Summary: Takes place at the end of 3rd year. Harry just wanted to be normal being the reincarnation of a warrior princess is anything but normal. Well Saturn was back and he wouldn't allow anyone to lock him up again.

Warning: This will have slash in it., Snarky Sarcastic Harry, Sailor scout bashing, Ginny Bashing, Hermione bashing, Wizard bashing,

Pairing: Mamoru Chiba/Haru Black(Harry Potter)

Disclaimer: I own just the plot.

Chapter 3

The rain beat down so hard you could hardly see your hand in front of your face. Ron and Neville (who they found on the trian after Malfoy left.) ran as fast as they could toward the Carriages. Harry just shook his head at their antics. If they had just waited a sec he would have spelled them against the rain. Following, not as fast but fast enough Harry startled at the strange horses pulling the Carriages. He had never noticed them before. Had they always been there?

Skeletal, bat winged creatures that looked pretty cool but creepy as heck.

Second year Ron and him had arrived by flying car. Third year was a bit of a blur what with all those Dementers, if he had ran for cover like everyone else he might not have known they exist till next year.

So much for vigilence.

Right it's magic, he really shouldn't be surprised anymore.

In the carriage Harry met the most adorable little blond girl. Her name is Luna Lovegood though everyone called her Loony Lovegood for some reason. Harry vowed to destroy anyone who would dare to hurt such an innocent. One thing he hated was bullys.

How Ron could call her names when he grew up with her. Luna was friends with Ginny. Shaking his head at Pureblood logic. How such a sweet girl could be friends with that little... Harry needed to let that go, Ginny was Ron's little sister. Just ignore her and treat her like his best friends little sister.

Luna told him the strange horses were called Thestrals. That only those who had seen death could see them. Neville, Luna, and him were the only ones who could see the creatures. Ron was glad he couldn't they sounded creepy.

The entre way was soaked through with water, though Peeves water balloons hadn't helped any. Luna and Harry were protected from the water the same couldn't be said for the others. Harry honestly didn't see how a teacher could possible be able to fall when she could have spelled the water away. Hogwarts was full of inept people. To think these people were supposed to teach them. It's just sad.

After seeing Luna to her table with the other Ravenclaws Harry and the guys sat at their table. Harry took pity and dried everyone close to him. Taking the hint the older years did the same. Besides Slytherin, Gryffindor was the only other house to be dry.

What does that say about everyone.

The TriWizard Tournament according to Sirius is a game that killed at least one person ever time it was implamented. Yet it was brought back since most people wouldn't remember why it was stopped in the first place.

Wizards were morons. Magic must use brain cells to form otherwise these inbred morons are really that stupid.

Harry was grateful for the mirrors Sirius gave him, they made is easier to speak with him when Harry wanted to like a video phone.

For a pureblood Sirius actually knew more then most. They went to the movies a few times a week till they got Rons invite and saw, Jurassic Park, ( So cool! To think that was all animatronic. He couldn't wait to see what the future will bring.) Once Upon a Forest, ( So sweet, the movie was about family, friends, love, to never give up and to be brave. It was sad especially when they showed how human mistakes can create such a heavy loss.) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, ( How could you not love it. It's Disney.) Free Willy, ( Sometimes during the right thing will get you into trouble and it's a hard choice to make.) Hocus Pocus, ( Damn Sirius wouldn't shut up about it, Okay i get it but really it's a movie.) Coneheads, ( Awesome!) Robin Hood: Men in Tights, ( I couldn't breath we laughed so hard during this.) and The Secret Garden. ( Epic, I read the book and really wanted to see the movie. Not as good as the book but no movie ever is.)

Harry couldn't wait for winter break he really wanted to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Three Musketeers, and We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story. Good thing Sirius knew where a theater played movies from month's ago. On new years they play all the movies they showed all year so the movies he couldn't see because he was in school he can catch on new years. Like Leprechaun, Groundhog Day, Army of Darkness, The Sandlot, Happily Ever After- which is the sequel to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and Super Mario Bros.

Harry didn't care for the tournament, It had nothing to do with him, No Harry had his regular schooling he was keeping up with and his magic school work to do. Let everyone else deal with it.

Harry gained a new stalker, turns out Colin had a little brother named Dennis. Considering Colin is a muggleborn it's strange that he would have a magical little brother. Makes Harry wonder if one of their parents is a squib. Would make sense magic doesn't come from nothing.

Harry knew from Sirius that the Blacks had created a ritual to trace their bloodline. To think for being known as the most inblooded they actually never married closely.

Harry planned to conduct the ritual in four years as he would need the coming years to store the needed magic to power the ritual. As the only Potter left he would have to power it himself, thanks to the fire that took his grandparents everything was lost especially the blood tapestry that chronology his entire line.

Harry really didn't mind Colin and Dennis following him around it was cute. Colin took achient runes and Harry felt nothing about using him to learn the subject. If introducing him to Luna meant he was building his own power base with the media well it was completely unfounded. Honestly he just liked cute things.

Oh who was he kidding of course he was slowly building his power base, Magic born are to stupid to realise their being used but muggleborns while tricky are just as human and humans were born to follow.

Harry truly didn't understand Qudditch, He was forced onto the team, not that he didn't find it fun but seriously someone could die from it.

Yeah he was done, a homocidal maniac that trys to kill him once a year is enough excitment for a life time. No need to add Qudditch to the list.

If Voldemort wanted britain he could have it.

It's not like he had any reason to fight. Sirius will follow him to anywhere sure his parents are dead but so are many others. According to the memories his mother chose to run up the stairs instead of outside like a normal person. If she had run to a naighbor who knows but his parents were stupid who stays in the country they are being hunted in. Once he passes his NEWTS he was gone with or without Sirius.

