A/N: I want to thank ThatGeekyG1rl again for letting me write this story. It's been great and I hope you have enjoyed.


Splinter's P.O.V.

Well you heard him, Yoshi. He doesn't want to come home to you.

I jerk from my meditation as the cheese phone rings. My boys are home. I know it because I can hear them yelling. So April must be calling to say she's back from her trip with her aunt.

"Moshi, Moshi. How are you, April?"

"You used to assume all the time, didn't you, Yoshi?"

I pause, horror filling me.

"How did you get this number?"

"Karai has Leonardo's phone. Amazing what he has on here."

I'm silent. Saki chuckles, "Don't be so dramatic, Yoshi, I'm not looking for a fight."

"Then what do you want?"

Saki chews on something on the other line. "Nothing. Just wanted to talk like old times." I stand as he spits whatever he ate out," Why is New York food so disgusting?"

"Saki, my son isn't your concern."

I stand in the dojo door, facing out to the front where my sons are. Saki scoff, "Who said I was concerned?"

"He's as good as ever-"

"Please, Yoshi. A boy as young as your son wouldn't go through an experience like that without side effects."

"Side effects?"

"You're dense. Don't tell me you don't see it." I bite my lip as I watch my boys. Michelangelo is shoving pizza in Donatello's mouth. Raphael is upside down on the couch, laughing. And Leonardo is next to him, smiling. That's when I see it in his eyes. A look that no fifteen year old should have.

"There's a seed there Yoshi. Don't you think now that your boy has had a taste of the other side, he'll want another?"

Anger flares in me," Leonardo is smarter than you, Saki. He can resist your sadistic tempting's. "

"That would be a better ending then the alternative. You know as well as I that history repeats itself. What is going to stop your sons and my daughter from going down the same path we did?"

"You're foolish, Saki-"

"Then why are you still listening to me?"

I pause. Leonardo looks back at me. He smiles and waves halfheartedly. I wave back, then retreat back to the dojo.

"I've seen how that boy, what's his name, Raphael handles his brother. Raphael needs Leonardo as much as I needed Shen. And Karai loves your boy as much as you loved her mother. What happens if Karai convinces a poor, scared Leonardo to come with us to Japan where he could never harm his family again."

Saki had a backup plan! I should have known! And it's suggesting Raphael following Leonardo across the world into a death trap.

"My sons are not fools."

"Perhaps not. But it's a nice vision, isn't it?"

I don't get a word in before he starts talking again. "Well, I'm going to go, Yoshi. Karai will kill me if she sees me with this phone. I'll call tomorrow. I know how much you miss our little talks."

I roll my eyes," I won't answer."

"Oh, you will. Always did, always will. Sayonara, Yoshi."

The last thing I hear is Karai's voice then he hangs up. I stare at my phone, fearing…what if Saki is right?


I turn. Raphael stands at the threshold, looking at me.

"What is it, Raphael?"

"You okay?"

"Are you?"

Raphael gives me a smile that I rarely see. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Then I am, too. It's good to see you smiling again."

Raphael's smile turns to a grin, but then dims. "Sensei, why is it that when we need to learn a lesson, I have to do it through mental pain?"

I hold back Shredders words. Raphael's love and need for not only Leonardo but his family is what brings the pain, but I don't tell him that. Instead, I say, "Well, my son, it brings pains like these so you can see how strong you are."

Raphael nods," I'm glad Leo's home."

"So am I, Raphael."

"I'm never going to let that happen again. I'd rather I did than see him so torn up."

"Keep in mind, Raphael, you two wont' always be there for each other."

"I know. But I'll be there as long as I can be."

With that, Raphael marches back to his brothers, making them scream and laugh.

I suck in a breath and turn to my picture of Shen, me and Miwa, dread filling me. I shouldn't think what I do, but it passes like a wind.

"I hope you die before Leonardo, Raphael," I whisper, quite nauseous, "Cause if he does pass before you…" I gently press my fingers to Shen's face, "God help you."

A/N: La Fin.



In other words, the end.