This was finally the day.

The hell Apollo and Athena had been through was finally coming to an end.

They had started this holiday with thoughts of just them two. Bonding, laughing, having fun. Being human. Cliff jumping, beaches, sunsets, hand holding.

They had ended with kidnappings, stabbings, near death, tears and cutting.

Athena raised herself up, slowly out of Apollo's arms. She looked at the time.

2:09 PM.

She had booked the flight for 6:30 PM. Again, she had heavily slept in, but so did Apollo.

She looked at him, his eyes closed, lightly breathing. He looked so serious, and his messy hair was even messier, due to his pillow.

Athena needed to get back home, and so did Apollo. They didn't want to be here any longer. Who knows what could happen next? One second, they're having fun cliff jumping. The next, Athena is kidnapped, and Apollo is stabbed. The next day, Trucy is cutting herself.

Athena still couldn't believe she had done that. Trucy was so happy, so strong. She had lost one father before. Losing anyone else close to her would completely traumatise the poor girl.

Apollo noticed he wasn't holding Athena, and awoke. He looked at her, and slightly smiled.

"Ready to go, tiger?"

Athena slightly nodded.


This would be Apollo's first time moving in three days. Athena fetched Apollo a red shirt for him from his suitcase. He put it on. Athena went to get the doctor, and they both approached Apollo's bed.

"We're going to have to lift you up, and see if you can walk. If you feel as if you're going to collapse, please call it out. We can get you a wheelchair." The doctor explained.

They slowly started take off the electrodes, and he was finally free of them.

Athena and the doctor both wrapped one arm around Apollo, and lifted him up, placing him on his feet. He put both his arms around the two, and tried to put one leg in front of the other. He took one extremely slow step, before trying to do another.

When he did the other, he fell to his knees.

"GAGHH!" He cried out in pain.

"Stay here." The doctor instructed Apollo as he made his way to get a wheelchair for him. Athena wrapped her arms around Apollo.

"Are you okay?!" Athena asked in panic.

"Super..." Apollo replied.

The doctor eventually stepped in, wheeling a chair with him. Athena slowly lowered Apollo into the chair, and he eventually sat in it.

"A wheelchair... Godammit, I'm so weak..." Apollo cursed himself. The last thing he wanted to be in was god forsaken chair. He wanted to walk, to be free, but he knew walking would only cause more pain.

He didn't want Athena to see him in pain.

Athena grabbed Apollo's and her bags and started to wheel him down the hallway towards to exit.

"I'll take care of your department. I hope for a better recovery, Apollo." The doctor said as he approached the counter.

"Thank you... So much." Athena told the doctor.

"You're welcome. I guess this is goodbye, Athena." The doctor told her.


The doctor walked away towards the counter. Athena wheeled Apollo out the front door. She reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone to call for a cab.

Apollo sat in his chair, staring out onto the road.

"Cab should be here in a couple of minutes," Athena said as she walked back over to Apollo.

Athena grabbed the handles of Apollo's wheelchair, and she moved him next to a park bench. Athena sat on the park bench next to Apollo, and he sat in his wheelchair.

"So... Holiday review?" Apollo asked.

Athena went silent for a bit, Widget lighting up blue. She looked down at the ground, sighing.

"I'm... I'm just glad you're still alive... If you had left me, I... I..." Athena couldn't bring herself to finish that sentence.

Losing Apollo would be like losing her mom all over again.

Athena felt Apollo's arm pull her in for a one arm hug.

"I'm still here. I ain't going anywhere..." Apollo said, comforting her. Athena leaned her head on Apollo's shoulder.

She never wanted him to leave.

The cab eventually came into her sights, it's yellow painting sticking out in the sea of black and grey cars. The driver noticed Apollo in his wheelchair, and when he pulled up, he got out to help Apollo into the car. Athena and the driver lifted Apollo into the back seat, before folding up the wheelchair and placing it in the boot. Athena grabbed the bags, chucking them into the boot alongside the wheelchair. She unzipped Apollo's bag, grabbing something out.

She sat in the back seat next to Apollo. The driver got behind the wheel.

"Airport, please." Athena told the driver. He started to accelerate forward to their destination. Athena handed Apollo something.

She handed him his hair gel.