He wasn't enough of a Gryffindor to forgo self preservation.

Harry refused to participate in Moodys asinine teaching methods. Using unforgivables on children like he would allow a back door to be opened into his mind. No thank you.

"Harry! How could you speak to a professer like that." Hermione stopped him in the hallway to dinner.

"Really Hermione I have a right to learn what I want to learn. And how is this any of your bussiness you have treated me badly since last year. What, do you think now that im doing my own thing i'll just let you tell me what to do, how to live my life?"

"Thats not it and you know it Harry if you would just apologize..."

"Apologize, I said I was sorry for knocking you out what the hell else do you want Hermione. I couldn't let you jeopardize the mission."

"Jeopardize, like I would have been the one to blow it." Seriously did she just imply?

"Do you honestly think that I can't... without you?" She couldn't be saying what I think she's saying.

"It's rather obvious isn't it." Wow

"Wow, I can't... Wow."

What a bitch to think I thought we could ever be friends. Fuck that, im not the same desperate little boy I was back in first year. Hermione Granger you just made the worst kind of enemy you could. I will destroy you.

At dinner I sat next to the twins it's about time to deal with this no Quidditch thing.

The twins were a great help with getting everyone together to talk about the no qudditch thing. Harry wondered if this was the first time that all four houses were agreeing on something, could be a record.

Not paying attention to the arguement between the 7th years Harry was surprised to be addessed like he was.

"Right Potter."

Confused Harry asked what the question was.

"That you would enter the tournament of course." Said random 7th year.

Oh is that all. "No I wouldn't." he stated.

"What! why not, scared Potter? You are just a child it's not like you would be picked anyway."

Harry rolled his eyes at that one, like being afriad isn't a valued excuse. "It's not that im afriad it's the fact that im the last of my line and I dont plan to risk my life without an heir first." Or after. Seriously his whole family was killed during the Grindelwald war. Then Voldemort finished the rest besides him. No Harry was smarter then that he was leaving britain as soon as he took his O.W.L.S no point in staying in this cesspool longer then that. It's why he was learning so many languages out of the spellbook Sirius gave him. So far he learned French, Spanish, German, and Polish. Currently he was learning Japanese then after that cantonese and pretty much all of the chinese language he was turning into a regular polyglot.

The 7th years changed the subject after that.

Harry had no plans to actually go to the feast so he chose to just grab some food and then stay in the dorm and just reflect on his life he supposed. It would do him some good to just spend the night talking to Sirius maybe they could go and visit his parents grave during the break. It's a thought.

It was Blaise Zabini that suggested he go to the Kitchens instead of the feast. He and Luna were friends their parents knew each other apperently. Blaise was a cool guy mayhap Harry should learn Italian? Later though he was still learning Japanese for now.

Ron understood Harry's need to be alone tonight but he still wished he had chosen to stay. After the other schools showed up yesterday and Krum was one of the representatives to durmstrang and okay he admits he what did Harry say fanboyed over that. How could he not it's Krum.

Anyway's Ron placed a bunch of foods in the basket he had the twins enchant so they could join harry in his time of solace. Though personally he thought Harry right in thinking a Gryffindor wouldn't win if you played to stereotype's but in truth anything could happen.

The qudditch matches between the houses was making him some serious coin. Fred and George had it right on gambling.

Dumbledore stood drawing all eyes to him. "Now I believe a few more moments and the choosing will begin. When the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" - he indicated the door behind the staff table - "where they will be receiving their first instructions."

About time thought Ron he just wanted to go up and make sure Harry wasn't wallowing in dispair.

All the candles except those inside the carved pumpkins were extinguished, plunging them into a state of semidarkness. The Goblet of Fire now shone more brightly than anything in the whole Hall, the sparkling bright, bluey-whiteness of the flames almost painful on the eyes.

The flames inside the goblet turned suddenly red sparks began to fly from it. Next moment, a charred piece of parchment shot out of it sort of fluttering to the ground till Dumbledore shot out a hand and grabbed it.

"The champion for Durmstrang," he read, in a strong, clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum."

"Hell yeah" Yelled out Ron.

Applause and cheering swept the Hall. Krum was awesome.

"Bravo, Viktor!" boomed Karkaroff, so loudly that everyone could hear him, even over all the applause. "Knew you had it in you!"

The clapping and chatting died down. Now everyone's attention was focused again on the goblet, which, seconds later, turned red once more. A second piece of parchment shot out of it, propelled by the flames.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!"

A pretty blond girl walked to the side room that Viktor Krum disappered into.

When Fleur Delacour too had vanished into the side chamber, silence fell again, but this time it was a silence so stiff with excitement you could almost taste it. The Hogwarts champion next...

And the Goblet of Fire turned red once more; sparks showered out of it; the tongue of flame shot high into the air, and from its tip Dumbledore pulled the third piece of parchment.

"The Hogwarts champion," he called, "is Cedric Diggory!"

As every single Hufflepuff had jumped to his or her feet, screaming and stamping, Cedric made his way past them, grinning broadly, and headed off toward the chamber behind the teachers' table.

Ron was just near to the door when Dumbledore suddenly stopped speaking It surprised him enough that he turned around.

The fire in the goblet had just turned red again. Something that shouldn't have happened.

Another piece of parchment shot suddenly into the air. Dumbledore reached out a hand and seized the parchment. He held it out and stared at the name written upon it. There was a long pause, during which Dumbledore stared at the slip in his hands, and everyone in the room stared at Dumbledore. And then Dumbledore cleared his throat and read out -

"Harry Potter."