Thanks to Guest for reviewing and Jesus' girl 4ever for following! :) You made my day! This chapter is for you two.

Luke woke up at fourteen hundred hours, or six hours after the destruction of Alderaan. 'Alderaaan. Winter. Bail. Breha!' He thought alarmed. Although he was to be terminated soon, he felt ready for it. He felt at peace and calm, ready to face his death. He sensed that three Storm Troopers were going to get him. They were only a few feet away.

He quickly sat up and brushed himself off, determined not to die without honor or dignity. Luke smiled sadly. Maybe he would see his family and friends soon. He hoped so. 'I will not die without hope.' Luke thought. Luke stood up and stepped forward; his wrists in front of his body as he waited for them to put the binders on. 'If I die, I die in peace.' Luke thought.

The first Storm Trooper put the binders on his wrists, and he motioned to Luke to follow him. Luke nodded and followed the Storm Trooper. 'I will miss...' Luke thought before stuttering. "Wait... What are you doing?" He asked the Storm Trooper. The Storm Trooper had leaded him to the ship's hanger. "Helping you escape." ST said to him as if it was the most oblivious thing in the world.

ST undid his binders and jumped into one of the TIE Fighters. Luke followed and jumped into the piloting seat. He proceeds to ready for the ship for takeoff and started the TIE Fighter. "Why are you a Storm Trooper?" HE asked the ST. "I failed as a pilot during the training." The ST Said sadly as they took off. "What's your name?" Luke asked, trying to avoid the failed pilot-in-training subject. "Wedge Antilles from Coriella." Wedge said. "Incoming TIE Fighters." Luke said.

Wedge nodded and shot them down with a couple shots to each. Luke flew them out into space toward the planet Datooine. "Are they still coming?" Asked Luke. "No." Replied Wedge. "Where are we going by the way?" "To the Rebellion." Luke said.

"The REBELLION?!" Shouted a very surprised Wedge. "Yes." Luke replied calmly. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Wedge asked. Luke raised an eyebrow at him before going back to piloting. Wedge blushed. "I'm sorry. I've just always wanted to join, your highness." Said Wedge. Luke stiffed and gritted his teeth. "Please don't call me your highness. Luke is fine." Luke said. "Yes, your- I mean Luke." Wedge stammered out. Luke half-smiled as he piloted the ship to the Rebellion; he liked Wedge. Perhaps they could be friends, and he could introduce him to the art of pranking.

"Who is this?" Asked a voice on the other end of the speaker. "This is Prince Luke Organa, Dak." Luke said to Dak. "Permission to land, your highness." Dak said. "Thank you, Dak." Luke replied. He switched the speaker inside the TIE Fighter off.

"I'm surprised they didn't blow us to pieces." Said Wedge. Luke chuckled. "I called them earlier so that that wouldn't happen." Said Luke. Wedge looked embarrassed and stared at his feet. "What can I do in the Rebellion?" Wedge asked. Luke smiled and said, "You can be a pilot-" "A pilot? ME?" Asked Wedge as if that was the most impossible thing in any galaxy.

"I failed in the Imperial Academy. What makes you think I can be a pilot?" Wedge asked angrily. Getting kicked out was still a sore subject to Wedge even if it was eight months ago. Since he failed, he became a Storm Trooper; he was determined to rise up quickly, and he had passed the academy in record time.

It was a great achievement especially at his young age, although he's still not sure why they accepted him into the academy. He and six other students were the youngest ever to attend that academy. Thane, Ciena, Nash, Berisse, Jude, and Kendy had all graduated together, and he... hadn't. His friends joined the Empire as pilots, while he was just a Storm Trooper.

Wedge wished he had graduated, because he could have won and not failed and defected to the Rebellion. Even since he failed, he had seen the evils of the Empire. He realized how bad it was. He would never forget what happened to Kendu.

"You can be a pilot. I just know it." Luke replied to Wedge. Wedge accidently jerked his head up and hit the roof. Luke unbuckled his seat belt and ran over to him. "How bad does it hurt?" He asked softly. Wedge rubbed his head before sitting up. "It's fine. Thank you, Luke." Wedge said hastily. Luke didn't look reassured, he let Wedge hop out. "Wedge, shower, eat and get some rest. Tomorrow you will have a long day ahead of you. The Council of the Rebel Alliance will see you tomorrow." Luke said before leaving toward the meeting room.

Wedge wondered if he could be a pilot and how he would find anything. That's about the moment a droid starting walking toward him. It was a golden 3PO unit protocol droid with mismatched plating. "Hello, I am Threepio-" "Beep-ba, boo." R2-D2 whistled. "R2! Excuse this blasted piece of metal." Said 3PO. "Beep-boo, rah-rah, bo!" R2-D2 whistled back angrily. Wedge suppressed a grin as he watched them go. He might just like it here.

Author's Note- Sorry it's short and I've updated in a while! Please Review! Who's your favorite Star Wars character? 874 words. Missing Skywalker out for now.