"I miss the spikes... Let's see 'em!" Athena said. Apollo slowly grabbed the hair gel, and inspected it.

"Thanks, Athena..." Apollo said as he unscrewed the cap.

Athena watched as the lawyer put the thick layer of gel on his hair, smoothing it out before using two fingers to raise one spike, and then the other. He looked over at Athena.

"How do I look?" He asked. Athena inspected Apollo's hair closely. She then put on a big smile.

"That's the Apollo I know and love!"


The cab eventually pulled up in front of the airport at 5:09 PM. It had been an extremely long drive to the airport.

Athena stepped out, and went for the boot to grab Apollo's wheelchair. She unfolded it, and placed it next to Apollo's door. She held Apollo's arm, and helped him out of the cab. He could do fine in walking with someone supporting him, but he would collapse without support.

Collapsing could cause his stitches to come out, and start this whole thing again.

Athena sat Apollo down in his chair before going back to the boot. She wrapped her athletics bag around her before grabbing her polycarbonate bag and extending the handle. She placed Apollo's red backpack on his lap, and took his red suitcase in her spare hand.

"You reckon you can wheel yourself?" Athena asked Apollo.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He responded as he placed his hands on the wheels beside him, pushing them forward to move closer to the airport. They walked through the door, and made their way to the baggage drop-off. Athena started to talk to man behind the desk. Apollo sat behind her, looking around the airport. There were some people who had just gotten off a plane and were walking down the airport, smiling. They were in for a great time.

Apollo could remember feeling that exact way. The excitement of starting this holiday, the feeling he had for having Athena with him.

It was now replaced by complete hatred for this place, and the desire to return home.

To Trucy...

How was she doing? Did those cuts on her arm still hurt? Were they fading?

Apollo needed to know. He cared a lot about her.

Apollo noticed Athena had placed his suitcase on the drop belt. She had received the two tickets, and finally walked back to Apollo.

"The plane is going to leave in an hour. Let's get down to the gate." Athena said as she started to wheel Apollo down the airport.

Athena Cykes and Apollo Justice arrived at this airport five days ago with happiness and excitement.

They arrived five days later, depressed and sad.

Athena wheeled Apollo through the airport to security. She would've never guessed Apollo would be in a wheelchair at all in his entire life, at the very least on this holiday.

The two eventually reached security. It was a simple process, the same as before.

Just including a wheelchair this time.

Athena could remember Apollo leading her through the airport, and having him guide her through it.

Now, she was wheeling him through an airport, guiding him.

She couldn't help but slightly snicker.

The roles had been switched.

The two eventually reached gate six. The plane was going to leave extremely soon, so they wouldn't be waiting for long.

Athena sat down in one of the seats, Apollo's wheelchair placed next to her seat. He sat in the wheelchair.

Athena thought she should call Phoenix and tell him they're coming home. She pulled out her phone, and rung his number. It took a few rings, but Phoenix eventually answered.

"Hey, you two... What's up?" Phoenix asked.

"We're coming home now. So expect us back some time tonight, probably early morning." Athena told Phoenix.

"Could you tell Trucy?" Apollo added.

"Y-yeah, okay... Thanks." Phoenix answered as he started to walk to Trucys room.


She held the knife in her hand.

Apollo said he was coming home soon, but how long was 'soon'? It could be a day, a week, a year.

It could be never...

Trucy wanted to think positive like she always did. She wanted to cheer everyone up. She was normally so good at it.

Not this time.

This time, she didn't know how to even smile. She had lost her first father, and she was experiencing that same feeling of dread she did all those years ago.

She raised the knife slowly to her wrist. Her blue veins were visible. They were flowing blood throughout her body. She held the cold, sharp metal to them.

All it would take was one slice. One slice, and she'd be gone.

It would be all over.

She started to shake, her nervousness getting to her. Did she really want to do this?

She didn't get time to think before she heard footsteps coming her way. She immediately hid the knife under her bed sheets, and laid down in her bed. Her door creaked open.


It was her daddy.

"Yeah..?" She answered.

"Apollo's going to be home some time tonight. Do you want me to wake you when he comes back?" Phoenix asked. Trucy felt an overwhelming sense of relief rush throughout her, and she sighed heavily with happiness.

"Y-y... Yes, please!" She chirped out.

