Chapter 1: Out from the Dark
A/N: The italic is the demon talking in her mind.
In the dark room, I could hear voices around me. I always heard them say 'She's the one… His soul mate' I never get what they mean 'I'm the one'. My parents knew I was crazy. I always felt like someone was watching me in every direction.
"Sweetie, you need to get out from your room." I heard my mother calling me. I'm too scared to answer, if I do, they'll hear me.
"If you don't get out from your room, I'll get your father to drag you out!" She warns me, but I don't care.
'It's okay, my love. I won't let anyone hurt you even if it means I will have to kill them.' It was that male's voice again. I would always hear him throughout my life, but now that I'm eighteen, I would vision his figure.
"N… No don't, please." My voice shirked in fear. I curled myself in my blanket.
I swiftly turned to the banging door. It was my father, who was banging on the door. He's going to force me out of my room. "Honey, I'm going to get you out from your room!" He yells outside my door, pounding the door loudly.
My father broke my door. He grabs me by my arm and dragged me somewhere. I protested. "No, please! NO!" I screamed in terror. While the sun was up, the shadow of a male figure followed me.
"Shut up, Cynthia! We are giving you a better life by giving you to them. They'll take good care of you." My father pushes me to the men, who would take care of me.
'He's lying to you, love. They're not going to help you. All they want is you, your body, and your innocence to take away. They're just their toy.' He whispers in my ear.
"Please! Father, don't do this to me! I thought you loved me!?" I pleased to my father.
"I do love you, Cynthia, but we can't have you scaring us with your craziness." He cups my face.
"Take her away!" The men grab me into the carriage as I screamed my lungs out.
"What beautiful skin you have there." One of the men rubs their hand on my thigh.
I tried to move my leg back from them. "We're going to have a lot of fun with you." They smiled evilly as I knew what they mean. My soul felt like dying right now.
'If you want me to save you then tell me.'
"Don't you dare to touch her yet until I have!" I bet it was the boss. He yells at them with great force.
He comes scooting over to me. He leans over to my ears to nibble on it. "You're mine." He states in my ear.
"No…" I let out a whisper.
"I'm sorry, Sweetie… I couldn't hear you." He leans even more closer that now our faces are touching. He slowly gives me small kisses on the cheeks and down to my neck.
"S-stop… I don't like this." I tried wiggling under him, but he wraps his arms around me tightly.
"I don't obey you." He gropes my breast. I let out a hitch.
"It seems like you like it, huh?" I shook my head.
"We'll continue this when we get home." He lets go of me.
It seems like we have arrived to our destination. He quickly grabs me, and lifts me over his shoulders and carried me inside the house of his.
Inside the house, he takes me to his room. "Stop moving! Or else you'll fall!" I cried in fear.
He throws me to the bed and climbs on top of me, and pinned me down with a lot of strength. I closed my eyes, 'Help me!' I internally said to myself.
In a matter of seconds, I felt nothing on me. I opened my eyes to meet red eyes. I fasten back to the bed and almost fell off, but he caught my arm to give me balance from not falling.
"We finally meet in person." The man smiles mischievously with his hand still holding me up.
"Y-you're that—"
"Yes, I am. I can finally show myself to you." He turns me to lie flatly on the bed.
"Now, that he's gone. You're in my care now. Like I said to you, I won't let anyone harm you. They'll die if they do." He caresses my face.
"Don't fear. I wouldn't hurt my Cynthia. You're my soul mate, and I'll cherish you forever. Now let's meet my Young Master." He gets off of me and carries me bridal style, then he jumps out from the window.