I don't own Naruto or RWBY. I'm just a broke college student...
Normal Talking: "Insert witty remark here."
Normal Thinking: 'Insert witty remark here.'
Biju/Deity Talking: "Insert witty remark here."
Biju/Deity Thinking: 'Insert witty remark here.'
Scene Change: Insert Place Here
Jutsu/Technique: Insert Jutsu Here
-Did you know? Every legend has something that inspired it.-
"This world…I won't let it end!"
-And while not every legend may be true…-
"If there's still life in me…If there is still a will to beat you…If I still have people to fight for…As long as there is a shred of hope…I will never! Give! Up!"
-There are those legends that are based on the achievements of real people.-
"…I'm just a stupid kid and there are many things I don't really understand...But I know what 'friends' are. And I want to protect them…That's all."
"…Is that your answer?"
-Real men and women.-
"That must be the lady that Sage-jiji was talking about…Kaguya Ōtsutsuki!"
-People who have transcended all others, becoming something…more.-
"She...She absorbed it all! This power...it's unreal! How can something like this actually exist?!"
-They become a legend.-
"Sasuke?! What are you doing?!"
"Naruto…I thank you for all that you've done up until this point…But now, your usefulness has come to an end."
"Actually…There is one last thing that you can do…Surrender your power to me!"
-But what qualifies one to legendary status?-
"Damn it…Damn it! I…I can't let it end…I won't let him win! I won't…let them die!"
"Do you desire the power to protect?"
"I can grant you such a thing…But it may come at a cost…"
"I don't care! Whatever it takes!"
"…Very well…I bestow upon you the knowledge needed to complete the task…"
-Is it their heroics? Their strength of heart?-
"No…No, what are you doing?!"
"Sasuke…I loved you like a brother…Even after everything that has happened…After everything you've done, that has never changed…"
"No, stop!"
"But now…Now you've gone too far!"
"Don't do it!"
"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do…Seal!"
"You've brought this upon yourself! We could have done this together!"
-Or is it how long the person is remembered?-
"Naruto…Your eyes!"
"Yeah…It's one of the side effects. At first, I thought it was because I'm now its host…But now, I feel like that might not be the entire reason."
"'One of the side effects'? What else is there?"
"Honestly? I'm not sure…I don't think I feel any different, but at the same time, I know that something about me has changed."
"Well…It's troublesome, but whatever happens, we will be by your side the entire time."
"You guys…Thanks."
"…But really, silver eyes?"
"Shut up, Kiba! My new eyes are awesome!"
-Would it be the diamond jubilee? Perhaps golden? Or even silver?-
"Crap! I'm sorry about that!"
"No, no! It was my fault! Here, let me help you with those."
"…Is there something on my face?"
"Ah, sorry! It's just that your eyes are very...eye catching."
"Hahaha. Thanks, I guess…But I have to admit, your eyes are pretty cool, too."
"What's this? Are you flirting with me?"
"Wha-No! That's not what I was doing! It never even crossed my mind!"
"And why not? Is there something wrong with the idea?"
"Not at all! You're super pretty! Uh, I mean-"
"Oh, relax a bit. I'm just messing with you!"
"Nice blush you got there, Silver. You going to introduce yourself at some point?"
"'Silver'? Whatever…I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"
"Nice to meet you, Naruto…But I think I'm going to stick with Silver."
"But…Fine, I don't mind. What about you? You got a name, Amber?"
"Great job copying a trend I just made. If you must know, my name is-"
-There exist countless legends of all ages.-
"So…How are you and your lady friend doing? You become…intimate yet?"
"Mind your own business, you pervy-Hokage!"
"Hehehe…I'm just asking as a concerned sensei."
"Concerned sensei my ass!"
-Legends of wizards. Legends of mages. Legends of gladiators. Legends of shinobi. Legends of warriors.-
"There have been an increasing number of reports of attacks."
"What is it? Another skirmish?"
"No. According to the reports, the attacks are done by some sort of animals…"
"No one is sure. They don't look like any summons previously seen before."
"Then what the hell are they? And where did they come from?"
"It's unclear. At first, they were only on a remote island relatively close to the Land of Whirlpools, but they have been spreading…A name for them has been spreading around as well…The Grimm."
"…The Grimm…"
-The list goes on and on.-
"How do you feel?"
"I just gave birth to two kids…How do you think I feel?"
"Ah, I guess that was a little dumb…"
"You're fine, love."