"T-Trucy... Your... Your voice! It's back..." Phoenix sputtered out. Before, her voice was raspy, and full of sadness. Now it was back to its cheery, light hearted self.

"Well, if Apollo's going to be okay... I have nothing to worry about, right?" Trucy asked.

"Right." Phoenix answered.

Trucy remaind silent. She clutched her sheets close to her, and started to cry. The tears that flowed from her eyes were tears of happiness.

For the first time in a while, she smiled.

Apollo was going to fine.


"Could all passengers on iFly Airlines to L.A please go to gate six. We are now boarding. Thank you."

Athena raised her head up from Apollo's lap and sat up in her seat. She grabbed her athletic bag, and looked over to Apollo. He woke up, and stared back at Athena.

"We're boarding. C'mon." Athena said as she placed her hands on the handles of Apollo's chair. She wheeled him to the counter, where they had their tickets scanned.

"Enjoy your flight." The lady said as she handed the tickets Athena.

Athena wheeled Apollo down the long jetway to the plane. They eventually reached the plane door, and a flight attendant stood at the door. Apollo took a glance on the name tag of this flight attendant.

Rhoda Teneiro.

"Welcome to iFly! Could I see your tickets?"

Athena handed the woman her tickets. She had narrow eyes, and hair done up in three square buns.

"What's happened to him?" Rhoda asked, looking at Apollo.

"Hospitalized. I'd... I'd rather not talk about the details, if that's alright." Athena said.

"Of course. Your seat is down the aisle on the right." Rhoda said, extending her hand down the long aisle.

Athena wheeled Apollo down to a seat far in the back. The plane certainly had an interesting design. All the seats glowed a bright yellow, and the walls had been painted pink. Some would say it was ugly, but Athena loved it. It gave the plane more sense of life.

"Hey, Athena..." Apollo grunted out.


"You... You want window seat?" Apollo asked. Athena looked down at Apollo, and smiled.

"You're such a gentleman. Thank you..." Athena said. She eventually stopped at two seats next to the window. Apollo lifted himself into his seat, and Athena folded up his wheelchair, placing it in the locker above her. She moved past Apollo, and sat to his left, next to the window. It was dark outside, with only the lights on the runways and planes to brighten up everything.

Athena grabbed Apollo's hand, interlocking her fingers with his. He squeezed her hand back, letting her know he will never let go. The plane started to reverse, lining itself up with the runway. Apollo felt the same butterflies in his stomach, the anticipation of lift off getting to him. As the plane started to speed forward, Apollo felt Athena's hand grab his cheek. She turned his head to hers, and saw she was staring deeply into his eyes. She leaned forward, and planted her soft lips onto his. They closed their eyes, embracing each other. He returned the kiss.

It was the first kiss they have had in a while, and it lasted for two minutes. They never wanted it to end, but it had too. It was Athena who eventually slowly broke it, moving away from Apollo.

He hadn't even noticed they had fully taken off, and were in the air. The lights in the plane had mostly been switched off, and all Apollo could see of Athena were her glowing blue eyes in the darkness. Her concerned stare gazing into his eyes. Apollo put one arm around Athena, and held her close to his side. She leant her head onto in shoulder. He kissed the tip of her head, and rubbed her arm.

They had finally left that hell.

The darkness was perfect for any form of sleep, and both Athena and Apollo knew that. Athena wrapped her arms around Apollo's chest, and closed her eyes to fall asleep. Apollo noticed down the aisle that Rhoda Teneiro was approaching him, holding something in her hand.

"A little gift for you, concerning your injury." Rhoda said, handing Apollo what looked to be a plush doll. It resembled a slow loris, and it's arms and legs were freakishly long.

"That's Mr. Ifly, our mascot." Rhoda whispered to Apollo.

"Thank you..." Apollo said as he took it in his free arm. Rhoda slightly bowed to Apollo, before returning back up the aisle. Apollo held the plush doll in his hand. He then had an idea.

Apollo placed Mr. Ifly next to Athena, and the plush doll leaned onto her.

Apollo knew she would love it.

He held Athena closer to him as he closed his eyes.

He just wanted to get back home and end this nightmare.


Athena woke up to the sound of a voice over the plane telling them to be ready for landing. She still had her arms wrapped around Apollo's chest, but she noticed a small weight by her waist. She looked down to see a plush doll. She unwrapped her arms from Apollo to pick up the plush doll.

