. His plan to finish Yuya off in his first turn was ruin. "I activate my Yosen Training ground's effect. By blowing out 3 candles then I can add a Samurai Spirit from my deck to my hand''. Sylvio said as 3 of his spell's candles went out as a card slotted out of his deck before he placed it in his hand.

"I'll END my turn with a face down and when my turn ends, my 3 Kama monsters must return to my hand''. Sylvio said as he slotted a face down card in his duel disk and took his 3 cards off his duel blade. A face down appeared next to Sylvio and his three Kama monster disappeared in a wind tornado.

Turn 3

Yuya life points: 4000/ Hand:3

"Yuya just barely survived Sylvio's last attack but now nobody has a monster on their field, but it's Yuya's turn now. Let's see if Yuya can turn this around''. Nico shouted out on his Microphone.

"Yuya kept his life points safe''. Zuzu's father said in relief. Zuzu saw Yoko holding her chin looking like she was thing of something. "What's wrong miss Sakaki''. Zuzu asked her boyfriend's mother.

Yoko looked at Zuzu. "It's that card Yuya used to save himself. I never saw Yuya have that Swift Scarecrow card before''. Yoko said to Zuzu. Zuzu nodded at her when she said that. She never saw that card in Yuya's deck before. She looked back at the duel to see what else Yuya can do.

"Yuya has up his deck it seems''. Dipper said impressed with Yuya's new card. "Wonder what else he has in his deck''. Julia said to Dipper. Kit keeps silent but had an impressed look.

"It's my move''. Yuya said drawing the top card from his deck with his right hand and looked at it and smirked. Yuya then held the card he drew this turn between his fingers. "In order to call out this sharp shooter, I have to discard a card from my hand so I'll discard the card you sent to my hand''. Yuya said as he picked another card from his hand and sent it to the graveyard zone of his duel disk and placed his card on his duel blade.

A monster then appeared on Yuya's filed. It looked like a crossover of a cowboy and a machine. It had a red cape with a cowboy hat and cowboy guns. "Say hello to Quickdraw Synchron (Quickdraw Synchron/ Level: 5/ ATK: 700/DEF: 1400)''. Yuya said before a card slotted out of his graveyard and he grabbed it. "I play level eater's effect, if I have a level 5 or higher monster on my field, I can decrease its level by 1 and Level eater can join the party''. Yuya said as he placed his card on his duel blade and a big with a star on it back appeared and went through Quickdraw Synchron as its level went down.

(Level eater/Level: 1/ ATK: 600/DEF: 0000)
(Quickdraw Synchron Level: 5 – 1 =4)

"Yuya has summoned 2 monsters, but their attack points aren't so high and won't deal much damage to Sylvio''. Nico shouted out on his Microphone. "Nice new monsters Yuya, but they won't even get my life points to even 2000''. Sylvio said getting overconfidence.

Yuya smirked at Sylvio. "Alone they can't, but if they combined their powers then they can''. Yuya said confusing Sylvio and everyone in the stadium except You Show Duel School and Shay.

Yuya then held his right hand into the air. "My Quickdraw Synchron can copy the abilities of my other Synchro and I know just which one he should copy''. Yuya said as all of Yusei's Synchron cards appeared in front of Quickdraw Synchron and started spinning.

Quickdraw Synchron took out its gun and shoot a card with all of them stop spinning. "Quickdraw Synchron will be copying the abilities of Jet Synchron''. Yuya said as the card Quickdraw Synchron shoot was Jet Synchron's card with a gun shoot on it.

"Did Yuya just say Jet Synchron?''. Zuzu said looking at Yuya's Quickdraw Synchron. "Zuzu, didn't that monster had the same name as that Junk Synchron that Yuya used against you yesterday''. Tate said looking at Zuzu causing Yoko, Sora, Gong and Zuzu's father to look at Zuzu.

"Yes it did have the same name''. Zuzu said as everyone turned back to the duel. "Now Level 4 Quickdraw Synchron will give Level 1 Level eater a tune up''. Yuya said as Level Eater went into the sky and Quickdraw Synchron turning into 4 Green Rings. "What the hell!''. Sylvio said in shock as everyone else except you show duel school were shock as well.

