TMNT: The Wrath of Darth Maul


Disclaimer: I have no claims on anything TMNT, created by Eastman and Laird and currently owned by Viacom (to the best of my knowledge). This is just for fun and I have no intention to profit from this. Normally, I'm all for turning my stories loose for all to use as they see fit, but as this one isn't my brainchild, so anyone wanting to make use of this premise, should probably run it by Shinigamilover2 first.

Note: This is a story request by Shinigamilover2 (who kindly provided me with the title, premise and plot outline and beta read this for me). This is also a crossover of TMNT with Star Wars (particularly the movies, Clone Wars animated series and Knights of the Old Republic Game). I didn't really expect the first time I wrote a crossover to be with material that I'm not entirely familiar with. Of course I've watched the Star Wars movies (a LOT), but I've never seen the Clone Wars show or played Knights of the Old Republic, so I was missing some crucial background. Fortunately, with some direction from Shinigamilover2 and through the magic of YouTube, Wookiepedia and Star Wars forums that provide detailed and comprehensive answers to every conceivable Star Wars, I made it through and hope that the story isn't too rife with canonical errors.

Chapter 1:

Commander Mozar roared in fury causing all his subordinates on the bridge to cringe away from him. Again! Those turtle creatures had stolen yet another piece of the black hole generator and were evading his troops at every turn. Incompetents! All of them! To allow a handful of little aliens to thwart their glorious empire. Unthinkable.

"Have you located them yet?" His voice was dangerously calm, and the Triceraton lieutenant he had addressed swallowed hard and looking down at his console in trepidation.

Eyes widening, he let out a breath of relief. "Yes!"


"Uh…Secure storage, bay 7."

Mozar's eyes narrowed. "Secure storage? It's not so secure if they were able to get inside, now is it?"

The lieutenant shook his head nervously, glancing back at the console. "Bay 8 now, on their way to bay 9. We don't have anyone there."

"What's in bay 9?"

"…got it. That alien we found in the ruins of Korribon."

Mozar smiled. Maybe he did have someone there after all. "Shut down the stasis."

The lieutenant started. "Sir? But the scientists said that based on the records, the alien…"

His words died under Mozar's glare. "Yes, sir. Right away, sir."

The haze slowly began to lift, allowing in light…color…sound. Vaguely aware of voices, he had no attention for them right now as his last few memories, burned into his consciousness, rose to the fore of his mind. Sidious's treacherous victory and humiliating torture. The corpse of his brother. His apprentice. Being sealed away from the world.

Rage flared as feeling returned to his limbs. The need to lash out, to destroy, to kill, to spend freely his bottled up wrath, flooded every fiber of his being. Someone needed to die for the insults he'd been forced to endure. His surroundings snapped into focus.

"Be careful."

"This is so bogus."

Two humans were fleeing out one of the doors to the unfamiliar room, pulling a force bubble, containing some large piece of technology. Left before him were four bipedal, turtle beings, appearing ready to fight. They would regret it.

Donnie held his staff out in front of him, following the schematics Fugitoid had managed to obtain for them, projected holographically before him. They had lost a lot of time as he'd bypassed the locking system on this area, a process not helped by Raph's insistence on trying it his way first. Not every security system was a vulnerable to mindless violence as the Kraang's.

But he'd managed to unlock it and, if his information was correct, there shouldn't be a single enemy this way, giving them a clear shot to the hull. He'd already summoned their shuttle to meet them where he expected they could break through. Just a few more rooms to go now.


Donnie skidded to a halt and spun around to see Casey tugging on the leash of the force bubble, which held the piece of the black hole generator they'd stolen, trying to tug it through the door way that it had become wedged in.

Sighing, he marched back over to Casey and tapped a dial on the leash's control unit. The bubble shrank slightly. It and Casey went flying towards the far end of the room.

Casey sat up glaring at him. "Could've warned me D."

He couldn't help but smile. "Where would have been the fun in that?"

Casey scowled and was about to retort when Leo intervened. "Enough. We need to keep moving."

Raph snorted. "Aren't you supposed to be fearless?"

Leo rolled his eyes. "And practical. Let's go."

A hissing sound froze them all in place. The room clouded with fog as a large machine, containing what might have been a person vented…coolant perhaps? Within the large cargo unit was what he suspected to be some kind of…stasis chamber.

They could see the inhabitant more clearly now as the energy shield flickered out. It was humanoid, but definitely not human, with skin a swirling pattern of red and black and horns protruding from its head. Donnie had never seen anything like it before. Although, since journeying out into space, he generally had that thought several times a day.

"Looks kind of demonic. That is so metal."

