Rick held a breath as Carl's fingers lightly tightened around his hand.

He could hear him.

Squeezing back and not letting go, he turned towards the door and rasped, "Michonne!" In an instant, still cradling a calm Judith, she entered, concern etched onto her face.

"Rick, is he…"

"He can hear us," Rick said with a small smile. "He heard me. He's holding my hand. See?"

Michonne looked down at Rick and Carl's joined hands. Carl's fingers were indeed wrapped around Rick's. Michonne exhaled a breath of relief she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

"Carl?" she said softly. His left eye fluttered slightly, but didn't open. She knew he'd respond if he could. Michonne gave a smile that mirrored Rick's, and leaned over Carl, lightly kissing his forehead once more. "We're waiting for you," she whispered. "I'll get Denise," Michonne said to Rick. Just as she was turning away, he touched her arm, holding it. He stared at her quietly as she stared back. They didn't need to speak; they both reveled in the moment of relief that their boy would be alright.

3 Weeks Later

The night was cool, and the sky clear. They had had a dinner at Rick's place—an unofficial celebration for all that they had, and Carl's steady improvement. After laughs, drinks and food were had, one by one and two by two, they all headed back home, with the exception of Carol and Daryl, who headed to their respective rooms.

Rick found himself on the front porch, sitting on the steps, staring at the stars as the wind tussled his hair. He fingered his wedding band, brow furrowed, lost in thought.

"It's a nice night."

He turned slightly at the sound of her voice. Michonne.

"Judith's sleeping. Thought I'd join you."

"I appreciate the company," Rick said, smiling, as Michonne sat next to him. "I think I've been too inside my head."


"We've lost so much. Constants are hard to come by. But we've also gained a lot, too. There's a future here, for all of us. And we found it, because of you. We've been surviving, all this time. But now I think…" He turned towards her, studying her, trying to find the right thing to say. She stared back at him, quietly, waiting.

"I think we'll finally get a chance to live. I wouldn't have that—my children wouldn't have that if not for you. You breathed life into all of us, Michonne." Rick swallowed, unsure of how this next part would be received.


"I wouldn't have been able to do that, if not for you. Carl. Judith. I hear what you're saying, Rick. But you've given me the world without even knowing it," she said quietly. "I don't know what I would do without—"

She gasped as his lips touched hers. It was firm—purposeful. It was not friendly, but intimate. Loving. Surprise abated, she kissed him back, hand delicately at his neck, while his gently cupped her face. After a moment he pulled back, leaning his forehead against hers.

"It was you," he murmured. "All this time, it was you…"

She leaned in, kissing him first this time, silently saying how much she loved him. The world fell into silence as they kissed, both realizing that this, right here, is what they had been missing. If only they had known before; so much time had been loss.

As that realization set in, the kiss grew in intensity; from quiet to the enveloping heat of passion. Simultaneously the pulled back, staring into each other's eyes.


They had been silently communicating for so long that it was now second nature. Words were no longer needed. In unison they rose, still touching, still kissing, heading to the back of the porch, where it was cast in shadow. Rick kissed down her body, gently pulling off her boots, then unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. The rustle of denim leaving her lean legs was the only sound to be heard until Rick's mouth found his way home. Michonne's quiet gasps conquered as Rick loved her with his mouth. She gripped his soft, dark brown locks as he explored her, savoring her taste, bringing a leg over his shoulder, fingers digging into the flesh of her outer thigh, holding her in place.

"Rick!" she whispered fiercely. It was too much.

She needed him.

Rick groaned, rising from his knees. She was shaking, but her movement was certain, hands working the button and zipper of his pants. Once she had released him, he began to kiss her once more, bringing that same leg of hers up, this time to his waist, as he positioned himself with his free hand at her entrance. He stopped kissing her to stare into her eyes as he sunk into her, slowly and with care. She pulled him closer, arms wrapped around his shoulders as they united.

Rick knew without a doubt that there was no other place he would rather be.

This was home.

Rick propped his head up, staring quietly at a now sleeping Michonne in bed.

Quietly, he got up, checking on Judith in her crib before heading to the window. It was cracked open, that same breeze still blowing, filtering the room. Rick smiled to himself as he looked out into the night, right hand at his left ring finger, gently sliding the gold band off. Placing it quietly on the window sill, he headed back to bed.