"Yo." = Normal speaking.
"What do you want?" = Godlike/Demonic being speaking.
"I wonder what this is for?" = Thought's.
Prologue: Death is only the Beginning.
"D-DAMN YOU!" Those words seemed to echo out across the back of the large dragon, as a white haired man wearing a black cloak fell to his knees, a purple aura surrounding him.
"My name is Robin." A fellow white haired individual, one that was practically identical to the hunched over one stared at his kneeling counterpart, a Sword held tightly in his hands, the blade was in a strange zig-zag like shape, almost like a lightning bolt. "Many know me as the genius Tactician of the Shepherds. A group led by Ylisse's current Exalt, Chrom." His eyes remained focused on his doppelganger. "And that... Is what I could have become. The vessel of the Fell Dragon, Grima."
A strange silence seemed to have been cast over the battlefield that was Grima's true body. The servants of the beast and the members of the Shepherds, while still locked in combat, none of those confrontations seemed to reach the tactician's ears as he watched his look a like raise a hand towards him, while attempting to stand back up.
"...R-RETURN TO ME..." The beings words were coming out slowly, it seemed to finally be on it's last legs after the fierce battle. "COME...WE ARE ONE...AND THE SAME..." Robin scoffed at such words as he began to march towards the being.
"R-Robin? What are you-" the words of the man he viewed as his best friend, Chrom. Fell on deaf ears as he continued walking to the double.
"WHAT...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The being seemed to sense his intent, as fear began to fill it's words. Robin let off a small chuckle at that, to think a beast like this could feel fear.
Naga's words came to mind as he continued his march, "once the fell one is weakened, a choice will await you... If Chrom lets fall the final blow, Grima shall survive, but return to his slumber..." That option had been the more appealing one to Chrom, not that Robin could blame him based on what would happen should the second option be taken. "If Robin strikes in Chrom's stead, both his life and Grima's are forever over. Only in this way may the Fell Dragon be destroyed for good and all. The final decision is yours." Hearing those words, Robin had made his choice.
"You should already know what I'm doing, Grima." The dragon's vessel struggled to take a step back, perhaps in fear, Robin felt no pity for it however, not after everything the beast had done. "For once," he took a slight pause in his steps, now standing only a few feet away from his counterpart. "I'm glad you and I are the same." His expression remained completely serious as he griped his blade even tighter. "Now I can give my life to protect those I care for..." With that said he resumed his march towards the double.
"...YOU WOULD...N-NOT DARE!" The infernal beast continued trying to stumble away from it's would be vessel, possibly hoping that one of it's servants could save it, but no such salvation would be granted.
"I would and I will. The evils you would visit on this world are unthinkable..." Robin finally made a complete stop, now standing right next to his look a like. "In some way, I-we, share the blame." None could blame him for thinking that, after all, if Lucina and the children hadn't come back in time then he'd probably be Grima's vessel right now. "It's only right," he reared back the Levin Sword, "that we meet our end together!" He shouted loud enough that even the heaven's would hear him as he rammed the Levin Sword forward, the blade penetrated the doppelganger's abdomen, blood oozing out from the wound.
"NNGH...AUUUUGGGGGG, N...NOOOOOO! CURSE YOU!" The Levin Sword was soon purged from the vessels flesh, the dragon's true body roaring in pain along with the body it inhabited. "T-THIS...CAN'T BE...THE END?!" The body stepped back as it began to fade, it's purple aura surrounding it in a vain attempt to protect it. "D-DAMN YOU...ROBIIIIINNNN!" It's screams ended as it's body faded in a burst of purple, the aura flowing away into the wind.
Slowly, the same thing started to occur to Robin as his body began to fade as well. Footsteps echoed off the now falling body of the Fell Dragon. Robin turned to see that his trusted friend and comrade, Chrom, was dashing towards him.
"Robin? No!" The bluenette cried out, his white cape flowing outwards in the wind. The Exalt halted as he now stood next to his trusted friend and tactician. His sole question didn't even need to be spoken as it was written all over his face. "Why?"
"Chrom." Robin started, a stern expression filling his features. "You and I both know that this was the best way to go about it."
"But Robin, your..." Chrom seemed to lose the words on his tongue as he stared at Robin's slowly fading form.
