Title: A Bird's Flitting Dream
Writer: Neph Champion
Idea: Awakening: Robin has never been shy, she is confidant and controls powerful magic. She is clear spoken and articulate and has no problem making her opinion knows. Unfortunately, she can't remember anything but a horrible dream, her new commander Beloved and her own name. But there's a problem, if she's not talking tactics with Beloved she gets tongue tied, can't seem to string two words together without stuttering, and she seems to almost lose her voice! What is going on?
Summary: Beloved was the first thing Robin can remember seeing so of course she would fall in love with him. But she is not by any means shy and will do anything to make sure that her dream never comes to pass. And who knows, perhaps she will win Beloved's heart along the way…
Disclaimer: Fire Emblem is the property of Nintendo.
Warning: Robin is Build 1, Face 1, Hair 3, Hair Color: 12.
"Up there!" her blue haired companion warned, and she turned, her eyes widening under her hood.
'Dear gods, who was that?' she wondered. His skin was a grotesque purple which made her want to be sick.
"You damned fool!" their unknown foe snarled as she stared almost in mute horror. "Die!"
She and her companion shared a glance, and she fought down a deep blush. Her male companion was rather handsome with dark, almost royal blue hair. If they hadn't been in such dire straits, she'd have been tempted to just get lost in those beautiful cobalt eyes of his. He smiled lovingly down at her, and she could tell that this man loved her dearly.
"This is it!" he told her, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Our final battle! You are one of us. Robin, and no "destiny" can change that. Now, let's kill this dastard and be done with it!" His smile turned reassuring and she felt her heart lift, as if some unknown burden had been taken from her shoulders.
She gave him a nod. She had to believe in what he said. She wasn't sure if she could survive this confrontation if she didn't. Her commander was right. She returned his gentle squeeze with a firmer one of her own and turned back to look at their enemy. "You're right. I won't let anything stop us."
She rushed forward with her partner, feeling rather frustrated when they couldn't reach him. Thinking fondly of all the time they'd spent together, she looked up at her companion and hoped with all her heart that neither of them would fall in this battle.
The man before them laughed, and she glared at him with as much anger as she could muster. "Ha, ha, ha," his very voice grated on her ears and she truly hoped that this would be the last they ever saw of the dastard. "Why do you resist?"
"Good, we're almost there," he sent her that devil-may-care smile that always got her blood heated. "Let's move in and make the final strike!"
"Just don't get cut down, love," she whispered as she leaned up on her tiptoes to reach his head. She giggled. "And I'll reward you tonight."
His smile widened. "I promise Robin."
They turned back to their foe, whoever he was, "You take him Beloved"-so that was his name-"and I'll back you up with my Thoron."
Beloved nodded before rushing forward. She followed a step behind him. He raised his sword and sliced into their enemy once before jumping back.
She clutched her spell book tightly. Holding one hand out, she shot off her lightning spell. Her opponent fell to the ground lifeless.
"This isn't over…" the man sneered as he fell forward in pain. "Damn you both!"
That's when they both made a mistake. They took their eyes off of him and smiled, drunk off their victory. That was until she saw another attack coming, and knowing instinctively that it was aimed at her beloved, her heart sank. She shoved him away and took the attack herself, anything to keep her beloved safe.
He rushed to her side, sliding on his armored knees for the last foot or so between them. "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice gaining a slightly frantic tone as he helped her up and looked behind them. Her gaze followed his, and her shoulders almost slumped in relief.
"That that's end of him." He turned and gave her another loving smile. He sounded as relieved as she felt. "Thanks to you we carried the day. We can rest easy now."
She was about to open her mouth to reply when she felt a strange pulse of power. What was going on?
He hadn't noticed her distress at first. "At long last…" He peered into her eyes when he noticed that she hadn't responded.
"What's wrong?" he asked, and she didn't even feel it when her arm came up, magic crackling in her palm. Her beloved's voice sounded so far away. "Hey, hang on-"
She came back to herself as his face turned pained and he stepped back. Oh Gods… she'd attacked him! She'd attacked him just as she feared she would. Her eyes teared up as she stared at the bolt of thunder magic that stuck out of his stomach and then stared down at her still crackling palm in disbelief. She couldn't cry. They'd won. This was supposed to be a good day!
She reached for him even as he took another step back and began to speak. "This is not… your fault." He tried to reassure her weakly, though it wasn't working. "Promise me you'll e-escape, f-from this place…" He fell to his knees, and she wished that she could move, could call for help, anything!
She almost couldn't hear the last of what he was saying. "Please," he pleaded almost soundlessly. "Go."
She watched in total agony as he fell to the ground, dead.
First Fire Emblem Fic, so please be nice, I always take constructive crit. Though so don't be afraid to point out something that's missing!
And thanks to my Beta, you were a really big help here.