Donnie's gaze flicked back to Casey before disregarding him.

Unfortunately, Mikey didn't follow suit. "Totally. I gotta name him. Leo, what are demons called in Japanese?"

"Yokai, oni, yasha, tengu…"

"Why are you answering him? We should be kicking but and taking names right now!"

Raph interrupted, but Mikey forged ahead as though he had not even spoken.

"You know what, I'm gonna go with Demon Dude."

"Sweet. Demon Dude is going down." Casey readied his hockey stick and explosive space pucks until Leo raised a hand towards him.

"No. You and April get the black hole generator fragment to ship. We'll buy you some time."

"What?!" Despite Casey's indignation, Donnie was more focused on April. She looked really disturbed.

"Something's wrong Leo. Really wrong. We should all go. Now."

Leo frowned. "And have that thing…"

"Demon Dude." Mikey interjected.

"…following us? No. Getting the pieces to safety is too important for Earth's survival. Go. We'll cover you and be back before you know it."

April did not look reassured.

"If you think I'm gonna miss out on the epic demon battle…" April stilled Casey with a touch to his forearm, breaking his train of thought, before he acquiesced with a resigned sigh. "Fine."

Grabbing up the leash, April darted to the far door, risking a glance back at the turtles. "Be careful."

"This is so bogus." Donnie could hear Casey muttering as he charged after April. He looked back at their adversary and had to fight not to scramble backwards as it opened its startling eyes. Burning orange centers, ringed blood-red, melded together creating an illusion of flame. April was correct. This thing was wrong. Not inclined to engage in close combat with whatever that was, he started scanning the room with his bo staff. His brothers did not share his doubts.

"Booyakasha!" Heedless of the danger, Mikey flipped in spinning his energy tonfas. Despite the utter randomness of Mikey's approach, Demon Dude caught Mikey by the wrists as his little brother came down for the strike, as though it'd known exactly where Mikey would be.

It was just like the first time they'd fought Victor Falco, but this creature couldn't be psychic, since Mikey didn't generally project any thoughts to read. Precognitive maybe?

Donnie's analysis halted as the impossibly long instant, in which their enemy held Mikey aloft, broke. He flung Mikey to the ground with more force than should have been possible. Mikey grunted in pain as his shell dented the metallic stone floor, bouncing back up off the not inherently elastic surface, high enough for the demon to spin and land a solid kick to the center of Mikey's plastron.

Donnie felt nauseous at the resulting crunch as the strike hit, throwing Mikey into a pile of metal crates hard enough to break them open. His little brother dropped to the ground in a groaning heap, abnormally still, his arm bent at an unnatural angle as Triceraton teleporters spilled out onto the floor around him.

"Mikey!" All three of them couldn't help calling out at the sight of Mikey's fallen form.

Raph recovered from the shock first, gripping his energy jitte in unbridled fury. "Oh shell no. You are going to pay for that."

Leo darted a look back at Donnie. "We need an exit. Now."

"What? All we have is bunch of Triceraton tech that is totally alien to me. I've only interacted with their equipment a handful of times…"

The argument was cut short by Raph's scream and they both snapped back to the battle. Raph was pinned to the floor by what looked like bolts of fiery lightning bursting forth from the demon's hands while Raph writhed under its assault.

"Just do it, Donnie."

Then Leo was charging to attack with his energy katanas, if nothing else, hoping to draw the monster's attention off of Raph. Taking another quick survey of the room, a plan rapidly formed in Donnie's mind. He could do this. Doing his best to keep an eye on the fight, he dashed over to Mikey's fallen form and scooped up one of the teleporters, typing furiously into the control panel.

Meanwhile, Leo slid in to do a sweeping leg kick as he slashed upwards with his blades. The lightning abruptly vanished, but so did the demon, agilely flipping over Leo to get behind him. Leo, spun and rolled, bringing up his swords to defend against the barrage of punches, wondering who would be insane enough to attack energy blades unarmed.

Except he wasn't. The strikes hit as though his fists were gloved in an invisible force field. One that blasted outward to throw Leo into Raph who was just regaining his feet.

Struggling to throw off the stunning effects of the blow while disentangling himself from his furious brother, Leo couldn't help but ask. "Who…urgh..are you?"

The demon narrowed its eyes at him. "I am the Sith warrior, Darth Maul."

Then Darth Maul threw his hands out towards them and he found himself and Raph thrown back into and pinned against the wall, fighting to breath.

"Got it!" Donnie cried out in exultation as he speared the lighting system on the ceiling, raining explosive electric bolts and sparks into the room, distracting their opponent for the fraction of an instant he needed to teleport himself and his brothers out of there.