Sometimes I feel… like it was supposed to be me.
That it was me who took the gun and ran.
Me who felt the pain of being pierced through the chest.
Me who laid on the white marble floor bleeding, gasping, and dying.
But it wasn't me. It was you.
"Yu-chan!" Mika's hands slipped on a puddle of blood. It was warm while Yu's skin grew cold.
"Did I get him?" Yu tried to grin, but it broke apart at the corners, turning into a pained flinch instead.
Mika looked towards the motionless body close to them. The vampire's face was a mess of blood. "You got him."
"Good. You can go now."
"What are you talking about?" Mika pulled Yu close to him. "This is my fault. I have to get you out."
"I'm gonna die, idiot. You know that. Use your head, right?
Mika felt tears trickle down his cheeks. When he gazed down Yu was looking at him, but there was no fear or sadness in his eyes.
Voices echoed far away. More vampires.
"Hurry and leave," Yu said.
Mika shook his head and reached for Yu's hand. "I'm not going. Even when I know they'll kill me. Everyone died because of me…"
"I'm going to hate you."
Mika felt something painful twist inside him.
Yu was still looking at him intently, "You have to leave." Blood marred his lips and the pool of red grew beneath him. "If you don't leave I'm going to hate you for the rest of my life or…"
Yu grabbed Mika's hand and squeezed it with what little strength he had left. "Or I can die happy imagining the life my family will have because of me."
He didn't want Yu to hate him. He didn't want Yu to die hating him. "Run," Yu said again, so he ran. His feet seemed to move on their own. The dirt and stone nicking away at his bare feet. He ran until he could hardly breathe and felt the sun on his skin.
Outside it was blue and quiet.
The city was broken but beautiful.
Birds chirped close by. Existing like the world hadn't ended.
Mika looked down at his hands, they were covered in Yu's blood. Still warm… What had he done? He had to go back.
Mika turned around. A man with dark hair, and dark clothes approached him. He wasn't a vampire.
"Are you the one that survived like the prophecy said?"
Mika took a step back. He didn't know this person and it didn't matter. He wasn't supposed to be here.
"Whatever you're running back to is gone and you know it," the man said.
Mika froze by the entrance to the vampire city. He did know it. They were all gone. Ako, Taichi, Chihiro, Kota, Fumie, Akane, and Yu…
His family was gone and he was still here. Breathing. Heart beating. Living.
Without them.
"Come with me and I'll help you live."
Mika closed his hands into fists. The blood on them was no longer warm.
How was he supposed to keep living?