Hello everyone! Guess who's back?
I know some of you don't know so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Nina, lovely to meet you all. This is a Reborn story I have been working on for a long time. I had published it a while back, but I decided to rewrite it and publish all the chapters once again. Not only is better written back, but I also added a lot more information and made the story easier to follow. I hope those who read it before like the new changes, and those who are reading it now enjoy it.
The story is set in an AU, as the title might suggest. I have a few ideas for the original story line, but right now it's not the time for them. Also, many of the characters are gender bend, to keep that in mind.
The main couples on this story are:
And whatever others pop up along the way.
While I'm at it, these are the character's ages: Tsuna (19), Giotto (22), Hayato (20), Takeshi (20), Kyoya (21), Mukuro (21), Chrome (17), G (23), Asari (22), Alaude (25), Daemon (25), Elena (22), Lampo (19), Knuckle (24), Reborn (23), Xanxus (22). As more characters pop up, I'll provide their ages.
Chapter 1: A Day in the Life
If there's one thing Tsuna is sure of is that she's not a morning person. When the alarm went off, she jumped and fell on the floor, mostly because it is obnoxiously loud. However, if it weren't that loud, she'd never hear it. Groaning, she got up and turn it off. It was barely six in the morning and all she wanted to do was go back to bed. Unfortunately for her, she has classes today and she already missed more classes than she should've, she can't afford to skip anymore. The semester is coming to an end, which means all of her professors are assigning projects and exams, as well as discussing important material. She has so much going on she feels like she's going insane. It is her first year of college, so she's still trying to get the hang of things. She was never the greatest student. She always struggled with classes and keeping decent grades. Sure, she was no longer the "dame-Tsuna" everyone knew back in middle school, but she still wasn't the best student. She is lucky to have amazing friends and an even more amazing boyfriend who never hesitated to help her whenever she needed it.
Yawing, Tsuna made her way into a bathroom in order to take a shower. As she waited for the water to heat up, she noticed the bags underneath her eyes. They were growing darker by the day. She knows her friends are going to worry, but there's not much she can do about it. Between school and her part time job she doesn't have a lot of free time to do her schoolwork. This means she has to sacrifice precious sleeping time in order to do schoolwork. 'The semester is almost over. I can do this.' Once her freshmen year of college comes to an end, she's taking a well deserved vacation.
Not wanting to be late, she took at quick shower and went back to her room. She looked around for what she should wear. Considering that summer was right around the corner, the temperatures have been in the rise, which she loved. She's always been a bigger fan of summer than winter. Since she didn't have to go into work after class, she can wear whatever she wants without having to worry about changing later. She decided to wear a pair of white demi shorts a light blue tank top. She brushed her waist long brown locks and then tied them into a high ponytail. She's been debating whether she should cut her hair for some time now, but Giotto likes it long, so she kept it long. Normally, she doesn't bother with makeup, but her eye bags were looking pretty bad. She puts on some make up to conceal them and called it a day. She grabbed her favorite pair of sandals and made her way downstairs for some breakfast with her mother.
To her big surprise, she not only found her mother, but also her good for nothing father.
Everyone who knows Tsuna knows that the girl has a strained relationship with her father. She doesn't hate the man, although sometimes it did come across that way, she just resents him a great deal. For as long as she can remember, her father hasn't been around. He doesn't seem capable of maintaining a job, so he's always jumping from job to job. This meant he traveled for months at a time. He would get jobs on the other side of the country without any regard for his family. On the long run, this affected the family more than it helped. Sure, he'd sent money every month, but the majority of his earnings he spent on living arrangements for the jobs he took. This meant that her mother, and eventually her once she was old enough, had to step up and find a way to make ends meet.
What aggravates Tsuna the most about the entire situation is how non-challan her father is about the entire thing. He tends to come home every few months, and while he's there, he behaves like everything is right and perfect. He doesn't seem to know just how much her and her mother struggle to make ends meet every month. All the extra shifts Tsuna has to pick up at work just help her mom pay the bills. All the times she had to borrow money from her friends just so they could feed themselves. Iemitsu seems to ignore all of that, opting to behave like a drunk idiot whenever he's home. As much as Tsuna doesn't want to, she has to hold her mom responsible for his attitude as well. Whenever he's home, she treats him like a king. She never yells at him for being so irresponsible or asks him to step up and be a responsible adult. She understands how much her mother loves her father, but that shouldn't be an excuse. That man doesn't deserve to be treated the way he does.
