A/N: Okay, time for some mayhem and madness. As I haven't played Crisis Core to know any different, the impression I've always had of Zack Fair is that he's the type of person that doesn't over-think situations too much; he's excitable and impulsive, so he tends to jump right into the thick of things and start swinging away. So I'm gonna give the Puppy a wee bit of a headache this time around…

Chapter Summary: Needing some time to consider the situation, Zack Fair sits just inside the tunnel leading into the church. But Kunsel approaches him with a shocking request, and the Cait Sith unit guarding the church interrupts their argument. When the animatronic returns to the ShinRa tower and reports, Reeve ends up calling the head of the Turks into his office and confronting him over what he finds in the records. But Tseng knows where the men are hiding now and leaves, though he does promise to explain things to Reeve in the morning. Later, Tseng himself confronts them…


By Ivy Elise Tanté

Chapter 6: Who knew introspection caused headaches?

Slipping into the tunnel from the church hidden in the Sector 5 slums, Zack carefully picked his way to the concealed entrance and settled himself down as comfortably as possible. Cloud and Kunsel were still inside, helping Starr finish sorting and dividing their supplies while Tifa reheated the stew for a late-night snack. Aerith tenderly worked in her flowerbed again, trying to revive those blooms damaged by the careless feet of the SOLDIERs.

Leaning back against the wall of debris, Zack admitted he needed the time to himself. So much had taken place in the past few hours he felt like his head was filled with madly rotating images.

As the silence closed in, his thoughts became clearer as his mind began to sort facts from emotions. What caused such disquiet was the knowledge that ShinRa had not only turned on them, but also set the Turks on his division. Despite the occasional rivalry between the two organizations -sometimes playful, other times not- Zack had counted Tseng as one of his few friends outside of SOLDIER. He had even learned to tolerate the insanely chipper Reno and his usual partner, the taciturn Rude.

However, their friendship had not stopped Reno from trying to kill him, as ordered by none other than Tseng himself. That betrayal cut deep into his heart and soul, making it hard to views things with objectivity. Yet he had to get over what had been done and concentrate on whatever steps needed to be taken next. More lives than his own rested in the balance.

While Zack and Kunsel were older than Cloud by two years, the younger man was more clear-sighted than either of his companions. He could see how dangerous their position was now and how that in turn put the women that had saved their lives at a higher risk. Once Hojo and his insane experiments were added to the mix, the situation became even more perilous for all of them.

And the only ones in any position to provide aid was a man the ShinRa Corporation tolerated because of his skill with animatronics, and the leader of the very organization that had tried to kill them. Groaning softly, Zack wearily rubbed at the back of his neck as he attempted to keep focused on the many problems facing them.

First was the urgent need to keep their expanded group safe. To ensure that, Zack was fully prepared to wheel and deal with Tseng through the Cait Sith unit now guarding the church. No price demanded by the Turk would be too high to pay if it got them out of Midgar. Their chances of surviving might be better once they were outside the city, but no place would truly be safe for some time to come. ShinRa had a very long arm, and the term planet-wide was literal, not figurative.

The second problem was supplies. While the women had all they needed for themselves, the addition of the SOLDIERs would stretch those thin, and considerable gil had already been spent providing clothes, bedding and medicines. Although Zack didn't consider himself conceited or egotistical, the fact he and his friends were being supported by women on the run from abusive homes strained his sense of honor. A part of him kept insisting he should be taking care of them, not the other way around.

And yet they had handled the situation competently so far, and with little fanfare.

Other problems included how they were to leave Midgar when the city was essentially in lockdown, what transportation might be needed to get them to their destination - whenever they finally got around to deciding on one. And even after escaping the confines of the city, they still had to worry over how they could sustain themselves and yet keep hidden from the many enemies pursuing them.

Groaning again, this time over the headache forming right between his eyes, Zack gave into temptation and buried his face in his hands. This type of situation was so new to him. Never before had he been required to worry about anyone but himself and his fellow SOLDIERs. And SOLDIERs were pretty much self-sufficient to the point of bull-headed stubbornness.

Leaning his head back against the crumbling marble column behind him, he closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings in an effort to further calm and make sense of his scattered thoughts. The smell of dust and decay filtered through as everything within him started to still. Grease, rusted metal, the reek of poorly drained cesspools and the dank air itself made themselves known as he slipped into a near-trance.