"Chrom. I know. I'm sure you would of rather this ended with no lives lost. But...we couldn't be certain that the next generation that had to deal with Grima would of been able to handle it when it reawakened. Even so, thousands would lose their lives again regardless. In a way, I'm giving my life in order to ensure the safety of the future." His trusty blade fell to the ground as Robin could no longer muster the strength to continue holding it. "I-it seems my time is growing short."
"N-no! You can't die Robin!" Chrom cried out as he grabbed a hold of Robin's shoulder.
"Chrom!" A voice cried out from further down the descending body of Grima. "We can't stay any longer, we have to go!"
Chrom glanced in the other direction before turning back to Robin, perhaps trying to make a decision. "Chrom, don't worry." The bluenette broke out of his thought's, turning his full attention to Robin. "Go, you can't die here as well, Ylisse needs it's Exalt. Just do me one last favour." Robin realised it was getting a bit harder to speak as he guessed that his time was almost up.
"Anything, just name it." He let a smile grace his lips at that remark, same old Chrom.
"Tell the others...my last thoughts were of them...and Chrom...thank you, for everything." With his piece said, Robin fell to the ground, and allowed himself to fall to unconsciousness, the last things he heard were Chrom footsteps and the words, of course. "May we meet again, in a better life..." Were his last thought's.
Those were the last moments Robin spent before dying.
But this, would not be the end of the Tactician's journey.
"Chrom, we have to do something!" Memories filled his mind as he felt nothing but an eternal coldness.
"What do you purpose we do?" He smiled at the words, reminded of the time he first met Chrom and Lissa in that field, that had truly been one of the best moments of his life.
More began to play throughout his thoughts. Battling to protect Southtown with Chrom, Lissa and Fredrick. Battling against the masked man that dubbed them self as Marth in Arena Ferox. Emmeryn's death at Plegia's Castle Courtyard. The final confrontation with Gangrel at the Border Wastes. Chrom's wedding with Sumia after the war with Gangrel ended. Meeting Lucina at the Carrion Isle. The final fight against Walhart at Valm Castle. Learning of his heritage before Lucina confronted him with her judgement. Slaying Validar at the Dragon's Table and finally, the final battle with Grima.
So many accomplishments and memorable moments, but despite them, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at the fact that he'd never truly given himself any time to be happy during any of it. Many of his friends and comrades had wedded with others within the Shepherds and had eventually forged families during the wars. Even encountering their children from the destroyed future.
Robin hadn't however, he'd been to focused on the wars to really ever consider marriage. He pondered what a child of his might of been like as he just continued surfing through his thought's.
That seemed to be all he was able to do after all. While he hadn't expected death to be a pleasant thing, he hadn't expected it to be this...boring.
"ARE YOU FINISHED NAPPING YET?" His thought's instantly vanished as Robin's eyes snapped open in fright. That booming voice, it couldn't be...
His first sights were of the dark void that seemed to be his current location, a sight that reminded him of the void that Grima had placed him in when the dragon had attempted to forcibly take control of his body. Such a sight was not pleasing. "No...does this mean I...failed?"
"FINALLY AWAKE I SEE." His head twisted towards the voice, instantly spotting the doppelganger body that held Grima, standing there as if the entire final battle had never happened. At first, Robin took this as confirmation to his thought's, causing him to want to rush up and attempt to punch the double. Until he noticed the giant skeletal body of the Fell Dragon. Grima seemed to notice his observations, as the being scoffed. "BRAVO, BRAVO. YOU DID IT. YOU'VE KILLED US BOTH, FOOL."
The beasts insult meant nothing to him as Robin took another glance around the area in the hopes of finding something that he hadn't seen before, only to be met with nothing. Deciding that he didn't truly have another option, he turned his focus towards his look a like. "Where are we?"
