I decided to write this, mostly because of the fact that you don't see too many Rosario Vampire crossovers with Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Hope you guys enjoy it!

***Main Pairings: Tsukune x Moka, Jaden x Alexis, and Syrus x Kurumu.***

"Get your game on!" = Talking

"GET YOUR GAME ON!" = Yelling

"Get your game on!" = Thinking

"Get your game on!" = Inner Moka Talking

Found by a Duelist

***Unknown Location: Domino City***

?: "Have you pinpointed their location yet?"

?: "Sorry to say this, but no. Their scents were washed away by the rain. I couldn't pinpoint their location in a storm this heavy, even though I want to."

?: "No matter. We will find them, sooner or later. And when we do… they'll be executed on the spot!"

?: "Right! No one kills the headmaster of Yokai Academy and lives to tell the tale!"

***Elsewhere: Still in Domino City***

As I'm sure everyone has learned in some way, living on the streets is never easy. It's often times lonely, you have no ready access to water, any shelter you can find is often abysmal at best, and you never know when your next meal will be. If at all. Yessir, that kinda life sucks beyond belief.

And right now, three teenagers were experiencing such harsh times.

Three former high school students were huddled under a wooden crate in an alley for warmth during a harsh rain storm. But their efforts were in vain as the cold air and some of the water seeped through the cracks. As a result, they were soaked to the bone and freezing cold.

The first teenager of the group is a boy with shaggy black hair that was matted due to living on the streets, brown eyes, and pale skin. His build is relatively athletic, but at the same time he was scrawny from malnutrition. He was wearing just an old, moth eaten shirt, a pair of torn pants, and was barefoot.

The second teenager was a girl who was quite beautiful in her own right. She had long hot pink hair that was covered in mud, emerald green eyes, and porcelain skin. She had an hourglass figure that was toned down due to malnutrition, and a heart shaped face. Her clothing consists of a filthy yellow shirt, torn cargo shorts, and a pair of torn socks. She was also wearing a choker that has a silver cross with a red bead in the middle connected to a small chain.

And from what I'm seeing, she was also growing far weaker as the water continued to soak her to the bone.

Finally, we have one more girl amongst the group. She too was beautiful in her own way. She has short cyan blue hair, pale skin, and deep purple eyes. She had a very petite frame, and a chest that was abnormally big in proportion to her body type. And like her two friends, she was also clearly suffering from malnutrition as well as a small case of dehydration. The only clothes she had were a black tank top, a pair of torn skinny jeans, and a pair of loose fitting socks.

These three are Tsukune Aono, Moka Akashiya, and Kurumu Kurono respectively. But why were they living on the street in the first place? Shouldn't they be in school, or at home with their families?

Well, that's a bit of a long story. One that will have to wait for another time, as the severely weakened Tsukune barely managed to open his eyes enough to see the blurry form of a man walking up to them.

"So, this is the end, huh?" Tsukune mentally asked himself. "We're finally going to die at the claws of those enforcers. Moka… Kurumu… I'm so sorry. I've failed to protect you…"

The last thing the young man saw was a flash of something gold where the man's left eye was. And then… the bliss of unconsciousness.

***Unknown Amount of Time Later…***

Tsukune's POV.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I did feel myself being moved into something. Were our pursuers taking us back to "that place" to kill us in public? No. That makes no sense at all. They had openly declared that we would be killed on the spot.

I tried to open my eyes, but this proved to be difficult. Me and the girls must've been out for a lot longer than I thought, because it feels like my eyelids are glued shut. Eventually, I managed to open them, and what I saw definitely made me bolt up pretty quickly.

I was laying on what felt like the most comfortable bed around, and was wearing a bathrobe made from red colored silk. The room was large and luxurious, showing that whoever owns the place certainly has money to spare. Only two questions could come out of my mouth at this time.

"Where am I? How'd I get here?"

That's when the door opened to reveal a woman in a maid's uniform holding a set of neatly folded clothes. She gasped upon seeing me. I wonder why?

"Oh my, you're awake! Thank the stars! You and your lady friends have been sleeping for sell over a week now, and master Pegasus feared that you children weren't going to wake up." she said.

Well, that explains why I had such a hard time waking up this morning.

"Master Pegasus told me to bring these to you." she further explained. "Once you're dressed, I'll escort you to the dining room where he's waiting for you."

The maid then bowed, and left the room so that I could get dressed. Narrowing my eyes a bit, I stared at the door. Something just doesn't feel right about this whole situation. It all seems just a bit too coincidental to me. Well, regardless of the current situation, I decided to just get dressed.

The clothing that was chosen for me involved a blue long sleeved muscle shirt with long sleeves, a pair of black pants with a brown belt, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket that had the sleeves cut off so it looked more like a vest. The jacket also had blue trim on the sleeves, collar, and buttons.

Once I put everything on, I took a look at myself in the full body mirror and gave the outfit an approving look.

"Wow, if I weren't practically skin and bone right now, I'd look like a total badass!"

