Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.
A/N: so! This is the sequel for Matchmaker. I got A LOT of requests for a sequel, so here it is! I'm sorry if there are mistakes or typos. I typed this all up on my phone. I even submitted it from my phone. I was too excited to get this up to wait until after work. I hope that you enjoy this story. I was surprised at how many responses I received pleading for a sequel. Thank you to my readers for being so loyal and putting up with my tardiness! For the newcomers who have not read the previous story, I doubt it will make much sense unless you go read Matchmaker. You can find it on my profile. Thanks again! Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Dean opened his eyes and waited for his vision to come into focus. The world seemed blurry and off-kilter. It took longer than expected for things to appear the way they should. He slowly looked around to see where he was. All he could see were trees and grass. He was laying in a ditch somewhere.
He staggered to his feet slowly, having to make a huge effort to do just that. What the hell had happened to him?
He looked around at his surroundings, trying to figure out which way he should go. He decided to go left and started his way down the dirt road he was on.
It felt like he'd been walking for hours. His phone was gone, he wasn't wearing a watch. The sun was bright and hot. He knew he wasn't moving very quickly. He didn't have the energy or the capability to move much faster. His entire body was screaming at him. It felt like he'd been tortured, it hurt so bad.
Finally, he saw a cloud of dust picking up. There was a car coming towards him. He stepped off to the side and waited for them to get closer. As they neared, they saw him and slowed down. The window was rolled down and a man leaned towards him. "What the hell happened to you?"
Dean looked down at his clothes briefly, noticing the blood for the first time. "I don't know. I woke up in the ditch and can't remember how I got there."
The man stared at him for a moment before unlocking the door. "Get in. I'll take you to the nearest hospital to get checked out."
Dean almost collapsed in relief. "Thank you."
Sam rubbed a hand down his face. "I don't know what else we can do. We've put up signs, posted all over, the news has been covering it repeatedly...the cops all over this county and next have been searching...it's like he's just gone."
Cas sighed, staring out the window. "He may be missing, but...he'll come back. It's Dean. He has to."
Sam watched him for a minute. "Are you okay? You haven't been talking that much."
Cas shook his head. "The last time I saw Dean, he looked so disappointed and hurt. He broke up with me and left. Then left a note telling me he loved me. And now he's just gone. I can't tell him how sorry I am. I can't tell him that I love him too. I can't make things right. So, he has to come back."
Sam nodded, not quite sure what to say. He knew that Cas felt absolutely awful about all of it. He also knew just how much Cas loved his brother. They were perfect for each other. Dean just needed to come back so they could make up and get back together.
Sam's phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. He didn't recognize the number, but ever since Dean went missing, he never ignored a number he didn't know. "Hello?"
"Hello, I'm looking for Sam Winchester?"
"This is him. May I ask who's calling?"
"This is the Mission Oaks Hospital in Los Gatos. I'm calling to let you know that your brother, Dean Winchester, has been admitted here. He said to call you immediately."
"What?! He's there? Is he okay?"
Cas' head whipped around so fast, it was amazing he didn't get whiplash.
"I'm not fully aware of all of his injuries, but he did come in pretty banged up. He was covered in blood, but that's all I know. He's getting tests done as we speak."
"Okay, I'm on my way. Thank you for calling me."
"You're welcome, Mr. Winchester. We will see you soon."
Sam hit the end button and looked at Cas. "Dean's at the hospital in Los Gatos. He just showed up there covered in blood. He's getting tests done now."
"He's alive."
Sam nodded. "He's alive."
Sam, Cas, and Ben rushed into the Mission Oaks hospital about a half hour after receiving the call. Sam ran up to the receptionist desk and told them who he was and who he was looking for. The lady told him to have a seat and a doctor would be out to speak with him.
They took a seat in the waiting room impatiently. They were all excited to see him. The doctor walked out a few minutes later and walked towards them.
"I'm guessing you must be Sam Winchester?"
Sam stood, followed by the other two. "Yes, that's me. How is my brother? Is he okay?"
"He has some pretty bad injuries. I'm surprised he was able to get as far as he did in his condition. He told me that he woke up in a ditch without knowing how he'd gotten there. He said he started walking down the road for what felt like hours. A man stopped when he saw him walking and gave him a ride here. Dean shows every sign of being electrocuted, beaten, drugged...We're still running tests on him. I did find some healed fractures on his ribs, but he couldn't remember how they got there."