The green rings went around Level eater as they were scanning it and with Level eater turning orange before turning into a light. A beam of light then appeared that engulfed the green rings and the light.

The light was also blowing Yuya's hair light it dose with Yusei's hair making the teenager girls that were watching get anima hearts in their eyes. "Jet Warrior, Let's Rev it up''. Yuya said as a Warrior with jet like amour appeared and created a shockwave that forced Sylvio to cover his eyes.

(Jet Warrior/ Level: 5/ ATK: 2100/ DEF: 1200)

The shockwave also caused an Action card to go flying before it floated down to Yuya, who cached it. "Yuya has Synchro Summon, Unbelievable''. Nico shouted out on his Microphone with the all the people watching were amazed.

Shay narrowed his Eyes. "That guy just summoned 1 of your friends Synchro monster''. Shay said to Crow as he appeared in Spirit form. "We should watch a little more to see it that Yuya kid's soul merged with Yusei''. Crow said to Shay before he went back to Shay's soul.

"YUYA DID SYNCHRO SUMMONED''. The 3 kids shouted out with a smile. "That monster looks cool''. Zuzu said impressed with her boyfriend's monster.

Julia, Dipper and Kit were surprised to. "He just Synchro summoned''. Dipper said in shock. "But how did he learn to Synchro summon''. Julia said shock as well. Kit was surprised too but now he wanted to see how good a Synchro user Yuya was.

(With Declan)

Declan was surprised that Yuya used Synchro summon as well. Then his screen that he was using to watch the duel changed to show Claude. "President we detected a powerful Synchro energy coming from Yuya Sakaki's Synchro monster''. Claude said shocking Declan more when he heard what Claude said.

The screen then changed to the duel and Declan kept his eyes on Yuya.

(Back to the Duel)

Sylvio had a shock face before he got rid of it. "Where did you learn how to Synchro summon''. Sylvio said wanting to know how Yuya learned to Synchro Summon. Yuya smirked at Sylvio. "I learned from a new friend''. Yuya said before he jumped onto his Jet Warrior's wing blades and ride on top of them.

Jet Warrior took Yuya to the top of the ruin building and Yuya jumped off Jet Warrior and on top of the building. "Jet Warrior's Effect activates when he is summoned. He can send 1 card on your field back to your hand so say goodbye to that face down''. Yuya said as Jet Warrior flied down creating a shockwave that blew Sylvio's face down away.

The card slotted out of Sylvio's duel disk and Sylvio grabbed it and put it back in his hand. "Now your field is wide open so Jet Warrior attacks''. Yuya shouted out as Jet Warrior fly down to Sylvio and punched him in the face sending Sylvio to the ground.

Sylvio life points: 4000 – 2100 = 1900.

Jet Warrior then fled into the sky and used its blue fire from its jet pack and wing blades to create a blue fire smile face and then the field spell's moon then made it shine with its moon light and made Jet Warrior shine as well, amazing the audience. "Amazing, Yuya has not only damaged Sylvio's life points more than half, his monster also created a smile face amazing the crowd''. Nico shouted out on his microphone.

"Yuya has become really stronger''. Yoko said amazed with her son's performance. "Yuya is the best''. Ally, Tate, Fredrick and Sora shouted out. "Yuya!''. Zuzu said with her checks as red as a rose.

"Yuya has really changed his deck''. Dipper said amazed with Yuya's new movies. "What do you expect, he did chose the best summoning ever''. Kit said with a smirk on his face. "Best summoning huh''. Julia said looking at Kit.

"I'll END my turn here''. Yuya said ending his turn as Jet Warrior return to his side.

Yuya Life points: 4000/ Hand: 3.

Sylvio turn 4/ Hand: 6

Sylvio got up from the ground and placed his right hand on his deck. "My turn, draw''. Sylvio said drawing his card. He looked at it and smirked when he saw which Yuya noticed. "Looks like Sylvio's about to make his big move and I bet I know what his is up to''. Yuya thought to himself.

Sylvio then placed on his duel blade. "I summon back to the field Yosenju Kama 1''. Sylvio said as his monster appeared again. "And thanks to his ability I can summon Kama 2 and Kama 3''. Sylvio said as his placed his two other cards on his duel blade with his 2 monster appearing.

