I did not wright Harry Potter JK Rolling did.

Mr. Weasley meet's Google

The Weasley's and Harry potter were sitting around the table at the Burrow having lunch when Harry had an Idea.

"Hey Mr. Weasley there's a muggle device I think you would like"

"It's Arthur Harry and what is it? What does it do?"

"It's kind of knew even to muggles, but it's a computer you can look answer's to anything you ask it on the World Wide Web with Google"

"What's this Web? Is it like a spider web?"

Laughing Harry said "no it's not that kind of web it's something that you can connect to if you have a computer you connect to it by connecting a wire to it."

"Wow! You just connect a wire to it?"

"Well it's a little more complicated than that, but yes pretty much.

"I can set it up when were done, and I can show it to you."

"Yeah when we finish lunch lets go to my shed."

10 minutes later in the shed

"So how does it work?"

"Well you just make sure the computer is plugged in, then turn on the computer."

"That sounds pretty easy."

"It is when you know what to do. So now that it's on all you have to do is click here on this Icon."

"What's an Icon?"

"It's a little picture that stands for the name of the program you are using."

"Ok! So what next?"

"After you click on the Icon you left click on the bar on the top of the screen like this with the mouse. Then you type using the keyboard g-o-o-g-l-e .com and hit enter."

"Oh wow that is so cool"

"We're not done yet this gets you to the website I wanted to show you. What questions do you have about muggles?"

"What is the function of a rubber duck?"

"Ok so I just type the question into the search box in the middle of the page, and it should have an answer."

"Yes I see that."

"Ok, and then some other web sites will show up when it's done finding websites that are related to what you typed."

"Yeah here we go I found it google sais a rubber ruck is a toy shaped like a duck that kids play with in the bath tub."

"Wow awesome can you show me some more?"

"Yeah what do you want to ask next?"

"How does eckeltricity work?"

"Ok and its pronounced electricity."

"Found it from .ie"

"Electricity is a flow of tiny particles called electrons which can travel though wires. This flow is often called an electric current. Just like water, which can only flow down a hill an electric current can only flow if there's something to give it a push."

"Wow that's a lot of information"

"Do you want to try?"

"Yes!" and he types what is a TV?

"Don't for get to hit the enter key"


"Ok so what sight should I click on?"

"It already has an answer up it's from Wikipedia"

"A television or (TV) is a machine with a screen. TV's receive a Broadcast signals and turn them into pictures and sound."

"This is great thanks I think I am going to fiddle around this you can go back in side"

"Are you sure you understand how to use it"

"Yes I can handle it"

"Ok but just so you know when you are done to turn the computer off just click the start button then this Icon and click shut down."

"Ok see you later"

"Ok yeah me and Ginny need to get back anyway"