"Tsu-chan, good morning." Iemitsu tried to hug his little girl, but instead, she pushed him aside.
"Don't call me that, I'm not five anymore." She replied coldly. "When did you got here?" Iemitsu can be a lot of things, but he's not an idiot. The anger on his daughter's voice was clear, and he's well aware of her feelings towards him. As much as he wants to tell himself the contrary, she has every reason to feel the way she does.
"I got here not so long ago. I have a few weeks off before my next job starts. I figured I'd come and spend some time with my favorite ladies."
"Well, don't count me in."
"Tsuna-chan, it's not every day that your dad comes home. You should try to enjoy this time with him." Nana knows her daughter is angry and her dad, and it pains her. She loves Iemitsu with all of her. She loves Tsuna like she never thought she could love someone. The last thing she wants is for the two people she loves the most to be fighting with each other.
"Because he's your father Tsuna."
"I'm aware mom, but why should I give a damn when clearly he doesn't? He doesn't know what we go through every month just to keep ourselves afloat. He doesn't know of the sacrifices you and I have to make just because of his own irresponsibility. He leaves for months and when he's back, he just pretends like everything is perfectly fine and nothing is falling apart." The last person Tsuna wants to upset is her mother. Everything she does, she does for her mother, which makes the entire thing every worse. Tsuna is used to not having her dad around. She couldn't care less whether he was there not or, but she knows how much her mother suffers his absence. She's seen her mother cry more times than she cares to count because her father wasn't around.
"Tsuna…" As much as Nana wishes it wasn't true, she knows her daughter has plenty of reasons to be angry at her dad. It just breaks her heart that it had to come down to this.
Right at the moment, Tsuna felt her phone go off. "I gotta go, Giotto is here to pick me up." With that, she grabbed her backpack and walked out the door. Right by the entrance was parked an expensive sports car that Tsuna got into as soon as possible.
The first thing Tsuna saw when she got into the car was her boyfriend's smiling face. It didn't matter what Tsuna's mood was, or if her day has been horrible or if she wants to kill everyone, seeing Giotto's gorgeous smile never failed to make her feel better. The two of them had met in high school. It was Tsuna's first year, and Giotto was three years her sempai. Everyone at school was intrigued by the new students who have moved to Japan from Italy. Unknowingly, Tsuna befriended one of those Italian kids, to the point where they became best friends, and that's how she got to meet Giotto. She still has no idea how someone like her managed to befriend, let alone date someone like him, but she wasn't complaining. She might be biased, but she thinks Giotto is one most handsome guy she has ever met. His unruly blonde spikes matched his light orange eyes beautifully. His eyes were definitely something else. She has never seen that eye color before, and she can stare at his eyes for hours. Tsuna has never admitted this to anyone, but Giotto's eyes were her favorite thing about him. However, Tsuna didn't fall for Giotto just because he looks like he was carved in marble to then be showcased to the world. No, she fell for him because he's one of the most wonderful persons she's ever met. For starters, he has a heart of gold. He's always willing to help those who need it, no matter what it takes. He's caring, gentle and just want the people he loves to be happy.
Tsuna has no idea what a guy like him saw on a girl like her. Giotto is the man of every girl's dream: he's handsome, sweet, caring and more importantly, treated her like a queen. Seriously, Tsuna has no complains about the way Giotto treats her. He couldn't be a better boyfriend. Meanwhile, Tsuna is as average as average gets. She wasn't overly pretty, wealthy or smart. She thinks there's nothing special about her, while everything about Giotto is special. She doesn't know what he sees in her, but she's glad he does. He's one of the best things that has ever happened to her. She can't imagine her life without him in it.
"Hello there," Giotto leaned forward and gave her a quick yet warm peck in her lips. "Is everything okay? You look exhausted and irritated."
