Hey Everyone! Newcomers and "oldcomers" alike!

How's everyone been holding up since I was dead during the dreaded rewrite? I'm sure you've all been well. I mean, It would be kinda creepy and unfortunate if the only thing you had in life was this lil' story here. I'm sorry that it took so long for my return. Because of how long it took, I have no excuse to wiggle my way out of this.

I was originally going to stay absent for longer before I got pushed by fellow writers in a Discord server (mostly Jordanzz) to get out of my shell as quickly as possible. (The Discord server has made me more of an asshole) Plus I got sick and tired of the multitudes of PMs asking me if I was dead, too many in fact that I became tired of replying to them (sorry about that btw, but now you know why xD). I mostly wanted to be absent longer because I thought it would be unacceptable to be gone for so long and write so little. I have so little writing done because I rewrote the story once, but I still wasn't satisfied. So I rewrote it again. And the second rewrite is what you're seeing right now :). Hope you guys enjoy!

I still have a little more to say, but I'll just say those things in the post-chapter description. See you all there! :D

Fuck you Jordan.

?'s POV:

Just a couple more days to go, I thought as I awoke in my den, which was dimly lit by the sun.

Then I'm done with this hellhole…

The blaring alarm clock signified a new day for me to endure. I had placed it across my room to force myself to get up in order to put the digital box to rest. Now that I'm barely standing up on my own four paws and light-headed, I padded my way to my bathroom.

The squinted face of a Glaceon stared back at me when I looked at the mirror. I reluctantly packed up for school after I washed my face. I popped an Oran berry into my mouth from a basket that was on the same table as my clock, and trudged out of my den and towards the direction of Celebi High School - the only high school around these wooded areas. I went and started my walk to school for the millionth time.

Upon reaching school grounds, I saw the brick sign of the high school. The sign had the logo of a vibrant sun with a Celebi in the middle of it.

I continued to carry on to the brick construct's entrance, where a bunch of students of several species of Pokémon were hanging out. Since school hasn't started yet, they had some time to spare to goof around before another six-hour period of useless knowledge is shoved into our heads. It felt like some eyes were burning onto my back as I walked pass the free-loading Pokemon, not all of them, but some. But in my vocabulary, "some" translates to "all".

I dumped my things that I didn't need at the moment, textbooks, papers, all the like, into my designated locker before making my way to my assigned homeroom.

"Hey there shortstop!"

I turned my head around in time to see a pale yellow paw smash onto my back. I flinched in pain.

"The hell was that for?!" I gave an unamused look to the Bayleef walking beside me.

"Call it a friendly greeting. So, how's my buddy doing? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?"

"I'll spare you the details. Just… I'm not in the mood for talking today."

"I'll take that as a yes then." He looked at something ahead of us. "Well, I guess I'll catch you later then."

Then he ran off in another direction from where I was going, leaving me in the dust. I stared at the spot from where the Bayleef turned a corner for a short moment before rolling my eyes, and continuing to walking into my homeroom without a care in the world.

The end of the school year is near, and that means the final assessments are near. I've heard stories that all the other tests and quizzes never really mattered that much, but this one does. As well as the pretty accurate comparison of choosing life or death to choosing to or to not study for the finals. All in all, it's just something that all students dread. I'm no exception.

I could just imagine all the worksheets we're going to get as means of studying for it, it's not really something anyone would wanna do during a Friday. I guess it does give me something to do during the weekend though.

If only I was part of the small percentage that for some reason actually likes school, then I would be looking forward to it and instead not stress about it. I sighed as I took a seat in the corner of the classroom. A quick nap wouldn't hurt right now.

?'s POV:

"Nice show isn't it?"

"Yeah, it seems like something you would like."

"What, you don't like it?"

"No, it's okay. I'm happy as long as I get time to spend with you~."

"Hey, can you turn off the TV?"

"Yeah, why? Getting sleepy?"

"No... that's not it..."


My whole body jolted from the sound of my alarm clock, making me cover my ears with my pillow.