"A little gift for you, tiger... Meet Mr. Ifly." Apollo told her as he woke up.

Athena looked up at Apollo, and grabbed his right cheek, pulling him in for another kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but her lips felt just as amazing as every time before.

"Thank you, Apollo..."

The plane had begun to descend, and Apollo and Athena looked out the window to see complete darkness. A city could barely be made out, with the only lights being those from buildings and street lamps. A few cars were on the road, for some odd reason. It was 2:00 AM. The plane had nearly reached the L.A runway, and Apollo remembered the noise that hurt Athenas ears last time they landed on a runway. He held Athenas left ear in his hand, and pushed her right ear against his chest. All she could hear were the sounds of his heart pumping. The plane had landed, but she only focused her hearing on Apollo's heartbeat. It was beautiful.

The plane had started to slowly taxi through the runway to park at a terminal. Apollo released his arm from Athena's ear and waited patiently for the plane to park. Athena still held Mr. Ifly in her hand. The locket was in her pocket.

Those were the two possessions she got from this holiday, and she loved them both, as they were both gifts from Apollo.

The plane eventually reached a stop, and all the passengers got up from their seats to get their bags. Athena walked past Apollo, and got out his wheelchair for him. She unfolded it, placing it on the aisle. Apollo slowly lifted himself onto the wheelchair. Athena looked at the man waiting patiently behind her.

"Sorry, I hope we aren't holding you up too long." Athena apologized to this man. He had a top hat and a dark brown jacket.

"Not at all. I hope he is alright." The man replied in a nice sounding British accent.

"What happened to him?" A young boy stood at the man's side. He had a blue sweater and cap.

"I'd... I'd rather not go into the details. Especially to someone as young as you." Athena told the boy.

"Luke, I believe it is private business. We shouldn't get too deep into it." The man in a top hat told the boy.

"Oh, sorry, miss. Didn't mean to pry" The boy said.

"It's alright. You're a polite one." Athena told the boy, smiling.

"Well, I am a gentleman... In training." The boy said. Athena slightly giggled.

Apollo eventually got his bag.

"Good to go, Athena."

Athena grabbed the handles of his wheelchair and moved Apollo down the aisle towards the airport.

"Thanks for the gift." Apollo told Rhoda as they exited the plane into a jetway.

"Oh, it was nothing. I hope you have a quick recovery." Rhoda told Apollo.

Apollo and Athena walked out into the airport.

"We hope for a speedy recovery for him. We must bid you farewell." The man in the top hat told Athena as she entered the airport.

"Thanks... By the way, I didn't catch your name... What would it be?" Athena asked the man in the top hat.

"My name is Hershel Layton, and this is Luke Triton."

Athena slightly gasped.

"Y-you're the professor? Do you know Phoenix Wright?" Athena asked Layton.

"Why, of course. He's an old friend of ours." The professor told Athena.

"He's told us about you. You sound like a great guy." Apollo told Layton.

The professor slightly chuckled.

"He was too. Be sure to send my regards to him when you see him next." The professor told the two.

Athena and Apollo moved towards the baggage collection to secure their luggage.

"How're you feeling? Any pain?" Athena asked Apollo. Apollo smiled back at Athena.

"I'm fine, Athena. I actually might be able to walk soon..."

Athena spotted Apollo's red suitcase come down the the baggage carousel, and Athena went to grab it. She wheeled it back to Apollo, and they kept on the lookout for Athena's suitcase.

"Hey, Athena."

Athena turned her head to Apollo.

"Got my case first." Apollo teased Athena. Athena snickered at Apollo, and lightly hit him on the arm. She saw her bright yellow suitcase appear on the carousel, and she moved to grab it. Once she had gotten her suitcase, she held both suitcases in her hands as Apollo wheeled himself alongside Athena.

They stepped out of the airport into the freezing cold air. Luckily, a cab was outside the airport, and Athena lifted Apollo into it, before placing the bags, wheelchair and Mr. Ifly in the boot. She sat in the cab next to Apollo, and gave the driver the address for Phoenix's apartment. The driver punched the address into his GPS, and set off for Phoenix Wrights apartment.

Finally, they were home.


