Karry Universe
Disclaimer: The same as always
Facebook: Fanfiction Millma Verse Page
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Note: This is a spiritual sequel to the chapter Gossip from a while ago, so thank you again to the people on the Facebook page who let me use them as Karry's neighbors.
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
"How many boxes do you have?" Kyle asked as he carried the box.
"Well, we're moving my entire life," the girl said. "Hey, hold the door." She called out. She herself had a suitcase in hand.
"Kyle," it was Brittanee, one of his neighbors at the entrance. "What's going on here?"
"Brit," Kyle said with a smile. "Meet my girlfriend, April. April, this is Brittanee." Kyle smiled as he got to the entrance door Brittanee was holding open. "April is moving in with me."
"Well, welcome to the building," Brittanee said to April with a smile as they walked in.
Kyle dropped the boxes he was holding, to take a momentary break.
"April, you know my apartment has furniture, right?" Kyle asked. In the lobby of the building was a large grouping of furniture, including a couch.
"That's not me," April said, putting her suitcase down. "Although this is nicer than the crap in your place..." April went to inspect the couch as Kyle protested her complaints to his furniture, but was surprised by two men dropping a recliner nearby by.
"What's going on?" Brittanee asked.
"It's the Allens," their attention went to the little party room off on the side. Maria and Brock were standing there along with the reporter, Austin.
"April, meet Maria and Brock. They live here too. Austin does not, though," Kyle said, a little darker at this. He and the reporter never got along since their first interaction when Kyle moved in.
"Allens, as in Kara and Barry Allen? As in STAR Co.?" April asked, eyes wide. "They live here?! How could you not tell me they live here?!" April playfully punched Kyle's arm.
"They have the penthouse on top," Brock said pointing at the door where the man who left the recliner went. It was usually closed but right now it was held up. "But they never interacted with us except every once in a while. I mean, look what they did with Katherine."
"What did they do?" April asked clearly getting into the gossip.
"Whoa? Hold on now," Kyle said, sitting in the recliner. "They gave her her dream job. She now runs STAR Co. Sanctuary for Extranormal Aliens. She makes a ton more than she did working for the Central City Zoo and is ten times happier. I talk to her every once in a while. All she talks about is the Meta and Kryptonian animals." Kyle had been upset with Katherine's move. They had got on well, but knew his friend was happy.
"What about Rebecca?" Maria asked conspiratorially. "And everyone else on the floor formerly below them?"
"Maria…" Brittanee sighed at this. "The Allens paid beyond a fair price for those apartments. If they offered me that money for my place I would take it too."
"Details, please!" April said, loving this gossip.
"The Allens decided to expand their penthouse and bought the floor below them," Maria explained. "Four apartments… I mean…."
"They had the money, the owners agreed," Kyle cut in. "They wanted to let Amelia and her fiancée stay there."
"When are they getting married?" Brittanee asked, looking at the three in the party room.
"Not that it's any of your business but July," the group was surprised and turned to see that Amelia was by the door leading to the corridor with the elevator for the Penthouse within. She had a kitten on her shoulders and a Beagle on a leash. "More gossip? Staff Sargent, I thought you were better than that." With Katherine and Kyle being friends and Amelia having been friends with Katherine, the pair had ended up talking; since Amelia had her own nickname for Katherine, Kyle's rank in the military ended up being her nickname for him.
"I am," Kyle said. "My girlfriend is not. April, this is Amelia Allen. Amelia, this is this April. She's moving in with me."
Amelia gave a nod as she went to the couch that April was sitting on. Nala, the kitten, jumped off her shoulders and onto the couch, giving a meow. "I'm looking for it," Amelia told the cat as she heard a scream. Jumping, she turned around to see Porthos near Brittanee and the girl seeming frighten. Porthos looked scared too. "What was that?"
"Allen dog, don't touch," Brittanee said. "They bite."
"Porthos?" Amelia asked. "Porthos is a sweetie. Now Krypto, he's the biter." Amelia gave the dog a pet as she continued, looking through the couch. Brittanee seeming shocked but gave Porthos a pet and calmed down when he didn't attack her.
"So, what is with all this?" Brock asked Amelia.
"What?" Amelia asked looking over at the three.
"All the furniture being down here," Brock said.
"I heard the Allens pulled their older kids out of school for the rest of the year," Austin said. "Seems kind…."
"They pulled them out because Star got stabbed," Amelia said, glaring at Austin who took a step back from the glare. "Because someone posted a terrible article claiming Star was the alien girl Supergirl saved from Galactic Conquest."
"It was a fair story," Austin said, raising his arms in a shrug.
"You had no proof," Amelia said. "And even if you did, what idiot thinks it's a good idea to post that a 7-year-old is someone Supergirl saved while there is a serial killer going after everyone Supergirl and the Flash saved?"
"Yeah, she has a point - that was kind of an ass move," April said, agreeing with that.
"As for the furniture," Amelia took a breath, "Kara and Barry are going to spend the next couple of months at their Lake House, for Star to heal and the girls all to heal from the trauma of one of them being stabbed. They decided to have their main floor completely redone while they are gone," Amelia explained. "A special pick up will be coming later to take all this."
"So, you're getting rid of this couch?" April asked. "Cause it's a lot better than what Kyle has?"
"I'd argue, but this recliner is amazing," Kyle said. He being sat in the recliner. Amelia took out her phone and sent a text.
"So, what happened to the girl?" Maria asked.
"What girl?" Amelia asked.
To answer this, Maria took out her own cellphone and showed Amelia a picture of Connor and Rae from a distance.
"First off, that is very creepy..." Amelia tilted her head at Maria. She knew they sat there watching them, but taking picture was a whole new level.