Kama 1/ ATK: 1600

Kama 2/ATK: 1800

Kama 3: ATK: 1500

"Thanks to my 3 Kama brother, 3 more of my Training ground's candles lit up''. Sylvio said as 3 more candles lit up. Sylvio then pointed at Jet Warrior. "I play Kama 1's Effect, so say bye to your Jet Warrior''. Sylvio said as Kama 1 threw its chain at Jet Warrior, but Yuya wasn't going to let him.

"I play Effect veiler's effect, by discarding this little guy, your Kama 1's effect is negated for this whole turn''. Yuya said as he discarded his Effect Veiler from his hand and sent it to the graveyard. A little Green haired fairy girl appeared on Yuya's field causing all the boys except Yuya and Shay to adore it.

Effect Veiler/ ATK: 0000/DEF: 0000/ Level 1.

Effect Veiler did a wink then disappeared into little lights that went around Kama 1 and making it drop its chain. "Yuya has negated Kama 1's effect so that his Jet Warrior can stay on the field''. Nico shouted on his Microphone. Sylvio granted his teeth when he saw Kama 1 failed, but replaced it with a smirk.

"I play my Yosenju Training ground's effect. I blow out 3 candles and I get a Samurai Spirit from my deck and I know just which one to pick''. Slyvio said as his 3 candles blew out and a card slotted out of his deck and he grabbed it.

"Yuya Sakaki, watch now as I surpass you at Pendulum summoning''. Sylvio shouted out. The crowd was confused at what Sylvio meant, but Yuya knew what he meant. "Here it comes''. Yuya thought to himself as Yusei appeared next to him in Spirit form.

Sylvio then grabbed 2 cards from his hand and held them up. "I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 3 Yosenju Shichu L and Scale 5 Yosenju Shichu R''. Sylvio said placing Shichu L on the left edge and Shichu R on the right edge with the words Pendulum across his duel blade.

Sylvio's monsters appeared in two Pillars of transparent light with the number 3 under Shichu L and 5 under Shichu R. "What!''. The You show duel school and nearly everyone in the stadium except Yuya, Shay and Sylvio said surprised at Sylvio's move.

"That's right, I have learned how to Pendulum summon, now watch as I defeat Yuya Sakaki with Pendulum summoning''. Sylvio said cocky. "You can only summon monsters that are level 4 because your Pendulum monster's scales''. Yuya said in a calm voice. "Not really, thanks to Shichu R's effect since Shichu L is on the field, his scales go up to 11''. Sylvio said as his Shichu R's Scale indeed went up to 11.

"He can summon monsters that are between 3 and 11''. Yuya thought to himself. "I with my Pendulum monsters, I pendulum summon''. Sylvio shouted out as a portal appeared between his two monsters and a Light green big light came out.

"Come forth Majosenju Daibak''. Sylvio shouted out as from the green light came a giant green wind beast with Red eyes.

Majosenju Daibak/ ATK: 3000/Level 10

"Unbelievable, Sylvio has Pendulum summoned''. Nico shouted out on his Microphone as the crowd was in awe. "Since Daibak was summoned, another candle fires up''. Sylvio said as another candle lit up. "Also thanks to Daibak's effect, I can now send two cards on your field back to your hand''. Sylvio said as his beast created a whirlwind that sent Yuya's face down and Jet warrior flying before they disappeared while Yuya sent Jet Warrior's card back to the extra deck and placed his face down card in his hand.

"Just like that Sylvio has cleared Yuya's field of monsters''. Nico shouted with The You show duel school now worried.

"Looks like Yuya has run out of luck''. Dipper said with a smirk. "Don't count him out yet, he might come up with something''. Kit said to Dipper. Julia kept silent but was watching the duel carefully.

"I cleared your field and now your wide open for an attack. What do you have to say before you lose Yuya''. Sylvio called out to Yuya. Yuya smirked at Sylvio. "You changed and became a better duellist and your Pendulum summon impressed me. You have my respect Sylvio, but the duel isn't over yet. I activate the trap card Performapal quick Synchro''. Yuya said as his slotted the trap card back into his duel disk.

