Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Fairy Tail or any of the music lyrics used in this whole story.

(5/16/17): So I've decided when I go back I'm going to take out a lot of my past author's notes when I release a new chapter, so that it doesn't distort the word count. Newest chapters will have personal notes about my life, but by the time the next chapter comes out they'll be gone. This will cut down on word count distortion and will make things much easier on new people who find this to read and don't want to read two paragraphs at the top of each chapter.

Natsu had his head pressed against the wall of the recording studio wondering what he was doing with his life. It was his decisions up until now that had led to him being trapped in a recording studio with people he would normally call friends, until they became the only five people in the world he couldn't stand.

"Oi!" Gray yelled over at Natsu who was trying to stealthily bang his head on the wall, "If you're going to pout then you don't get a vote on the name!"

The pinkette just gave him a cat-eyed glance of mild annoyance as he asked, "How long have we been here already? Two hours? And we haven't recorded anything! I'm starving!"

"I agree with the flame brain for once" Laxus chimed in, "We came here to work. Without the music there's no point in naming the band to begin with."

"But I told you White Shadow is the best name!" Sting whined as he slid his hands up and down the synth and keyboard for no reason other than boredom. He was making all kinds of weird noises erupt from the speakers due to his key pressing.

"Iron Columns is the only name that sounds like it's sturdy enough to make it through the producers" Gajeel scoffed.

Rouge simply crossed his arms indifferently as he said, "If I wasn't mistaken I'm pretty sure that our manager, Erick, said he was going to come up with a name."

Everyone looked over at Rouge and somewhat scowled. None of them were particularly fond of Erick especially since he seemed to have the mannerisms of a snake and appeared to be conniving like one too. However no one could fault him for his ear for music. He had a reputation in the industry for scouting some of the most successful bands. So when Natsu and Laxus were approached after a battle of the bands concert they were surprised to be handed his business card then asked to sign a contract with a record company. They didn't even name their band. They were always just called "Slayer" because they basically 'slay'd' every contest and blew their competition out of the water. They didn't adopt that name themselves though. They always just put their names on the front of the album cover for their EP.

Natsu took into account each name on the album sitting on the wooden table next to the sofa in the studio. It was their only EP. First name on the top was Natsu's. He was the lead singer and screamer of the band with his voice that seemed to burn like a passionate fire with the audience he always knew how to put on a good show. Though he wasn't exactly sure what he was doing half the time and the band members had developed a habit of just rolling with his antics. He had a habit of randomly changing the songs on the set, or sporadically jumping off of stage props. The list went on.

The next name on the album was Laxus. He played the lead guitar that usually held the solo riffs and powerful single note melodies on guitar. His hands were like lightning the way he ran up and down he neck of the guitar. His muscular appearance also seemed to attract a lot of female fans. They reminded him of the next person on the albums cover.

Gray. Also known in the band as a lady killer. He was the drummer for the band and usually had a fight with Natsu every other hour and constantly seemed to be in some sort of unequivocal rivalry with Natsu that had no measurements or winners and losers. It was just pointless bickering most of the time that the band members usually got sick of and would intervene now and again, especially when it came to blows.

Gajeel. He was the odd man out it seemed. He also played the guitar, but he played pulsing power chords behind Laxus's riffs and sometimes joined him on a separate riff. Laxus and Gajeel usually spent more time practicing their coordination on songs than any other two band members. Out of all the members though Gajeel had the most hard core frightening appearance that probably partially inspired their fan given name of "slayer" since he looked like he's probably killed a few people in his life time. The piercings all over this body were usually an intimidation factor whenever they met fans. He had a small amount of girls that were into the bad boy look, but most of them just looked genuinely afraid of him.

Sting and Rouge. The two of them were the last two at the bottom. They always insisted on having their names be side by side on band gear and the EP cover. If Natsu didn't know any better he would've thought they were fraternal twins. Sting played the synth and keyboard for the special effects sounds and to fill in here and there with the music. He was creative enough to usually make it work. Rouge played the bass. He was fairly quiet and introverted compared to Sting who was very outgoing, a ladies man, and every bit the personality Rouge wasn't. They were like yin and yang with each other. They seemed to be the only two band members who seamlessly got along with each other. They occasionally squabbled, but it was usually petty and ended quickly, where as Natsu and Gray would come to exchanging blows before being pulled apart by Laxus.

