Ever since the GMG ended, Laxus and Lucy had started dating and have been together for six months now. They had been giving each other the looks all the while during the games so when they got back to Magnolia, Laxus built up his courage and decided to ask her out on a date, which Lucy happily agreed to. That was how it started. Laxus and Lucy fell in love. They were so happy with each other. However, they kept their relationship a secret. As much as they loved their family and friends, they didn't want them meddling in their love life. They didn't want Mira daydreaming about blonde haired babies, definitely didn't want Master constantly talking about marriage and grandchildren, neither did they want Team Natsu threatening Laxus or even trying to kill him. The only three people who knew about them were Levy, Erza and Cana, Lucy's best friends. Though Erza's first thoughts were of maybe impaling Laxus once or twice but Lucy had made her promise not to hurt him and not to tell anyone about the couple. Levy, on the other hand, was quite ecstatic for her best friend since she knew about Lucy's major crush on Laxus ever since the Tenrou incident. Cana had, as usual, teased her and made some perverted comments while patting Lucy on her back and congratulating her for landing a hottie like Laxus.

Everything was going perfectly fine until one day, while Team Natsu were away on a mission Master Makarov calls them up through the communication lacrima and informs the team about an important mission that they needed to start working on immediately and to finish their on-going mission as soon as possible. They weren't supposed to be back until the next day however Master had told them to return to Magnolia the same day itself. So later that evening after they got back, they went to the guild first where Master explained to them about their upcoming mission in detail.

A while later, Lucy scans around the guild in search of her secret boyfriend but she couldn't find him. Thinking he could be at his place, she decides to pay him a visit after talking to her team mates about the mission.

Erza turns around to face her team mates. "Alright! We'll meet up outside the guild tomorrow. 8:00 AM sharp. Any objection?"

Seeing as no one was arguing, Erza gives a firm nod. "Good. Now, go home and get rest. Do not be late tomorrow."

After telling Erza that she'd be going to visit Laxus and warning Natsu and Happy not to sneak into her room since she needed enough sleep and rest for their mission the next day, Lucy heads out towards her apartment. As she walks down the pavement, she absent-mindedly plays with her necklace while thinking about Laxus and then quickens her pace so she could see him sooner. After taking a relaxing shower, she dresses up; she wears a white summer dress with light blue sandals, puts on her necklace and leaves her hair open. She was now on her way to her boyfriend's place and was happily humming along the way.

Reaching her destination, she knocks on the door and waits for quite sometime. Not getting any response, she proceeds to knock again when a panting Laxus opens the door. He was shirtless with only his boxers on. Lucy eyes him warily but quickly shoves it aside since she was happy to see him.

"Hey Laxus." Lucy smiles sweetly at him which still made the guy's stomach flutter in happiness.

Ignoring the butterfly feeling inside his gut, Laxus gulps and widen his eyes in panic to see his girl standing infront of him. "L-Lucy, I thought you were away on a mission."

Lucy frowns slightly and furrows her eyebrows. Something didn't seem right. She knew. She could just see the panic in Laxus' eyes but she decided to ignore it and act like she didn't notice his discomfort.

Lucy beams at him and stands tiptoes to kiss him on his cheek. "Yeah but I'm back. I just thought I'd come see you. I missed you. We had to return today itself since Mas.."

"Laxus, who's at the door?" Lucy's words were cut mid-sentence by a very familiar voice which came from inside the house.

Laxus stood shell-shocked by the door; he watches silently as a look of confusion crosses over his girl's pretty face.

"Is that..?" As Lucy suspects whose voice it was, she looks up at Laxus to see him sweating and looking anywhere else but at her. She wonders why the girl would be at his place at this hour and why her boyfriend seemed so scared. And why the hell was he half-naked! Lucy widens her eyes as realization dawns on her and gapes at Laxus in disbelief. No! He wouldn't! They wouldn't!

Laxus felt a wave of panic. His heart broke seeing so many raw emotions clearly showing on her face. Shock. Hurt. Betrayal. Pain. "Lucy, it's not wha..."

"Babe, come back to bed." The voice calls out again. It was nearer this time. Laxus snaps his eyes shut and gnashes his teeth. Fuck!

Tears rolls down her cheeks, as Lucy now knew why the girl was at her boyfriend's place and was sure who she was. One of her best friend. So it is Cana! A sob emits from her throat, however, she quickly covers her mouth with her hand to stifle it.

Just then, Cana comes into view as she walks down the stairs wearing nothing but a robe. Coming to a sudden halt behind Laxus, she widens her eyes in shock seeing the person by the door. Lucy was staring back at her with tearful eyes, looking broken and betrayed.

"L..Lucy!" Cana whispers with guilt laced in her voice. She didn't know what to say. 'I'm sorry I slept with your boyfriend, please forgive me?' She had betrayed and hurt Lucy, her best friend, and broken her trust. The girl who was there for her when she was a mess and then helped her reconcile with her father.

Taking a deep breath, Lucy readies herself for the next question she was about to ask. She needed to know one last thing even though she knew the answer might break her more if that was even possible. She shifts her gaze back at Laxus. "H..How long?" She asks in a low voice as she wipes away her tears with her trembling hands.

Laxus was dreading and feeling helpless. "Babe, please lis..."

"How long?" Lucy cuts in between and repeats her question. "Atleast be honest for once."

Laxus could hear his own heartbeat drumming out loud in his ears. "A month!" He whispers and looks down and away in shame.

Lucy nods, suddenly feeling very tired. She then slowly turns around and starts walking away.

Laxus follows her. "Baby!" When Lucy kept walking, Laxus grabs her arm and spins her around to look at him. "Lucy, please let me explain."

"No." She snaps at him. "There's nothing to explain."

A loud thunder roars and lightning begins to streak across the dark clouds, signaling a storm. Rain starts pouring down heavily as the two stands in silence for a moment. They were both thoroughly drenched now; Lucy's clothes were clinging to her body and her hair was dripping wet. Yanking her arm away from his hold, she puts a good distance between them. She then takes off the necklace Laxus had bought for her on their third date, dropping it to the wet ground and turns her back to him.

"We're through!" She mutters out and takes a shaky breath. "Goodbye Laxus!" With that, Lucy walks away, crying leaving an utterly shocked Laxus rooted on the spot.

A/N: So recently I read a story in which Laxus was a total dick! Don't get me wrong.. I'm a die hard Lalu fan...but his character in that story really pissed me off. So this idea for a story kinda just popped up. It's normal, right? Or is it just me?! :/ Oh well! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.

Please read and review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. If I did, Laxus would be head over heels for Lucy.. :D

~Mrs Dreyar