Author's note: This is it - last chapter, folks! I really loved piecing this one together, so I hope you'll enjoy it and find the ending to be a satisfactory way to wrap up the story. I appreciate any and all reviews you leave because they help with future writing endeavors! And speaking of which, next I plan to finally finish my first Clexa fic, Alliance, which I haven't touched since season 3 started (don't hate me), and FINALLY finish my Nyssara fic, The Canary Is Born (again, don't hate me). I've also outlined the beginnings of several other Clexa fics, so I'm sure you'll be seeing more from me here in my favorite fandom soon. Stay tuned! :)

*10:00 AM*

Clarke rapped on the door four times.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Lex. Open up."

Clarke heard a heavy sigh as footsteps approached, and she didn't hesitate walking straight in as soon as the door was opened.

"You haven't answered or returned any of my calls, Lex. What's going on?"

"I had assumed from all your calls and texts that you knew what was going on. Have you seen the news?"

"Yes, of course I heard the news, but why are you shutting me out?" Clarke glanced around the darkened room. "Damn, you're shutting the whole world out." She quickly opened blinds and pulled back curtains to let in the early morning light.

Lexa sat at her kitchen table and rested her head in her hands. "Because it's apparently what I do in situations like this."

Clarke's expression softened as she sat across from the other woman. "But I want to be here for you, Lexa. Don't you see that? You don't have to go through these situations alone. I'm the one person who knows about Nightblood and your connection to Nia. I should be a support for you and you should let me."

Lexa groaned as her fingers clenched tightly into her hair. "Do you so quickly forget what happened to the last person who was that support for me?" She lifted her eyes to meet Clarke's intense gaze.

"No, I don't," Clarke responded softly.

"You aren't safe if you're close to me, Clarke. That's just the truth, plain and simple." She sighed. "And apparently neither is the entire city."


"No, Clarke. Don't try to talk me out of going to Nia. I have no other options, and I can't let anyone die because of me."

"I'm not here to talk you out of it."

Lexa arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah," Clarke chuckled. "I'm actually here to tell you to go."

Lexa just stared at the blonde. "Who are you and what have you done with Clarke Griffin?"

Clarke's head fell back as she laughed. "It's me, I swear. But I've got a plan to run by you, Nightblood, and it's crazy enough that I think it just might work."

"A plan?"

"Yep. To take down Nia. Once and for all."

"Clarke, if you think for one second I'm going to allow you to put yourself in harm's way..."

"No, no - nothing like that. If we can orchestrate things just right, you'll be the only one in harm's way tonight - just the way you like it," she added with a wink, "and I'll be safely out of reach."

Lexa narrowed her eyes. "I can't say I'm not suspicious, but you've definitely got my attention. Start talking."

*8:40 PM*

Jasper walked to his office window in the building directly west of City Hall, where Nia demanded to have Lexa in just twenty minutes. The streetlights lit up the building and surrounding area in an eerie glow. Despite it being called City Hall, the building hadn't functioned as anything more than a historical artifact for the last decade. The last time Jasper had gone inside was when his government class senior year had taken a day trip to tour the landmark.

"Feels like déjà vu, huh?"

"What?" Monty's attention was directed toward the drone he was tinkering on.

"This whole situation with Nia. Taking hostages. Threatening lives. Tormenting the city. You getting a drone ready. It feels like where we were three months ago with Costia all over again."

Monty nodded. "Yeah, but things will be different this time."

"I hope so. Is that thing ready yet? You make me nervous when you're making changes to it at the last minute."

"No changes, my friend. Just fine-tuning."

Jasper snorted. "Yeah, okay. Fine-tuning. So is it gonna be ready, or not? Have you even tested that thing?"

Monty glanced up. "I'm hurt that you would doubt me." He smirked. "I've been building this thing for months. Of course it's ready. And her name is Swiss Miss."

"Swiss Miss? You actually named your drone?"

"I name all my drones, doofus. She's the Swiss Army knife of drones, hence the name. You'll see."

Jasper chuckled. "Fair enough. I've got all my super-important tools ready too."

"Your pen and notepad?"

"Obviously. Someone has to write the kickass article for tomorrow."

Monty rolled his eyes. "You're ridiculous."

"Takes one to know one!"

"That doesn't even make sense."