(Performapal quick Synchro/ Trap/Effect: When a Synchro monster you control is sent back to the Extra deck by a card effect (monster effect, trap, spell) you can select 1 Performapal Tuner monster and 1 monster in your deck and used them to Synchro summon a Performapal Synchro monster from your extra deck. You can activate this card from your hand or graveyard)

"You can't, I just send that card back to your hand''. Sylvio said shocked as Yuya trap card appeared on his field. "I can activate my trap from my hand or Graveyard thanks to its effect''. Yuya said to Sylvio.

"Since you send a Synchro monster back to my Extra deck, I can select a Performapal Tuner monster and another monster from my deck and use them to Synchro summon a Performapal Synchro monster from my Extra deck''. Yuya said surprising Sylvio and everyone that was watching. "But your monster are in your deck''. Sylvio said as two cards slotted out of Yuya's deck and Yuya grabbed them. "Doesn't matter thanks to my trap card, the monster I chose are Performapal Laughing Hyena and Performapal Crazy Spider monkey''. Yuya said as he placed his cards in his Extra deck.

(Performapal Laughing Hyena/ Level 3/ATK: 1400/ DEF: 1200/ Attribute: Earth/Tuner/Beast/Pendulum/ Scale: 2/ Pendulum effect: You can select 1 Performapal monster you control and decrees your opponent's monsters ATK points equal to the selected monster's ATK points./ Effect: When this card is used for a Synchro material of a Performapal Synchro monster, you can draw one card from your deck and if it's a Performapal monster, you gain life points equal to its ATK points)

(Performapal Crazy Spider Monkey/ Level 4/ ATK: 1600/ DEF: 1350/ Attribute: Earth/Pendulum/Beast/ Scale: 7/ Pendulum Effect: You can select 1 Performapal monster on your field and it can attack you opponent directly but monsters that are not Performapal monster cannot attack this turn/Effect: If you control a Performapal monster(s), you can send this card from your hand to the graveyard and destroy your opponent's Spell and Trap cards qual to the number of Performapal monsters you control. This card can attack you're opponent directly)

A black Hyena with rainbow stars all over its body and wearing a black hat appeared with a look that looks it could burst out laughing any second appeared with a blue Spider monkey that had a crazy look on its face and spider legs on its back appeared.

Yuya then held out his hand into the air. "My level 3 Performapal Laughing Hyena gives my level 4 Performapal Crazy Spider Monkey a tune up''. Yuya said as Laughing Hyena started laughing before it turned into 3 green rings and Crazy Spider Monkey going into the green and turning into 4 white lights. "King of the Performapal beast come forth and amaze the people with your power''. Yuya said as a light appeared and consumed the rings and 4 lights and a card slotted out of Yuya's extra deck and Yuya grabbed it.

"I Synchro summon Performapal Elemental Lion''. Yuya said as he slammed his card onto his duel disk and appeared from the light was a Rainbow Lion with his hair having all colures and has a rainbow star over its right eye and has sharp claws collared in white.

Yuya's new Performalpal monster jumped into the air before it was in front of the red moon and roared.

(Performapal Elemental Lion/ Level 7/ Attribute: Earth/ ATK: 2700/ DEF: 2400/ Synchro/ Beast/ Pendulum/ Scale: 1/ Effect/ Pendulum Effect: Performapal monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or monster effect one per turn/ Effect: When this card is Synchro summoned, you can draw 1 card from your deck and if it's a Performapal monster, your opponent's monster lose ATK Points qual to the Performapal monster you drawled from this effect. When this card is destroyed by battle or card effects, this card goes to the Pendulum Zone instead of the Extra deck.)

"Absolutely Amazing''. Nico shouted out on his Microphone. "Yuya has used monsters in his deck to Synchro summon and it was even Sylvio's turn''.

"Since Laughing Hyena and Crazy Spider Monkey was Pendulum monsters, they go to the Extra deck''. Yuya said to Sylvio. Yuya then held his hand out. "Laughing Hyena and Elemental Lion's effect activates. Since Laughing Hyena was used as a Synchro material for a performapal monster, I get to draw a card from my deck and if it's a Performapal monster I gain life point's qual to its attack points. Elemental Lion effect lets me draw a card from my deck when it's summoned and if it's a performapal monster, your monster loses attacks points qual to its attack points''.