"Uzumaki-san? Here are your children. Congratulations, you are now the parents of two beautiful girls."
"I…I don't know what to say…"
"I'm also having a little trouble catching up to it…"
"I'm…I'm a father!"
"And I'm a mother!"
"…Look…She has your eyes."
"And her sister has your eyes."
"…I love you. All three of you."
"And I love you three…What do you think their names should be?"
-To gain the status of "Legend" and have your story told through the generations is simply amazing.-
"…What…? No, that can't be right. I must have misheard you."
"Baa-chan! Say something! You didn't just say that, right?!"
"Naruto, you heard what I said! I've run the test a thousand times, but it always ends up the same!"
"But…But how?"
"If I had to guess, it is because of it."
"…Another side effect…That must be it. I didn't put much thought into it; I just thought my Uzumaki heritage made it less noticeable…But…?"
"Exactly, it wasn't that your Uzumaki genes made you age slower…Naruto, you have stopped aging, period."
-Most legends are forgotten in time, becoming nothing more than lore and stories told to children.-
"You're wrong!"
"No, I'm not!"
"Why can't you see that they're a threat?! They need to be destroyed!"
"Why can't you see that they are the next step for humanity?! For progress?!"
"Because they aren't! The Grimm have been slowly spreading for over twenty years! Wiping out anything and anyone they come across as they do!"
"The fact that they have managed to do that, despite having the world against them, proves that there is potential for us to learn something! That they have some worth to them!"
"Nothing that we can learn from these things would be worth it!"
"You're just too scared to see the truth!"
"And you're just too focused on an impossible goal to see the danger!"
"Enough! Both of you, stop arguing!"
"Listen, whether the Grimm should be destroyed or controlled, the two of you need to stop fighting! You're sisters…I've seen enough of family members fighting one another in my life."
"…Otou-sama, who do you agree with?"
"I'm sorry?"
"She asked whose side you are on…And I must admit that I want to know the answer to that as well."
"I'm not taking a side here. Now both of you, go to your rooms."
"*Sigh* What is going on with those two?"
"It'll be fine, love. I'm sure it will get better."
"Are you telling me that? Or yourself?"
"Both, I suppose…"
"Well regardless of who you are telling that to, it will get better. We just have to help them through it…Silver."
"…I stopped calling you Amber, why do you keep calling me that?"
"Because you have yet to convince me that you honestly don't like it."
-…The scary part?-
"No, no, no, no, no, No! Please, don't!"
"S…Silver. It's fine…"
"How is this fine?!"
"I've…had a long…and happy life…I don't regret a thing…"
"Shush…I don't…mind and I…don't want you to…either…"
"I've spent so long with you…I don't want to go back to life without you…"
"You…knew this was coming…It's been…obvious for a while…now…"
"Listen to me, Silver…I want you to…promise me something…Consider it…a final wish…"
"Thank you…I want you to promise…that you won't…ever give up on your goal…"
"That's it?"
"That's it…I've always admired you…and your drive…Don't let your will…ever fully die out…I know it may be hard sometimes…I know it is even harder…for you with your condition…but please…"
"Of course!"
"Thank…you…I think that…I'm fully out of time…now…"
"Silver, really…It's fine…You know how I…feel about overly cheesy lines…But I will always…live on in your heart…"
"Yeah…I know…"
"I love you…Naruto…"
-Some legends never die.-
A pair of silver eyes cracked open, only to quickly shut again when they hit sunlight. Groaning, the owner of the silver eyes raised a hand to block the light. "Morning already…" He muttered. With a grunt, he pushed himself into a sitting position. "I swear; it's only been a few minutes…" He glanced around the single room of the cabin before finally resting his eyes on a mirror on top of a dresser.
In the reflection of the mirror was a man who appeared to be in his late teens with bright, sunny hair, somewhat tan skin, and three whisker birthmarks on either cheek. Staring back at the man was a tired pair of silver eyes.
Heaving a sigh, the man tiredly rubbed his eyes. "That dream again…" Why did he always get dreams like that around this time of year? Wasn't simply knowing the date bad enough? Why relive some of the hardest moments of his life? The happy ones were fine, but the war? The fights between his daughters?
The death of his wife?
Shaking his head, the man turned his body until his feet hit the cold wood of the floor. "I'm awake now…Might as well get moving." He stayed in this location long enough. It started as small habit, one that was part of being a sage, but after some time, he started to dislike staying in a single place for too long. Unless he had a reason, the man usually left after a week. The only reason he had stayed in this cabin as long as he has was because he knew with the old man it used to belong to.