Jasper punched his friend's arm and laughed. "Shut up, nerd." He checked his watch. "Okay, it's almost time. You're sure you can operate the drone from here?"

"Positive. Open the window and I'll send her out. We're just a couple floors higher than the rooftop, so this is a pretty good height to see everything that's about to go down. And there's plenty of light outside, so let's flip off the ones in here because we don't want to chance them seeing us and knowing exactly where it's being operated from."

"That drone is monstrous. Way bigger than the last one."

"That's because this one has a lot more to do." Monty grinned as the machine whirred to life. "This is gonna be epic."

*8:45 PM*

"Raven, I sure hope you know what you're doing."

"Octavia, relax, okay? Of course I know what I'm doing. Lexa gave me the blueprints for the building, so I've calculated everything perfectly."

Octavia chuckled. "Raven Reyes, just as cocky as ever."

"Octavia Blake, just as skeptical as ever."

"Hey, I'm lead detective in this city. Being skeptical is part of the job description."

Raven smirked. "Okay, I'll give you that one, Detective. Fair point." She removed her phone from her back pocket as an alarm went off. "It's a quarter to nine. Time to move."

Octavia nodded. "My men have the three-block perimeter established, like you requested. No civilians will be getting in."

"Good. Then I guess I'll see you on the other side."

"See ya, Reyes. Good luck."

*8:55 PM*

"Okay, guys, just a few minutes until nine. Everyone in position?" Clarke heard a chorus of assents chime into her ear. "Good. And thanks for the comms system here, Octavia. These wired earpieces are definitely easier than walkie talkies."

The detective chuckled. "No problem, Griffin. We haven't used walkies in years."

Clarke took a deep breath. "Ready, Lex?"

"Yep. I'm walking now. Phase One commencing."

Clarke was positioned on the rooftop of an office building just east of City Hall with a bird's eye view of everything that was about to unfold. The building just behind it was where Jasper and Monty should be, though she couldn't tell exactly where they were - and that was a good thing. If I can't see them, Nia won't either. She could see the full area of the perimeter Octavia had established, and Raven had situated herself somewhere down on the ground.

Every single one of them was absolutely vital to the success of this plan. And to Lexa's survival.

"This place feels like a ghost town," Lexa commented as she approached the building. "I'm literally the only person in sight."

"Good," Raven piped in. "That's the plan."

"Monty, how's the drone?" Clarke asked.

"Ready to go, boss."

"Great. Get it in position so Nia knows we're ready to receive whatever speech she has for the city."

"Okay guys, I'm nearly there," Lexa whispered. "Let's keep the volume down while they've got me - just to be safe."

"Good point, Lex," Clarke said. "I think we all know what to do, so let's keep communication to a minimum from here on out. Good luck, everybody."

Lexa took a deep breath as she walked up the building's stone steps. Two burly men burst from the doors and one of them quickly zip-tied her hands behind her back. She winced at being manhandled but didn't retaliate. Having her hands tied was a small setback, but not entirely unexpected; Nia knew who she was dealing with and would not be taking any chances. The guards patted her down to make sure she was unarmed. As they forced Lexa inside her eyes darted around the building's interior, taking inventory of everything she saw.

"Wow, there must be what, twenty of Nia's henchmen here?" Lexa's commentary was more for the people in her ear than for the sake of small talk. "And all armed with automatic rifles! Are you boys expecting a fight? I'm just a city planner with her hands tied."

The man to her left grunted and gripped her arm tighter as he led her up the stairs. "We've got forty, actually, all throughout the building." He was clearly trying to intimidate her. "And don't think we don't know exactly who you are, city planner."

"Shut up, Drake," said the man to Lexa's right. "We're not here to talk to her."

"Sheesh, boys, just trying to make small talk. Lighten up."

Drake snorted. "Yeah, Nia will lighten you up, that's for sure."

"Shut up, man," his comrade repeated.

"I don't take orders from you, Chris."

Silence fell between them the rest of the way to the rooftop.

Clarke felt the anxiety rising within her every second Lexa remained in the building and out of sight, but was relieved that she could hear the dialogue between her and the guards.

"Lex," Clarke whispered, "There are four men on the roof, one in each corner, armed with rifles, and Nia is in the center waiting for you."