The name fluttered up from some hidden well inside him and made him flinch. Opening his eyes again, he reluctantly faced the fear he'd been trying to avoid ever since hearing Reeve's report through Cait Sith.

The scientist was insane - completely and totally deranged. Zack had little doubt of this fact, especially after reading Cloud's dry and impersonal account of what had been done to him while held captive in the basement laboratory in Nibelheim. The sense of horror wasn't from the words written, but from what lay between the lines. The pain and the agony he endured during the experimentation still came through loud and clear.

The state of Cloud's wrists and ankles had showed just how tightly he'd been bound while Hojo conducted his work. It was evident the Professor did everything he could to make each procedure as long and torturous as possible, and that he absolutely reveled in the sight of his victims bleeding and writhing helplessly as he cut and sliced into them.

None of Cloud's wounds -surgical or otherwise- had been healed with materia. There were signs of a few stitches here and there, but most had been bandaged haphazardly and left to either close on their own, or seep and fester. Many of them were infected by the time Cloud escaped and stumbled his way through the hot and dusty canyons to stagger up the steps carved into the mountainside just outside Cosmo Canyon.

Zack curled in on himself. Rubbing at tired eyes, he forced himself to remember his own enhancement procedure. It had been painful and frightening, but even now, he could remember both the gentle hands and soft voice of the surgeon operating on him. What would it have been like had it been Professor Hojo and not Dr. Rayleigh? Shuddering, he pushed the thought away, but it continued to haunt him.

If they didn'tget out of Midgar, and soon…

The sound of footsteps interrupted his horrific thoughts. But they were familiar, so Zack relaxed as Kunsel walked up and said quietly, "Wondered where you got off to."

"Just thinking. I do that on rare occasions."

The joke didn't fool Kunsel. Squatting on his heels, he confirmed, "Lot to think about right now. But we need to leave, and quick. We're really pushing our luck staying much longer." The glowing gold flecks in his brown eyes glimmered faintly as he peered around the boulder hiding the entrance to the tunnel. "If we move this rock so it completely blocks the opening, we could grab a couple hours of sleep. Then we need to get out of here."

"I know. How's Cloud?" he asked while pondering what step to take next.

"Sleeping. He sat down on one of the benches to eat and just passed right out before Tifa could bring him the bowl. I asked Starr to use her Restore on him, and then had to teach her how to handle the Cure3 option." Despite the dire situation, he couldn't hold down his grin. "She still wasn't prepared for the wallop. For a second there it looked like her eyes were sparking." He glanced at what was nominally his commanding officer and asked frankly, "How's the pain?"

Jolting, Zack sat up from his slouch just a bit too fast and grunted at the aggravating ache from his back. "Manageable. Mention it to anyone and you'll regret it."

The bite in his voice had Kunsel's eyebrows rising. "Testy tonight, aren't we? Tell me and I won't bring it up."

Zack debated for a brief moment then sighed, "Cracked vertebrae, I think. Minor as far as pain goes, but I'm having some trouble with numbness down my left leg. Don't," he warned angrily when Kunsel opened his mouth. "Everything is bad enough as it stands. Don't add to it. And I mean that, Moreno."

Doing some rapid calculating of his own, Kunsel snapped back, "Then let Starr use Cure3 on you." When the black-haired SOLDIER hesitated, he added, "I convinced her to… hm… I think I termed it 'practice'… on me before moving onto Cloud."

Such sleight of hand was very much a part of Kunsel's character, and Zack grunted over the ploy. "Think she's onto your tricks yet?"

"Don't really know. They are so much more than I originally thought, Zack. I wasn't kidding about being them being strong, but…" He hesitated just a second, "They helped us, even knowing what we are. How many people have we come across during our time as SOLDIERs that would do that?"

Looking up at the pinpoint lights decorating the underside of the plate looming above them, Zack admitted, "That would be none. Most are so afraid they can hardly speak when we're around."

"Exactly." They sat in silence for some minutes before Kunsel dared to ask, quietly, "What's bothering you? You don't usually sulk in the dark alone."

Instead of answering, Zack closed his eyes and leaned back again. "I think you can guess."