Yuya's new Performapal monster landed from the sky to next to Yuya so that Yuya could ride on top of it. Yuya got on his Elemental Lion's back and Elemental Lion started jumping from the top of the ruin building Yuya was on all the way to the ground by jumping.

When Elemental lion landed on the ground, Yuya placed his right hand fingers on the top card of his deck. "Elemental Lion's effect will be activated first, so I draw''. Yuya said drawing the card from his deck.

Yuya looked at the card he drawled and smirked when he saw it was Performapal Whip Snake. He held the card out to Sylvio to show him what he drawled. "It's Performapal Whip Snake and since its ATK points are 1700 your monsters are gonna have a bad power drain''. Yuya said as his Elemental Lion then roared and the unlashed a breath attack that hit all of Sylvio's monsters causing them to fall to the ground on their knees.

Majosenju Daibak ATK points: 3000 – 1700 = 1300.

Kama 1/ ATK points: 1600 – 1700 = 0000

Kama 2/ATK points: 1800 – 1700 = 100

Kama 3: ATK points: 1500 – 1700 = 0000

"Yuya's Lion has made Sylvio's monster lose almost all of their attack points. This kitty has really sharp claws''. Nico shouted out on his Microphone with the crowd amazed. "Now Laughing Hyena's effect''. Yuya said as he drawled another card from his deck after he put whip snake in his hand.

Yuya looked at the card and showed Sylvio. "This is Performapal junk Battler and since it has 1600 attack points I gain that much''.Yuya said as he placed the card he drawled in his hand.

(Performapal Junk Battler/ Level 4/ attribute Dark/ ATK: Points: 1600/ Def: 1200/ Type/Warrior/ Effect: You can discard this card from your hand and select 1 monster from your field and your opponent's field and have them battle against each other. If the monster you select is a Performapal monster or Junk monster, they cannot be targeted by your opponents Spell or trap cards. You can activate this card on your opponent's turn as well)

A yellow glow appeared around Yuya before it went up into the air and created a large and pretty moon that amazed everyone and the moon shined on Yuya bring his Life points even higher than before.

Yuya life points: 4000 + 1600 = 5600.

"I now play Junk battler's effect. I can send this guy from my hand and select 1 monster on both our fields and they are forced to battle''. Yuya said jumping off his Elemental lion's back and sending his card to the graveyard as his monster appeared and the Large moon disappearing.

Yuya's Junk battler had junk amour like Junk Synchron's armour only his armour was light green and its scarf was blue and had a rainbow star over its left eye and had goggles just like Junk Synchron's only they were black. It also had red cloves and was holding 2 whips on both its arms.

Junk battler then had its whip wrapped around Elemental Lion and Majosenju Daibak forcing Majosenju Daibak to stand before Junk battler disappeared. "I chose My Elemental Lion and Your Daibak''. Yuya said before his Lion started running to Daibak before it jumped at him and clawed Daibak with its clothes.

Elemental Lion landed behind Daibark with Daibark looking like nothing happened to it, but after 5 seconds, Daibark's body cut in half before it exploded. (2700 – 1300 = 1400)

Sylvio was blowed away from the explosion while Yuya didn't flinched and his Elemental Lion jumped back next to him and Yuya patted him on the head like Elemental Lion was a cat.

Sylvio life points: 1900 – 1400 = 500.

The explosion from Daibak was still around and shoots into the air and created green fireworks amazing the crowd again. "Yuya has damaged Sylvio's life points again and now Sylvio only has 500 life points left''. Nico said on his Microphone again.

The You show duel school were amazed with Yuya. "Yuya has become so cool and awesome''. Tate and Fredrick said amazed with Yuya. "His became a true duel tanner just like his father''. Yoko said impressed with Yuya as well. Zuzu's checks were red because Yuya has amazed her with his new duel skills and handsome looks.

Sylvio got up from the ground. "I'll END my turn here and my Kama brothers return to my hand now''. Sylvio said ending his turn with his Kama monsters returning to his hand.

Turn 5/ Yuya lige points 5600/ Hand: 3.

