Disclaimer – Original characters belong to Stephenie Meyer, plot lines and characterisations all belong to Aurora18, copyright February 2016.

This is a one-shot, February 29th doesn't come around all the time and I've had this idea in my head for a little while so let's see how it goes. What if the characters in Twilight had a little more…backbone?

Thank you for reading.

First Love

I would be seriously disturbed if someone told me that they just love starting over in a new place.

There is nothing to love about starting a new school in a new town halfway through your junior year.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a drama queen. I'm not thinking about where I'm going to fit in or how best to scope out the popular kids. It's just, strange.

Everyone's looking at me, and not in a good way. They're looking because I'm the newest attraction in Forks period, and not just at the school. Obviously Forks is nice, it's just, small. Every where is pretty green and even though I'm clumsy as hell and can't do it all that well, I want to get outside at the weekend and go hiking. I figure I should give this small town a chance to convince me of its beauty before I run off to college. Plus, it'll make Charlie happy.

No, not Charlie, Dad.

I smile when I think of Charlie, he's so adorably awkward and barely has more of a clue than I do about how to navigate these new full time father-daughter waters. It's comforting in a way to be living with someone as introverted as you, because my Mom and I are kind of opposites. Renee is sweet but also unfocused and clueless – not thing one hopes for in a Mom.

I'm better off here, I know it, it's just hard when everything is so new and I'm not a social butterfly. I should be able to meet some nice people though; I can't imagine there are too many strong personalities or crazy drama going on in Forks of all places.

Lunch passes quickly, well actually more like a blur. I meet a few people in my first classes, as predicted it's not too much hassle to get registered and signed up for everything, I think it's been a while since they had a new student.

A girl called Jessica has been talking my ear off the whole lunch period, talking about all the different families here and groups of friends. I really don't have it in me to tell her how much I really don't care, I actually kind of wanted to check out the school library, we walked past earlier and it looked nicer than the one in Phoenix.

Just as I hear the bell sound Jess has us all up and walking over to next period; Biology. I should be fine, I mean it's not my best subject but I took the AP class back in Phoenix so I should be able to handle the material. Just so long as we're not blood typing on the first day then I probably stand a chance of making it through the hour.

Of course the teach makes me stand up and introduce myself, it's obviously not the first time I've had to do it today but I recognise a few people from other classes I've already been in today and it's kind of embarrassing to have them see me spill my awkward spiel all over again.

Clearly everyone else's seat is taken apart from a guy at the front, only several rows back from the teacher's desk. Mr Molina directs me to sit next to Edward, he of the solo table.

We've been told to chat amongst ourselves for a while he goes to find a projector, I hope that this class doesn't turn into a Biology video feed, how boring.

Honestly I don't have much of a type when it comes to boys but I'm pretty sure Edward is it, not that I get much of a look before he turns towards the window. I'm settling in to my desk and shuffling my chair into the right position when he turns around and glares at me.

"Was it that bad?" I'm going for a conversation starter but in response to my question his grimace only worsens. So cute but maybe not all that nice, huh.

"I mean my introduction, was it that bad that you've already decided I'm a terrible person?" Now he just looks confused and turns to glare at the table instead of me. It's a small improvement.

"Do you talk? Because it's going to be really weird if you don't, I mean we'll be lab partners and I know all this stuff from AP last year but I'm not going to let you take the credit for my work ok?"

His brow continues to furrow and I have to cover my mouth to stifle a laugh.

He turns to look at me and apparently I've turned into a chatterbox since moving to Forks, or maybe it's just this guy, since I continue to explain my thoughts in semi coherent ramblings.

"I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you it's just when you were frowning like that your eyebrows were taking over your face, like literally. I mean, not that it's not a nice face because you've gotta know that you've really got a great face, people must tell you that all the time."

"They don't." His lips barely move but his eyes stare straight into mine and it's the most teenage/young adult fiction moment of my whole life, if you know what I mean.

"Wow he speaks! Am I going to have to awkwardly compliment you every time I want you to respond to something?"

He smiles wryly, so maybe he has a cute face and a sense of humour.

"Or maybe since you're paler than me and obviously from around here I should talk to you about the weather, huh. Wouldn't that just be riveting conversation?"

"I'd tell you that Forks is the wettest place in the Continental US."

"And I would just stare into your eyes like every other teenage girl here and say that I hate the rain but that I wanted to give my Mom and her new husband some space so I moved here like the sacrificial lamb that I am." I flutter my eyelashes for good measure in my best Southern Belle pose and this time the smile really does light up his face. If I thought he was good looking before, he's stunning now.

"Is that not the reason you came here?" He's more serious now, lowering his chin and his voice. Honestly I don't really care what he's saying but he's kind of sexy brooding, all kinds of hot.

"No, I don't hate the rain and I'm not a martyr type. My Dad is the Chief of Police and I thought that spending more time with him before heading to college would be a good idea."

He looks at me strangely, not with disgust this time which is a plus, but still curiously.

"What, you don't like my reasons. Not brooding and self loathing enough for you?"

"No, I just. I can't read you all that well, most people are easier."

"What? Do your telepathic abilities not extend to me? Does that make me a freak? Oh dear God!" I place my hand over my brow in mock dramatics and he actually laughs this time, it's a beautiful sound and I want to hear it again. And again, and again and again.

"No, you're just different. You don't really censor what you think."

"Well I do, otherwise I would have told you how insufferably rude I thought it was when you ignored me when I first tried to talk to you."

"You just did."

"Ok, well then I would tell you how hard a time I'm having not telling you how good looking you are, again."

"I think you just did, Bella."

"Oops." I'm not in the least bit sorry, I'm having more fun with this boy here and now that I have in a long time. Shit I think I might actually be flirting. Not that I'd have a chance in hell with this guy.

"What are you thinking?"

"Some telepath you are. Actually I was just thinking that I'm pretty sure I've been flirting with you. I mean how weird is that? I never flirt with anyone and I barely know you and here I am, just, flirting. It's so weird."

"When you sat down next to me I thought you were the most delicious thing I'd ever seen, in so many ways. I made an instant decision to stay away from you, something I wanted so much couldn't possibly be any good for me, but I've enjoyed myself more in these few minutes we've been talking than I have for a very, very long time. I'd like to formally introduce myself, I'm Edward Cullen, and you're Bella."

"That's right."



So I think it's fair to say that I'm going to like Biology.

Just a quick little thing, what do we think?

Happy Monday sweet things, would love to hear your thoughts, other updates to stories coming soon.
