Some of you were saying how it would be cool to get some back story on some vent that happened in the first story



We'll be seeing some of our favorite Divergent characters in here so don't worry about that

This is currently taking place during Tris's choosing ceremony, so basically the first book.

So I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think

Disclaimer: Veronica owns this magnification story line and these wonderful characters.

I chew on the tip of the eraser without any thought. My eyes scan the nearby monitors before turning back to mine. I click senselessly through the different video footage of the many cities stationed around us. It's the same thing in every single shot. Factionless lined against abandoned brick buildings. I'll catch someone in grey wandering down one of the aisles to hand one of them a bag of food, usually it's apples sometimes is grapes.

A chair squeaks next to me, signaling that Jace has arrived.

"Hey." He whispers to me in a hushed tone, careful not to be overheard by our advisors. I set the pencil down on the desk and remove my feet from the top of his.

"Where were you?" I mutter as I straighten out my plain uniform top. I glance over at him to see his hair is a ruffled mess as well as his clothes. He grins and turns on his monitor. He turns to face me as it starts it slow process of booting up.

"You'll never guess who I ran into last night." Even though he's whispering in a dull voice I can tell he's trying to hold back his excitement. I raise my eyebrows and wave my hand in gesture saying come on. "Dauntless." My finger stops mid click on the mouse at his words.

"What?" I ask turning to look at him, trying to read his face. He rubs his hands together.

"They were at the club." He adds like its nothing, like how you would find cheese in the dairy section at the supermarket.

"Are you sure it just wasn't people dressed in black?" I ask doubting him. He shakes his head and leans in closer to me.

"Karman they had tattoos and they spoke of the cities." His eyes are wide with wonder as I search them. I shrug it off and turn back to the monitor.

"Lots of people know about the cities and lots of people like to draw on their skin. They probably were just playing you." He shakes his head and turns back to his computer.

"No this was the real deal." He types in his key card code before flashing me a smile. "They were crazy reckless." Narrowing my eyes I lean forward and yank his arm off the desk.

"How would they have gotten into this sector, the closest city isn't for miles?" I ask gritting my teeth together. He looks me over before yanking his arm out from my grasp.

"They weren't from any of the California cities, this was the one from Chicago." I lean back and watch as he pulls up his video footage.

"That's days of walking. Why would they come all the way out here when headquarters is right by them?" He shakes his head and starts to click through the footage at rapid speed.

"Their Dauntless, why wouldn't they?"


I scrub at my eyes one last time before shutting the water off. Looking up into the mirror I take regard of my own face.

My eyes are brightly red from the hot water that still lingers on my face. My eyes, a deep blue, are wide. My mother said they were always filled with wonder and curiosity as a child, but now when I look at them all I see is the deep blue. My dark hair falls into my face and I subconsciously push it back behind my ear. Hair so black against skin so white isn't expected in these parts. The shock and the contrast only serve to show how I don't belong here. My thoughts go to Jace and his perfectly brown hair and tan skin when I hear the door open.

"Did you hear what Jace was blubbering about?" Macy asks when she enters the bathroom. I step away from the mirror and push my way out of the door as she follows close behind.

"Yeah something about Dauntless being in the sector." I mumble aimlessly as I reach for my key card that lays on the plain concrete counter.

"Isn't it cool." She exclaims in wonder as she throws her hands out in front of her. I turn to watch as her eyebrows race up and her eyes alight with her excitement. Eyes the color of a rich soil flecked with black. Her hair is just a few shade lighter than mine, half of it braided close to her head while the other half hangs in curls around her face.

"I think its rather weird. I mean how would they even get into this sector undetected with the security." I wonder aloud. She shakes her head and grabs for my arm, pale white against a milky brown, a striking contrast between the two.

"I heard that they climbed the fence, no wires, and snuck off into the shadows." She grins as she leads me out of our apartment. "Come on Karman its fun to believe they could do it." I roll my eyes and lean against her as we ascend down the flight of glass stairs.

"Its fun to believe in bigfoot, but news flash he doesn't exist." I snicker as we reach the great hall.

Twenty foot ceilings, each wall displaying the different faction symbols. My eyes instantly land on the Dauntless flames as Macy leads me through the crowd of people just getting out of C block.

Everyone is dressed in the same uniform that both me and Macy wear, dark blue shirts with loose fitting grey pants. I don't like how it looks on me. The dark blue makes my skin stand out, as if i'm practically shouting to everyone "Hey yeah I know I don't belong here". Compared to Jace the blue makes his tan skin seem to glow, which then irritates me even more.

"Alex!" Macy yells as she stands on her tiptoes and pushes down on my shoulder to push herself up.

"Ow shoulder." I wince as she scans the crowd for Alex. She grabs hold of my hand and throws me into the crowd of people.

"Come on I saw him coming out of the training room." She yells as she pushed me forward, earning many people to trip over us and mutter things under their breath about children these days.

Just as we break through the crowd I catch sight of Alex leaning against the training room door. He's talking to someone who I can't see yet, but once I catch sight of their ruffled chestnut hair I know them af if I was picking myself out of a group photo.

"Jace." I mutter in a greeting once we reach them. He turns and catches my gaze with a smile.

"Lovely." He murmurs reaching down and placing a kiss on top of my forehead. One he steps back he raises his keycard up for me to see. "No D block today." He says as he raises his eyebrows in excitement. I shake my head as I show him my same empty block.

"Great does that mean we'll be having to break you guys out of Mitchell's office again?" Alex asks as he gazes upon the both of us.

"I told you that I had nothing to do with the sculpture and the bra situation." He explains with his hands raised in an I'm innocent gesture.

"Sure and the whole slime on the training room floor thing?" Macy asks with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Must have come from that horrible beast they were housing in that room." I chuckle as I recall that day.

"They just had several pigs that day." I tell him. He points a finger at me with a nod.

"Yes beasts." Macy opens her mouth when she is cut off by the three dull beeps signaling D block.

"I'll see you at dinner right man?" Alex asks Jace as they do their weird bromance handshake hug.

"Not unless you're coming to bail me and Karman out of something." He points out as he grabs me up in his arms and pulls me close.

"Yay." I mutter as I wave goodbye to Macy. Alex shakes his head with a grin.

"Later Kar." He calls before jogging to catch up with Macy.

"Their cute together." I wonder aloud as I watch them walking down the hallway. Jace snorts in response and releases me.

"Sure if cats and dogs were to get married. Come on I want to show you something." He grabs for my hand and pulls me after him down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I ask in a whisper, feeling like I have to be quite even though we are the only two in the hallway. He turns to look back at me and flashes a smirk.

"I'm gonna introduce you to a few of my new friend."

So yeah I dont really know about this either

I say lets take it a chapter at a time

Please tell me what you think should I continue or just scrap it all?