"No matter what, I'll never give up and I'll defeat you Yuya''. Sylvio said before he started searching for an action card. "That's the Spirit Sylvio, My turn''. Yuya said drawing his top card from his deck.

Yuya hand: 4

Yuya looked at the card he drawled and was shocked at what he saw. "You want to battle with me too huh, alright then''. Yuya said to himself before he placed the card he just drawled on his duel blade. "I summon out Unknown Synchron in attack mode''. Yuya said as Unknown Synchron appeared on his field.

Yuya then held his right hand in the air. "I tune my Level 7 Elemental Lion with my Level 1 Unknown Synchron''. Yuya said as Elemental Lion jumped in the air with Unknown Synchron turning into 1 Green ring going around Elemental Lion. "Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path it's light shine upon!''. Yuya said as Elemental Lion turned into 7 White Lights before a Bright light appeared and consumed the 7 lights and the green ring.

The Light slammed into the ground behind Yuya. "Stardust Dragon! Let's Rev it up''. Yuya shouted out as appeared from the light was Yusei's number 1 monster spreading its wings and rained down blue particles down on Yuya amazing everyone.

Shay was shocked when he saw Yuya Synchro summoned Stardust Dragon. Crow appeared next to Shay. "That's Stardust Dragon, that means that Yusei's soul did merged with that kid Yuya's soul''. Crow said happy to know that his best friend is alright. Shay looked at his Spirit partner and smiled. "Just don't expect me to become best friends with that Yuya kid''. Shay said to Crow.

Crow smiled at Shay before he went back to Shay's soul. Shay turned back to the duel to see the rest.

Yuya was looking at Stardust Dragon with a smile. "I just Synchro summoned Yusei's favourite monster''. Yuya thought to himself before Yusei appeared next to him in spirit form and looked at Stardust Dragon.

"It's good to see Stardust Dragon again''. Yusei said to Yuya smiling. Yuya smiled back at him before Yusei went back to his heart. Yuya turned to look at Sylvio who was looking at Stardust Dragon amazed. "Go Stardust Dragon attack Sylvio directly''. Yuya said to Stardust while pointing at Sylvio.

Stardust Dragon fired its breath attack at Sylvio and made contact and sent Sylvio flying.

Sylvio life Points: 500 – 2500 = 0000

Stardust Dragon's attack went into the air and created a big White Star amazing the crowd again. "It's over, Yuya has won his first-round match''. Nico shouted out on his Microphone with the crowd cheering for Yuya and Sylvio.

The Action field disappeared and the action card in Yuya's hand also disappeared. Sylvio was on his kneels looking at the ground. "I lost again, just why can't I beat Yuya''. Sylvio said to himself before he saw Yuya's hand held out to him. Sylvio looked up to see Yuya smiling at him. "That was a great Sylvio, you are a great duellist''. Yuya said to Sylvio shocking him at what Yuya just said.

Sylvio then smiled back at Yuya and accepted Yuya's hand as Yuya pulled him of the ground and onto his own feet. "YUYU! YUYU! YUYU! / SYLVIO! SYLVIO! SYLVIO''. The crowd said cheering for both Yuya and Sylvio. Yuya and Sylvio looked at the crowd. Sylvio did a bow while Yuya just smiled.

"I'll duel you anytime Yuya''. Sylvio said to Yuya before he started walking away. Yuya smiled at Sylvio. Yusei appeared in Spirit form and was smiling at Yuya. "Great job Yuya. You didn't just win the duel but also became friends with Sylvio''. Yusei said to Yuya.

Yuya smiled and said. "Thanks Yusei''. Yusei then went back to Yuya's heart and Yuya started walking back to his friends.

You show duel school were cheering the most. "Yuya is the best''. Ally, Tate, Fredrick and Sora shouted out amazed. Yoko had a smile on her face while Gong and Zuzu's father were crying their eyes out.

Zuzu wasn't with them because she already left so she could give her own present for winning his duel.

With Julia, Dipper and Kit. They were amazed as well. "Yuya actually beat Sylvio so easy''. Dipper said shocked at how good Yuya was now. "He didn't even use his Pendulum summoning, just used Synchro summoning''. Julia said impressed. "What do you expect. This just prove Synchro is the best summoning ever''. Kit said to his two friends causing them to glair at Kit.