As if on cue, Clarke's phone lit up as Monty's drone began its live broadcast. Nia had seen it approach the building and stepped up to meet it. Nine o'clock on the dot.

"Hello again, Polis." That smooth, smug voice turned Clarke's blood to ice. She couldn't count how many times Nia's words had infiltrated her dreams and filled her with dread. "Luckily for you, I have your city planner, Lexa Woods, in my possession, which means you will be spared from experiencing a rising mortality rate in your city. She will join me here shortly, at which time she will be given the opportunity to admit something that she has kept hidden from you all. Your Polis born and bred civil servant is not all she purports to be, and I think you will be very interested to learn the secrets she has kept from you."

It took all Clarke's willpower not to pull out the handgun Octavia had given her "just in case" to shoot that odious woman this very moment. Clarke imagined Nia would not only force a confession from Lexa about being Nightblood, but would also somehow twist the fact that she had killed Nia's son Roan all those years ago and try to turn the public against her.

Before walking onto the roof Lexa was gagged and blindfolded. Another small wrinkle. She stumbled as she was forced through a door. The wind whipped through her hair and she took a deep breath of the fresh air through her nose.

"Ah, and here she is now." Lexa figured they were now being broadcasted live throughout Polis because Nia was using her too-sweet presenter's voice. Lexa's heart rate felt like it doubled within seconds. She grunted as she struggled against the thugs' increasing pressure on her arms.

"So now you put up a fight, eh?" The one called Drake whispered with a chuckle. They continued to force her forward until Lexa could smell Nia next to her. Nia ripped off the blindfold and Lexa blinked as her eyes adjusted. She was beside Nia near the edge of the vast City Hall rooftop and ten feet in front of them hovered one of Monty's signature drones. Lexa willed her breathing to even out and stared at Nia, the woman who had murdered Costia. Lexa's teeth clenched into the gag and her nostrils flared as she looked at the one person she truly abhorred. If it weren't for the gag she would have spit in her face.

Lexa's grimace was returned with a smirk, then Nia turned back to the drone. She started speaking again, but Lexa heard nothing. The words were like mere drops of water that evaporated as soon as they formed against the broiling hatred emanating from the bound hostage. Drake and Chris dropped their hold on Lexa's arms and stepped back, standing at attention with hands on their rifles.

That small bit of freedom was all Lexa needed. Time for Phase Two.

In one smooth motion she crouched to the ground, dropped her zip-tied hands under her ass, pulled her legs through, and stood tall with her hands now in front of her. They may have still been tied, but that made her no less lethal. Before anyone could react, Lexa slammed an elbow hard into Chris' jaw, dislocating it and sending him down. She grabbed the rifle from his slackened grip as he hit the ground and rammed the butt of it into Drake's solar plexus as he rushed her from behind. Lexa heard a satisfying crunch that no doubt came from several cracked ribs.

"Stop her!" Nia shrieked.

Lexa pulled the gag from her mouth as the guards from the four corners rushed her with guns raised, commanding her to freeze. Her one security was knowing they wouldn't shoot to kill - not yet - but they certainly wouldn't hesitate to maim.

Six seconds til the first one reached her.

One last swing of the rifle landed hard against the base of Nia's head, crumpling her to the ground.

"Phases Three and Four now!" Lexa urged her comrades. As she ran for the edge of the roof, Lexa pulled apart her hands to create maximum tension in the zip ties and thrust down hard against her hip. The force split the plastic and she launched herself into the air.

Only moments before Lexa's leap of faith, Monty cut the broadcast's live video feed and put his Phase Three in motion. Two panels opened on Swiss Miss: from the front a knockout gas grenade was catapulted out past Lexa and into the throng of thugs, from the bottom uncoiled a four-foot rope.

Lexa latched onto the rope with her newly-freed hands just as the first explosion sounded. Her stomach dropped as Swiss Miss dipped a couple feet from her weight, but the drone quickly stabilized and careened away from the compromised building. Lexa watched over her shoulder as the stunned guards collapsed from the gas only seconds before blasts radiated out from within the building.

Earlier that day Raven had used the City Hall blueprints from Lexa to identify key load-bearing points within the building, mounted the explosives, and concealed them from view. They knew Nia and her goons wouldn't dare spend all day in such a public, accessible location, so they took advantage and made their preparations before they arrived. As soon as Raven heard the call for Phase Four, she detonated her bombs and watched the building go boom.