"Hey, flame-brain, you listening?" Gray walked over and started beating on Natsu's head with his drum sticks.

"Cute it out ice tits!" Natsu swatted Gray's drum sticks away before punching his arm and shoving him away, "You guys are still arguing so I'm just thinking to myself how hungry I am."

"Don't do that" Laxus looked at him, "You never think, so why start now?"

"You wanna repeat that?" Natsu growled as he grabbed Laxus's shirt collar.

The blond was completely unfazed though. He had known this brat unfortunately for most of his life. As much as Natsu would bark at him, he rarely ever 'bit' Laxus so to speak. He knew that if he hit Laxus or pushed him just a little too far, there would be hell to pay.

"There are my slayers!" Erick seemed to spew from his mouth with false flattery as he waltzed into the room.

"What is it?" Natsu asked rather annoyed while still holding onto Laxus's collar.

"What's this?" Erick asked, suddenly noticing the angry tension in the room as well as Natsu's grip on Laxus, "I thought you guys were supposed to be bandmates? Where's the love?"

"Down the toilet along with Natsu's lunch he dumped off in there fifteen minutes ago" Gray commented.

"That's a little too much information don't you think?" Natsu yelled, finally letting go of Laxus's collar before making fists directed at Gray.

"Use Febreze next time, fire farts." Gray crossed his arms before going to sit down behind his drums.

Natsu just grit his teeth at Gray while Sting tried to stifle a laugh, Gajeel openly laughed, and Laxus had a pompous smirk across his face.

"I swear you're as easy to play with as a yo-yo." Laxus grunted under his breath.

"Boys!" Came a loud voice from behind Erick.

It was no surprise that Makarov came walking into the room. He owned the studio that they were using to record, he was also Laxus's grandfather. However he treated Laxus more harshly then he rest of them when it came to critiquing their music, and Natsu wasn't the only one who noticed that. Makarov walked over and bopped his grandson on the head earning a laugh from Natsu before he was silence by a punch across the face by Makarov as well.

"Don't laugh at someone when you're more at fault then they are!"

"Gramps what did I do?!" Natsu whined.

Natsu referred to Makarov as gramps just like Laxus because Makarov had taken care of Natsu several times for extended time periods in between foster homes until Makarov finally adopted the nuisance along with Gray in high school. Natsu spent a lot of time being raised alongside Laxus so he tended to think of Laxus as more of a pompous older brother.

"You get angry too easily. Knock it off." Makarov chided him before walking around the studio to make sure all the equipment was plugged in correctly and turned on, "Everything's set up, why aren't you guys playing?" he asked annoyed.

"Because they're too busy bitching about a name!" Natsu shouted in his hungry rage from not eating in the past four hours.

Makarov just face palmed before he looked over to all of them and reprimanded, "If you guys are going to take the record label seriously then you need to show your managers *cough* Erick *cough* that you are going to put in the effort to make their investment worth while."

"But I'm too hungry~" Natsu whined grabbing his stomach.

"Tell you boys what" Erick gave them a toothy grin, "You spit out one song for me that you know, even if it's off your EP, and then I'll take you boys out to celebrate tonight since you just signed your record label this morning. Maybe we can even come up with an idea for a name over dinner."

"Fooooooood" Natsu growled in delusion imagining a giant buffet while drooling slightly.

"Sure, that's easy enough" Gray sighed a little annoyed.

Laxus stood without answering and began to tune his guitar and Gajeel did the same. Gray adjusted the snares on his drums while Sting made sure he had all the effects from his sound bank lined up right for his keyboard."

"There's actually one new song" Natsu grinned at Erick, "We've performed it a few times, but we wrote it after we released our EP and we didn't feel like making a one track EP so we just held off."

"Lay it on me" Erick smirked as he and Makarov walked into the sound control room on the other side of the glass from the band room.

After putting some headphones on Erick and Makarov turned on the equipment and as the band was warming up adjusted the instruments volume level to balance out. Natsu turned around to face Gray with the biggest grin, making gray roll his eyes before tapping on his snares as Natsu starts off by yelling.