The vessel body shrugged as it laid back against it's true bodies skeletal head. "SOME FORM OF LIMBO I SUPPOSE." Robin gave the being a confused look that only seemed to only irritate it. "ARE YOU DENSE? I THOUGHT YOU WERE MEANT TO BE SMART?" He refused to acknowledge the insult, and only continued giving his confused expression. "FINE, LIMBO, AS IN AN UNCERTAIN PERIOD OF AWAITING A DECISION OR RESOLUTION. WERE BASICALLY WAITING FOR JUDGEMENT FROM THAT DIVINE B$$$H YOU HUMANS TREAT AS A GODDESS." Robin only nodded at the Fell Dragon's answer, while his response did raise further questions in the Tactician's mind, he didn't want to speak to the beast any more then he had to. Robin decided to take a seat and simply await whatever awaited him now, but he couldn't really stop himself from feeling bored during this, if only he had a book or something.
Time passed with nothing truly occurring, as the two white heads remained there in silence. Eventually, a bright light began to fill the void. Temporarily blinding Robin while Grima's inhabited body simply stood up from it's place on it's skeletal head.
The light began to fade from the void, allowing Robin to regain his vision as he stared at the Divine Dragon known as Naga in her human form, her flowing green hair reached near her rear with her pointed Manakete ears sticking out of it, while her attire consisted of a white and pink dress with a flowing piece of cloth that reminded Robin of the cloth that Olivia would use during her dances, around her arms. The final piece of her attire worth noting was a golden headpiece that somewhat reminded him of the one Nowi wore on her forehead. She seemed to be cloaked in a strange blue light, almost giving her a somewhat ethereal look which he didn't really see the point in if this was something akin to the afterlife.
"I apologise for keeping you both waiting." She glanced towards both of the white haired individuals, Grima snarled in response, seemingly wanting this all to be over with, while Robin simply stood there not truly knowing how to respond. Standing before him were the closet two beings to gods that he'd ever known of, it wasn't every day that you had to stand before such creatures. While not truly knowing what to do, he decided the best option was to ask a question.
"So...What happens now?" He asked simply, he felt slightly disgraceful for addressing someone like Naga in such a way.
"OH YES, OH MIGHTY GODDESS! WHAT DOES HAPPEN NOW? GOING TO SEND US TO THE AFTERLIFE I ASSUME, CORRECT?" Grima's tone was filled with sarcasm, something Robin couldn't stand, even if he hadn't asked his question in the most respectful of manners, that didn't mean Grima could freely run his mouth like that with his appearance. He was about to show his counterpart his disdain for such words until Naga began to speak again.
"I would rather not see you both come to blows. Normally, nothing like this would occur." That caused both Robin and Grima to glance towards Naga in confusion. "You are both most likely pondering what my meaning is from those words. I have a request for you, Tactician. Or would you prefer I address you by name?"
Robin had to take a moment to think, he found it rather strange that someone like Naga would care about what someone wanted to be called. "E-Either is fine, Lady Naga."
"SUCK UP." He held back to urge to hit his counterpart once again, now was not the time for Robin to lose his cool.
"Robin it is then. Now, onto the matter at hand. Robin, there is a world in dire need." Those words brought the confusion right back to Robin's face as he pondered why Naga would be telling him something like this. "It is a world that is very different from the one you hail from, but if it were to be destroyed, it could threaten many others, including the land of which you hail from. Normally such an occurrence shouldn't happen in this world, but something has distorted the flow of time in this world." Robin faced became filled with fear at that remark, if that were to happen then did that mean everything he did would of been for nothing? Naga proceeded to conjure up some kind of orb that displayed a young blonde boy wearing a white shirt and short black pants with the most noticeable part of his appearance being the six whisker like marks on his face. "This boy is known as Naruto Uzumaki, and he is meant to eventually become his world's saviour. But because of whatever has distorted this worlds history, his chances of succeeding have lowered drastically."
Robin slowly took in all the information, but one question remained on his mind. "Naga...I can understand what you're saying but...what do you want me to do?"
Naga face remained expressionless as she continued what she wished to say. "I ask that you, Robin, go into this world and ensure that it is still saved and isn't destroyed." Robin stared in disbelief, Naga wanted him to do that? But then it started making sense to him, he was the one that had ensured that Grima's desolate future hadn't come true, so it sorta made sense to him of why Naga would make such a request of thought's were interrupted when Naga spoke once again. "So, Robin. Will you do it?"
With a quick nod of the head, Robin gave his answer. "Yes, Naga. I'll do it, I'll make sure that this world you speak of isn't destroyed!"