Monty's drone lifted Lexa higher and higher and she watched the building crumble into a mass of rubble and death below her. It was highly unlikely that Nia or her men survived the destruction, and Lexa was surprised to find she felt no amount of guilt or remorse - not when they had planned to kill her and potentially scores of additional innocent civilians.

Lexa smiled as she zoomed closer to the rooftop where Clarke was anxiously awaiting her. She dropped from the rope and watched Swiss Miss zip away.

"We are clear!" Clarke cried triumphantly into her wire. "You all were amazing. Rendezvous at the clinic in fifteen minutes. Over and out."

Clarke disconnected the comms system and crashed into Lexa with a hug that momentarily knocked the wind out of her. Lexa coughed and laughed as she returned the fierce embrace. Clarke pulled back and cupped Lexa's face in her hands. "I can't even tell you how terrified I was just watching you, unable to do anything."

Lexa smiled and placed her hands over the blonde's. "What do you mean? You were the mastermind behind this whole plan! Without you this would have had a much worse ending." Lexa spoke with all the sincerity she could muster as she gazed into those radiant blue eyes. Her voice dropped to a whisper and her expression turned to one of awe. "You saved me, Clarke." Before Clarke could respond, Lexa closed the space between them and pressed their lips together. Lexa's hands dropped to Clarke's waist, drawing her even closer as Clarke's hands wrapped around her neck.

The kisses were fast and heated and needy. They needed to feel each other, whole and complete and safe. Clarke's body went into autopilot before her rational mind could even process the wonderful shock of what was happening. Her fingers raked through Lexa's thick hair as she pulled her lower lip between her teeth, eliciting a moan from the other woman. Lexa immediately reconnected their lips, parting them with her tongue. They let themselves sink into each other for several minutes before finally breaking apart with ragged breaths.

Lexa smiled as she leaned her forehead against Clarke's. "We should probably go meet up with the others."

"Right," Clarke muttered, her eyes still closed as the breath from that one word flitted across Lexa's lips. The brunette's body shuddered as the simple sensation teased what they could not now indulge in, but promised more to come.

"I love you, Clarke." Lexa surprised herself as the barely audible words escaped her lips.

Clarke smiled and nodded, their noses brushing up against each other. She opened her eyes. "I love you too."

In what normally might be a moment of more words or explanation when that phrase is first uttered between a pair, nothing more needed to be said between the two in that moment. It was like they understood each other perfectly. Every spoken and unspoken word was clearly communicated in every look and touch and shared experience that led to this point.

Lexa finally broke the silence and furrowed her brow in genuine concern. "But can I ask you a favor?"

"Hey, what's that look for? You can ask anything."

Lexa glanced to the ground, then back up to Clarke. "Because I love you, is it okay if we take this slow for now? I've cared about you for so long, but things have changed a lot recently and I think I just need some time. I don't want this to stop, just to go slow."

Clarke smiled and brought a hand to Lexa's cheek. "Of course, Lex." She chuckled. "I think I'd be a little concerned if you didn't want to take it slow. I want to give you whatever you need, including time."

Lexa returned the smile and gave her hand a squeeze. "Thank you."

They remained rooted to the spot for a long moment, then Clarke gave her a quick peck on the lips and winked. "Let's go."

Five minutes later they were the last ones to arrive outside Clarke's clinic. She unlocked the doors and led the way to the break room where they all dropped onto the couches.

"Guys, that was so friggin' amazing!" Raven looked like she was about to burst. "I mean, I've operated minor explosives before, but to bring down an entire structure? Best day of my life!"

Monty nodded. "Yeah, I've gotta say, after designing Swiss Miss for so long, it was sick to finally put her in action."

"Three cheers for Clarke the genius," Jasper chimed in, "and for Lexa the superhero!" He quickly glanced to Raven. "You didn't know before today that she was Nightblood, right? Monty and I weren't the only ones in the dark?"

Lexa chuckled and spoke up. "No, no one else knew besides Clarke, actually. Now it's the four of you and Detective Blake." She suddenly noticed Octavia's absence. "Where is she anyway?"

"She said she needed to stay behind with her squad and oversee the cleanup," Raven answered.