And that dreaded name echoed in the tight enclosure as Kunsel said, "Hojo." He rolled his shoulders and spat out as well, "Tseng. SOLDIER. Reeve. Rufus. ShinRa. This whole blasted scenario!"

Zack had a rueful look on his face as he turned to his childhood friend. "You see too much, Encyclopedia."

Giving a shrug, Kunsel continued, "I'm trying not to remember the report Cloud filled after he came out of the mako poisoning. Gave me nightmares for weeks afterwards."

"You, too, huh?"

A quirky smile appeared. "Yep." The amusement faded completely a second later, "No matter what's been done, we have to shake off the shock and act fast. And if you think our situation is bad, the women are in even more danger."

Zack nodded, and started to speak, "Yeah, I know. If ShinRa finds them here after…"

But Kunsel cut him off, "Not ShinRa. I'm not talking about execution. Think! Just how interesting is Hojo going to find Aerith?"

Suddenly the fear was back, feeling much like a cold slice into his chest that spread unchecked through his system. Uncoiling, Zack found himself snarling out, "If Hojo so much as puts a hand on her…"

Kunsel faced his wrath squarely, his voice cold. "It's going to happen if we don't get out of here. Starr and Tifa, too." Blowing out a breath, he admitted, "Cloud can't go through it again, Zack. His sanity won't hold up to a second round."

Still angry -though not at Kunsel- Zack snapped out, "What would you have me do, then? Take him out myself? Are you actually standing there asking for some kind of suicide pact? To that madman, a dead body is just as good as a live one. Should I just incinerate us all with Ifrit to save us from whatever Hojo plans?"

His friend didn't answer, just stood there looking at him with a tense kind of expectancy.

It knocked Zack back a couple of steps, causing him to raise a hand in defense against the unthinkable suggestion. Whirling around, trying desperately to get his temper under some kind of control, Zack choked out, "Don't ask that of me, Kunsel. Don't even put it into words."

"I am not a monster," Kunsel said with such feeling Zack turned back around to face him. "There are many that view the SOLDIERs as such, some even within our own ranks. I will admit we might not be completely human after all that was done to us during the enhancements, but I truly believe the choices we make prove we are not evil, or inhuman." He continued to stare directly into Zack's eyes as he stated, "Hojo will take that away from us if he can. I'd rather be dead than one of his mindless puppets. And before you say anything, I want you to consider that may have been Tseng's reasoning when he ordered Reno and Rude to sabotage the crosswalk."

The silence spun out, broken only by Zack's labored breathing as he struggled to come to terms with what Kunsel was demanding of him. Unable to bear the weight of his friend's stare, he finally looked away, raising his hands to scrub at his face with such force it stung his skin. His breath was still hitching as he turned to speak.

A faint rustle beyond the boulder cut off whatever reply Zack might have made. As both looked towards the sound, Cait Sith's head popped into sight in a rather comical fashion typical of the animatronic. But there was no chipper greeting, no rich Scottish lilt to amuse and entertain. Instead, he crept around the obstacle and raised his white gloved paws in mute appeal.

Sighing, Zack plopped down to sit cross-legged on the ground, which allowed Cait to climb into his lap. Kunsel crouched beside him, gazing at the stuffed toy cat with eyes unbearably sad.

"I'm going to assume you heard at least part of that," Zack guessed.

Cait Sith nodded, black button eyes bleak. "Tis not a thought to be considered, lad. Ye can't be seriously contemplating such action!" Though he kept his voice as quiet as possible, the statement still came out in an agonized wail.

After closing his eyes to gather his thoughts, Zack sighed again and admitted, "Not unless I had no other choice, Cait." Absently stroking the toy cat's back, he informed, "We're going to pull this rock over the opening and try to get some sleep. Hopefully I'll have a better sense of perspective in the morning when we meet Tseng." Gesturing for Cait Sith to move, he rose and nodded to Kunsel.

Waving goodbye, the little animatronic disappeared into the ruins as Kunsel helped Zack to nudge the boulder into place. But on the way back into the church, Kunsel caught Zack's arm and said quietly, "I'm sorry. That was ill-timed and inappropriate." Blowing out a breath, he admitted, "And out of line."