It's 9 o'clock on the dot, at the spot, and I'm hanging with her friends again~

Great taste, beautiful place, and you're fashionable late. HEY!

Gray then started beating on the bass drum while Gajeel played a fast two power chords before Natsu began again.

And I don't wanna be that guy, that makes you sad, that makes you cry again.

Without a doubt, sorry about makin' out with your friends. Go!

After that line the whole band suddenly erupts into the song.

na na na na na na na naa na na na na na naaa na na na na na na naaa na na na na naaaaaa

I love the way that this began, started off right, so innocent.

I'm letting you know, I'm letting you go, I want your best friend.

I'm giving it up and asking why you seem so shocked and so surprised.

I'm sorry it hurts, I'm surely a jerk, I understand why you're mad.

Sting and Rouge suddenly provide the background harmonizing vocals for Natsu on the bridge as he sings: (in bold)

Don't talk that crap when you call me back, as a matter of fact don't act like that.

Everybody knows you're right, everybody knows I'm wrong.

It's 9 o'clock on the dot, at the spot, and I'm hanging with her friends again.

Great taste, beautiful place, and you're fashionably late.

And I don't wanna be that guy, that makes you sad, that makes you cry again.

Without a doubt, sorry about, making out with your friends!(mwah!)

na na na na na na naa na na na na na naa naa naaa na na na na na na na na na naa na na na na naaaa

It's got nothing to do with how you look, just another excuse to write a hook.

I'm letting you know, she liked my post up on my Facebook.

And after all you're not my type, but all your friends are pretty nice.

You know what I mean, stop making a scene and take some words of advice.

Don't talk that crap when you call me back as a matter of fact don't act like that.

Everybody knows you're right, everybody knows I'm wrong. (right?)

It's 9 o'clock on the dot and the spot and I'm hangin' with her friends again.

Great taste, beautiful place, and you're fashionably late.

I don't wanna be that guy, that makes you sad, that makes you cry again.

Without a doubt sorry about making out with your friends.

And I have got the topic conversation now, and I know I'm running out of time (yeah).

It's not an honest demonstration now, you're not the only one, not the only one.

Suddenly the band drops out except Gray and Gajeel for the next two lines while Natsu leans his head down having his bangs hide his face.

Don't talk that crap when you call me back, as a matter of fact don't act like that.

Everybody knows you're right, everybody sing along.

Sting and Rouge don't play the next two lines but instead chorus and echo of "HEY" as Natsu sings the next two lines, lifting his head back up.

I don't wanna be that guy, that makes you sad, makes you cry again.

Without a doubt sorry about fucking all your friends.

It's 9 o'clock on the dot at the spot and I'm hangin' with her friends again.

Great taste, beautiful place, and you're fashionably late.

I don't wanna be that guy, that makes you sad, that makes you cry again.

Without a doubt sorry about making out with your friends.

Since the chorus of "na na na na" was basically taken over by Sting and Rouge Natsu decided to entertain himself by doing a back flip off the couch in the recording studio before singing "Making out with your friends" in between the melody of "na na na na's"

na na na na na na naa na na na na na naa naa naaa na na na na na na na na na naa na na na na naaaa

Making out with your friends

na na na na na na naa na na na na na naa naa naaa na na na na na na na na na naa na na na na naaaa

Making out with your friends

Then in a goofy voice after all the instruments drop out, with a laugh Natsu says:

Without a doubt sorry about having sex with all your friends... ha ha ha

The boys couldn't hear Erick clapping his hands although they could see him. He then pressed a button in the sound booth that let his voice come in through he speakers in the band room.

"That was great. I think that first go was good enough for me to send to the producers to start lining up songs for your next album, including the tracks from your EP."

"Food!" Natsu cheered and jumped into the air knowing that not having to do the song over meant they were headed out for dinner.

"Sure!" Erick chimed through the speakers before opening the door to the booth and gesturing for the boys to head outside the recording room.

After all the boys shuffled out of the room Erick closed the door behind him leaving Makarov alone to balance the sound out and merge the track into a song. They all followed Erick down a few hallways in the studio's building before walking out the front entrance. They were all a little surprised to see a limousine parked on the curb waiting to pick them up.