"No… just five more minutes." I murmured to myself, quickly getting up to press the sleep button on my alarm clock. I wrapped myself in blankets in an attempt to go back to the dream I was having. It's almost a feeling of deja vu everytime a dream ends at the best part. I groaned knowing that I wouldn't be getting anymore shuteye and I sat up. I stared blankly at my clock with squinted eyes, 7:20 AM was what it read…

No, that can't be right…

I leaned forward a bit and squinted my eyes even more to confirm what I was seeing. The clock still had the exact same time on it.

Oh no!

I practically scrambled out of my bed and hurried to my kitchen, shoved a Pecha berry in my mouth and rushed out of my den and towards Celebi High School, carrying a shoulderbag of all my school stuffs, all in less than a minute.

I'm going to be late!

Fortunately, I arrived to school earlier than I thought, panting after running all the way here. I proceeded to walk into the large brick building and immediately noticed three of the most influential Pokemon to me, they were chatting amongst themselves by some tan colored lockers. I happily bounded over to them with a smile.

"Hey guys!" I cheerfully greeted.

"Haaay Sylvy!" The Clefairy, also known as Isha, greeted back. She was hugging her binders and textbooks like they were stuffed animals.

"Decided to clock in some more to sleep huh?" The Buneary, dubbed Lily, teased. "Do all Sylveon's do this?"

"Maybe." I playfully smiled, "Hey, I couldn't help it!"

We exchanged tons of dialogue about the latest gossip flying around the school. Then Kinzy, the easy-going Cinccino, brought up something I should have seen coming from a mile away.

"So, when are you gonna ask out your crush?"

"H-Hey!" I retorted, by now they probably know how much that subject bothers me. "I will when I'm ready!"

The normal-type giggled, "You know, you're probably going to have to ask him today you know, we're sitting on the last few days of school!"

"But can't I still ask him after school's over?"

"Maybe, but the sooner the better! Who knows, someone else might get to him first if you don't do it now." Isha reasoned. "You're playing with lady luck here, it's kinda surprising no one has made a move on him."

I sighed, "... Well, I'll think of something, I guess."

Kinzy nodded, "Anyways, we should probably get going, the bell is going to ring any minute now."

We nodded and said our goodbyes before we parted ways towards our respective classes. Except Lily, since we had the same first period class together. It would've been nice if we all had the same classes together, but oh well. I'm lucky to have one of my friends at least.

"So, you need any pointers?" Lily nudged me while walking through the halls.

"Oh please, what's the worst that could happen?" I said.

"I can think of a ton of things. Do you even know anything about him? It'll be hard to start a conversation if you don't... do you even know his name?"

"Yeah umm... it's uh... " She gave me a look of ridicule, "Well, I'm sure the name will come to me sooner or later! I swear I do know it though!"

She shook her head, "Oh Sylvy, your priceless sometimes."

"Hey, it's not like you know a lot of things about relationships!" I said back, "You have as much experience as I do with boys, I have none!"

"Well, let's just that I have a knack for these sort of things. Besides, getting opinions from another can go a long way."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But this is more of a personal situation, you know? I think I can handle this on my own."

"I hope so."

When we arrived to our form room, which was already filled with other students, exchanging any last thoughts before our dull classes begin, I scanned the room for any open seats. My vision immediately fixated on a spot next to a Glaceon, and if I don't know any better, I think he's sleeping. Another open seat was in the front rows of the classroom.

"Look, he's right there," Lily whispered to me, pointing at the right corner of the back of the room. "Maybe you should take it slow, ask him if he wants to hang out or something; be friends first before you make any moves."

"Are you crazy?" I softly retorted back, "He's sleeping, I can't just wake him up! Why do I have to ask him now?"

Lily squinted her eyes a bit to see if I was right. "Whoa, he is." She scoffed, "Well, it's still worth a try. Good luck!" Lily patted me on the back before innocently sitting in the seat on the front rows. She ignored my last question completely - typical Lily.

"Oh, you're not getting away with this..." I weakly punched her on the shoulder. She grinned in response.

I sighed, and padded to the back of the classroom. I heaved a heavy breath before I sat down on my seat. I stole quick glances at the ice-type eeveelution.