Zack just shrugged, "None of us are thinking clearly right now, Kunsel. I'm hoping some rest will clear out the cobwebs." He rapped a fist against the side of his head. "Brains are still a little scrambled."

"So is everything else," Kunsel muttered as he trailed behind.

And as the SOLDIERs try to get some shuteye…

Cait Sith spent long moments sniffing around the barrier before he sat back, finally convinced the opening was securely hidden. By that time, Unit Nine had arrived and was looking at him curiously, tail lazily flicking back and forth. "What be up, mate?" he asked.

"Stay in me place, will ye? I has to talk to Reeve, and don't wanna to leave the boyos unguarded."

Nine nodded and climbed into a little niche just above the boulder and settled down to keep watch.

Heading out, Cait Sith Seven took as many shortcuts as possible, but it was still an hour later that he darted into Reeve's office in the ShinRa tower. Whatever hopes he might harbor about his creator getting some sleep died at the sight of Reeve busily tapping away at his computer in his darkened office. Sighing, the animatronic leaped lightly onto the desktop and accused, "Ye were to be resting, lad." Arms crossed over his chest, tail lashing impatiently, Cait tapped one booted foot on a heap of paperwork and tried his best to look sternly at his master. "Keep this up and ye'll be no better off than the SOLDIERs, ye ken?"

The smile gracing Reeve's lined face was warm, "I hear you loud and clear, Cait. Have a seat and tell me why you've left them despite my orders."

"Had little choice, I did. I needs to speak with ye on a matter of some concern. Nine be taking my place." He plopped down with little grace on the single uncluttered spot on the worn surface.

Reeve stopped typing and asked tersely, "They're really going to ask Tseng for help?"

"Zack said they would see him in the morning, so I sent the message. Didna include the location, of course." Taking off his dusty crown, he busied himself to brush it clean. "Reeve," the unit said with uncharacteristic reserve, "the lads be losing hope, Kunsel in particular."

Alarmed, Reeve leaned forward and demanded, "What do you mean, Cait?"

The little animatronic took Reeve through as much as he'd heard of the argument between Zack and Kunsel. The retelling made it clear that though he might be just a stuffed, animated toy, he clearly feared for the SOLDIERs moral.

Eyes bleak, Reeve wearily rubbed at his temple and turned back to his computer. There was a part of him unsurprised by what Kunsel demanded of Zack. The two of them had seen first-hand what Hojo would do to a test subject, and being that acquainted with his work would make them very determined to stay out of his clutches.

And hadn't Tseng taken just that approach when the SOLDIERs were pinned down in the reactor?

"Tifa, Starr and Aerith were the names mentioned, right?" he asked, typing in the first name and praying there would be something in the system.

"Aye. They be braw lassies, risking themselves to help." Curling up, Cait angled himself so he could read the screen. His tail gave an excited lash when the image of an attractive young woman with curious eyes of reddish brown came up.

"This could be her. Tifa Lockhart." He slanted a look at Cait and got a shake of his head in return. The animatronic hadn't met any of the women. Disgruntled, Reeve turned back to the screen. "She's listed as the dependent of a dishonorably discharged infantryman. Age 20, trained in martial arts by Master Zangan. Records indicate she worked as a waitress in a bar located in the Sector 7 slums." Accessing her medical history, he grimaced. From the look of things, Tifa had grown remarkably clumsy since the death of her mother when she was ten. "Classic pattern of abuse, and no flags in the system. Why do so many fall through the cracks?" His question was rhetorical enough that the toy cat didn't try to answer.

Rubbing at his chin this time, he keyed in the second name and got a plethora of hits. Reeve spent some time narrowing the list down to just a couple by age, status and location. Of the two left, he favored an orphan by the name of Starr Sapphire. But when he tried to access her records…

"MIA-PD?" he asked incredulously. "What in the world is such a military term doing attached to a civilian's file?"

Standing up, Cait Sith studied the flicking screen. "MIA-PD - Missing in action, presumed dead. Me wonders who signed that designation."

It took some serious effort to break through the locks on the file without tripping any flags, but Reeve finally got the answer. "Hollander," he spat out.

Cait sat on his haunches, wringing his white gloved hands. "Ai, this complicates things for the laddies."