"She use to be coming in and out all the time," Maria said. "But I haven't seen her in a while."
"That's because she was Connor's girlfriend but she dumped him," Amelia said, thinking fast. She knew Rae ran into the Penthouse a lot but she did sometimes come this way as well. She didn't want to reveal Rae's death to the neighbors, especially with the reporter present. "Connor and her use to babysit. That is all." Amelia handed the phone back to Maria just as Lena and Ava came in.
"You ready?" Lena asked Amelia, looking at the group with a raised eyebrow.
"Luggage is by elevator, but we can't go until we find Nala's toy," Amelia said.
"Why?" Ava asked.
"Trust me, you don't want an unhappy cat," Lena told Ava, putting a hand on her shoulder as Porthos gave a bark at them. Lena smiled at the dog.
Amelia got a text at that moment and looked to Kyle. "Barry says you two can have the furniture. The guys will bring it up," Amelia told April and Kyle.
"Nice," Kyle said with a smile and then saw something sticking out of the cushion of the recliner he was in. "Is this what you're looking for...?" Kyle asked, taking the cat toy out of the couch. Nala jumped and grabbing it from the man.
"Yes," Amelia said with a smile. "Well, time to go. Lena, you sure you don't mind me and Winn staying with you? I mean, with Nell…."
"It's a big house," Lena shrugged it off, she and Ava grabbing some of the luggage as Amelia took another one. "We're more than happy to have you."
"Thanks. Come on, Porthos," Amelia said to the dog who, had been getting pets. He barked and followed Amelia to the door.
"Do you three have matching tattoos?" Maria asked having been studying the three carefully now. With the warm weather all were wearing sandals and shorts, the tattoo on their ankle in full view.
"So, what?" Ava asked.
"Forget it, Ava," Amelia said with an eye roll. "You might want to cancel this gossip club. We're not going to be in for a while." The three humans and two animals left the lobby at this.
"Something is going on," Maria said and Kyle groaned. "Think of it. The Second Chance Killer avoided Supergirl and the Flash for a long time, alluded them, and then he goes after the Allens daughter. Next day, the Second Chance Killer is dead. And did you hear that alarm going off the same night?"
"We all heard the alarm go off," Kyle said. "That thing is loud. It means nothing more than someone opening their balcony door when it was armed."
"Or someone broke in," Maria said.
"Broke into the Penthouse?" Brittanee asked. "They're on the top floor! I'm not even sure why they have that alarm..."
"Think about it. A meta human like the Second Chance Killer who could teleport can break into there," Maria said.
"But then the alarm would not have gone off," Kyle pointed out. "And even if the Second Chance Killer attacked the Allens, we know he was after the Allens from Austin's article." Kyle pointed at the reporter at this. "Maybe going after the Allens was his downfall? They do help the Justice League. We are aware of that. They knew where he was going to attack."
"He's got a point," Brock nodded. "The fact is, more goes on with the Allens than we know."
"Hum… an article that the Allens helped take down the Second Chance Killer…" Austin said. "An alarm going off... Their daughter attacked... I've got to write." Austin ran out as Kyle rolled his eyes.
"That guy has a death wish," Kyle said, rolling his eyes. "Look, we do have stuff to move up to our apartment."
"We need the couch and recliner," April pointed out as a couple of men came from the Penthouse elevator.
"Who's taking the couch and recliner?" One of them asked, and Kyle raised his hand telling the men his apartment number, going to take the furniture up. Kyle following them up with the boxes he was carrying before.
"I got to go get the apartment in order," April said turning to the group. "But I'll come back down later to hear all the gossip."
"I like her better than Kyle," Maria said with a smirk as April left.
"But there won't be much gossip for a while," Brittanee pointed out. "Not with the Allens gone." Brittanee gave a wave as she went up herself.
"Yeah, what do we do with ourselves with the Allens gone?" Brock asked.
"You have a Disney Plus subscription," Maria said and Brock gave a nod, taking out a laptop.
-Karry Universe-
Barry was sitting on the couch in the Lake House, his own laptop in hand. Kara came up behind him and kissed his head.
"Some of our neighbors wanted our furniture. I told Amelia they could have it," Barry said.
"I know," Kara said, sitting on the couch. "Star is healing up nicely. Kids are all settled in. What are you doing?" Barry turned his laptop around to show Kara the Real Estate website he was on. "What's the point of redoing our penthouse if you're looking for new places?"
"Not in Central or National," Barry said with a smile. "Our Penthouse is always our home, but this place is so nice to get away and I was thinking. Might be nice to have another place or two since we can afford it. Besides, Clark and Lois use this place all the time and so do a lot of super family when they need a cheap vacation."
Kara nodded, knowing she had handed the keys over to people a lot - Clark and Lois even had their own set by now. Sometimes they left the kids with them or with Lucy and Ray so they could get away, needing the solo time since Jason was still driving them nuts
"So, where are you looking?" Kara asked.
"I was thinking tropical islands," Barry said.
"Like Justice Island?" Kara pointed out, remembering their trip to the 31st century.
"You, know I forgot about that," Barry said pausing. "And Young Justice could use a new headquarters."
"We'll figure that one out," Kara said.
"I also looked into Golden Oaks at Disney," Barry said and Kara gave him a smirk. "I mean, we're there a lot anyway."
"I like your thinking," Kara said with a chuckle, taking the computer to look at the properties.
Post Chapter Note: I know this was short, but it was an extra bonus chapter due to splitting this section up into two parts - you wouldn't have had it otherwise. Hope you enjoyed.
Next Time on Karry Universe:-
A Very Karry Disney Wedding- It's Amelia and Winn's wedding at Disney World! But they are in for some surprises - both good and bad.
Please REVIEW.
Karry Master OUT!