Rogue has made his way from the arena. Now that he was free, he needed to get off this ship. He was running through the crowd, easily blending in with them. He was running down a hall trying to get to a life pod that would blast him to another destination. He was stepping on many humans as they were trampled in the attack. He was about to trample on a human, but doing a double take caused him to look down and he saw it was Orion's human. He stared down at her for a moment flashes of his past companion, the queen, on the ground dead. He growled some thinking about stepping over her, which he did, but he then stopped and looked down at her once more.

He couldn't leave her behind, but he needed payback on the yautja brothers for using him. He leaned over and lifted the woman up under her legs and head. He pressed her small body to the side of his head and could hear her breathing. By now the hall had cleared out and another explosion was heard. This ship will go down it was only a matter of time.

"Ajari!" Rogue heard Orion call out. Orion was mildly shaken from the surprise prisoner attack, but when he found his mother and mate gone, he knew he had to find them. Rogue slowly turned around to face Orion and Orion cackled viciously as he saw his unconscious mate in the bad bloods hands. Now a dark rage boiled inside him as his wrist blades extracted from both gauntlets on his arm. Rogue snarled lowly before turning and rushing down the opposite direction.

Orion roared loudly and rushed right after him…

Ajari's POV

My head was pounding beneath my skull and I felt sick.

Come back to me, solace.

I groaned softly feeling my chest tightening as if I needed air. My mouth opened and I gasped hard, my chest arching up. It hurt and I groaned softly. A heavy hand rested on my chest holding me down. I looked up to see Orion. I blinked a bit feeling all kinds of things enter my brain. What happened? There was an attack.

"Master." I whispered and softly he shrilled placing his hand on my cheek.

"You are alright." he said. I tried to sit up, but his hand applied more pressure causing me to wince and lie back down. "Stay down. You need to regain your strength." I blinked.

"There was an explosion and fire… Rogue?" I asked and he shook his head.

"The ship went down. The king and most of his fleet got off. The prisoners were executed." he said. I blinked heavily.

"Your mother?" I asked.

"Well and alive." I heard a familiar voice. I looked over to see Napalla smiling down at me. I sighed with relief and looked up at Orion.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"A nearby planet. We sent a distress beacon to my father. He will come and bring an extra ship for us to depart on with provisions." he said. "So until then, you will rest." I only nodded rolling over. I now realized there was a blanket over my body and I was on a stone table. He only nodded and turned and left with his mother to talk I assume.

Normal POV

Napalla left the small temple with her youngest son.

"You were foolish to let Rogue escape." she gently criticized. Orion snorted.

"You would have let him go." he countered.

"Yes, but you are not me." she responded now looking up at him and stopping making him stop and look down at her, his mandibles clicking. "Orion, if he had managed to get her off that ship, you would have never found her."

"I would have-" he snapped, but she raised her hand silencing him.

"She is your mate. You have accepted it and she has accepted it. You will not let something like this happen again. Do not lose sight of your loved ones. You got very very lucky that this bad blood did not gut her where he stood." she scolded. Orion knew his mother was right. He does not show mercy and had Ajari not been in danger, he would have killed that bad blood. Napalla put her hand gently on his cheek causing him to lean in, eyes softening.

"Take good care of her little one. Human mates are very very rare." she said. Orion looked at her taking in her words. Orion was more like his father. He didn't show many emotions to everyone who expected him too. His brother was more like mother, willing to admit what they felt. He looked in the direction of the temple. He knew that his pet knew what they were to each other. He would protect her until the day he died. When his father came, they would leave and things would be normal. He can only hope.