"And they don't need any more complications right now. I can't get anything else about Starr without seriously endangering myself, so let's try that last one. Aerith, you said? Hope I'm spelling it right."

As soon as he typed the name, a soft chime began to sound. Leaning forward intently, Reeve worked furiously at the keyboard for several long minutes as sweat glimmered on his forehead. When the repetitious chiming finally ceased, he sat back, and was vaguely amused to see his hands were shaking. "Cait, get Tseng. Now, and don't accept any excuses. I think he's in his office because that alert was headed straight for his computer before I managed to cut it off."

Knowing better than to ask for more details, the little black cat leaped down and scampered out the door.

The quick arrival of the Turk attested to the fact he was right where Reeve suspected. "Your unit parked himself outside my office and caterwauled fit to wake the dead, Tuesti. Explain yourself," Tseng ordered sharply, his voice betraying his impatience.

Reeve didn't turn from his contemplation of Midgar as he stood before his office window. His nerves were still a bit frayed from how close he'd come to revealing himself. When he finally spoke, it was a single name. "Aerith." Watching the Turk's reflection in the glass, Reeve found himself smiling grimly as Tseng jolted in shock. "Yes, I thought that might get your attention. Ingenious of you to set an alert to sound if anyone enters her name into the network."

"How do you know of her, Tuesti?" Tseng's expression was hard and uncompromising as he continued, striding forward menacingly, "Tell me what you know or you'll find yourself in a ShinRa holding cell under far less pleasant circumstances."

Turning around to face his visitor, Reeve gestured to the chairs situated in front of his desk and suggested, "Calm yourself, Turk. I don't know anything more than her name right now, and judging from all the blocks programmed into her file, it could be weeks before I figure out how to break through. Apparently she's with the SOLDIERs. Cait overheard Zack and Kunsel speaking of her."

An eerie kind of calm seemed to settle around the Turk. "Aerith…" He gave a quiet laugh and waved a hand at Reeve's surprise. "A name from the past returns to haunt me. I know exactly where they're hiding now. How ironic that I didn't think of it before, considering the area where the SOLDIERs fell." He turned to leave.

"Wait!" Reeve rounded his desk in a bound and managed to grab hold of Tseng's arm. "What do you mean? Who is Aerith? How does she have anything to do this?"

With quiet dignity, Tseng shook himself loose and headed for the door. "I'll explain later, Tuesti." When he reached for the knob, he paused long enough to assure Reeve he meant what he said. "I will tell you more. But right now, the most important thing is to get them out of Midgar. Hojo has convinced Rufus to use his personal troops in the search, and he's flooded Sector 5 in the attempt to ferret them out. The entrance is well hidden, but with that much personnel combing through the area, they will eventually find it. I've got Cissnei standing ready with the chopper in Sector 4."

"You've had all this in place since they fell, haven't you? Even before I asked if you would help them?"

Tseng winced but nodded to confirm Reeve's suspicions. "We'll discuss that as well. Meet me in my office at seven. Bring a Cait Sith unit with you."

And he was out the door before Reeve could hit him with another barrage of questions. The Head of Urban Development had just enough time to signal Cait Sith to follow before Tseng completely disappeared…

Roughly an hour later…

The only sounds within the church were the watery babble of the little stream and quiet breathing. In soft-soled shoes, Tseng made his way further into the room until he stood over the three women sleeping near the flowerbed.

Looking around, he approved of the way the SOLDIERs had grouped themselves in front of the tunnel leading outside into Sector 5. Anyone attempting to penetrate the church would have to go right through them first. And it was highly unlikely an adversary would get any further, as their weapons lay close by and ready for action.

Though time was short, he stood for just a moment and breathed in the scent of the lilies. It had been over a decade since their smell had charmed him. Then, ruthlessly suppressing the memories that surged up, he leaned down slightly and studied the females curled beneath their blankets. It amused him that he recognized Aerith immediately. She always did have the look of her mother…

A soft footfall sounded, causing Tseng to whirl around. He mentally cursed at the sight of the toy cat soundlessly picking his way over to stand beside him. Damn Reeve and his silly stuffed animals.

There was no time to warn him to be quiet as Cait carefully pointed out one of the females. "Reeve be right on target. That's Tifa Lockhart."

Wincing, Tseng glanced over at the men and saw that the animatronic, as quietly as he had spoken, had awakened Zack.