"I am glad to hear it. But before anything else can occur now, Grima." She turned her head to the other white haired male that had been notably silent throughout the conversation. The two dragons in human bodies now staring each other down until one finally spoke.
A child's birthday was meant to be one of the best day's of their lives.
This was not the case for six year old Naruto Uzumaki. An orphan since birth.
What didn't help matters for him was the fact that most of the people in his village seemed to despise him. Hell, they seemed to hate him even more on his birthday.
A birthday that coincidentally was the exact same day that the village held a festival in honour of the death of the Kyuubi. October Tenth.
Normally Naruto didn't go out during the Kyuubi festival, partly because of the fact that one of the only people that seemed to care about him always told him that it was a bad idea, but something had urged him to go out just this once.
He really wished he hadn't listened to that urge. Because now he was stuck in an alleyway with two very angry drunken civilians staring down at him holding broken bottles.
"Lookie at what we found." One of them said as they stumbled towards the child. "The little Kyuubi brat."
"How about we finish the Yondaime's job for him then?" They both laughed at that as they got closer and closer to the small child.
"P-Please don't! I haven't done anything, please don't hurt!" The blonde child cried out, but his plea was met with only laughter.
"Haven't done anything? BAHAHAHA!" They continued moving towards the child, their laughter frighten him even more as he tried his hardest to move away from the approaching adults. But it was to no avail due to the wall his back was now pressed against.
Suddenly, a bright flash of light zapped through the alley, as bolts of electric energy coursed through them, causing them both to fall to the ground, dead.
"Worse then Brigands."
Naruto glanced to the entrance of the alleyway slightly in fear, allowing him to get a look at the cloaked figure now standing there as rain began to fall. The mans face was completely obscured due to the cloaks hood, Naruto couldn't truly make out much of the cloaks colours other the golden outlines due to the darkness.
The man began walking towards the young blonde child, Naruto took this as a bad thing as he once again tried to climb up the alley wall to no avail.
"It's alright." The man halted right next to him and knelt down next to the boy who simply looked at the mysterious individual in slight fear due to not knowing his intentions. The man removed the hood from his head, allowing Naruto to see his white hair that seemed to have strange purple highlights within it. The mans expression was almost completely calm with a small smile on his face as Naruto stared at his brown eyes.
"W-who are you?" The boy questioned as the rain seemed to start fading.
The mans smile seemed to grow as he outstretched his hand. "My name is Robin. I'm a travelling Tactician, what's your name?" He asked with a voice filled with sincerity that Naruto hadn't truly heard anyone speak to him with.
"I-I'm Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto." The boy paused briefly until realising that the man had also said what his occupation was (although Naruto didn't actually know what the word occupation meant.) and decided that he should state his own. "And I'm gonna be the Hokage, Dattebayo!"
Before any more words could be exchanged between the two, a sudden group of masked men wearing armour befitting an assassin in Robin's eyes appeared within the alleyway, holding out small knife like weapons.
"Halt! Whoever you are, were taking you to the Hokage!"
Robin stood up slowly as he stared at the masked individuals, it seems he'd already caused himself a problem.
Authour's Notes.
And thus, we have the remake for Konoha's Orange Tactician. If you want my reasoning for remaking the story then send a PM or something I guess.
Few quick things to note in terms of changes to the original story. 1st is Robin's no longer married to anyone while in the original I had him wedded to Cordelia. There is a reason for this and if you're desperate enough for an answer, I'll give it to you. 2nd, instead of having something else represent god, I'm simply using Naga, reason? Simply put, using some other being that represented seemed rather, pointless? I am aware that Naga isn't actually meant to be a God, but for the purposes of this story, she basically is kinda godlike. 3rd, oh I bet so many of you are wondering what the hell the plan for Grima is, I'm saying nothing in regards to that here. So you'll all just have to wait and see I guess.
I'm sorry to anyone that's unhappy about this decision, and I do not blame you for any discontent you hold towards me for doing this.
Anyhow, hope you enjoyed, if you didn't then...sorry I guess? Any feedback on what could be improved upon is welcome. If anyone has any questions, feel free to throw them my way I guess.
Until next time I guess, have a nice day/night.