In fact, the last time he stayed in one place for an extended period of time was over a decade ago…
Walking over to the dresser, the man opened it and began rummaging through for a clean pair of pants. Finding what he was looking for in the form of simple, black pants, he slipped them on over his boxers and turned to the next drawer over. He soon found a white, long sleeve shirt with an orange Uzumaki swirl on the back.
Now fully clothed, the man rolled up his right sleeve and gathered his personal items in the room, sealing them all onto a seal he had on his upper arm. "All set…" Grabbing the sack on the table, the man slung it over his shoulder and moved towards the door, only pausing to slip on his boots before walking out.
The man squinted and shielded his eyes from the blinding sun. "Damn it, I really hate that thing." Once his eyes adjusted, he took one last look around, knowing that he probably wouldn't come back here for a while. Unbidden, a small smile formed on his face at the scene.
The cabin the man had been sleeping in sat in the middle of a deep forest, way out of the way of any civilization. Due to the length of time that the cabin had been there, vines could be seen overgrowing the walls to the point that they framed some of the windows. Running through the small clearing was a large river which, at one point, provided water to the now unattended garden.
Overall, the property deeply needed some repair and improving, but the man didn't mind. Watching a small bird land on the fence of the garden, his smile grew a bit. While it was true that the place could be considered somewhat run-down, it was the nature of the place that helped the man feel at peace there. It was somewhat difficult to find such a pure place, untouched in any form.
Taking one last glance at the place, the man smiled sadly. As much as he liked it here, it also brought back some sad memories. In the past, he had often visited the old man that lived here. At first, the old bastard was a grumpy thing, but he mellowed as the man kept on coming back to visit. The old man's temperament improved even more after those four girls also started to visit once a year.
Shaking his head to clear away the old memories, the man began to make his way down the path leading from the cabin and into the forest.
"Hey, did you hear? There's been another raid." Mentally perking up in interest, the man took another sip of his glass and listened in on the conversation on the other end of the bar.
"Yeah, I did…They're really getting gutsy, huh?" A patron replied.
Nodding in agreement, the other patron took a swig of his cup. "Yeah. Honestly, I'm getting a little scared about the entire thing."
"What? How come?"
"Moron. Did you forget where I work?" The speaker's friend took on a sheepish smile. "Exactly."
"But you work in the local labs of the company…Why would the White Fang target there? As far as I've heard, they've been focusing on the locations with dust." Seeing the logic in these words, the other person nodded.
"True enough, but I'm still worried…"
"I guess that's a normal reaction…"
Hearing that the interesting part of the conversation ended, the man stopped listening in, instead letting his own mind wander.
'The White Fang…I can't believe that they've fallen so far. I used to actually respect them.' The man shook his head with a quiet sigh. The treatment of the Faunus population somewhat reminded the man of his own treatment in childhood. Because of this, he had sympathized with the pro-Faunus group…Until it had become a terrorist organization.
If it wasn't for the fact that he was sure that it would only make matters worse, the man would have taken care of the renegade peace group already. But he knew that such a thing would end in either one of two ways. Either the action would be seen as a human taking out a group of Faunus, and therefore supporting the treatment…Or it would be seen as some higher up ordering an attack that was essentially the start of another war between the humans and faunas.
Annoyed at his own inability to do something for fear of backlash, the man took a deep swig of his drink.
'War…It always comes back to war.' The man had thought -hoped- that the peace created in the aftermath of the Fourth Great Shinobi War would last…But it didn't. Sure, it could be considered one of the longest periods of time in the history of the -then- Elemental Nations, but conflict erupted again.
At first, it was nothing major. A small skirmish here, maybe a small fight over how things should be done there…But the biggest blow came when the Grimm were accepted as a valid threat. No one knew where the creatures had come from, or why they were there. The sudden appearance of something that came in many forms, seemed to grow smarter and stronger as time went on, and only wanted to destroy tipped the balance.
While unprotected villages and settlements were being destroyed, the ones who were supposed to be protecting them were pointing fingers and assigning blame. It was constantly 'How could you let them slip through your defenses!', or 'There must be some reason that they are only just now showing up!', but the worst one was 'How do I know that you didn't set them there?! These things didn't just come out of nowhere, so who knew about them?!'.
The man's grip on his cup tightened. After everything they've been through together, after defeating something that was arguably a god…They were willing to turn on each other just like that?