"I figured that this would be a nice change from carpooling in your band's van." Erick grinned before opening the door for them to all shuffle inside.

After they all managed to squeeze inside the limousine of course Natsu was the first to notice the champagne bottle in an ice bucket inside and picked it up and shook it.

Erick quickly grabbed the bottle before the cork popped out and aimed it so that no one's eye got shot out before pouring the sparkling liquid into all the glasses and handing them to the boys, "Tonight, we celebrate your new record label!" Erick cheered, "One night spoiling you guys shouldn't be too bad for you."

Laxus raised a brow questioningly at Erick before knocking his glass back. He noticed Rouge and Sting were hesitant to drink it but shrugged before slowly sipping down their own glasses. Gray of course waved his hand to signal he wasn't interested in drinking before looking sullenly out the window. He wasn't one for parties. Natsu immediately grabbed Gray's glass from Erick and downed it before putting it in the small bin next to the champagne for the glasses to be placed after being used. Erick shrugged off Natsu's antics since he was well informed that the flame brain was a force of nature that just had to run it's course as it destroyed everything.

"If Gray's gunna be a party pooper maybe we should send him home" Natsu sneered.

"Then who would drag your limp bodies out of the limo?" He scowled.

"What do you mean?" Erick asked confused.

"Just watch" Gray said before the car pulled out of the recording studio parking lot and out onto the road.

Suddenly the entire band except for Gray was leaning over looking ready to puke.

"You have to be kidding me!" Erick raised his brows, "All of them have motion sickness?!"

"Don't ask me why" Gray shrugged, "It's always been a problem for all of them traveling in the van. It's why I always got stuck driving to gigs."

After they arrived and Gray stepped out of the car he was even more annoyed as he saw where they'd arrived. It was a strip club. Why would anyone eat at a strip club. They weren't exactly known for their "burgers and fries" and Gray being rather attractive to most women usually didn't like these kinds of places as the women usually threw themselves on him without respect to his personal space.

"I hope you boys are ready for some fun" Erick said wiggling his eyebrows as he finished dumping Natsu's limp body on the side walk before the pinkette crawled up to stand on his feet.

Suddenly Natsu, Sting, and Rouge's face all turned blood red. Laxus face palmed and and Gray just sighed in slight annoyance.

"You guys ever been here?" Erick asked as he was walking towards the front door.

"Of course not!" Gajeel hissed, "We don't exactly do this in our spare time."

"Well I'm sure you'll like it" Erick winked before he led them inside, "Especially since we have a VIP booth with it's own poles."

"A private pole?" Gray asked with a raised brow never having heard such a thing, or at least never having been exposed to it.

Erick nodded as he walked down the brightly lit walkway through a large room full of poles and women dancing on them. Neon beams flashed everywhere as well as loud music.

"Hey it's the only place louder than Natsu" Gray remarked before being slapped over the head by Natsu before they came to a stair case that took them upstairs.

At the top of the stairs was a large balcony with a large round booth table that overlooked the club below. There were also two poles on each side of the door that were in direct view of the circular booth. With a snap of his fingers Erick had a door attendant walk out of the room and return a few minutes later with a purple haired girl with a drink tray.

"Shots as usual, I'm guessing?" Kinana smiled warmly before she set a shot glass down in front of each of the boys then plopping herself down in Erick's lap like they were familiar with one another.

"This is Kinana" Erick smiled at the boys, "She'll be our room attendant for the night. She usually waits on me and any clients or musicians I bring here with me. She'll take good care of you."

After winking at the purple haired girl, she hopped off his lap and sashayed away back downstairs. A few moments later a blond in a white and pink bikini timidly walked into the room and walked over to one of the two poles and immediately started spinning around it performing what Natsu considered remarkable arial tricks along the pole that weren't necessarily sexual but very entertaining to watch. It was her body that made him uncomfortable. Her breasts looked like they would pop out of her stringy bikini top at any moment and the bottoms looked more like a thong almost fully exposing her perfectly shaped ass. Natsu almost got caught starting at her with his mouth open before Sting kicked him from under the table scowling at him. Natsu sheepishly smiled as he tried to turn his attention back to Erick who was spouting on about future tour dates and recording schedules for the new album. Natsu couldn't help but look out of the corner of his eye at the blond every couples seconds. She was mesmerizing. After a couple more moments another woman walked up. Her short bobbed silver hair was adorned by a single blue flower and she was wearing a pure white string bikini. She seemed to have a silent conversation with the other woman on the other pole with a few facial expressions as they both continued to dance around the poles. Moments later Natsu noticed it was his turn to kick Sting under the table as he noticed the blond staring at the other woman with silver hair. Instead of a scowl Natsu just gave him a huge shit eating grin. Sting crossed his arms and slouched slightly pouting. Natsu couldn't help but notice that Sting was pouting even more after the food arrived to their table for them to eat and the girls had excused themselves.