Sam and Cas shared a look. "He got those fractures a few months ago from our father and two of his friends. He went to the hospital for it and was released. He doesn't remember that?"
The doctor shook his head. "No, he doesn't. He does seem to have sustained a head injury among other things. If you say this happened a few months ago, I'm wondering if he is suffering from a type of amnesia. There has been no way for me to know if he's had amnesia until you arrived. Now, who are you two?"
Cas spoke up. "I'm his...friend. And this is his son, Ben."
The doctor nodded. "Okay. I'm going to have the three of you come back with me. We'll ask him a few questions and see what's going on. It could very well be that so much has happened to him, that it may have just slipped his mind about that incident. He seems to have gone through a very traumatic event. We will find out shortly."
They followed the doctor through the emergency doors and down several hallways before reaching a closed door. He knocked and then entered.
"Hello, Dean. Your brother is here along with your son and a friend of yours. Are you up to seeing them?"
There was a pause of silence before they heard, "My son? What are you talking about?"
Sam and Cas looked down at Ben. Ben looked up at Sam, confused. "How can he not remember me?"
"I'm sure he will. He's just been through a lot."
They heard the doctor answer him. "I'm sure you'll remember him when the come in. Are you ready?"
"Yeah. Bring them in."
The door opened more, allowing them to come into the room. Dean was sitting up in a hospital bed looking like he'd been through hell and back. A smile came to his face. "Sammy! It's about time." His eyes slid right over Cas like he didn't even recognize him and landed on Ben. "Ben? What are you doing here?"
Ben took a step towards him. "I came to see how you are. I've missed you."
Dean glanced at Sam before looking back at Ben. "But what about your mom? She doesn't want you to see me."
Sam stared at Dean. "Dean...you don't remember? Ben lives with you."
Dean shook his head, "No, he doesn't. I haven't seen him in a year. I'm not allowed to see him."
Ben shook his head. "Dad...Mom died. You watched her die. And then you asked the police if I could live with you and I have been ever since."
The doctor stepped in. "Dean, it appears that you have some amnesia. I was wondering if you did considering the head injury you sustained. Now, we just need to figure out how extensive it is and go from there."
Dean shook his head. "Amnesia? So, I have a chunk of my memories missing? Will I ever get them back?"
"Well, it is possible that some memories may slowly come back to you over time. It's also fully possible that they may never come back. The mind is a tricky thing to understand. We still don't really understand what all happens. Now, it is important that we find out how bad the amnesia is. What is the last thing that you can clearly remember?"
Dean sat there thinking deeply for a long moment. "Well...aside from waking up in the ditch...I remember...sitting in a booth at my bar. I was going through applications."
Sam's eyes widened. "That was, like, four months ago."
Dean looked up at him. "Four months? I'm missing four months of my life?"
The doctor turned to Sam. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to Dean?"
Sam nodded. He looked at Dean, telling him the story rather than talking about Dean while he was sitting right there. "You and Cas went to Chicago. Something happened so you came back early. When you got back,-."
"Wait, who's Cas?"
Cas looked up at him. "I'm Cas. We met during the four months that you don't remember. You're my best friend."
Dean stared at him, willing his memories back. "You seem familiar, but that's it. It's like trying to remember something that's on the tip of your tongue, but not quite there."
The doctor nodded. "That is normal with amnesia. It may get better, like I said. Sam, you can continue your story."
Sam nodded, looking back at Dean. "When you got back, you saw Dad driving the impala. Then we realized that he had kidnapped Ben. You called the police and they sent out county wide alerts for him."
Dean held up his hand. "Wait, Dad was driving the impala? Why?"
"He stole it, actually. That's how he tricked Ben into getting in the car. He's been after you for months. Ever since a few months ago when he tried to kill you. That's where the healed fractures on your ribs came from. Him and his two buddies beat you almost to death. Adam found you and got you help."
"What was I doing anywhere near him? The only time I ever see him is..."
"When he needs bailed out of jail, yeah. I told you not to go, but you didn't listen. Anyway, Dad called you and said if you wanted to see Ben again, you'd meet him at an old factory for a trade. You went...and only Ben came back. You've been missing for almost two weeks, Dean."
Dean stared at him. "Two weeks? Seriously?"
Sam nodded. "Yeah. It's been rough, but we never gave up hope that we'd find you."