"You're right about that."
"What happened?" Giotto asked as he started driving towards their university. The two of them attend the same university, although Giotto is almost done with his degree and Tsuna is just starting.
"For starters, I'm running on about three hours of sleep. I have so much work due on the upcoming weeks and I was just trying to get a head start on it, but it seems like the day doesn't have enough hours for me to do a decent amount of work. To make matters even better, my dad was home this morning." Tsuna is exhausted, and she knows she's easily irritable when she's running on such little rest. The whole situation with her dad wasn't making things any better.
Giotto grabbed one his girlfriend's hands, keeping his other hand on the steering wheel, and kissed her knuckles. "I'm sorry love, that sounds like a rough morning. Why don't you take a short nap? I'll wake you up when we get to school." Tsuna couldn't help the warm feeling that spread through her. He's the best boyfriend ever.
"Don't worry about it. I have the day off, so I plan on getting some sleep once I'm done with classes. Besides, if I fall asleep, I won't be able to talk to you." Giotto just smiled and kissed Tsuna's hand once again.
Before any of them could say anything, Giotto's phone went off. "Would you mind checking that for me?" He asked Tsuna.
"Sure," with that, the brunette grabbed his phone to see G had texted him. "It's a text from G, it says 'not making it to class today. Hungover.' Should I respond?"
"Tell him that we have a calculus exam today. I don't care if he doesn't show up to the rest of his classes, is not like he needs to, but he can't miss the exam." Among their group of friends, G is one of the smartest ones. Tsuna is pretty sure he knew the material in the syllabus before it was taught. She quickly wrote the text and sent it.
In about half an hour, they arrived at the university's parking lot. They still had time before either one of them needed to be in class, so they decided to get some breakfast at the school's dining hall.
"What would you like?" Giotto asked her as they placed their stuff at their usual table.
"Just a bagel and a yoghurt cup if they have any. I'm don't have much of an appetite."
"I'll be right back." As Tsuna waited for Giotto, her best friend texted her, asking her if she was already in school. Tsuna quickly lets her know where she's at and wait for her to show up. In a few minutes, Tsuna sees her best friend walking into the dining hall, holding hands with another close friend of theirs.
Hayato and Tsuna became friends from the moment they met. On paper, the friendship shouldn't work. They are total opposites of each other. Tsuna is a sweet, gentle and patient girl who has no faith on herself and lot of self-esteem issues. Hayato is an incredible smart, confident, to the point of smugness sometimes, sarcastic, cutthroat girl who will kill you first, then ask question. She has a cursing problem and more often than not comes across as blunt and rude. However, the two of them also had many things in common. They both have a heart of gold and are willing to do anything for the people they love. While they go about it in different ways, they both are passionate and driven. Besides, they complement each other quite nicely. Hayato encourages Tsuna to break out from her shell, and everyone has seen that ever since the two girls became friends, Tsuna's self-esteem has improved. Tsuna helps to keep Hayato out of trouble and be more honest with herself. The two balance each other like no one else.
Tsuna thinks Hayato is one of the most beautiful girls she's ever seen. She has this gorgeous silver hair that reaches halfway down her back that no one has ever seen. Ever since Hayato transferred to their school, countless of girls tried to dye their hair silver, but it never looked as beautiful as Hayato's. She also has this pair of green eyes that never failed to mesmerize people. Tsuna remembers all the girls who used be jealous of Hayato, prompting a lot of fights with the silver haired girl. Holding Hayato's hand was her boyfriend, Takeshi. He's a very handsome man, just not as handsome as Giotto, in Tsuna's biased opinion. Part of that is due to the fact that Takeshi is Japanese, unlike the rest of their friends. This meant that out of everyone, Takeshi's features were the most "common." That didn't take away the fact that he was incredibly handsome. He was fairly tall, among the tallest on their group of friends. He keeps his dark brown hair short and that suited him just fine. His chocolate colored eyes were bright and cheerful, just like Takeshi's personality. He was the kind of guy who no matter how bad things are, he has a way of cheering everyone. He also has this unique talent of making people feel at ease. He's an idiot, but everyone loves him for it.