(With Declan)

Declan was impress as well. Yuya has really grown into a powerful Duellist in a short time. "You have grown so much Yuya. I look forward to our next duel''. Declan said to himself before he left his office.


Yuya has just walked into the corridor of the Stadium and when he was in public range he was immediately surrounded by lots of teenage girls around his age.

"You were so handsome''. "You are the best duellist on the world''. "Will you go out with me''. "Will you marry me''. Lots of girls said to Yuya. Yuya was blushing from all the girls surrounding him, but the one that said to marry him was the one that made his blush even more.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend''. Yuya heard Zuzu's voice said and next thing Yuya knew was that he was being dragged away from the girls by Zuzu. Zuzu had her hand on the back of Yuya's jacket and was dragging him outside away from those girls.

When Zuzu and Yuya made it outside, the sun was setting and the sky was orange. Zuzu let go of Yuya's jacket and Yuya turned around to look at her. "Thanks for the help Zuzu''. Yuya said to his girlfriend.

"Your welcome Yuya''. Zuzu said before she kissed Yuya on the lips and had her arms wrapped around his neck. Yuya wrapped his arms around Zuzu lower back. After 5 seconds Zuzu pulled away from Yuya. "That was my present for winning you're first duel in the championship''. Zuzu said to Yuya.

"There you two are''. Zuzu's father's voice said making Yuya and Zuzu turn around to see him, Yoko, Sora, Ally, Tate and Fredrick coming out of the stadium. The 3 kids run up to Yuya and were saying how amazing he was in his duel making Yuya smile.

"You did good today Yuya''. Zuzu's father said to Yuya. Yuya nodded to Zuzu's father. "All right time for us to go home now''. Zuzu's father said. Ally, Tate, Fredrick and Sora nodded to Zuzu's father while Yuya started walking away. "Yuya where are you going''. Zuzu said noticing Yuya walking away which cached the other's attention.

"I'm going spend the rest of the day having fun alright so just don't worry about me''. Yuya said before he turned left and was out of the other's sight. Everyone looked at each other confused before they heard the sound of a motorcycle.

They looked at where the sound come from and then a Red and White motorcycle (Yusei's duel runner) with Yuya on it with a red helmet on his head riding on it and holding both handlebars.

Yuya shifted left and his duel runner turned left and was out of the stadium's carpark and into the city's road.

Zuzu, Ally, Tate, Fredrick and Zuzu's father had shock looks on their faces while Yoko and Sora was surprised at how good Yuya was at driving his duel runner. "Where did Yuya get a motorcycle''. Zuzu's father said looking at Yoko.

(With Yuya)

Yuya was riding his Duel runner on the road with his duel disk attached to his duel runner and was having a good time. "Today has been really fun''. Yuya said to himself before Yusei appeared next to him in spirit form.

"Glad to know you're having fun. Are you gonna spend the rest of the day riding my duel runner''. Yusei said to Yuya. Yuya nodded to Yusei before he turned his attention back to the road and focused on his duel runner. Yuya could feel the wind going against his jacket and his face. Yusei went back to Yuya's heart with a smile on his face.

(With Zuzu)

Zuzu was walking home because her father had to drop off Ally, Tate and Fredrick back to their homes and Sora just disappeared and Yoko went back to her house. She was surprised when she saw Yuya ride a motorcycle. She was in the same street where Yuya's soul merged with Yusei's soul.

"Tomorrow is the day that I have my rematch against Julia. I can't lose''. Zuzu thought to herself walking to her house. But when he was about to pass the same alleyway that Yuya meet Yusei she heard a voice. "Please help me''.

Zuzu stopped walking and looked at the alleyway that was where the voice came from. "Did I just hear someone''. Zuzu thought to herself before she heard it again. "Please anyone help me''.

Zuzu went into the alleyway to find who said that. But she soon came to a dead end. "That's weird I thought someone was here''. Zuzu said to herself before a bright light appeared and consumed her.

(With Yuya)

Yuya was still riding around the city with his duel runner having fun, but then something cached his attention. A glow made Yuya look down to his right hand to see his Dragon mark glowing. "My Mark''. Yuya thought to himself before he shifted his duel runner sideways and had his right leg slam into the ground to stop his duel runner.