I walked out of the room and into the hall, where the maid was waiting to escort me. It took about fifteen minutes of walking, but we eventually made it to a large dining room where Moka and Kurumu were both already seated, and also decked out in some new threads.

Moka was now wearing a bright red turtleneck, a black knee length skirt with a pair of shorts underneath, and a pair of high tops. Her Rosario was around her neck as usual. Not that anyone aside from me can remove it, mind you.

And as for Kurumu, she still has her trademark headband holding her hair back, but now her outfit is entirely different. She was now wearing a golden yellow T-shirt, a pair of white shorts, and she was now wearing a simple pair of sneakers. She also had a white jacket that was draped over the back of her chair.

And at the end of the table was that same man I saw before passing out in that alley. He has tan skin, long silver hair that covers his left eye, and his visible eye is a burgundy brown color. He was wearing a very nice looking business suit, so I guess it's safe to assume that he's a business tycoon.

"I have brought the boy just like you requested, master Pegasus." the maid said, bowing to the man called Pegasus.

"Thank you, Claire. You may leave now."

The now named Claire quickly bowed and left the room. I looked back at Pegasus, and noticed the faint tint of gold where his left eye is.

"Have a seat, Tsukune boy, and we'll talk about how you kids ended up in such a storm." Pegasus said.

"How do you know my name? Why did you bring us here?" I asked, hesitantly sitting in one of the chairs.

"The doctor I called in to help you kids needed your medical files, so I called up the hospital and had them transfer you three's files here. Learned quite a bit about you, we did." Pegasus replied. "Especially the fact that Moka and Kurumu happen to be a Vampire and a Succubus."

The three of us cringed and I was ready to go on the defensive if need be. But Pegasus just threw his hands up in surrender to try and calm us down.

"Easy now, children. I am not biased against monsters. For, you see," Pegasus held up a card that had the image of a vampiric monster on it. "I am the creator of a card game where people control such monsters, and battle against each other. And you three have the potential to become great duelists, if you only knew the in's and out's of this game."

"But what does this card game have to do with us?" Moka asked.

"Tell me, Moka, do you believe that there is magic in these cards?" Pegasus asked.

The three of us grew even more confused than before from that question.

"Why ask us? I thought you said that you invented this game." Kurumu said.

"What if I told you kids that I didn't?" Pegasus asked.

That made us gasp in surprise and widen our eyes. We listened attentively as Pegasus began to tell us a story about the history of this game.

"In ancient times, the Egyptians called this the Shadow Game. Powerful Pharaohs would hold mystical duels in other dimensions. But not with cards. They used real monsters and real magic. Magical forces that were so powerful, the Egyptians lost control and nearly destroyed the entire world!" Pegasus told us.

"That's an interesting story, mister Pegasus, but I still don't see how that affects me and my friends." I said to the man.

He merely chuckled a bit, and moved the hair covering his left eye - HOLY SHIT! WHAT IS THAT!?

"You see, to prevent our world from being destroyed, an especially powerful Pharaoh locked the magic of the Shadow Games away in seven golden Millennium Items." Pegasus explained further. "And I just so happen to possess one of them. The all seeing Millennium Eye."

"A Millennium Eye? Seven items?" Kurumu asked.

"Yes. And I also happen to have three more of the seven Millennium Items in my possession. And it appears as though you each have been chosen by these items." Pegasus said, putting his hair back down. "All I ask is that you do one thing for me in return for them."

I looked at the girls, silently contemplating what Pegasus had just told us. There was something about this guy that just seems a bit off to me. Something that made me question whether or not we can trust him. And at the same time, I ask myself, what other choice do we have?

We can't exactly go back to our families. And Yokai Academy is definitely out of the question. Perhaps we should play along for now, and see where this whole experience leads. Who knows? We may even find our callings in life of we accept this offer.

The only other question I have is…

"What exactly is it that you want in return? After all, nothing in life is ever free."

"Very perceptive, Tsukune boy. In return for the Millennium Items, all I ask is that you allow me to teach you three how to play Duel Monsters, and enroll in the prestigious Duel Academy." Pegasus explained.

Well… I certainly wasn't expecting terms like those. But, then again, this may give us an opportunity to learn how to defend ourselves with these monsters. We may even make some much needed connections. Me, Kurumu, and Moka looked at each other, and came to a silent agreement.

"Alright, mister Pegasus, we accept those terms." I said.

"Wonderful! Come along, now, and we'll start off your lessons by building your decks." Pegasus instructed, leading us out of the dining room.

What do you think? Love it? Hate it? And just who was it that really killed Yokai Academy's headmaster?

Also, out of these Millennium Items, which ones should Tsukune, Moka, and Kurumu receive?

The Millennium Rod, the Millennium Key, the Millennium Scales, the Millennium Ring, the Millennium Necklace.

Please be sure to state who should get which item, and why you think they should. And if you have any suggestions for dorm placements, feel free to let me know.