I can't just wake him up! He's sleeping so peacefully!

He's smiling a bit, which is odd. He usually has an emotionless or bored expression all the time whenever I see him. Maybe he's having a really good dream.

What kind of Pokemon am I if I wake him up from that?

I took a deep breath. Maybe plan out what I'm going to do.

Before I even realized what I was doing, I lightly tapped his shoulder.

Kori's POV:

I awoke a few minutes before the bell rang, so that's good. I've had several embarrassing moments where I was still asleep even after class began, it was not pretty, to say the least. I wiped my eyes instinctively, and yawned. I checked to see if anybody noticed my snoozing. Nobody looked like they did, but my gut tells me that they do.

Oddly, I felt like there was something on my shoulder, like some kind of itch - maybe a bug or something. I lifted a paw and tried to wipe it off, expecting to feel nothing, since those pesky flies always fly away in time before they get steamrolled by my paw (though I wouldn't like bug guts on my shoulder). But instead, I felt something else, it was soft, but also sturdy. And big enough to make my paw come to a stop. I immediately inferred that there was a humongous bug on me and turned my head quickly to confirm that theory.

I saw a fellow student next to me, a Sylveon. Ironically, she seemed as surprised as I was on what she is currently doing. She was paralyzed from it, in fact. It was almost like I'm looking at a mirror of a female version of myself. I wiped my eyes to see if my vision was messed up since I did just wake up. Maybe it was rude to do it in front of her, but she seemed concerned about something else. I was just about to look away and wipe her paw away to prevent any more discomfort between us, but I was too late.

"Oh umm..." The Sylveon instantly retracted her paw after the sudden realization, rubbing it with her other right after. "Hi there!" She said cheerfully, acting like what just happened never happened.

"Uhh... hi..?" I replied awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

"I don't think we've met before. My name's Sylvia! What's yours?"


"Awesome! It's great to finally meet you!" She beamed, "I've seen you sitting alone at lunch sometimes, wanna sit together today? I'm sure it'll be fun!"


I bit my tongue to calm down a little. "Umm… sure?"

She looked a little tense. "Really? Awesome! I'll see you then!" She smiled again and turned to face the front of the room.

The bell rung right after. The announcements went on and whoever was behind the intercom rambled about pointless afterschool events and clubs. I wasn't listening, just pondering what I'm going to do during lunch. Scolding myself for how I could have handled the situation better.

I was anxious when lunch period finally rolled by, just how am I going to deal with this unfortunate event? I never even bothered to make up my decision and talk to her about it, I was too preoccupied on my classes to give a damn.

I think I already forgot her name.

I cautiously stepping into the cafeteria, scanning the gigantic room for any signs of pink. When I got to the lunch line, I hid behind a Girafarig that didn't really seem to notice my intentions. I concluded that if I can't find her (or vice versa, in this case), then I don't have to sit with her; it'll be both an honest and effective excuse.

My heart was thumping. It's like I'm being hunted down. If I'm compromised, I'm as good as dead. I wondered when I would be hitting the dirt as the lunch line continue to progress.

I shifted my feet uncomfortably under stressful scenario I'm in. I'm almost at the end of the line, then I could go eat outside in the courtyard of the school or something, instead of inside, where she'd probably think I'd be. I usually hate going outside, but a few minutes in the sun isn't nearly as bad than having to talk to somebody.

So far so good, I got my food, which is on a styrofoam tray of Sitrus Berries, brown rice (that taste like nothing), and a pint carton of chocolate milk. Now having to stand on my hind legs since I'm holding the tray, I carefully walked towards the cafeteria doors, there's still no sign of the Sylveon. I wonder if she was just pulling my leg, I hope she is.

Just a few more steps…




"Hi Kori!"

I got so surprised that I jumped a few millimeters into the air, causing my food to fly up too the same distance too. My milk carton fell onto it's side. I turned around and saw the Pokemon I was trying to avoid the whole time behind me. She, also on her hind legs (all quadrupeds basically do this when having to hold things our maws can't), held a tray with Chesto Berries, a small styrofoam bowl of caeser salad, and a carton of Berry Juice. She held the tray with one paw so she could wave at me with a charming smile.

