Wanton kisses grace his neck, grasping, searching restlessly. Fingers unskilled, but desperate as they struggle for command.

There's a tiny fraction of a second in which Subara wants, feels strands of temptation tugging at his soul.

You can find comfort in eachother, it whispers. In pleasure. It will feel good to lose yourself in the moment.

Seishirou-san will be jealous, says a different, stronger voice, to know that another has marked you. You should do it to spite him.

Subaru thinks of the younger, willing body before him. Then the moment passes.

"Kamui," he says gently. "Kamui, stop." He applies a subtle pressure on the boy's shoulders, and they fall away. "I can't take advantage of you like this."

Kamui's brow scrunches up in protest. "You're not-"

"I'm not the one you really want." Subaru tilts his head knowingly, and Kamui blinks back up at him with wide eyes. Then his gaze falters.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"It's alright," Subaru answers back. "I know what you were looking for."

Later, when Kamui leaves, the Sumeragi rests his head against the back of his chair and closes his eyes. The Sakurazukamori will find out, he knows. And when he does, he will sleep with the opposing star, just to prove that he can, and that Subaru wouldn't.