When his duel runner stopped, Yuya looked at his Dragon mark. "Why is it glowing like this''. Yuya said to himself. Yusei appeared next to Yuya. "Something is not right. The Crimson Dragon mark might be trying to tell us something''. Yusei said to Yuya.

Yuya looked at Yusei then his Mark. Then it felt like the Mark wanted him to go somewhere so Yuya did what it wanted. Yuya shifted the handlebars and turn his duel runner around to go where the mark wanted him to go.

It took 10 minutes to get where the Dragon mark wanted to go, but Yuya managed to get their as fast as he could. It turns out that the mark has lead him to where he met Yusei. Yuya stopped his duel runner and took his helmet off. "Why did the mark wanted me to go back here''. Yuya said to himself before he pulled the right handlebar up and got off his duel runner before he pulled the right handlebar back down.

Yuya started walking in the alleyway with Yusei still in spirit form. Yuya soon came to the dead end of the alleyway and saw something unexpected. Akiza's duel runner was there a little damaged and Zuzu was lying on the ground unconscious.

There was something different. Zuzu's hair that was dark purple was now the same colour as Akiza's hair and was now identical as Akiza hair. Zuzu's chest was even bigger now. They were the same size as Akiza's chest. What cached Yuya's attention was that on Zuzu's right forearm was Akiza's Dragon mark.

"No way''. Yuya said shocked along with Yusei. Then something surprising happen. A person appeared in Spirit form in front of Yuya and Yusei. It was a young woman adult that looked a little younger than Yusei.

The woman had brown eyes and her hair is mostly chin-length with the addition of long, elbow-length bangs that frame both sides of her face. Her hair had a metal object holding the front of her hair. wears a low-cut red corset with short, light green puffy sleeves and a high collar and she She also sports a sleeveless magenta trench coat that flares behind her which is shorter and pleated in the front. She wears a red choker and an emerald crested, golden cross-shaped medallion, as well as a pair of dark, elbow-length gloves with a pair of gold bracelets above them. Her stockings are the same colour as her gloves, and are connected to her skirt and finally she wears red high-heeled pumps/sandals with them.

The woman was smelling teary eyes at them or more exact was looking at Yusei.

Yusei had a shock look on his face and could only say one thing. "Akiza''.

And finally done. That took a while. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it. I am also gonna show you a sneak peak of a future chapter. Here goes.

"You wested you time trying to make me smile and even thought you did make me smile. You lost all chances to deated me now. You can't defeate me Yuya''. Celina said to Yuya with a smirk on her face.

"I never wanted to deafeat you Celina. I wanted to save you''. Yuya said to Celina. Celina had a look of disbelive on her face as a tear left her left eye. "And I intend to with Star Eyes final Shine. With this trap when Star eyes is destroyed by battle or a card effect you take damage to it's original ATK points. You would have seen this coming if you didn't try to hind behind that mask that you made''. Yuya said as his trap actvated and Star Eyes Pendulum Dragon appeared in Spirit form before it unlished it's breath attack on Celina.

Celina life points:500 - 2500 = 0000

Yuya win.

The duel ended as the Action field cross over deactivated and Celina's Lunalight cat dancer dissapeared.

Celina was on her kneels and her face was looking down at the ground before she looked at Yuya. Yuya's eyes widen when he saw that Celina was crying. "You happy now to see the big tought Celina for who she really is''. Celina said with a sad tone and her eyes still had tears. "Celina''. Yuya shouted out before he run over to her. He got on one kneel and took his jacket off and wrapped around Celina's shoulders.

"It's okay now, you don't have to be this tough girl anymore. You can finally be who you really are. Let's get you back to Crow's house''. Yuya said as he helped Celina up and held onto her and helped walk her back to Crow's house. Celina still had tears in her eyes but was smilling and had a little red in her checks. "Thank you Yuya''. Celina said to Yuya. Yuya smiled at Celina. "Anytime Celina''.

Well that's the sneak peak. Anyway my Challange is still up for you guys to take on. Just look at my profile and check it. Anyway my White Dragon story is next so keep you eyes out.