Alliances crumbled, friendships shattered…War broke out. And just as the ones before it, this one was bloody. However, it did lead to one of the biggest discoveries about the Grimm…
They were attracted to negative emotions.
All that bloodshed…All that fighting…All that hatred. The Grimm couldn't get enough of it. They were attracted to the battles and swarmed every shinobi, no matter which side of the war they were on. While relatively easy to kill individually, the difficulty went up a notch when there was a large group of them. But even that wasn't the biggest problem.
Their ability to learn was.
For every battle a Grimm survived…For every brush with death it had…For every experience it went through, it adapted. It grew stronger. It learned the best way to kill them. Eventually, some of the Grimm got smart enough to only attack after a battle between shinobi, when the humans were at their weakest.
While most of the shinobi were against the Grimm in any way, there were some who saw potential in the creatures. These people saw the Grimm as the newest way to fight. Here they were, these creatures that only seemed to desire destruction and death. Why not use that against their enemies?
And so the Grimm were utilized in the war.
While the Grimm had the perplexing trait of dissolving upon death, transportation was still possible across short distances. And even better than that, it was possible to lure the Grimm to the desired targets. Just start a small attack, something that would surely create a spike of negative emotions, and the Grimm would come running. The fact that people were actively using the Grimm as weapons only made the tensions between countries thicken.
'Even she was…' One of the man's own daughters had been of the mindset that the Grimm had the potential for use. She had even done her best to convince him the same, but the man never came to a conclusion. While his amber eyed daughter wanted to control the Grimm, to study them, his silver eyed daughter only saw them as a threat. She -rightfully- said they were dangerous and needed to be destroyed. And like her sister, she tried to convince their father of that.
…But he was never able to come to a decision. As a person, he knew the Grimm were too dangerous. Something only wanted to kill? Only wanted to destroy? Something like that shouldn't be allowed to exist. However, as someone who was responsible for the wellbeing of his people, the man knew that they came first. While he was a little skeptical that the Grimm could be tamed, it was undeniable that there was some potential in them. Maybe not as a weapon, but if they could be controlled, small groups of them might be able to prove some use.
The man shook his head. 'Stop thinking about the past. It's too late to change it now.' No matter how badly he wanted to or how many regrets he had, he couldn't change what already happened.
Suddenly, someone sat on the stool next to the man. "Give me a bottle of the most expensive thing you have…The entire bottle." Raising an eyebrow, the bartender nodded and shuffled off to get the requested item. As he waited, the newcomer spoke up. "So…Come here often?"
The man shrugged lightly. "Not really, no. I'm just passing through."
The newcomer nodded with a hum of interest. "Is that right…? Care to say where exactly you're passing through to?"
"Sorry, but no." It was at that point that the bartender came back with a bottle in his hand. The newcomer smiled and reached for it, but paused when the bartender pulled back with an expectant look.
"Tch. Stingy." Knowing what he wanted, the newcomer fished through a pocket before pulling out a few bills. "Here's your money, now gimme my booze." Quickly counting the money, the bartender handed over the bottle. "Finally…" As if he was in the privacy of his own home, the newcomer opened the bottle and took a long chug. "Ah, now that's good booze."
For half a second, the image of a blond woman with a similar attraction to alcohol entered the man's mind. Quickly pushing the memory out of his head, the man dropped some money on the bar and stood up. "Thanks for the drink." He turned to leave, but was cut off.
"I don't know where you think you're going." The newcomer said. "You and I both know the reason that I'm here."
"And you know what my answer is."
The newcomer shrugged and took another drink. "Possibly, but hear me out first."
"There's nothing for me to hear. The answer is no."
"C'mon~ Please?" He got a flat look. "…Fine. But would you at least stay a bit for a chat?"
Taking a moment to stare in silence, the man sighed before dropping back into his seat. Signaling to the bartender for another shot, the man turned to the newcomer. "What do you want, Qrow?"
Sitting next to him was a man with greying black, spiky hair, and red eyes. His choice of attire consisted of a tattered red cloak, grey dress shirt that had a long tail, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. The man had a ring on his right index finger, two rings on his fourth finger, and a pendant with a crooked cross. On his back was some sort of weapon.
The newcomer, Qrow, smirked. "Well, if I'm being totally honest, then I want a scantily dressed, perky, buxom blond to be serving me, not this old dude." The 'old dude' glared as he set a glass down. "Ah, sorry about that…"
Qrow raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright…Sheesh, you need to loosen up a bit. I seem to recall you being a lot more fun the last time we met."