"Why did they have to leave?" Sting asked two minutes later sounding childish.

Erick choked on his food a little, feeling weird for having to answer his question, "Because for men sometimes… it's hard to eat comfortably when you're…"

"When you have a boner" Gajeel finished his sentence for him.

"Yea that" Erick laughed, slightly uncomfortable.

"Did you want them to come back?" Kinana chuckled as she walked in to check on the men and refill their drinks.

Erick raised a brow and Natsu and Sting who seemed to be the only ones who cared.

"What are their names?" Natsu asked more curious as to who they were then what their bodies looked like.

Kinana raised her brow reluctant to answer as she replied, "The blond's name is Lucy, and the Silver haired girl is Yukino"

"Lucy…" Natsu said to himself as Sting whispered, "Yukino…"

Erick was a little entertained that the boys seemed to have an attraction to these girls and looked as if the girls had gained two regular customers.

"There are rules though" Erick told them quickly before they sank any further, "You can't touch them."

Natsu immediately dropped his jaw before sputtering, "Th-that w-was not w-what I was t-t-trying to do!"

Gray scoffed before he asked, "Didn't Kinana sit in your lap."

"That's different" Erick corrected him, "I didn't touch her, she sat in my lap of her own free will. If the girls feel comfortable enough to come sit with you or sit on your lap, that's fine. But if they don't you have to respect that. If you don't Mavis will throw you out so fast your head will spin."

"Speaking from personal experience?" Gajeel asked with a saucy grin.

"Not personal, but I've seen other stupid people come in here and get too drunk and abuse the girls.

"This isn't a good job then…" Natsu grumbled observing the men downstairs looking at the girls as if they were pieces of meat.

"Not particularly, but Mavis does what she can to make things bearable and make sure the girls' needs are met."

"Is this Mavis person here?" Rouge asked scanning the room.

"She is" Erick told them, "But she usually doesn't make an appearance unless there's some kind of disturbance or issue that needs her attention."

"I brought them back" Kinana joked with a laugh as Lucy and Yukino walked back into the room behind her with trays of drinks.

"Ugh…" Natsu grabbed his head groaning.

He'd already had two shots and at least three mixed drinks. He wasn't completely hammered but he was definitely starting to feel woozy. Laxus and Gajeel seemed completely unfazed, Gray seemed sober as stone since he only had the one shot at the start of the night and refused every other drink offered to him. Rouge was red in the face while trying to sit in silent composure while Sting was laughing at everything next to him like the happiest drunk Natsu had ever seen. He saw Kinana lay out Bacardi bombs in front of all of them except Gray because she'd caught on at this point that he wasn't going to drink it.

"It's always flowing like water here" Erick laughed as he held up the glass trying to get all the guys to make a toast with him.

They all raised their glasses before quickly knocking back their liquor. Natsu at this point had absolutely no shame in staring a Lucy since he'd lost his better judgement and personal sense of shame. Sting was also staring at Yukino but trying to look around the room as well so that she wouldn't feel his gaze on her. Laxus decided he needed to get away from this table for a while. Sting and Rouge were starting to get a little too drunk and it was only a matter of time before Natsu did something stupid and got into it with Gray and ruined the evening. He told them he was going to walk around and look at the place.

"Enjoy the eye candy" Erick winked at him before Laxus disappeared out of the room and made his way down the stair case.

To Be Continued...

I hope that was a good first chapter! ^_^ I have two more chapters in the bag right now but I'll try to hold off on posting them for at least a few days to see what kind of reaction this story gets.

Please leave me a review with your constructive criticism!