Him and Hayato make one of the most perfect couples ever. As hard as Hayato tries, there's no denying she's heels over head for Takeshi. She has been crushing on him since they were kids. Takeshi was one of the few people who could calm Hayato down whenever she was throwing a fit. He's also one of the few people willing to put up with Hayato's horrible moods. In return, Hayato helps Takeshi be a more educated person. She helps him with schoolwork and whenever he misses important social clues. In other words, they balance each other almost perfectly. Besides, it's obvious the two of them absolutely love each other, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
"Hey Tsuna," Hayato greeted as she sat down at the table, Takeshi sitting next to her.
Right at that moment, Giotto shows up with a trait full of food. "We have pudding and back coffee for Hayato." He passed her the cardboard cup and a little pudding cup. "Protein bar and sports drink for Takeshi and bagel and hot chocolate for my girl."
"You're the best." Tsuna said as she started spreading some cream cheese on her bagel.
"How's G?" Giotto asked Hayato.
Giotto has known Takeshi and Hayato since they were little kids. This is due to the fact that Giotto is best friends with their older brothers, G and Asari. Giotto has a tight group of friends. It him and six other guys: G, Asari, Alaude, Daemon, Lampo and Knuckle. They all met when they were little kids and have been inseparable ever since. By default, Giotto became close with their families as well, namely their siblings, who Giotto treats like they were his little brothers and sisters. He's particularly close to Hayato and Takeshi, mostly because he's the closest with G and Asari. He also owes Hayato big time. It's thanks to her that he was able to meet Tsuna.
"He's passed out in the couch. I tried to wake him up this morning, but he was nonresponsive, so I just let him be. All he said is that he'd make it to his exam and passed out again."
"Sounds like G." Everyone agreed with Giotto on that one.
The four of them enjoyed their breakfast until Takeshi noticed their class will be starting soon. Him, Hayato and Tsuna had the same class that morning. "We should get going. Class is starting soon."
The girls nodded and started picking up their things. Tsuna went over to Giotto and kissed him before leaving "I'll see you over at lunch."
"Have fun in class. I love you."
It doesn't matter how many times Tsuna hears that, she always blushes. "I love you more."
With that, the three of them were gone. Giotto just stared at the direction his girlfriend had disappear to, hoping she'd turn around and come back to him, but she didn't. Lately, all Giotto wants to do is monopolize her time, even when he knows it's not fair to her. He loves that girl way too much to even think about being away from her
"You guys are disgusting you know that?" Giotto didn't need to turn around to see who it was. He'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"Good morning to you too Lampo." In no time, a green haired guy with a bored expression on his face sat next to him.
Out of all of his friends, not counting the siblings, Lampo is the youngest. When Giotto met him, he was a spoiled, selfish brat who used to throw tantrums over everything. While he can still behave like a brat, he's grown and mature over the years. There was no question that he's become a better person and Giotto takes a lot of pride on that. He couldn't feel prouder of Lampo. However, despite the fact that he is now an adult, he is still treated like the baby of the group. He is more protected and spoiled than the rest of his friends. He knows this is almost an involuntary thing for everyone else, given that Lampo is the same age as some of their younger siblings. For the most part, Giotto likes Lampo's laid back personality, although he can be rather annoying whenever he wants to be.
"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Giotto asked.
"It got canceled. I woke up so early for nothing. How about yours?"
"My class doesn't start for another half hour." Responded Giotto. "I'm here early cause I came to drop off Tsuna.
"Have you talked to her yet?" Giotto just took a deep breath, knowing exactly what Lampo was hitting to.
"No, not yet."
"I suggest you figure it out soon. Time is running out. Gramps texted me this morning asking me if I knew anything about when we were planning to go back since you refuse to tell him anything."
"I'm well aware that I need to figure something out. I'm trying to approach this in a way that isn't going to scare her."
Lampo knows how much Giotto is struggling with all of this and it frustrate him that there's nothing he can do to help. Meanwhile, Giotto couldn't stop thinking about situation. He needs to do something about it, and it needs to be soon.