Lexa nodded. "And I'm sure I don't have to tell you, but this has to stay between us. For Nightblood's success and your own sakes, that anonymity is crucial."

"Aye, aye, captain!" Jasper saluted. "Your secret's safe with us. But it had to be at least kind of cool for you to work with a team, right?"

Lexa laughed. "It was amazing. You were all fantastic."

"Seriously, guys," Clarke added. "What you did tonight was incredible. Monty, I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I saw Lexa flying through the air and the only thing there to keep her alive was your drone."

Monty threw his hands up. "Why does nobody trust my inventions?"

"Maybe because they usually blow up," Jasper muttered, "and that's Raven's department."

"Damn straight!" Raven laughed. "I definitely need to look into becoming a demolition tech."

"Just promise me you won't be experimenting with explosives at home..." Clarke replied.

"The only thing I'll promise, Griff, is that you will survive your time as my roommate. The occasional possessions may catch fire, but you'll be fine."

Clarke laughed. "Thanks for the comforting assurance!" Clarke quickly sobered up when she saw Lexa's expression. "Hey, Lex, what's up? You okay?"

Lexa shook herself out of her daze and saw four pairs of eyes locked on her. "Yeah." She smiled faintly. "Sorry, I just... I can't believe she's gone. Nia has haunted me and this city for years, and she's finally gone."

Clarke gave her leg a reassuring squeeze. "Yes, she is. Nia will never torment anyone ever again. We're free."

"Yeah, until the next nut job rolls into town," Monty commented drily.

"Killjoy," Raven whispered.

"Hey, but it's true, right?" Jasper said. "And when the crazies keep comin', I bet you'll be grateful to have a squad on your side, am I right?"

Lexa's expression cracked into a smile again. "I think I will." She glanced to Clarke. "It's good to have people on your side."

Raven pursed her lips and tried not reveal a knowing grin while Jasper and Monty remained completely oblivious.

Lexa let out a content sigh. This was going to be a good new phase in her life. How could it not be when she was surrounded by so many good people? She looked to Clarke again and smiled, squeezing the hand that still rested on her leg. Lexa knew she was going to be okay again. More than okay - she was going to be happy.


*Two years later*

Clarke rested her back against the door after the last guest had left and she gave a sleepy smile. "That was fun, but I'm glad it's over."

Lexa chuckled. "But there's still an hour left of your birthday. It's not over yet."

"The party is. You know I love our friends, but I also love our peace and quiet."

Lexa walked over and slowly slid her hands down Clarke's arms, down to her hands and intertwined their fingers. "So do I." She leaned in and they indulged in a soft, lingering kiss. "Happy birthday, beautiful."

"Mmm, thank you, my love." Clarke smiled. "You know, it was a year ago today that you gave me a key to your place and asked me to move in with you. This has been the best year of my life."

Lexa couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. "Mine too. Now, are you ready for this year's gift?"

"Yes! Do I need to close my eyes?"

Lexa tugged Clarke's hands and pulled her off the door. "Come sit on the couch first, then close them."

Clarke sank down into the leather cushions and placed her hands over her eyes.

"Stay right there." Thirty seconds later and Lexa was back. "Okay, open up."

Clarke opened her eyes and saw Lexa holding out a white gift box. She arched a curious eyebrow, opened the box, and pulled out the tissue paper. She paused and tilted her head when she saw what was inside.

"You... got me a container of black goop?" Clarke snickered and Lexa smacked her arm playfully.

"Look at it closer. That black goop is face paint. War paint."

Clarke's eyes snapped up to Lexa's. "The same stuff you use as Nightblood?"

Lexa nodded and grinned. "You've been taking martial arts classes for the last two years and you've gotten really, really good, Clarke. Don't think I don't know you're not just doing it just for the belts and certificates." The brunette winked. "And I don't want to pressure you, but if you ever wanted to join me out there, I could use a partner with brains like yours."

Clarke felt if her eyes got any wider they'd pop out of her head. "You're kidding."

Lexa laughed. "I'm not! I really think you could handle it if you want to."

"But you've got Octavia and Raven and Monty working with you all the time. You've got loads of help."

Lexa took Clarke's hands in her own. "True, but none of them are actually out there fighting the battles with me. Octavia brings the aid of the police department, and Raven and Monty are tech geniuses, but you know how to form and execute a plan better than anyone I know. I could use that when I'm out there in the thick of things."