Rolling to his feet in a swift, agile move, the black-haired SOLDIER came up bearing the Buster Sword, held ready for battle. The glowing near-violet eyes were slitted with suspicion, but he made no other moves and didn't say anything as Tseng warily walked towards him.

"Zack," Tseng said, his voice barely a whisper. "This sector is flooded with troops. You have to leave, right now. Cissnei's standing ready to fly you out of here."

And his eyes, his face showed nothing as he grimly asked, "And we should just go with you, no questions asked? No bargaining, no haggling over the details of what this will cost us?"

The tone had Tseng drawing back slightly. It wasn't hostile or even angry; no, it was the resignation within that left him speechless. Zack knew he had no choice but to trust him… and it grated. Beneath the coldly spoken words was disdain.

Tseng flinched. He hadn't expected to feel the loss of their friendship quite so keenly.

Both Kunsel and Cloud were awake now, lying motionless but with their hands resting on the weapons beside them. In the dimness, Cloud's too-blue eyes were blazing with accusations, while Kunsel kept his gaze trained on Zack, awaiting his signal.

Behind Tseng there was a slight rustling and he turned to see Aerith sitting up, rubbing at her eyes. "Zack, did you say something?" she muttered, pushing her hair out of her face. Then she saw Tseng and stiffened, but only for a moment. Rising, she cautiously approached him, eyes locked on his face. She stopped several meters away from him, still studying him intently. "I know you," she finally said, speaking a bit louder.

Tseng was puzzled by her wariness. Where was the fearless toddler he remembered so clearly? "It was a long time ago," he started, surprised to find himself suddenly nervous as her green eyes traveled over him. Some part of him knew she wasn't reacting so mistrustfully because of the suit that said 'Turk'. No, the fear was generated by something more, and it troubled him. Who had -and more importantly why- put those bruises on her wrists?

A long moment passed before she suddenly cried out, "YOU!" A radiant smile lit up her face as she raced to him, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him fiercely. "It was your voice I've heard in my head all these years, telling me about the flowers growing in the church. You showed me where to find the entrance." Leaning back slightly, Aerith said, "You were holding my hand while you pointed out the stained glass window."

Stunned, Tseng ran a shaking hand down her braided hair. "I can't believe you remember that. You were only four at the time I helped… you find the church." Giving himself a shake, he released her and turned to the others. All were awake and looking at him with suspicion. He shrugged off the unpleasant regard and urged, "There's no time to talk now. Gather your things as quickly as you can and follow me." He glanced back to see Zack already bending to help Cloud to his feet.

"We'll be discussing this later, right?" Zack growled out as he starting rolling up his tarp, sleeping bag and blankets all lumped together inside it. A sense of helplessness was growing, smothering the rage trying to flare to life. But he couldn't risk the lives of the others by refusing what he prayed was help.

Tseng could see the war being waged within the SOLDIER and gave an inward sigh of relief at not being questioned further. He wasn't even sure of the answers anymore. He gave a slight bow and said carefully, "Should time allow, yes, I'll explain. Hurry now." Squeezing Aerith's hand gently, he waved for her to get a move on even as Tifa and Starr scrambled to gather their belongings.

Shouldering his backpack and goody bag, Kunsel nodded towards the tunnel, grateful for the boulder now concealing the entrance. "I'm starting to hear movement and voices outside." He didn't bother to stow the gunblade gripped so tightly, and noticed that neither Zack nor Cloud had attached their swords to the magnetic studs on their backs.

"The troopers haven't quite located the entrance yet, but it only be a matter of time," Cait Sith piped up. "Nine is still hidden and reporting," he assured Tseng.

"Good." The Turk reached out and hefted one of the remaining packs, slipping his arms through the straps and nodding towards the concealed tunnel to Sector 4. "Be as quiet as you can."

Since so much had been packed beforehand, it took only a few minutes to finish the job. Tseng and Cait Sith led the way, Cloud behind him, followed by the women, then Zack.

As the last one out, Kunsel took a careful look around to make sure there was nothing incriminating left behind. When even his intense study showed nothing amiss, he hurried after the others. And with each step, his heart pounded a little louder.

Were they being saved…

Or betrayed yet again?