Back in June, I began work on an expirimental Angels & Airwaves story. At first it seemed like nothing important. But after a while it became an amazing story. So finally, here it is.

Chapter 1: The Flight of Apollo

For the past month, all he could think about was how he was in space without any gravity, without air, without much of anything. Not to mention, he was alone. The year was 2035, and the International Space Station had been deserted for nearly 10 years. And his flight up here wasn't something to brag about, either. Even though this was technically Apollo 18 or 19, this was just simply titled Apollo. It still made no sense, however, since he wasn't on the moon. But regardless, it was good for him him to be the first man in space after a decade. This was just what Mordecai needed. Being up here had it's ups and downs, but it for sure was peaceful.

"Mordecai, come in, Mordecai. Do you copy?" His radio sounded.

"Uh, yeah, Houston, over."

"How's it like over there? You feel dizzy?"

"Nah, 3 Months really gives you a sense of relaxation. I actually feel like I'm at my house."

"Whatever bud. We have the 25 Carter and Briggs reruns recorded and sent to you. That might hold you through the night. Talk to you when we talk to you. Houston out."

Mordecai sighed and beamed. It was surely a good time when Carter and Briggs was on. Yet he did miss his old life with the guys at the park. And he also missed his wife and daughter. Yet somehow, their pictures they sent to him every week was enough for him to be happy. In a way, he wasn't so alone after all. Or at least not yet.

A few hours later, Mordecai passed out floating in his little pod. A rerun of Carter and Briggs played on the tv. In his left hand he groped a doughnut. Everything was peaceful...

...until he awoke in a rough manner with a giant thump on the head.

"Ugh, what the...?" He groaned.

The Space Station had somehow been pushed. This couldn't have been good. As he looked over to his TV and Computer, he noticed that half the internet signal was gone. Something was wrong.

Immediately, the 6-foot Blue-Jay grabbed the radio.

"Houston, do you read? Houston, do you copy? Anyone?"

No answer. He really was all alone. And little did he know, he truly was. Mordecai was more alone than he thought. And he was just about to see how alone he really was.

Chapter 2 on Thursday, March 10!

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1 of this new series I have been working on for a while. It will have a lot of cool parts to it and trust me, things will look positive soon. I plan to have this going through the summer. DANBOB521 OUT!