The man grimaced. "Sorry…This isn't a good week for me." Red eyes took on a serious glint.
"…I know you like your privacy, so I won't ask." The man nodded in thanks. Smirking again, Qrow continued. "But wow, you sure do age gracefully, huh? I admit that it's been a while and I'm slightly buzzed, both then and now, but I swear you don't look like you've aged a day." The man shrugged, not responding one way or the other. "In fact, I'd say that you look the same as when you first got dragged in by Summ-"
"Qrow, just say what you want to say so I can leave." The man growled, not liking how he was reminded of yet another failure.
"…Sure." Qrow set down his bottle and took on a serious look. "Like you guessed, Oz would like for you to rejoin us."
"My answer is no, like you guessed." Qrow was already nodding along before the man could finish speaking.
"I figured you would say that, and so did Oz. That's why he wanted me to inform you of something."
Reluctantly, the man's interest was piqued. "What could you possibly tell me that would convince me to go back with you?"
Qrow momentarily closed his eyes. "Before you get mad or react in any other way, remember that I'm just passing along the message, alright?" The man nodded warily. "You were good friends with Summer." The man tensed. "We don't know why you only ever opened up to her. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that you both have silver eyes, but whatever…There was something that she never told you. Something that Ozpin, for whatever reason, asked her to keep quiet about."
The man nodded slowly. "Go on…"
"You know that she was in a relationship with Taiyang, right? That they were married, despite her not taking on his last name?"
"Well…They had a child…A daughter." Once again, the man tensed. "For some reason, Oz asked them to keep quiet about it. He still hasn't told us why, but he did. Summer did as she was asked and didn't spread the fact that she had a daughter around." Qrow smiled fondly. "Ruby Rose has her mother's eyes."
"You got it. Ruby is fifteen now."
The man looked down into his glass, but didn't take a drink. "…Why are you telling me this?"
"Two reasons. The first is because Oz thought you would be interested to know that. Why does he think that? Not a clue. The second reason is because I know that you were friends with Summer and the only reason that you stuck around was because of her…It's because of this that I thought you would at least want to meet her daughter." The man closed his eyes at Qrow's words. "So? What do you say?"
"Sometime today would be ni-"
"Fine…" That single word cut Qrow off. "I'll…go back with you."
Qrow grinned widely. "Good!" He stood up. "We better get moving then! Our bullhead leaves in half an hour!"
The man turned surprised eyes to him. "You already bought a ticket for me?"
"Yep!" Qrow laughed and made his way towards the door. "Now come on!"
Instead of following right away, the man stared. Slowly, a smile formed on his face. "You're still a pain in the ass."
"Maybe so, but I'm also the closest thing you got to a friend in the group. Or do you want to hang out in a bar with Taiyang, instead of me?" The man grimaced. "That's what I thought! Now move it, Naruto! We're gonna be late!"
Naruto rolled his eyes. "If we are, it's only 'cause you didn't plan enough time for us to get there."
"Meh, this usually works out well for me."
"Hmph." Getting to his feet, Naruto followed Qrow. "I guess I don't have any right to complain…I would probably do the same."
And we're here! Welcome to Legend of the Silver Shinobi, Chapter 1!
This thing is an idea that came to me after watching the finale of Volume 3, so I decided to act on it. Together with dracohalo117, the co-author/creator/collaborator/idea maker/planner/something, this story was created over the last week and a half. What do you think?
Slightly surprised no one called me out on the unusual caps in the teaser at the end of Embers of a Shinobi, Chapter 14. They were meant to be a small hint about a new story coming, but whatever.
Update schedule…Update schedule…Update schedule…I can see this going either one of two ways. The first is I rotate this, Twilight Key, and Embers of a Shinobi around, releasing a new chapter for whichever one is next every 3-5 days (Basically this would get a chapter every 9-15 days). The other (Which I will try to stick to for at least a while) is that I update this thing every Tuesday or Wednesday.
Can the summary be considered a little half assed? Eh...Just a bit. If I really need to, I'll change it.
No, Ruby is not Naruto's daughter, nor did Summer ever get with Naruto. There was no romance involved there.
Things that will be answered later on:
1) Where did the Grimm come from?
2) Who gave Naruto the ability to for the seal/Why did they do it.
3) …I'm forgetting something…I think…
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Post a review!
Until next time,