The doctor looked between the two brothers. "I will inform the police that you have been found. Once I get the test results back, we'll talk about when you can go home. The sooner you go home and get back to something familiar, get back into your old routine, the better. It may help bring some memories back. No guarantees that they'll come back, but it's a possibility. I'll go see if the results have come back and give you some time with your family to get caught up."
He left and Sam grabbed a chair, bringing it closer. Ben sat down in the other chair and Cas sat the farthest away on the couch. He felt awkward. Dean didn't remember who he was. Maybe he shouldn't even be there then.
Dean looked at Ben. "I'm sorry about your mom. I wish...that I could remember. I can't believe I could forget something like that..."
Sam put his hand on Ben's arm. "You'll get there, Dean. We just need to give it some time. It's not your fault you can't remember. There are some things you should know. You bought a house 3 weeks ago, before you went to Chicago. While you've been gone, the lease ended on the house we've been in, so we had to pack everything up and move it to the new house. We haven't really unpacked yet...We've kind of been waiting for you to come back so that you could arrange things the way you wanted them."
Dean nodded. "Okay. So, I bought a house. That's big. Um...did I end up hiring anyone for the bar?"
"Yeah. You hired Gabe as a bartender and Charlie as a waitress. You're really close to both of them, we all are. They've made good additions to our family."
"Okay. Maybe if I meet them or something it'll jog a memory. So...how did I meet you?"
Cas looked up and saw Dean was looking right at him. "Um. I'm a friend of Sam's from Stanford. I was his tutor awhile back."
Dean nodded. "I remember Sam talking about you a lot, now that you say that. I was afraid you might-."
"Kidnap and murder him. You told me that the first time we met. I assured you Sam is perfectly capable of taking care of himself and that I would never do that."
Dean watched Cas intently. "You said we're good friends?"
Cas nodded, but didn't say anything. Sam looked between them before speaking up. "After you came home from dad trying to kill you...you were in pretty bad shape. You could barely move. So, Cas stayed with you the whole weekend at the house to make sure you were okay. You guys got pretty close after that."
Dean nodded. "That...sounds kind of familiar. I'm sorry for staring. I'm just trying to remember. I feel bad that I don't."
Cas shook his head. "Don't feel bad. It is not your fault, Dean. I'm just glad that you're okay and that you're back. We've been very worried about you."
Dean smiled softly at him. He had a nagging feeling at the back of his head that Cas wasn't exactly telling him everything. He felt like Cas was...more.
A day later, Dean had been released from the hospital and been able to go home. The doctor had said he didn't want too many people coming to see him so soon. He didn't want Dean to be overwhelmed by everything.
Dean looked around the new house, nodding favorably. "I like it. No wonder I bought it."
Sam chuckled. "I'll get started on some lunch if you want to go get changed or anything. We put everything from your room at the other house into your room here. It's still boxed up, but it should all be there. I'll have Ben show you where it is."
Dean shook his head and headed up the stairs. "I'll find it. I want to look around anyway."
He looked around his new house, checking everything out. He wasn't surprised that he's chosen this house. He loved it. When he found his room, he stepped inside to a complete mess. There were boxes everywhere. He knew he wouldn't be able to relax like that, so he got to work unpacking everything and getting things to their proper place. The doctor had ordered him to take it easy, let his body heal, but at the moment he was on such strong pain meds, that he didn't feel the pain. He forgot that it was tucked into the back of his mind under a blanket of medication.
Once his room was done, Dean laid down on the bed and closed his eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about that blue-eyed man that had come with Sam and Ben to the hospital. For someone who was supposed to be just a friend...he couldn't stop thinking about him. He had this...need...to get to know the man better. He needed to know more about him. He needed to know just what exactly they meant to each other. He was starting to think that maybe before everything happened, he had feelings for him. Maybe Cas hadn't felt the same way or maybe he just hadn't told the guy yet. He wasn't sure if he felt that way now, but then again he couldn't even remember the guy.
Before he knew it, reality faded away and he was sound asleep. He didn't even wake up when Sam came to get him for lunch.
Sam watched him sleep for a minute, relishing in the fact that his brother was safe and home. He just hoped that he would remember who Cas was and give him another chance. They deserved each other. He had a feeling that maybe Cas could help him get his memories back. He made a mental note to talk to Cas about it and push the two together again.