Clarke wasn't sure how long her jaw had been hanging before she finally closed it. "Lex, I don't even know what to say."

"You certainly don't have to say anything right now. I'm just putting the idea out there."

"No, I want to do it. I want to be out there helping you. I just figured if I ever asked to help, you would try to convince me it was too dangerous."

Lexa chuckled. "It is dangerous, and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't worry about you. But the fact that it can be dangerous is exactly why I want and need your help."

Clarke wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck. "Thank you," she whispered. "This is an incredible gift." Clarke sat back and smiled. "Now it's time for your gift!" She scampered off the couch and into their bedroom.

"My gift?" Lexa called after her. "You do realize this is your birthday, right? Your job is to receive all the presents and adoration."

Clarke returned with her guitar and winked as she sat down. "Believe me, this will be a gift for me just as much as you."

Lexa clapped in delight when she saw the instrument. "What will it be tonight?"

Clarke felt a blush rise to her cheeks. "I wrote you a song, actually."


Clarke nodded. "To the tune of Edelweiss."

"Edelweiss? From The Sound of Music?"

"Yes," Clarke replied as she began strumming the introductory chords. "I've taken a few artistic liberties, but you'll recognize the tune. The words, of course, are written especially for you."

Lexa grinned and Clarke smirked. Then she began:

"Lexa Woods, Lexa Woods,

On the first day I met you

You made me sad, drove me mad;

I wished I could forget you.

All my dreams you crushed in your hand,

In your hand forever.

Lexa Woods, Lexa Woods,

Our ties I wished I could sever."

Lexa gasped and laughed. "You're such a jerk!"

Clarke snickered. "Shhhh, don't interrupt me! That was just the first verse." She cleared her throat and strummed the beginning chords again.

"Supergirl, Supergirl,

She became all the rage.

Clad in black, on the attack,

Always making the front page.

She inspired and gave us hope,

Gave us hope as Nightblood.

Supergirl, Supergirl,

I thought she was a fine stud."

Clarke winked and Lexa giggled at the last line. She started to open her mouth, but Clarke just shushed her again. "Still not done!"

"Lexa Woods, Lexa Woods,

You began to grow on me.

A volunteer, then a peer,

You were more than I thought you'd be.

Despite every setback, you still grew,

You still grew stronger.

Lexa Woods, Lexa Woods,

You help me to be better."

Clarke took a deep breath.

"Supergirl, Lexa Woods,

Turns out you're one in the same.

You're in luck - I'm love-struck.

Can I take on your surname?"

Lexa froze mid-laugh. What did she just say?

"Yes, that's right, I'm asking you,

Asking you to marry me."

Clarke got down on one knee.

"Supergirl, Lexa Woods,

My love, will you marry me?"

When she finished Clarke pulled a small box out of her pocket and opened it to reveal a ring.

Lexa dropped to her knees in front of Clarke. She let out a surprised laugh as tears streamed down her face. "Yes, Clarke, of course."

Clarke barely set her guitar down in time as Lexa pulled her into a tight embrace. The blonde laughed. "Hey, wait!"

Lexa shook her head and smiled as she kissed her.

"I have to put it on your finger!" Clarke mumbled with their lips pressed together.

"It can wait a few more minutes," Lexa protested. "Besides, it will be on my finger for the rest of my life."

Clarke processed what Lexa had just said and gazed at her in adoration. "Do you really mean that? The rest of your life?"

Lexa flashed a wide grin. "Of course. That's the point of marriage, right? I want you and no one else. Forever."

Clarke nodded as her eyes began to water. "Yeah, it's just... I've never thought of another person in terms of forever before now. And then to hear you say you want the same thing... It's incredible and overwhelming in the best way."

Lexa smiled. "Come here, you." She pulled Clarke into her lap and wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist. "I do want you for forever. I'm only jealous you beat me to the ring."

Clarke's head fell back in laughter. "Tonight just seemed right. And having you say yes is the greatest gift I've ever received."

Lexa smirked. "Then what in the world am I supposed to do for you birthday next year? And all the birthdays after that?"

Clarke smiled and pressed her lips to Lexa's collarbone. She traced slow, featherlight kisses up her neck, along her jaw, and back to her lips. "All I need is you, Lex. All I need is you."