I looked at her wide dilated pupils, shocked on her she seemed to materialize behind me. "Uhh... hi..."

"Did you wanna eat outside? It sure is a nice day out!" She said in glee, she looked out the big window panes in the cafe. The sky was clear.

There's pretty much no hope in escaping now without seeming like dipshit, so I guess I have to make the best of it. I don't care about where I am on the social food chain, but thinking about the opinions of Pokemon by themselves kinda bothers me. "N-No I... I was uh... heading towards the bathroom." I made up.

"With your food silly? I didn't know that was a thing!" She tried to humor.

Several drops of sweat ran down my head, I eyed my tray. "Oh uh...yeah, I guess so."

"Well, why don't we sit over there, you probably wouldn't like being in the sun. Plus, we can get a nice view of the outside too!" She pointed to an unoccupied bench table near the windows.

I nodded slightly, she smiled again and walked to the table. I gulped before I followed along.

Her name is Sylve... right?

I sat across from her and looked at anything but her, and looked for ways to get out of this predicament instead. Lunch period just began a few minutes ago, so there's still a long road ahead. She constantly tried to pry a conversation with me; asking me questions about myself, trying to see if we had anything in common. I highly doubt we do. She seems loud and extremely outgoing, so I'm the polar opposite of her.

"So, how do like school? Aren't you excited it's almost over?" She asked,

"Yeah, I guess."

"Really?! Me too! I can't wait until we're outta here!" She exclaimed, I studied the way she spoke to me. "So, what do you do afterschool? Ever feel like taking the load off when you get home?"


"Same! I just can't help myself sometimes and take a nap!"

Those were only a few of the many questions she over-excitingly pelted me with, I ended up my leaving my food untouched, which I'd probably come to regret later. I endured myself until the last eight minutes of lunch. That was when I'd had enough and then I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

"Okay then. Do you wanna hang out after school? We can get to know eachother better!" She asked when I got up.

Oh c'mon.

"Oh umm... I uhh, can't..." I faced her, but stared at the ceiling, "I need to... s-study for the final exams."

Her ears seemed to droop the slightest bit, "Oh, I guess that makes sense. It doesn't look like we have much time after you get back... so, see you period seven!" She got up and started walking to another table, she winked and waved at me as she did so. A Clefairy, Buneary, and Cinccino sitting there seemed particularly excited to see her approaching.

She seems... overly friendly... maybe. Probably.

I barely remember her being in my period seven class, even when it's almost the last day of school, I still don't know everybody in my courses... not that I want to though.

I walked out of the lunch room and towards the closest bathroom in the halls. I don't actually need to go, but I just wanted to leave sooner. Upon stepping inside the restroom, I went into a stall and sat on a toilet with lid closed, and waited.

Once the electronic bell finally rung to signal the next period - six, I went out of the stall and to my next class, while being a little cautious as I did so. I sighed as I entered my Calculus class. I can't wait until school's over.

Let me know what you guys think of the beginning chapter. It's not my best work, but I don't feel like I want to go back and fine-tune it until I feel like I do.

This part here will address my thanks for the support in my Discord group!

realflareon - For starting and inviting me to the Discord server and being the only guy that actually beta-read my chapters and gave constructive criticism instead of saying "Oh, is gud man"... and also for demanding that this be here.

JackIvmage12 - For giving general support.

Jordanzz - For consistently calling meas well as being the one who pushed me to finally update. And also being that person that said "Oh, is gud man" when he beta-read my chapters... and also, fuck you.

Awesome Sawss - For helping me flesh out some parts of the new plot (and also for being the only person acting civil in the Discord xD).

NESpirit - For being a god-tier status "sensei".

Now, what I'm going to say is addressing a problem that's been going on with you guys as I was gone as well as when I was writing that just irks me. I'm not mad about it, it's more ridiculous more than anything. Any newcomers don't have to read this but can anyway. I'm going to keep this short and simple to minimize the amount of pissed off social justice warriors.

Stop asking me to write porn.