Disclaimer: I don't own Psych.
Chapter 1
Shawn turned in his sleep, groaning when he was disturbed by a faint tapping sound. Cracking one eye open, he looked over towards his window, letting out a high-pitched scream, rolling over and falling out of bed when he saw a man's face pressed up against the glass. Details, such as his strong jawline, long right cheek scar and unacceptably messy hair instantly burned themselves effortlessly into Shawn's mind due to his photographic memory. Too scared for rational thought, Shawn used his arms and legs to slide himself backwards across the floor on his butt. It wasn't until he hit against a wall that he realised being on his feet would probably be more useful for fleeing. He put his palm against the wall, pushed himself upwards and shakily made a run towards the front door, jumping back when the intimidatingly large man burst through.
Momentarily frozen with fear, Shawn finally found his voice, "L-look man, take whatever you want." He edged his way backwards as the guy walked slowly towards him, "Seriously dude, take anything." He rambled nervously, sucking in a breath when the back of his thigh hit against the side table next to his bedroom door. He put his left hand back, fumbling along the smooth surface of the table until he finally felt the set of keys under his fingertips, "Most of this stuff isn't even mine." He could see his phone on the kitchen counter, unfortunately it was behind the crazy man who was trying to kill him, so, fully aware that there was no way he was going to be able to call for help, he clasped the keys in his hand, and turned on his heel just as the man made a grab for him. Without looking back, Shawn ran into his bedroom, jamming his feet as far into his Kangaroos as possible, before opening his window and climbing out.
He hop-ran towards his Norton as he tried to get the Kangaroos on his feet properly, got onto his bike, pleading with it to start, then gave a sigh of relief when it did, and zoomed away down the road.
Gus' eyes shot open, someone was in his apartment. He grabbed the nearest weapon, a shoe, held it shoulder-high, flipped on the jackal switch and stealth moded his way towards the bad guy, letting out a war cry as he went in for the surprise attack, narrowly stopping himself when he realised who it was, "Shawn?" He lowered his weapon, "What are you doing in my apartment? I could have killed you!"
Despite the impending danger, there was no way Shawn could let that one slide, "With your shoe?" He smirked.
Gus' expression turned indignant, "Shoes can be very effective weapons Shawn!"
"Are all your windows and doors locked?" He asked as he made sure all the bolts were across the door.
"Why, do you wanna practice your breaking-in skills on those too?"
"Dude!" Shawn snapped, brushing past him and checking the closest window. It was locked.
"Of course they're locked," Gus walked after him, "how long have you known me?"
"Double check." He shut the blinds, then made a tiny gap with his fingers to look through. There was no sign of the maniac.
"Shawn, what's going on?" His friend's behaviour seemed a little frantic, and it was making him feel nervous.
Shawn turned back to face him, "Someone's trying to kill me."
"They were in my apartment, Gus." He moved away from the window and grabbed the edge of the coffee table that was sitting in the middle of the room, dragging it in front of the apartment door with the help of Gus, who had grabbed hold of the other side, " I managed to escape through the window, but I think he's coming after me..."
"There's a crazed killer chasing you, and you came here?!" At Shawn's glare, Gus added, "I'm just saying, you know plenty of people more suited for this sort of thing than I am. Like Lassie, Juliet...Your dad."
"And out of all those people, you're the one I thought of buddy." Shawn interrupted before the list could get any longer, "Doesn't that make you feel special?"
"Not really, it just confirms my theory that you're an idiot."
"Give me your phone."
"You don't have yours?"
"Dude, there was a maniac standing in my way, what was I supposed to do, ask if I could squeeze past him and grab it?"
Gus shot his best friend a death glare at his sarcastic reply, passing the phone over with more force than was necessary.
Lassiter opened his eyes and instinctively went for his gun when his sleep was disturbed by a buzzing sound. He lowered his weapon and reached across the bedside table to grab his phone when he realised what the noise was, letting out a low groan when his bleary eyes were able to focus enough to get a look at the caller ID. Momentarily hovering over the reject button, he went ahead and answered it, against his better judgement, instead, "I swear to god Spencer, if you're phoning me at three thirty in the morning and you're not in a life or death situation, I'm gonna put a bullet straight through you!"
"Well you're in luck, because there's a crazy maniac outside who's trying to kill me!" Shawn's voice hissed through the phone.
Lassiter swung his legs out of bed, slipped on his shoes and wasted no time rushing into the other room to put on his coat, Shawn sounded genuinely freaked out, "Where are you...?"
As Shawn was giving him his location, a quick but detailed statement of what had happened and an impressive description of what the guy looked like, considering it was dark and he'd obviously been panicked, Lassiter had left his house and gotten into his car, "Stay put and don't do anything stupid. I'm on my way."
Once he'd hung up, he immediately called his partner, who unsurprisingly sounded like she'd also been asleep, and then he called the station. He'd ordered half of the on-duty officers to head to Shawn's apartment, and the other half to Gus', where he and Juliet were going.
Lassiter pulled up to the building just after the two police cars, and moments before Juliet. When his partner reached him, he told her to check on Shawn and Gus, before heading off with a group of officers to search for their suspect.
Juliet jogged up to Gus' apartment, holding her firearm, "SHAWN?" She called out, knocking on the door, "GUS...?"
"JULES?" Shawn shouted back, "Hold on..."
Juliet narrowed her eyes when she heard a scraping noise from inside, "Are you moving furniture...?"
A moment later, Shawn opened the door. Her eyes widened when she entered, the room had been turned upside down as the two of them had created what appeared to be a makeshift fort.
Shawn gave her a sheepish grin when she looked at him, "Gus got scared." Was his feeble excuse.
"I got scared?" Gus countered, "You started moving furniture first Shawn!"
She rolled her eyes as their unintelligible whisper-argument commenced, and poked her head outside, firearm still at her side as she looked out for any sign of the suspect.
It was starting to get light by the time Lassiter returned from his search. As he entered Gus' apartment, Shawn's face lit up, it was like christmas had come early.
"Not a word Spe-"
"Detective Lassiter, are you wearing jammies too?" There were equal levels of glee and mockery in his tone, "Can anyone say 'slumber party'?"
Lassiter screwed up his face in disdain, "You said someone was trying to kill you, I hardly had time to change...MCNAB!"
The officer appeared from...Somewhere, "Yes Sir?"
"Escort these two nimrods to the police station." He turned to Shawn, "O'Hara and I will head over to your apartment. We've searched all over here, there's no sign of the suspect. If he did follow you, he's long gone by now."
Juliet followed Lassiter out to his car.
"We're coming with you." Shawn announced, as the two detectives entered the vehicle.
Gus looked at him, "We're what?!"
Lassiter didn't even get a chance to protest before Shawn had gotten into the back of his car, dragging Gus in with him, "Spencer, I swear if you don't get out of..."
"Lassie, lighten up. All the team's together, this is gonna be fun." Shawn gave an over the top grin.
Lassiter shot him a disgusted look, "There is no 'team'."
"Admit it Lassie, you could use my acute psychic abilities, and you know it."
"It couldn't hurt to have him come along." Juliet predictably sided with the so-called psychic.
Seething, Lassiter managed to get out the word, "Fine." through gritted teeth, before pulling out of the driveway and driving off to their next location.