The cab pulled up in front of an building containing multiple rooms. Athena stepped out of the cab, and grabbed Apollo's wheelchair. She also grabbed the bags and the plush doll, and shoved Mr. Ifly into her athletics bag. It was 3:00 AM, but they both knew Phoenix and Trucy wanted to see them as soon as possible. They stepped into the building and stepped into an elevator to go to the floor Phoenix's apartment was on. It took a couple seconds before the doors finally opened to a hallway with rooms on both sides. Athena wheeled the two suitcases down to Phoenix's room.

Athena knocked on Phoenix's door, and waited a bit. She heard footsteps approaching the door, and the sound of someone unlocking it. The door cracked slightly open, and out peered the dark blue eyes of Phoenix Wright.

"Oh my god... You're back..." Phoenix gasped out. He switched on the light. Athena stepped into the apartment and Apollo wheeled himself behind her. Athena wrapped her arms around Phoenix.

"You're really back..." Phoenix said.

"Hey, Trucy! Guess who's back!" Apollo called out. Apollo heard some loud footsteps run down a hallway.

"Is it him? Is it him? Is it him?" Trucy yelled as she ran down the hallway.

Apollo then saw the girl appear in front of the hallway. She had her dark blue pyjamas on, and her short brown hair as smooth as ever. Her wide eyes stared at Apollo in his wheelchair. He looked back at her. They just looked at each other. She couldn't believe it.

Apollo slowly pushed his arms against the armrest on his wheelchair, and raised himself up from the chair. He started to walk slowly to Trucy, who still gave him a stunned look. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. He stumbled the first few steps, but eventually gained balance. He walked over to Trucy until they were only a few inches away.

"So... Did you miss me?" Apollo asked.

Trucy couldn't wait any longer.

She wrapped her arms around Apollo, and held him tight. Tighter than she has held anyone. Apollo held her back, holding her head into his shoulder. She had started to cry tears of joy.

"I'm back, Truce... I'm not leaving ever again..." Apollo soothingly said to Trucy.


Phoenix and Athena watched the two hug each other for a long time. Athena felt tears welling in her eyes, and Phoenix smiled at them.

Apollo eventually broke away from Trucy, and lightly grabbed her left arm.

"D-don't look at... T-t-them..." Trucy said, shuddering. On the top of her left arm bore three scars. Two were medium sized, and one was extremely small. They still looked fresh, and Apollo couldn't stare at them any longer.

"I'm sorry, Apollo..." Trucy whimpered out.

Apollo held Trucy close to him.

"It's okay, Truce..."

Phoenix went over to the kitchen cabinet and grabbed out some bandages.

"We should wrap it up again."

Phoenix wrapped her left arm, and she slightly winced in pain.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Wright?" Apollo said.

"Hm?" Phoenix responded, still focusing on Trucys arm.

"The professor sends his regards."

Phoenix stopped what he was doing to look at Apollo.

"P-Professor Layton? I haven't seen in for... For years." Phoenix said, focusing his attention on Trucys arm again.

"He seems like a great guy." Athena said.

"Oh, he is." Phoenix said.

Phoenix eventually stood up.

"You two can sleep here tonight if you want. We have a spare bed." Phoenix told the two.

"Thanks..." Apollo said.

The two made their way to the bedroom, Apollo slightly lagging behind.

They left their bags in the living room. They just wanted to sleep in an actual bed for the first time in a long time.

Athena only took off her jumper before lying down in bed. Apollo took off his shirt before switching off the lights and closing the door. He laid down next to Athena. They stared at each other in the darkness.

"We're home, Apollo..."

Apollo slightly smiled.

He grabbed the back of her head, and planted another kiss on her lips. It was quick, but nice.

Athena turned around, and Apollo wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her close.

"I love you, Apollo..."

Apollo smiled at Athena, and said one last thing before going to sleep.

"I love you too... Tiger."

The End


And it's done! This, in my opinion, was my best story yet! I have to thank each and every one of my supporters. You're the reason I write! A big thanks for Yanmegaman for giving me the idea of adding iFly and Rhoda to this story, and a huge thanks to Dawns Eternal Twilight for the amazing advice and kind words! If you guys haven't read her amazing story, Ace Attorney: Dark Age Downfall, I HIGHLY recommend it!

Thank you all so much.